
As you may know, coral(珊瑚)is not a plant, but an animal. However, coral reefs(珊瑚礁)around the world are in1. Here is a piece of bad news. Thailand will close one of its beaches to protect its coral 2 business activities for tourists. The beach is so famous that 3of tourists put it on their wish lists. More than 5,000 visitors visit it a day. They arrive by boat. This does4 harm to the coral reefs. Most of the coral has died. The beach will be closed between June and September to let the coral come5to life

Experts(專家)say that 80of Thailand’s coral reefs have been6. Too many tourists 7 a lot of pollution to these beaches.An expert said the biggest problems were hotels by the beaches, boats, and plastic waste in the sea. He believed the 8choice was to close the beaches forever. He said, “I hope the 9 can take steps to protect the coral reefs. At the same time, I also hope all of us should10our best to protect the environment around us.”














1考查固定搭配。句意:然而,世界各地的珊瑚礁都處于危險(xiǎn)之中。固定搭配:in danger處于危險(xiǎn)中。故答案為danger。


3考查固定用法。句意:這個(gè)海灘太有名了,成千上萬的游客把它列在他們的愿望清單上。固定用法:millions of“成千上萬的。故答案為millions

4考查much用法。句意:這對(duì)珊瑚礁有很大的危害。固定搭配:do harm to“對(duì)------造成傷害。此處harm是不可數(shù)名詞,由much修飾,故答案為much

5考查固定詞組。句意:海灘6月和9月之間將被關(guān)閉,讓珊瑚回到生活。固定詞組:come back to life恢復(fù)健康,蘇醒過來。故答案為back

6考查現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)態(tài)的被動(dòng)語態(tài)。句意:專家說,泰國80%的珊瑚礁已經(jīng)被殺。此處是現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)態(tài)的被動(dòng)語態(tài),have been已經(jīng)給出,故答案為killed。




10考查固定搭配。句意:同時(shí),我也希望我們所有人都應(yīng)該盡力保護(hù)我們周圍的環(huán)境。固定搭配:try one’s best“竭盡全力。故答案為try


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Singapore's schools have become global role models with high results in international tests.But now they want to move,beyond this—towards something that encourages creativity and what they term "holistic(全面的)education".

Minister of Education,Heng Swee Keat,says this is "less about content knowledge",but "more about how to process information".He describes this challenge of innovating(創(chuàng)新)as being about to "tell truth from untruth,connect seemingly different things,and create knowledge even as the situation changes".

This approach aims to prepare today's students for the demands of the next 20 years.It means that schools are under more pressure,and will be given more freedom,to come up with creative ways to teach students.So instead of the traditional impressions of high-pressure Asian schools,with rows of heads buried in books,they are trying different approaches to learning.

To put this into practice,on a sunny April morning,80 students from one of Singapore's top schools were traveling outdoors.The nine to ten-year-old from Rosyth School were on a "learning journey" in a park,with science topics and values such as caring for the environment.

"We are conducting a biopsy(活組織檢查)to find out why a bee,a fish,a bird or a plant died strangely,"said one student."Is it because of human actions?"

They photographed "evidence" on smart phones and digital cameras,getting facts on plants and animal species. "They can really learn through hands-on experience and putting things into action,"said moral education teacher, Joslyn Huang.

1What are Singapore's schools famous for according to the passage?

A. Test results. B. Strict management.

C. Teaching methods. D. Learning environment.

2What does Singapore's "holistic education" lay emphasis on?

A. Students' moral behavior. B. Students' creative ability.

C. Students' content knowledge. D. Students' hands-on experience.

3Why did the 80 students from Rosyth School conduct a biopsy?

A. To improve the environment.

B. To protect animals and plants.

C. To study the relationship between human actions and some animals' death.

D. To find out the relationship between human behaviors and climate changes.

4How did the author tell us about a different way of learning in Singapore's schools?

A. By giving examples. B. By making comparisons.

C. By listing figures. D. By analyzing cause and effect.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Let us all raise a glass to AlphaGo and the advance of artificial intelligence. AlphaGo,

DeepMind’s Go-playing AIjust defeated the best Go-playing human,Lee Sedol. But as we drink to its success. we should also begin trying to understand what it means for the future.

The number of possible moves in a game of Go is so huge that. in order to win against a player like Lee. AlphaGo was designed to adopt a human—like style of gameplay by using a relatively recent development--deep learning. Deep learning uses large data sets,“machine learning”algorithms (計(jì)算程序) and deep neural networks to teach the AI how to perform a particular set of tasks. Rather than programming complex Go rules and strategies into AlphaGoDeepMind designers taught AlphaGo to play the game by feeding it data based on typical Go moves. Then,AlphaGo played against itself, tirelessly learning from its own mistakes and improving its gameplay over time. The results speak for themselves.

Deep learning represents a shift in the relationship humans have with their technological creations. It results in AI that displays surprising and unpredictable behaviour. Commenting after his first loss,Lee described being shocked by an unconventional move he claimed no human would ever have made. Demis Hassabis. one of DeepMind's foundersechoed this comment“We're very pleased that AlphaGo played some quite surprising and beautiful moves. ”

Unpredictability and surprises are—or can be—a good thing. They can indicate that a system is working well,perhaps better than the humans that came before it. Such is the case with AlphaGo. Howeverunpredictability also indicates a loss of human control. That Hassabis is surprised at his creation's behaviour suggests a lack of control in the design. And though some loss of control might be fine in the context of a game such as Go,it raises urgent questions elsewhere.

How much and what kind of control should we give up to AI machines? How should we design appropriate human control into AI that requires us to give up some of that very control? Is there some AI that we should just not develop if it means any loss of human control? How much of a say should corporations,governments,experts or citizens have in these matters? These important questions, and many others like them,have emerged in response,but remain unanswered. They require human,not human - like,solutions.

So as we drink to the milestone in AI, let's also drink to the understanding that the time to answer deeply human questions about deep learning and AI is now.

1What contributes most to the unconventional move of AlphaGo in the game?

A. The capability of self-improvement.

B. The constant input of large data sets.

C. The installation of deep neutral networks.

D. The knowledge of Go rules and strategies.

2A potential danger of Al is _____.

A. the loss of human control B. the friendly relationship

C. the fierce competition D. the lack of challenge

3How should we deal with the unpredictability of AI?

A. We should stop AI machines from developing even further.

B. We should call on the government to solve these problems for us.

C. We should rely on ourselves and come up with effective solutions.

D. We should invent even more intelligent machines to solve everything.

4What's the author’s attitude towards this remarkable advance in AI?

A. Supportive. B. Optimistic.

C. Doubtful. D. Cautious.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


News anchors(主播) must have been reluctant to read out the following news: Xin Xiaomeng began working as the world’s first female artificial(人工的) intelligence news anchor at Xinhua News Agency on Sunday, three months after a male robot joined the profession.

Unlike previous news robots though, Xin does not read news like a cold machine; she reads it almost like a human being. The muscles on her face stretch and relax-and her reactions change-as she continues reading. That’s why many news anchors were worried: Will AI replace us in the near future?

To find the answer, we have to analyse the technologies that support Xin at her job. Three key technologies are used to support Xin. First, samples of human voices are collected and synthesized (合成). This is followed by the collection and synthesis of human muscle movement samples. And third the voices and movements are married in a way that when the Al news anchor reads, the micro -electric motors behind her face move to make her expressions seem more human.

Yet we need a thorough knowledge of deep leaning technology to make a robot imitate a person’s voice. The developer needs to collect tens of thousands of pieces of pronunciations, input them Into the machine and match them with the text or the Al to lean and read. The process for imitating facial movements is similar. The developer has to analyse the movements of the 53 muscles in the human face, make a model set from the collected data for the AI news anchor to lean, and imitate the movements of facial muscles via programs

Both the technologies used to make Xin’s performance impressive are mature. The real difficulty lies in the third -the technology to match the pronunciations with facial movements so that Xin expressions vary according to the content of the news report. In fact, Xins expressions don' t always change according to the content. As a result, her expressions look anything but human. Actually. AI is still no match for human qualities.

1What does the underlined word "reluctant "in the first paragraph mean?

A. Delighted.B. Unwilling.C. Confused.D. Optimistic.

2What can we infer about previous news robots?

A. They read news without expressions.B. They looked like a human being

C. They could interview sports starsD. They could interact with audience.

3What do we know about the third technology?

A. This technology is very perfect so far

B. This technology is quite popular now

C. This technology remains at the theoretical stage

D. This technology is far from mature.

4From the last paragraph, we can draw a conclusion that____.

A. human news anchors should learn from AT anchors to save their jobs

B. Al anchors perform much better than human news anchors at present

C. Al news anchors won 't replace human news anchors in the near future

D. Xin Xiaomeng s expressions vary so naturally that they are true to life


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


篇短文,介紹上周你與外國朋友Tom 在頤和園的經(jīng)歷。


提示詞:毛筆a writing brush



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 You're out to dinner. The food is delicious and the service is fine. You decide to leave a big fat tip. Why? The answer may not be as simple as you think.

Tipping, psychologists have found, is not just about service. Instead, studies have shown that tipping can be affected by psychological reactions to a series of different factors from the waiter's choice of words, to how they carry themselves while taking orders, to the billl's total.

Even how much waiters remind customers of themselves can determine how much change they pocket by the end of the night.

“Studies before have shown that mimicry (模仿)brings into positive feelings for the mimicker, "wrote Rick van Baaren, a social psychology professor. "These studies show that people who are being mimicked become more generous toward the person who mimicks.

So Rick van Baaren divided 59 waiters into two groups. He requested that half serve with a phrase such as, "Coming up!" Those in the other half were instructed to repeat the orders and preferences back to the customers. Rick van Baaren then compared their takehome pay. The results were clear-it pays to mimic your customer. The copycat (模仿者)waiters earned almost double the amount of tips to the other group.

Leonard Green and Joel Myerson, psychologists at Washington University in St Louis, found the generosity of a tipper may be limited by his bill. After research on the 1,000 tips left for waiters, cabdrivers, hair stylists, they found tip percentages in these three areas dropped as customers' bills went up. In fact, tip percentages appear to plateau (穩(wěn)定期)when bills topped $100 and a bill for $200 made the worker gain no bigger percentage tip than a bill for $100.

"That's also a point of tipping," Green says. "You have to give a little extra to the cabdriver for being there to pick you up and something to the waiter for being there to serve you. If they weren't there, you'd never get any service. So part of the idea of a tip is for just being there."

1Besides service, how many other fectors(因素)affecting the customers' tipping are mentioned in the passage?

A. 1B. 2

C. 3D. 4

2These studies show that .

A. tipping can be affected by physical reactions to many different waiters

B. the mimic waiters can get almost twice as much money as those who don't mimick others

C. people who are being mimicked usually tip less to the person who mimics them

D. mimicry makes the mimicker feel bad

3According to the passage, which of the following will be likely to show the right change of the tip percentages?

A. B.

C. D.

4We know from the passage that the writer seems to .

A. object to Mr Green's idea about tipping

B. think part of Mr Green's explanation is reasonable

C. support the opinions of Mr Green and Rick van Baaren about tipping

D. give his generous tip to waiters very often


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 As far back as the age of dinosaurs millions of years ago, turtles(海龜) wandered around the Earth. Even nowadays, it is generally assumed that turtles are the world's steadiest creature.

However, a new research shows 61 percent of the 356 species of turtles are already threatened or no longer exist. The destruction of their homes, disease, climate change and other reasons have caused their population to drop sharply. In a new study published in the journal BioScience, a team of scientists from various institutions claims that turtles are one of the most threatened among the major vertebrate(脊椎動(dòng)物) groups.

This could, the authors say, have serious consequences for the ecology. Turtles contribute to the health of many environments, including desert, wetland, freshwater and marine ecosystems, and the decline may lead to bad effects on other species, including humans, they explain. Whit Gibbons, seruor author and professor at the Utuversity of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, says in a statement that the intention of the study is to inform people about the vital ecological roles of turtles.

One of the important qualities of turtles is how diverse they are when it comes to food. This allows them to have a major impact on food webs of their homes all over the world. In some areas, the density(密度) of the turtle population makes them an important part of the ecosystem. With their gathering, other species that feed on them and their eggs are sure to have a large pool of food.

For plants, turtles are also extremely important as they distribute the seeds of many plant species. When they eat some seeds are not destroyed by the digestive process and instead make their way out of the animals' body. Some turtles are the main dispersal(傳播 ) agents of certain plants and their seeds.

These are only a few yet very vital roles that turtles play in the ecological landscape. Unfortunately, many species are in serious decline and in danger of disappearing completely.

1What does the new study aim to do?

A. To save the grand vertebrate groups on earth. .

B. To wam people of turtles' terrible situation.

C. To make the importance of turtles' roles known.

D. To claim turtles may be related to dinosaurs.

2How might the disappearance of turtles influence certain plants?

A. Speed up these plants' disappearing.

B. Put an end to these plants' seeds spreading.

C. Allow more. seeds to grow into plants.

D. Give these plants no chance of survival. .

3Which of the following shows the structure of the text?

I:Introduction P:Point Sp: Sub-point(次要點(diǎn) ) C:Conclusion

A. B.

C. D.

4What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Turtles Are Sure to Stop Existing.

B. The Ecology Will Change with Turtles.

C. Decline of Turtles Threatens the World.

D. Turtles' Dying Out Worldwide Matters a Lot.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


A Dog's Way Home

Type: Adventure, Drama, Family

Release Date:1l January 2019

As a puppy, Bella finds her way into the arms of Lucas, a young man who gives her a good home. When Bella becomes separated from Lucas, she soon finds herself on a 400-mile journey to reunite with her beloved owner. Along the way, the lost but spirited dog touches the lives of an orphaned mountain lion and some friendly strangers.

The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part Movie

Type: Adventure, Family

Release Date:8 February 2019

The citizens are now facing a huge new threat: LEGO DUPLO invaders from outer space. The battle to defeat the invaders will take Emmet, Lucy, Batman and their friends to unexplored worlds. It will test their courage, creativity and building skills, and reveal just how special they really are.

Captain Marvel

Type: Action, Adventure, Fantasy

Release Date:8 March 2019

It follows Carol Danvers, an Air Force pilot, whose DNA is combined with that of an alien during an accident. The resulting change gives her the superpowers of strength, energy, and flight.

Spider-Man: Far from Home

Type: Action, Adventure, Fantasy

Release Date:5 July 2019

Our friendly neighborhood Super Hero decides to join his best friends on a European vacation. However, Peter's plan to leave super power behind for a few weeks is quickly given up when he agrees to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of several violent attacks.

1What is the purpose of Bella's journey

A. To make new friends.B. To experience a different life.

C. To meet her owner again.D. To reunite with a mountain lion.

2What do we know about Emmet and his friends in the movie?

A. They will create a new world.B. They will dive into unknown worlds.

C. They will leave for the LEGO DUPLO.D. They will lose their special skills in the battle.

3Which of the following can be used to describe the last two movies

A. Logical but boring.B. Funny but educational.

C. Thrilling and imaginative.D. Touching and inspiring.

