【題目】 Every two or three months, Thyago Ohana goes out on the busy streets of Vienna with a sign saying “Free Hugs”. The handsome 32-year-old Brazilian, who works in international trade at India’s Vienna embassy, chooses a popular site, like the historic shopping street, Kaemtner Strasse. There he opens his arms to anyone who wants a hearty embrace (擁抱).

He does it because back in 2012, when he was feeling very stressed and anxious during a visit to Paris, a stranger gave him a free hug. He’s never forgotten how it filled him with unexpected calm and joy.

For those who take up his offer, the hug makes them laugh and smile. But sometimes it does more, as when an elderly woman in a tour group stopped and watched him. The group moved on, but she remained and asked, “Can I have a hug?” “Of course you can!” said Thyago who wrapped his arms round her. When they broke their embrace, she kept holding onto his shoulders and looked into his eyes. “Thank you,” she said. “I can’t remember the last time I was hugged this way.”

It’s a memory that still makes Thyago emotional. “It was a really powerful moment of human connection. It’s why I keep doing it.”

Of our live senses, our sense of touch is the one that is most easily taken for granted. “A child can be born blind or deaf and they will grow up just fine,” says David J Linden, author of Touch. The Science of Hand, Heart and Mind. “Yet if a baby is lacking in loving social touch for the first two years of life, then all sorts of disasters unfold.” That’s one reason why when babies are born, they are now usually placed on their mother’s skin.

Linden says however you do it, “maximizing touch in your life is a good thing”— whether holding hands, petting a dog, going to the hairdresser, hugging our kids, our partners or even a stranger.

1Why did Thyago Ohana offer free hugs to strangers?

A.He longed for calm and joy.

B.He felt stressed and upset.

C.He wanted others to feel connected and cared.

D.He hoped to help others cure their diseases.

2What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 suggest?

A.Our sense of touch isn’t so important.

B.Our sense of touch is undervalued.

C.Our sense of touch does no good to us.

D.Our sense of touch is thought highly of.

3What does David J Linden think of social touch?

A.The way of offering social touch counts.

B.Offering hugs is the best way to get social touch.

C.Blind kids will be cured as long as they get enough social touch.

D.Many problems can be tracked back to babyhood short of social touch.

4Where is this text most likely from?

A.A health magazine.B.A research paper.

C.A guide book.D.A biology textbook.









推理判斷題。根據(jù)第四段It’s a memory that still makes Thyago emotional. “It was a really powerful moment of human connection. It’s why I keep doing it.”(這是一段仍然讓Thyago激動的記憶!澳鞘侨伺c人之間聯(lián)系的一個非常有力的時刻。這就是我一直這么做的原因!)可推知,Thyago Ohana為陌生人提供免費(fèi)擁抱,因?yàn)樗胱屍渌艘哺械较嗷ヂ?lián)系和關(guān)心。故選C。


詞句猜測題。根據(jù)第五段中的劃線句Of our live senses, our sense of touch is the one that is most easily taken for granted. (在我們的感官中,觸覺是最容易被認(rèn)為是理所當(dāng)然的)及下文Yet if a baby is lacking in loving social touch for the first two years of life, then all sorts of disasters unfold. (然而,如果一個嬰兒在出生后的頭兩年里缺乏愛的社交接觸,那么各種各樣的災(zāi)難就會出現(xiàn))可推知,劃線句想要說明“我們的觸覺被低估了!惫蔬xB


推理判斷題。根據(jù)第五段中David J Linden說的話Yet if a baby is lacking in loving social touch for the first two years of life, then all sorts of disasters unfold. (然而,如果一個嬰兒在出生后的頭兩年里缺乏愛的社交接觸,那么各種各樣的災(zāi)難就會出現(xiàn))可知,David J Linden認(rèn)為很多問題可以追溯到嬰兒時期缺乏社交接觸。故選D


推理判斷題。通讀全文可知,本文主要介紹了擁抱可以對人產(chǎn)生良好的影響。結(jié)合選項(xiàng)A. A health magazine.一本健康雜志;B. A research paper.一篇研究論文;C. A guide book.一本導(dǎo)游手冊;D. A biology textbook.一本生物教科書。由此推知,這篇文章極可能來自于A health magazine.(一本健康雜志)。故選A。

依據(jù)邏輯推理猜測詞義:運(yùn)用邏輯推理猜測詞義是使用最廣考查最多也最易失分的猜詞方式。要求考生具備整合分散、復(fù)雜信息的能力,充分利用上下文中相關(guān)的詞匯并結(jié)合具體的語境,從形式和內(nèi)容上把握語言之間的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系,理順語言之間的邏輯關(guān)系,進(jìn)而達(dá)到猜詞的目的。在第2小題中,可以根據(jù)該劃線詞所在的上下文語境來推測其意義。根據(jù)第五段中的劃線句Of our live senses, our sense of touch is the one that is most easily taken for granted. (在我們的感官中,觸覺是最容易被認(rèn)為是理所當(dāng)然的)及下文Yet if a baby is lacking in loving social touch for the first two years of life, then all sorts of disasters unfold. (然而,如果一個嬰兒在出生后的頭兩年里缺乏愛的社交接觸,那么各種各樣的災(zāi)難就會出現(xiàn))可推知,劃線句想要說明“我們的觸覺被低估了!惫蔬xB


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定英語課,老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有 10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。






During the recent harvest festival, my parents and I visited the Pear Village , where was a great destination for photographers. The plot was filled with green pear trees and many kinds of flowers. The three of them were very excited. On arriving here,we were warmly welcome by the local people. Then, we picked pears, had a picnic and shared photos took in and around the orchards (果園). After thatwe talked with the working farmers happily. They were simply and kind. They said the harvests benefited all the residents, so they recently hosted at the festival. They were looking forward to welcoming more visitor to their village. The time passes quickly. We were lost in enjoying ourselves before we realized we had to say goodbye to the villagers. It was really unforgettable visit.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



Details(eg. Mode of transport, hotel/hostel)

Cost per person



Per person × 4

UK flight to Dalian (via Beijing) 887


Local Travel






Sub-total 5868 (school will cover the cost of one teacher; so will ask for 4401)


Description and cost per item



Teaching materials 250



Telephone calls


Cost of the staff

180 (per person per day) ×4×8 days

5760 (school will cover the cost of one teacher; so will ask for 4320)

Sub-total: 685



1How many teachers will visit Dalian?


2How much is the school budget for this visit?


3How much will the school actually ask for this visit?



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Ice hockey’s beginning is a little uncertain. It has been tracked back to an Irish game known as hurley by some experts. Others consider ice hockey as having come from lacrosse and field games that were played by Micmac Indians. Still others say that hockey evolved in Northern Europe. At any rate, it is quite likely that ice hockey came into being from different early games played with a stick and a ball.

In the 1850s, the first recorded games of ice hockey were played, and in the 1870s, the first set of ice hockey rules were written by a group of students at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. These rules set up the use of a puck (冰球) replacing a ball and decided the number of players to be nine per team. The year 1880 brought the organization of the first amateur hockey league. Over the next several years, ice hockey’s popularity spread across Canada. It was around 1893 that ice hockey was first played in the United States. There have been several ice hockey leagues. The best known is the National Hockey League, which came into being in 1917 in Canada.

Ice hockey has the oldest sports trophy(獎杯)in North America. It had become so widespread in Canada that a trophy was presented by the Governor General of Canada to be awarded to the top hockey team. Lord Stanley of Preston was the name of the Governor General, and the trophy became Known as the Stanley Cup.

Not many changes have been made to the initial rules set forth in the 1870s. The main ones have been the decrease from nine players to six and the progression of new and better equipment. In 1910-11, the game changed from two 30-minute periods to three 20-minute periods. In 1943-44, the red line at center ice was introduced to speed up the game. In 2005-06, goalkeeper equipment was downsized.

1When was the first amateur hockey league formed?

A.In the 1850s.B.In the 1870s.

C.In 1880.D.In 1893.

2Where did the name of the Stanley Cup come from?

A.The top hockey team captain.

B.The Governor General of Canada.

C.The oldest sports trophy maker.

D.The leader of the first hockey league.

3How has the ice hockey sport changed?

A.Its initial rules have been given up.

B.It has fewer players on a team.

C.Its total match time has been reduced.

D.It needs much less equipment.

4What’s the text mainly about?

A.The rules of the ice hockey sport.

B.The great changes of the ice hockey sport.

C.The history of the ice hockey sport.

D.The development of the National Hockey League.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Bees and butterflies are active during the daytime. They get a lot of attention for their roles as pollinators(傳粉者).But moths(蛾)aren't given the prominence they deserve.

Actually, moths are seen much less often, because they're active at night. Moth bodies often seem furry. Pollen—a yellow powder in the center of most flowers, from one flower sticks to their bodies and falls off when they move to other flowers. Scientists studied insects around nine ponds on farmlands in the United Kingdom. They visited these ponds once a month from March to October.

They studied three groups of insects: moths, bees that normally work together, like honey bees, and flying insects which work alone, such as butterflies. At the ponds, the scientists caught these flying insects and died to collect pollen from their bodies. In all, the scientists checked 838 moths, 632 other insects which work alone, and 1,548 honey bees.

By studying the pollen they collected, the scientists were able to see which plants the insects had visited. The moths had pollen from 47 different kinds of plants, including seven plants that bees don't normally visit. The honey bees had pollen from 46 different kinds of plants. The other insects that work alone had visited 45 different kinds of plants. Richard Walton, who led the study, says that bees usually choose the plants with the most nectar(花蜜)and most pollen. However, moths pollinate many different plants, filling in the gaps left by the daytime pollinators.

Not only do moths pollinate plants, they also provide important food for birds and bats.

But, like many other insects, moth numbers have dropped greatly in the last 50 years, mainly because of pesticides and the loss of natural lands. Just like bees and butterflies, moths are worth protecting. "Moths are by no means less important," says Dr. Walton.

1What does the underlined word probably mean in paragraphl?



2What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.Moths and other insects' living habits.

B.Research on insects' spreading pollen.

C.Classification of insects by scientists.

D.The ways in which moths carry pollen.

3Compared with bees, which best describes moths?

A.They are less choosy.B.They eat less in the daytime.

C.They are more diverse.D.They carry more pollen.

4What is the best title for the text?

A.Moths Pollinate Plants Strangely

B.Moths Are More Vital Than We Think

C.Moths Help Bees to Pollinate Plants

D.Moths Visit Some Flowers Bees Skip


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 My mother always told me, “You should explore your own country before stepping out into the world. ”However, it seems like a tough mission to travel all across its expansive surfaces. But luckily for me, Via Rail Canada offered youths between the ages of 18 and 25 the chance to ride the train across Canada for the month of July. The ticket was a bargain $150. My best friends Trevor, Joel and Jeremy and I immediately jumped at the opportunity and secured four tickets on the great Canadian railroad.

For a group of 20-year-olds, this was like the first flight of young birds from the nest. When we approached the train station in the morning, our 22-day adventure from Sudbury to Vancouver was to begin. Eyes baggy from lack of sleep, we jumped on board as if it was the train to Hogwarts in Harry Potter. Although the thought of three full days on those tracks covering close to 3, 000 kilometres crushed our spirits a little, what happened next caught us by surprise.

The three days on board turned into a summer camp on rails. At night, we would climb up the glass-domed train car, which gave us a scenic view of the starry night sky, untouched by the harmful light pollution. Before we knew it, the warm sun rays beating down on our faces woke us up for another day on the rails. To my surprise, a sea of golden grain fields dominated the landscape we were in the Canadian Prairies.

Another day slipped away and we set up for another night in the dome. And this time we were greeted by night sky painted by a fantastic thunderstorm. Lightning was striking at an incredible rate. The spectacular and memorable light show left everyone in the glass bubble in complete disbelief.

Arriving in the Rocky Mountains was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. Before the train adventure, if I could have skipped the travel and arrived at the destination, I would have. That is no longer true. I’ve learned that the journey can be more enjoyable than the destination.

1What has made the author’s train adventure across Canada a reality?

A.The encouragement given by his mother.B.The appeal of the scenic views in the country.

C.The discount ticket offered by Via Rail Canada.D.His great courage to challenge a tough mission.

2What can we infer about the young people from Paragraph 2 ?

A.They were excited about the coming train journey.

B.They left their parents for the first time in their life.

C.They never thought of having a train adventure.

D.They were hooked by the magic story of Harry Potter.

3What does“the glass bubble”in the fourth paragraph refer to?

A.A brain in lack of imagination.B.The glass-domed train car.

C.A summer camp on the train.D.The sightseeing bus.

4What did the author learn from the train adventure across Canada?

A.Opportunities are hard to get.B.Enjoying a journey counts a lot.

C.Splendid scenery attracts young people.D.The traveling experience is not real to him.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 One major reason Americans don’t get enough exercise is that they feel they don’t have enough time. It can be difficult to squeeze in the 75 minutes of aerobic (有氧的) exercise per week that federal guidelines recommend.1.

In a new analysis of 14 studies, researchers tracked deaths among more than 232,000 people from the U.S., Denmark, the U.K. and China over at least five years, and compared the findings with people’s self-reports about how much they ran. People who said they ran any amount were less likely to die than those who didn’t run at all.2 This was true even for those who didn’t log a great deal of time. The analysis divided people into groups, with 50 minutes or less per week representing the group that ran the least―but still ran. ‘‘Regardless of how much you run, you can expect such benefits,” says Zeljko Pedisic, one of the authors of the new analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

The analysis is the latest to illustrate the benefits of running on the human body. It’s what we evolved (進(jìn)化) to do. 3 But as leisure-time exercise, running keeps us healthy. “One of the best ways to avoid having to see a doctor,” Zeljko says, “is to stay physically active.”

4 Running is good at guarding against cancer partly because it uses up blood sugar, starving the cancer cells that rely on it for fuel. And it protects you in other ways not necessarily measured in the latest research: by decreasing inflammation (炎癥), for example, which is at the root of many diseases, and stimulating the production of a protein that improves brain health.

5 Neither were how often people ran and the pace they kept. As long as you’re running, more isn’t always better, especially given that the risk of injury increases with repetition.

A.People may no longer hunt wild animals for their next meal.

B.The physical demands of running affect our body in a beneficial way.

C.Some people run to prevent disease, and others run because it makes them feel better.

D.Runners were 27% less likely to die for any reason, compared with nonrunners.

E.But researchers point out, to infer something like that, they need the whole population measured.

F.But new research suggests people may be able to get life-lengthening benefits by running for far less time.

G.The good news is that running more than 50 minutes per week wasn’t linked to additional protections against dying.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 When you're having a hard time with your homework or when you're preparing for your term paper, these student-focused websites can help you with just about anything you need. The key to getting the most out of these online resources is to know how they can best be used to your advantage.


Although Facebook can be one of your biggest time-wasters and distractions when you are supposed to be getting work done, it can also be one of your most valuable resources. Most of your classmates will probably have a Facebook account, so anyone you need to connect with about a class you missed or about a problem is usually just a few clicks away.

Amazon, com

Do you finish every term with many expensive textbooks you will never open again? Instead of letting the money spent go to waste, get back some of your cash by selling your books on Amazon.


Choosing new classes can sometimes be like trying to pick out your clothes in the dark, a total guessing game. Which teacher gives out the hardest problem sets? How much homework will that history professor give you every week? At RateMyProfessors. com, students all over the country rate their professors on quality, helpfulness, and how hard their classes are.


While Wikipedia isn't aimed specifically at students, it is difficult to think of another website that does more to reduce the pain of paper writing and researching. Wikipedia gives you a quick way to find sources and get the details of almost any topic you need to research— all without walking to the library.

1The passage was mainly written to .

A.explain some websites for parentsB.offer some websites that may help students

C.compare some educational websitesD.introduce different parts of a website

2While you are taking great pains to write a research report, can most probably be a help.

A.FacebookB.Amazon.comC.RateMyPorfessors. comD.Wikipedia

3RateMyPorfessors. com is a place_________.

A.where you can make friends all over the country

B.where you can communicate with your professors

C.that gives you information about professors in advance

D.that gives tips on how to get along with your professors


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


條件和要求:1. 年齡滿18歲,身體健康;

2. 擅長漢語和英語,具備一定的跨文化交際能力;

3. 具備良好的心里素質(zhì)和適應(yīng)能力。


生詞:孔子學(xué)院 Confucius Institute 柬埔寨 Cambodia


