【題目】請認(rèn)真閱讀下面短文,并按照要求用英語寫一篇 150 詞左右的文章。

Running individual official accounts on social-networking app WeChat has become a new channel for Chinese people to express themselves, according to a survey.

At present, many media organizations, companies and individuals in China have launched official accounts on WeChat, making efforts to attract more subscribers to expand their reach. Over 66 percent of 2,001 respondents said they were willing to set up individual official accounts while 27.2 percent said they had already started such accounts.

The survey, published by the China Youth Daily, also said expressing feelings and views, as well as gaining popularity, was the top reasons why people wanted individual official accounts. More than half of individual official accounts offered content concerning personal views and feelings, as well as entertainment and recreation information, the survey said.

Of more than 540 respondents that have individual official accounts on WeChat, 5 percent claimed that they had built popular 'self-media' brands using the accounts, while 12.2 percent said they had made money from the accounts through advertising. Meanwhile, 42 percent said their accounts had limited influence with only a few subscribers.


1. 用約 30 個詞概括上文的主要內(nèi)容;

2. 用約 120 個詞說明你對“創(chuàng)建個人公眾號”此現(xiàn)象持支持或反對的態(tài)度,并給出 2 個理由。


1. 寫作過程中不能直接引用原文語句;

2. 作文中不能出現(xiàn)真實姓名和學(xué)校名稱;

3. 不必寫標(biāo)題。




【答案】Possible version 1:

An increasing number of Chinese people are setting up individual official WeChat accounts with the aim of expressing themselves and gaining popularity. So far, only a minority of them have successfully built popular 'self-media' brands.

From my perspective, I’m in strong favor of setting up an individual official account on WeChat. To begin with, as a way to sell ideas to others, there is no denying that it’s an excellent tool for self-promotion, by which we can increase our personal impact on social life. Additionally, such an account offers a good chance to make friends with many like-minded people, with whom we can share opinions and enjoy cooperation. Without effective cooperation, we could not achieve real success in current society.

To summarize, only when we take advantage of an individual official account appropriately can we make it a great helper in our social life.

Possible version 2:

An increasing number of Chinese people are setting up individual official WeChat accounts with the aim of expressing themselves and gaining popularity. So far, only a minority of them have successfully built popular 'self-media' brands.

Evident as the advantages of setting up personal WeChat account are, I opt for an objection to such practice. First and foremost, WeChat account is designed as a platform for individuals to voice their personal opinions and express their emotions. However, with the intention of expanding their popularity and earning money, some people post remarks encouraging hatred and violence, depressing outlook and even vicious videos, which will tremendously exert negative impact on its subscribers and social stability. What's worse, in order to maintain his account's popularity, one must set aside much time and energy, thus inevitably affecting one's work and life.

In short, to limit the drawbacks of setting up WeChat account to a minimum, we should take cautious attitude.






科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Pinocchio may be just a children’s fairy tale, but Spanish scientists at the University of Granada recently investigated this so-called “Pinocchio effect” and found that our noses don’t grow when we tell a lie, but actually shrink a bit.

Dr. Gómez Milán and his team developed a lie detector test that used thermography(體溫計)to tell if people were lying, and found that whenever participants in their research were being untruthful, the temperature of the tip of their nose dropped up to 1.2, while the temperature of their forehead increased up to 1.5. Scientist also found that drop in temperature at nose level actually caused it to slightly shrink, although the difference is undetected by the human eye.

“One has to think in order to lie, which rises the temperature of the forehead,” Dr. Gómez Milán explained the findings. “At the same time we feel anxious, which lowers the temperature of the nose.”

For this study, researchers asked a number of 60 students to perform various tasks while their temperature is scanned by technology. One of these tasks required making a 3 to 4 minutes call to their parents or a friend and telling a significant lie. Participants had to make up the lie themselves during the call. Interestingly, this lie detector picked up the “Pinocchio effect” temperature difference in 80 percent of the test subjects, which is a better rate of success than that of any modern lie detector.

“With this method we have achieved to increase accuracy”, said Dr. Gómez Milán, who added that law enforcement interviewers could one day combine other lie detection technology with thermal imaging to achieve better results.

1Why does the writer talk about Pinocchio in the first paragraph?

A.To tell a fairy tale.B.To give an example.

C.To talk about a scientist.D.To introduce the topic.

2What is “Pinocchio effect”?

A.Our noses will grow when we tell a lie.

B.Our noses will shrink when we tell a lie.

C.The temperature of the forehead falls if we lie.

D.The temperature of the student rises for anxiety.

3How did Dr. Gómez Milán feel about the lie detector?



4What lesson can we learn from the text?

A.A lie will travel very hard.B.Many ways to bring a liar to light.

C.A lie never lives to be old.D.Once a liar always a liar.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1What are the man and the woman talking about?

A.A film.B.A real story.C.A ghost story.

2What’s the first name of the man they are talking about?


3Why didn’t the man return home after the war?

A.He had been wounded in the war.

B.The man hasn’t told the woman yet.

C.He had to sell newspapers at the railway station.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】If we could all learn to ________ a little more, the world would be a much happier place.

A.live and let liveB.live from hand to mouth

C.fight fire with fireD.add fuel to the flames


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Hi, darling, what's the matter?

Well, I wasn't feeling well this morning and I was having breakfast________a wave of nausea ( 惡心) ________me. And then I passed out.

A.before; came overB.when; came over

C.before; pulled overD.when; pulled over


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 We often hear such statements: “I spilled (灑出) juice, but it wasn’t my fault.”, “I got in trouble at school, but it wasn’t my fault.” or “I was in a car accident, but it wasn’t my fault.” That “It’s not my fault.” is a go-to response for so many people and especially teenagers.

Parents complain they are tired of the “excuse”. The reason why variations of “It’s not my fault.” are so popular is that it lets us off the hook from guilt and blame. I’m a fan of not owning responsibility for things that I can’t control. Teens who often say “It’s my fault.” when something bad happens tend to be highly self-critical, perfectionistic and more easier to be troubled by anxiety and depression.

While it is important to recognize lack of reason to blame oneself, many teens over-rely on “It’s not my fault.” When trying to get them to take responsibility, parents usually attempt to convince their teens that something is their fault. The approach tends to be ineffective and turn into a power struggle. No one wins. A more effective approach can be to stress significant drawbacks to consistently focusing on removing our responsibility with this phrase.

Overuse of the phrase can result in feelings of lack of ability to control their own lives. This sense has been shown to cause low motivation. Besides creating feelings of lack of ability, overuse of “It’s not my fault.” focuses a teen’s attention on what is done as opposed to what needs to be done.

People may not have caused all their problems but they have to solve them anyway. The example I frequently share with teens is the question of what one will do if he is pushed into a deep lake. One can certainly stay in water, yelling, “It’s not my fault.” However, that won’t get him out of water. He needs to swim to the shore, regardless of the fault.

If you take a proper approach to communicating with your teens, you can help them avoid over-reliance on “It’s not my fault.”

1What phenomenon is described in Paragraph 1?

A.The teenagers’ dislike for school life.

B.The common trouble faced by teenagers.

C.The reasons for blaming others for accidents.

D.The tendency for people not to be responsible for mess in life.

2What type of teens tends to suffer great mental pressure according to the text?

A.Those lacking confidence and ambition.

B.Those allowing others to find excuses.

C.Those unable to get along well with others.

D.Those often blaming themselves for some incidents.

3What’s the author’s attitude to parents’ usual way of guiding children?



4What lesson is conveyed in the example often shared by the author?

A.We should try to avoid troubling others.

B.We should focus on how to solve problems.

C.We should dare to point out others’ mistakes.

D.We should be self-critical as much as possible.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】In those days, our _________ concern was to provide people who were stopped by the snow storm with food and health care.




科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1However,_________________________. Having a private teacher also has its disadvantages. 但是,正如有句諺語所說:每個硬幣都有兩個面。請家庭教師也有其不利之處。

2From my point of view, taking more physical exercises is a good way to solve these problems._____依我的看法,多進(jìn)行體育鍛煉是解決這個問題的一個好辦法。正如有句諺語所說:只工作不玩耍,聰明孩子也變傻。

3_____________________________________which means that forming the good habit of revising is very important for us. 有句諺語是這樣說的:溫故而知新。其意是說形成好的復(fù)習(xí)習(xí)慣對我們很重要。

4______________Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Indeed, early rising does good to our life in many ways. 有句諺語是這樣說的:早睡早起使人健康、富裕又聰明。早起床的確在許多方面對我們的生活有好處。

5An apple a day keeps the doctor away,_____________. In fact, apples contain plenty of nourishments which are good to our health. 一日一個蘋果,醫(yī)生遠(yuǎn)離我。這是我們大家都熟悉的一句諺語。事實上,蘋果含有大量對我們身體有益的營養(yǎng)成份。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



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Dear Peter,

I'm glad what you are caring about the development of my hometown. Great changes have been taken place since the 19th National Congress of Communist Party of China. The targeted poverty reduction has reached it's ideal aims. Many poor family have got effective help from the local government and have improved their life greatly. Old houses are replaced by new tall buildings which are surrounding with green trees and colourful flowers. The rivers once heavy polluted are getting clearer and clearer. Much to our delighted, lots of fishes return to the rivers. The blue sky paints itself with colors and the birds joyfully dances with the music of gentle winds.

Please come to visiting my hometown in the near future.


Li Hua

