Danielis talking _______ his grandpa _______ his new school ________ the phone.

       A. to, on, in       B. with, about, m     C. to, about, on     D. with, on, to







科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆江蘇省九年級上學期聯(lián)考英語卷 題型:單項填空

Wearing red makes _________ easier for you to take action.

    A.that        B.it         C.a(chǎn)ll       D.these



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇省蘇州張家港市塘橋片八年級10月質(zhì)量調(diào)研英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

Anne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. Why do some people change their names? There can be many reasons. Hanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be easier for people to remember. On the other hand, Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an unusual name because he wants to be different.

     People have a lot of reasons for changing their names. Film stars, singers, sportsmen and some other famous people often change their names because they want names that are not ordinary, or that have special sound. They chose the “new name” for themselves instead of the name their parents gave them when they were born.

     Some people have another reason for changing their names. They have moved to a new country and want to use a name that is usual there. For example, Li Kaiming changed his name to Ken Lee when he moved to the United States. He uses the name Ken at his job and at school. But with his family and Chinese friends, he uses Li Kaiming. For some people, using different names makes life easier in their new country.

     In many countries, a woman changes her family name to her husband’s after she gets married(結(jié)婚). But today, many women are keeping their own family name and not using their husband’s. Sometimes, women use their own name in some situations(情況) and their husband’s in other situations. And some use both their own name and their husband’s.

1.Hanna changes her name to Anne because “Anne” is __________ for     

people to remember.

         A. louder  B. easier     C. prettier      D. harder

2.Famous people want their new names to ________________.

         A. have special sound              B. be ordinary

         C. have no meaning                 D. be unknown

3.Mr Li uses his new name when he___________________.

         A. stays with his family               B. is at his job

         C. is among Chinese friends            D. comes back to China

4.What is the best title(標題) of this passage?

         A. Family Names                    B. Women’s Names

         C. Changing Names                  D. Special Names

5.Which of the following is NOT true ?

A. Some women don’t change their own family name after they get married today.

B. Some women use their husband’s family name after they get married.

C. Some women don’t have family name after they get married.

D. Some women use both their own name and their husband’s



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆江蘇省蘇州市高新區(qū)七年級上學期期中考試英語卷 題型:書面表達










科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆江蘇省蘇州市高新區(qū)七年級上學期期中考試英語卷 題型:完型填空

Today is the last Saturday before Christmas. Almost everyone in the USA  31   shopping for presents.   32  is falling and people are walking fast. They are trying   33   warm as they move from shop to shop. Inside the shops the children are   34   at the toys and talking to a man called Father Christmas. He is asking them what they want for Christmas.

In the USA it is warm and beautiful in summer, the trees and fields are green then. But now it is winter and   35  is white. The white snow is as almost   36   as Father Christmas.

    At   37   there are different colours. Thousands of lights decorate(???)the houses and buildings of every town. These bright red, green, blue, orange and yellow lights help to make Christmas a beautiful   38   of year.

Christmas Day always begins    39    breakfast. The children wake up very early and can't wait to open the   40   from their parents. Then they wake their parents up calling  "Merry Christmas! "

1.A. go           B. goes          C. went          D. going   

2. A. Snow        B. Rain          C. Leaf          D. Kite

3.A. kept         B. keeping        C. keeps         D. to keep

4.A. seeing        B. looked         C. looking       D. saw

5.A. everything    B. nothing        C. anything       D. some things

6.A. interested     B. thin           C. welcome       D. strong

7.A. evening      B. night          C. morning        D. afternoon

8. A. time's        B. times'         C. times          D. time

9.A, before        B. at            C. from          D. in

10.A. doors        B. presents        C, windows       D. books



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆江蘇省蘇州市高新區(qū)七年級上學期期中考試英語卷 題型:單項填空

They won't go to the zoo because the price is too ________.

       A. expensive      B. high           C. low             D. cheap



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆江蘇省蘇州市七年級10月月考英語卷 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換


1. Climb the tree. (改為否定句)


2. Are these oranges oranges? (改為單數(shù)句)


3. The girl is a teacher.  (對劃線部分提問)


4. We read English for half an hour every day.(對畫線部分提問)


5. His mother wants to buy some nice food..(對畫線部分提問)




科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆江蘇省蘇州市七年級10月月考英語卷 題型:單項填空

_____tea and coke are you going to buy?

A.How many  B. How much  C. Where  D. What



科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆江蘇省蘇州市工業(yè)園區(qū)九年級上學期期中考試英語卷 題型:單項填空

Daniel was _______ a bad mood and didn’t talk to _______ .

       A. on; something   B. with; anybody   C. in; anybody    D. in; somebody


