She felt that the flowers made her house ________ the before.

  1. A.
    much more beautifully
  2. B.
    more beautifully
  3. C.
    much more beautiful
  4. D.
    much beautiful

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked. When she saw the baby, she was surprised. The baby was born without ears.
As time went by, the baby grew up. There was nothing wrong with his hearing. But some kids laughed at him because he didn’t have ears. The baby was very sad, but his parents did nothing but felt sorry for him.
The boy’s father talked with a doctor. “Could nothing be done?” the father asked. “ I believe I could give him a pair of outer ears, if they could be got.” The doctor answered. So they began to look for a person who would like to give his or her ears.
Two years went by. Then the father said, “You are going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have found someone and it will give the ears you need. But it’s a secret, ”said the father. The operation was very successful. Several years later, he got a good job.
One day, he told his father “ But I must know who gave so much to me. I want to do something for him or her.” “I am sorry, but I can’t tell you.” Said the father.
The secret was kept for years, but the day did come. For the boy it was one of the darkest days. He stood with his father over his mother’s coffin.
Slowly, the father raised her thick brown hair to show that his mother had no outer ears. “Your mother said she was glad that she never let her hair be cut,” he said, “and nobody ever thought she was less beautiful, did they?”
【小題1】Why did the kids laugh at the boy?
A.Because he heard nothing.B.Because he had only an ear.
C.Because he had no parents.D.Because he had no ears.
【小題2】Who gave the ears to the boy?
A.A doctor.B.His father.C.His mother.D.A good man.
【小題3】Why did the boy’s mother never let her hair be cut?
A.Because she liked long hair.
B.Because she didn’t let her son know the secret.
C.Because she had only an ear.
D.Because she had no ears when she was born.
【小題4】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.There is nothing wrong with the boy’s ears.
B.The boy’s parents did nothing for the boy.
C.Just after the operation, the boy knew the truth.
D.Before the boy knew the truth, his mother died.
【小題5】From the passage, we know “__________”.
A.ears are very ears are good
C.parents’ love is greatD.secrets are known by people


科目:初中英語 來源:2011年寧夏銀川市初一上學(xué)期期末考試英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

Sixteen years ago a boy gave me an important gift. It was a smile.
It was the early autumn of my first year at a middle school, and my old school was far away. As a result, no one knew who I was. I was very lonely, and afraid to speak to anyone.
Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing, I felt my heart break. I couldn’t talk with anyone about my problems.
Then one day, when my classmates were talking happily with their friends, I was sitting at my desk unhappily as usual. At that moment, a boy entered the classroom. I didn’t know who he was. He passed by me and then turned back. He looked at me, with a smile.
Suddenly, I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It made me feel happy and warm. That smile changed my life. I started to talk with other students and made friends. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smile has become my best friend now.
One day I asked him why he had smiled, but he couldn’t remember doing so!
It doesn’t matter because all the dark days have gone. I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think it is lonely, you might always be alone. So smile at the world and it will smile back.
【小題1】When did the writer get the gift?

A.At the age of 16.
B.After making friends with the boy.
C.In the first year at a middle school.
D.After becoming closer to everyone in the class.
【小題2】 Why was the smile an important gift?
A.Because the writer’s old school was far away.
B.Because the writer didn’t know who the boy was.
C.Because the smile didn’t mean anything to the boy.
D.Because the writer felt lonely and had no friends and it made her feel happy and warm.
【小題3】 Why didn’t the writer talk to anyone in her new school about her problems?
A.Because she was always unhappy.
B.Because she didn’t know anyone at the time.
C.Because she was in the first year at the junior high school.
D.Because she didn’t want her parents to worry about her.
【小題4】How did the smile change her life?
A.She started to make friends.
B.She became the best friend of the boy.
C.Her parents didn’t worry about her any more.
D.She realized that she was lonely.
【小題5】Where does she now think her feeling of unhappiness came from?
A.From her old school. B.From her parents.
C.From herself.D.From her classmates at the new school.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆浙江省杭州市鳳起中學(xué)初三下學(xué)期開學(xué)檢測英語試卷 題型:完型填空

Miracles(奇跡)will happen if you don’t give up trying. Even if you have 1  for one hundred times, you may succeed when you try for the 10lst time.
When I was born, my doctor told my mother that there was something wrong with my 2  .  They were too soft to be able to walk. Although the news was bad, my mother didn’t become  3  . She didn’t believe what the doctor said  4  started to look for other ways.
My mother kept looking for other doctors for me, and finally she  5  . The doctor and his team in the hospital did  6 they could to help me. They also asked my parents to teach me to do some  7 to help me walk. One day when my mother came to pick me  8   . I crawled(爬) towards her. She was so surprised and happy that she couldn’t believe  9   eyes. Crawling was not walking, but it was a good  10  . Day by day, I could walk by myself.
When I grew up, my mother  11   told me these stories. She said that if I thought of what she said whenever I met  12  , I could do anything successfully. I have been working hard and I have turned out to be a very   13  person.. I get best grades in school and I am a good dancer and swimmer.   14  my mother’s strong resolution, I live a happy life now. What the story tells us, as my mother always says,   15_: Never give up.

A.According toB.Instead ofC.Thanks toD.Together with


科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇省無錫市華仕初三中考模擬(5月)英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

 Mrs. Thompson came to the 5th grade class and noticed that Teddy was always alone. Also, he did badly in his studies.When she reviewed Teddy’s past records,she find he was a good child at first,but he began to change when his mother got ill. Finally he lost interest in school after his mother’s death.

    Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and felt sorry for him.She felt even worse when her students brought her beautifully-covered Christmas presents.His presents were covered with some old paper. Some children laughed when she found a bracelet(手鐲)with some of the stones missing, and a bottle with a little perfume(香水). But she said how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some perfume on her hand.Teddy stayed after school for a long time just to say,“Mrs. Thompson,today you smelled just like my mom used to.”After the child left,she cried for quite a long time.

On that very day,she taught not only knowledge but also children. As she worked with Teddy,his mind seemed to come alive. By the end of the year,Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.

A year later,Teddy left school. She found a note under her door,from Teddy,saying that she was the best teacher he ever had in his life. After that, these words were repeated in each of his letters to her.

Then after he finished college, Teddy wrote telling her that he had met a pretty girl and was going to get married. He explained that his father was dead,and that he wondered if Mrs. Thompson might sit at the wedding in the place for the mother of the groom(新郎).

Of course,Mrs. Thompson did. She wore the bracelet and the perfume that Teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last Christmas together.

They hugged(擁抱)each other,and Teddy whispered in Mrs. Thompson’s ear,“Thank you,Mrs. Thompson,for making me feel important,and showing me that I could make a difference.”

Mrs. Thompson,with tears in her eyes,whispered back,“Teddy,it’s not like that. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn’t know how to teach until I met you.”

【小題 1 】What made Teddy change before Mrs. Thompson came?

A. His mother’s illness and death.        B. His classmates’’ laughing at him.

C. His past records by his teachers.       D. His interest in some other things.

【小題 2 】Teddy left a note for Mrs. Thompson when he left school mainly to say _______.

A. sorry        B. hello       C. thanks       D. goodbye

【小題  3】What kind of person was Mrs. Thompson?

A. Wise and humorous.              B. Kind and helpful.

C. Selfish and impatient.             D. Strict and stubborn.

【小題 4 】 We can learn from the passage that _______.

A. Mrs. Thompson became Teddy’s mother at last.

B. Mrs. Thompson didn’t know how to teach all her life.

C. Teddy didn’t finish college before he got married.

D. Mrs. Thompson and Teddy each made a difference.



科目:初中英語 來源:2011年廣西賀州市中考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Last Friday after I got my pay, I went shopping on my way home. In the crowded supermarket, I lost my purse and my money was gone with it. I felt very angry and sad. We were not rich and the money was important for us. How could I tell my wife about it?

I felt really sorry for losing the money. When I got home, I cleaned the house and prepared a nice meal. I hoped what I did could comfort(安慰) my wife. When she came back, she was surprised to see the clean house and the nice meal. Then I began to tell my story when we were at table, but my wife didn't respond (反映) as if she had not heard my words. Maybe she was trying hard to hide her anger, I thought.

“I've lost my pay." I said to her again.

“I see.” She didn't seem to be angry with me. For a moment, she said nothing but enjoyed the meal with me.

“I've lost my money," I could not help asking, “why don't you blame (責(zé)備) me?"

“Oh, my dear," she raised her eyes, looked at me and said, "I'm thinking about how to comfort you. It's the thief who is to be blamed!"


1.I got my pay last Monday.

2. In the supermarket I lost my purse and money.

3. I cleaned the house because I liked doing it.

4.My wife was surprised to see what I did.

5. When my wife heard my story, she became very angry.


