“Can you work outdoors in any weather?” “How would you like a job working with children?” Before this year, US public school students rarely(極少的)had to answer such questions about their possible future careers (職業(yè)).

   But now, public schools in 24 states are developing new learning plans for each student, according to the US Education Commission (教育部). The learning plans will help students discover their own strengths and weaknesses. (A) They will also give parents and teachers a more complete(完整的)report besides grades.

   Linwood Middle School, in North Brunswick, New Jersey, is one of these schools. Students there take an online test (B) called Matchmaker to make learning plans for their future careers. This online test uses some information about students’ (C) learning styles, personal interests, skills and career goals.

   (D) “If you don’t know yourself and want to be scientist, you may realize in college you don’t like science,” said Mercedes Arias, a Linwood language arts teacher. “The learning plans can (E)________ ________ better prepare students for college _______ _______ encourage students to work harder.”

   Daniella Martins, 14, a Linwood ninth grader, dreams of (F) _________ (be) a singer or an actress. (G)“Nobody likes to take tests,” she said before the career test. But she was pleased with the results, which listed her top career as the arts, followed by education and human services.
   “The results show that I have a great possibility to be a singer,” said Martins. “But I know I’ll still have to work hard to (H) make it.”


1. What do students in Linwood Middle School take an online test for? __________

2. According to Daniella’s test result, what is she most likely to become? _________


(A)3. ____________________________________________________

(D)4. ____________________________________________________

(G)5. ____________________________________________________


  (C)6. ______________________


7. (B)__________   (H)___________

任務五:在 (E) 處句子中的空白處填入合適的單詞:

8. ________________________________


9. ___________________


10. _____________________________________________

1. To make learning plans for their future careers        2. A signer.

3. 除了成績以外,他們還將給父母和老師一份更完整的報告。

4. 如果你不了解自己、想當一名科學家,當你上大學時就會意識到你不喜歡科學。

5. 沒有人喜歡考試。 

6. 學習方式/類型/風格

7. named,  succeed

8. not only, but also

9. being

10. Now public schools in 24 states are developing new learning plans for each student,


科目:初中英語 來源:初中課程新學案 七年級英語(上) 題型:026


Can you w________ (寫信)to your pen pal in English?


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年江蘇省鹽城市教育集團九年級上學期期末考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


A man had two water pots. One of the pots had a crack(裂縫) in it while the o   1.   was all right.

Everyday, the man took the pots to the r   2.   to get some water back home. W   3.   he arrived home, the good pot was f   4.   of water while the cracked one was only half full.

The good pot was proud of himself. B   5.   the cracked pot was very sad. He spoke to the man, “I am sorry. I always lose water on the w   6.   back to your house.” The man said to the pot, “Don't be s   7. . Can you see that there're many flowers on your side of the path, but n   8.   on the other side? That's because I know you have a crack, and I planted flower seeds on your s   9.   of the path in spring. Every day while we are on the way back, you water them. I can u   10.  these beautiful flowers to make my house beautiful. Without you, I could not have enjoyed such beauty.”



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年人教版初中英語初一上How much are the socks練習卷 題型:單詞拼寫


1.--Thank you very much! --You're w______

2.Do you w          a big bed or a small one for your son?

3.I get a school bag at a very good p______

4.There is a big s          near our school. There are many school things in it.

5.You can b __ some food in a supermarket (超市).



科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. The students are from France. They speak F_______.
2. These students come from many different c_______.
3. Where is her English teacher f_______?
4. We l_______ in Paris with our parents.
5. —What l_______ does Tom speak? —He speaks English.
6. Bob is from Japan, and he is J_______.
7. Can you w_______ to me soon?
8. Jack likes g_______ to the movies with his father.
9. Where does your pen pal c_______ from?
10. There are many countries in the w_______.
11. I can speak English and a l_______ French.
12. I like going to the movies w_______ my friends.
13. Please write and tell me a_______ yourself.
14. Toronto is a city of C_______.
15. Sam d_______ learning English.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. Do you know the whales are the e_      __ animals in the sea?
2. The little monkey is very p______.  Look! He is trying to catch the food from his mother.
3. More and more rivers are p__       _ by the chemical factories.  Our drinking water is less and less.
4. All of teenagers will get best e    ____ in our village with the help of our teachers.
5. Can you w_           how heavy the elephant is without any help?

