A.  Sure, what  time?
B. I'll pick you up then.
C. I shall be glad to.
D. No,I'm free on weekends.
E. What time shall I be there?
F. Will you please sing us a song at the
A: Are you going to be busy this evening?
B: 1._____What's on your mind now?
A: Hm,I was thinking of going to a movie tonight,will you come,too?
B: 2._____
A: Will 5:30 be convenient for you?
B: No problem.
A: Stay at home. 3._____
A: Are you free tomorrow,Mr Black? I'd like to invite you to our English party.
B: It's very kind of you. 4._____
A: I'm very pleased that you could come. Thank you very much. We will have a
wonderful time. 5._____
B: I'll do my best to sing an English song. 6._____
A: The party will begin at half past seven. I'll be waiting for you in my home
before seven. Let's go together. Is that all right?

科目:初中英語 來源:湖北省期中題 題型:補(bǔ)全對(duì)話,情景問答

A: Hi Ann! Where are you going?
B: Hi, Jim! 1____________________________. I'll send a letter to Bruce.
A: En, I haven't seen him for a long time. 2____________________________?
B: Urn, he has gone to his hometown for winner vacation.
A: Hometown? 3_____________________________?
B: He has born in London.
A: Oh, have you heard from him him lately?
B: Yes, I have. I got a letter from him yesterday, his left arm was badly hurt last week.
A: 4____________________________. How is he now?
B: He is very well.
A: That's nice. 5______________________________.
B: Bye.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對(duì)話,情景問答

A: You don't look w____l____ tociay. Is there anything the  matter w____2____you?
B:I lost my job. But you see,my boss is crazy. He's not h____3____with anylhing I do.
A:It's really a b ____4____thing. Cheer up,Mary. You'll have better chances. By the w ____5____,did you see the ads in today's paper?They need a secretary.
B:Really? I'll t____6___it.
A:Good luck !


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對(duì)話,情景問答

A:You said your brother was coming. Didn't you go and m____1___him?
B:I did. But he was not here. He m____2____have missed the train. That means he's got to stay out and wait t____3____tomorrow.
A:How awful!  But take it easy. He will surely make it. He's a s___4___guy,isn't he?


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


J: Hello, Li Lei!

L: Hi, Jim. Can you come and play football with us on Sunday?

J: Sorry, I can't. ①____________.

L: Do you like going out in the Car?

J: Yes, I do. We sometimes go out in the car on Saturday.

L: Oh, we usually go and see my uncle on Saturday. ②_____________.

J: I like fishing. What about you?

L: I like fishing, too. ③_______________ He always catches a lot offish. .

We often take the fish home for supper." ④___________________.

J: ⑤______________________.

L: My dad. I help him. We like cooking fish!

J: And eating it, too.

    A. What do you like to do in your free time?

    B. My uncle is very good at fishing.

    C. 1 like eating fish.

    D. We sometimes go fishing.

    E. Dad is taking us' out in the car.

    F. Who cooks the fish?

    G. I will go out with my father.

