All big cities are quite similar. Living in a modern Asian city is not very d 1       from living in an American city. But it is different from living on farms,however.

  In many parts of the w 2       ,farmers and their families live in villages or towns. In theUnited States,however,each farm family lives on its o 3       fields,often beyond the sight of any neighbors. Instead of t 4       from a village to the fields every morning,American farmers stay on their land throughout the week. They travel to the nearest town on S 5       for shopping or on Sundays for church. The children r 6       on buses to large schools which serve all of the farm families living in the area. In some areas,there are small schools serving a few farm families,and the children walk to school.

  Of course life keeps changing for e 7       ,including farmers. Today there are cars,good roads,radios,and television sets. And of course there are modern m 8       for farming. All of those have changed farm life.

  For many years,however,farming inAmericawas often a lonely way of living. Farmers had to deal with their own p 9       ,instead of getting help from others. They 1 10       to try new methods,and to trust their own ideas instead of following older ways.

1.d       2. w       3. o       4. t       5. S         

6.r       7. e       8. m       9. p        10.1       

1. different   2. world  3. own   4. traveling

5. Saturdays   6. ride   7. everything   8. machines

9. problems   10. learned

題目來源:中考英語組合訓(xùn)練完形填空+短文填詞 > 組合訓(xùn)練53


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

  When you were young,who rode you around on the back of his bike? Who 1        football and flew kites with you in the park? Who helped you with your 2        difficult math problem? Who taught you the difference between 3       ?

  Your dad. Now it is your turn to do something for him. This Sunday,June 19,is 4       Day. So why not do something 5        to thank your dad for all his encouragement and support (支持) ?

  The idea of Father's Day came from a(n) 6       lady called Sonora Smart Dodd in 1909. She wanted a special day to honor (紀(jì)念) her father. He raised (撫養(yǎng)) six children by himself 7        his wife died during the birth of their sixth child. Dodd thought there needed to be a day to honor courageous (勇敢的) ,selfless and loving dads. Her father was born 8       ,so she chose to hold the first Father's Day celebration on his birthday in 1910. In 1924,US President Calvin Coolidge 9        the idea of a national Father's Day. Finally,in 1966,the third Sunday in June was declared (宣布) Father's Day.

  There are many ways 10        your love and thanks.

  Send 11       a greeting card. Usually fathers prefer cards that are not too emotional (易動感情的) .So,perhaps choose one that will make him 12      

  A small present,such as a photo of your family or a special wallet 13        make him feel like a king.

  Send him 14      :the red rose is the official Father's Day flower.

  If he has a 15       ,cover his desktop with words like "I love you,dad!"

(   ) 1. A. played   B. bought   C. sold   D. gave

(   ) 2. A. first   B. second   C. third   D. last

(   ) 3. A. old and young   B. big and small

       C. right and wrong   D. long and short

(   ) 4. A. Mother's   B. Father's   C. Children's   D. Parent's

(   ) 5. A. easy   B. special   C. strange   D. attractive

(   ) 6. A. British   B. Japanese   C. Chinese   D. American

(   ) 7. A. when   B. until   C. after   D. before

(   ) 8. A. in May   B. on May 19   C. on June 19   D. in July

(   ) 9. A. liked   B. disliked   C. needed   D. wanted

(   ) 10. A. to give   B. to bring   C. to show   D. to say

(   ) 11. A. her   B. you   C. me   D. him

(   ) 12. A. cry   B. jump   C. shout   D. laugh

(   ) 13. A. should   B. can   C. must   D. need

(   ) 14. A. clothes   B. books   C. flowers   D. shoes

(   ) 15. A. watch   B. computer   C. car   D. bike


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

  Al was a potter (制陶工) .He had a wife and two fine sons. One night,his elder son got a stomachache. At first,Al and his wife thought the boy just got a bad cold,so they didn't take it seriously. But it was not a cold. It was terrible appendicitis (闌尾炎) ,and the boy died suddenly that night. 1       the death could not happen if he had taken the ill seriously,Al was very 2        and was full of guilt (罪惡感) .Then his wife couldn't stand the thing,so she left him alone with his six-year-old 3       son.

  Al lost his two favorite persons. He felt no hope in the world and 4        to alcohol. Then Al became an alcoholic (酒鬼) .As he drank more,Al began to lose 5        he had―his home,his land and his work. Finally,Al died 6        in a San Francisco room.

  When I heard of Al's death,I thought he was a 7       and he wasted his life. As time went by,I began to know 8        I once thought was wrong.

  I knew Al's little son,Ernie. He is one of the kindest,most caring,most loving men I have ever known. I watched Ernie with his children and saw the love 9        them. I knew that kindness and caring had to 10        somewhere. I never heard Ernie talk much about his father.

  One day I asked him , " I'm really 11        by something. I know your father was the only one to raise you. What 12       did he do to make you become such a special person?" Ernie sat quietly and smiled for a few 13        Then he said, " When I was a child,Al came into my room every night,gave me a kiss and said, * I love you,son.",

  Tears came to my 14        Al had not left any money 15       ,but he had been a kind,loving father,and he left behind a legacy (遺產(chǎn)) of love.

(   ) 1. A. So   B. Because   C. Knowing   D. Hearing

(   ) 2. A. happy   B. sad   C. bored   D. tired

(   ) 3. A. fine   B. elder   C. younger   D. youngest

(   ) 4. A. got   B. turned   C. came   D. said

(   ) 5. A. everything   B. something   C. anything   D. nothing

(   ) 6. A. lonely   B. alone   C. hopelessly   D. happily

(   ) 7. A. winner   B. stranger   C. alcoholic   D. loser

(   ) 8. A. that   B. why   C. what   D. /

(   ) 9. A. in   B. between   C. among   D. with

(   ) 10. A. come from   B. move   C. come   D. move to

(   ) 11. A. puzzled   B. interested   C. moved   D. excited

(   ) 12. A. after all   B. on earth   C. then   D. above all

(   ) 13. A. moment   B. while   C. moments   D. hours

(   ) 14. A. eyes   B. ears   C. hands   D. feet

(   ) 15. A. back   B. behind   C. in front   D. before


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

  David has had such a terrible time this year that he should be in The Guinness Book of Records. The trouble s 1       one morning last January when David found that his car had gone from outside his house. He hasn't seen it s 2       then.

  In February David won $200,000 on the football polls (中獎) .But his j 3       didn't last long―he had forgotten to p 4       the ticket to the company. In March he bought a new car,but he hadn't had it more than a week when someone crashed (碰撞) into the b 5       of it. Two days ago,David sat on a seat someone had finished p 6       only minutes before. He had on the new t 7      that he had bought only the week before.

  August has been the w 8       month so far this year. David spent three days of his holiday at the airport because of the strikes. When he arrived home,he d 9       that someone had broken into his house. His videorecorder and television had disappeared.

  David doesn't know what he has done to have all this bad 1 10       He just hopes things will change.

1.s       2. s       3. j       4. E       5. b         

6.e       7. t       8. w       9. d       10. 1         


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

  I hurried into the store to get Christmas gifts. Suddenly,I saw a little boy holding a lovely doll. He kept 1        her hair. I watched him turn to a woman and say, "Are you 2        I don't have enough money?" She said yes and told the boy not to go anywhere before she 3        Then she left.

  The boy continued to hold the doll. I asked the boy who the doll was for. He said, " It's the doll that my sister wanted so badly for Christmas. She just knew that Santa would 4        it. " I told him that Santa was going to do that. He said, "No,Santa can't go where my sister is. I have to give the 5        to my mom to take it to her."

  I asked him where his sister was. He looked at me 6        and said, " She's gone to heaven. My daddy said that Mom was going to be there with her. " My heart nearly stopped beating. Then the boy said, "I told my daddy to tell her not to go there until I got back. ” He took out some pictures of him and said , " I want my mom to take these with her so she'll never 7        me. I love my mom so much and I wish she didn't have to leave me,but daddy said that she 8        to be with my sister."

  The boy lowered his head. While he was not looking,I 9       into my purse and asked him, "Shall we count that money again?" He grew 10        and said, "Yes,I just know it has to be enough. ” So I put my money with his and we began to 11        it. He said, "Thank you for giving me enough money. ” He 12      , "I just asked God to give me enough money to buy this doll,and he 13        my prayer."

  Soon the woman came back and I left. I remembered a story I had read in the newspaper several days earlier about a 14       driver who hit a car. A little girl was killed and her mother was in serious 15        Two days later,I read the news that the mother had died.

(   ) 1. A. cleaning   B. washing   C. touching   D. cutting

(   ) 2. A. afraid   B. surprised   C. embarrassed   D. sure

(   ) 3. A. returned   B. paid   C. passed   D. apologized

(   ) 4. A. take   B. bring   C. own   D. made

(   ) 5. A. money   B. pictures   C. chance   D. doll

(   ) 6. A. seriously   B. sadly   C. kindly   D. finally

(   ) 7. A. lose   B. remind   C. forget   D. hate

(   ) 8. A. agreed   B. needed   C. hoped   D. preferred

(   ) 9. A. put   B. hurried   C. drew   D. reached

(   ) 10. A. worried   B. disappointed   C. excited   D. confused

(   ) 11. A. collect   B. spend   C. save   D. count

(   ) 12. A. replied   B. continued   C. complained   D. repeated

(   ) 13. A. appreciated   B. remembered   C. heard   D. copied

(   ) 14. A. lost   B. drunk   C. frightened   D. mistaken

(   ) 15. A. condition   B. trouble   C. action   D. health 


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

  "I'm really thankful to our government,for it provides us with such a good training

program. The training greatly helps us live well. I will certainly study hard and learn the skills. Then I can 1        my family difficulties and do good to other people," a learner on the job training program said,feeling 2       The learner's grandfather is nearly 80 years old,and his mother is 3        in bed. So his father,who is a farmer,is the main 4        of the family. The family is poor.   The learner graduated from high school and did not 5        the college entrance exam. The job training program helps him learn the skills that he'll 6        in the work place.

  The story reminds me of another 7        It goes like this : Once upon a time,there was a man who liked fishing very much,and was 8        to catch lots of fish every day. The man was a kindhearted person,so he always 9        this fish with his neighbors who did not know how to fish. One day,he thought that it would be 10        if he taught them how to fish. So he 11        his neighbors together and showed them how to fish. Everybody was very happy that they could 12        the fish they themselves caught.

  At present,there are still a lot of poor people throughout the world. But it's not good if we give only 13        to them.14      ,we should give them a chance to learn new skills. Therefore,a technical training is very important to people in need,and they will learn the ability to 15        money. People can learn a lot of useful things in the training program and what they learn can help them on the way to find jobs.

(   ) 1. A. solve   B. change   C. study   D. find

(   ) 2. A. surprised   B. excited   C. relaxed   D. interested

(   ) 3. A. ill   B. alone   C. silent   D. dangerous

(   ) 4. A. problem   B. example   C. relative   D. support

(   ) 5. A. pass   B. copy   C. know   D. mind

(   ) 6. A. repeat   B. forget   C. need   D. test

(   ) 7. A. story   B. learner   C. family   D. program

(   ) 8. A. afraid   B. lucky   C. sorry   D. able

(   ) 9. A. shared   B. cooked   C. exchanged   D. weighed

(   ) 10. A. easy   B. great   C. useless   D. crazy

(   ) 11. A. drove   B. stopped   C. called   D. searched

(   ) 12. A. feed   B. save   C. touch   D. eat

(   ) 13. A. time   B. fish   C. food   D. clothing

(   ) 14. A. Next   B. Instead   C. Luckily   D. Especially

(   ) 15. A. pay   B. give   C. use   D. make


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:





科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

(   ) 23. Thank you to all my family,friends and        for all your support. 

   A. actors   B. characters   D. teenagers


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

(   ) 10. George has become a successful        writer.

   A. science fiction   B. technology      C. treasure   D. band

