1. They invited us to visit their company, which____(他 們太友善了).( kind)
2. — It's great that Jane is coming to attend our English evening. 
    — I never doubted _____(她會來). (come)
3. — Dorothy is seldom late for her class. Why is she absent today? 
    — Something____(一定發(fā)生了)her.( happen)
4. That is a very good suggestion. It is worth____(考 慮).( think)
5. Look at the beautiful big house over there, _____ (它屬 于)an old woman.( belong)
6. The problem is____(我們能找到誰)to replace her. ( get)
7. I don't like them and _____(我姐姐也不喜歡).  ( nor)
8. My grandmother was born in 1943,____(當時中日正 交戰(zhàn)). ( when, at)
9. He is the only one of the teachers____(懂法語)in our school.( know)
10. The way____(那位科學(xué)家解決)the problem was different from those the other scientists used
      to employ. ( solve)
1. was very kind of them
2. that she would come
3. must have happened to
4. thinking of/about
5. which belongs to
6. who/whom we can get
7. nor does my elder sister
8. when China and Japan were at war
9. that/who knows French
10. (in which/that) the scientist solved

科目:高中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. — Has Mr Black decided not to take part in the party? 
    — Yes. The reason____(為此他拒絕)the invitation is not clear. (refuse)
2. Turn on the TV, please. The speech of the president____ (正在播放)live now.( broadcast)
3. If _____  (出現(xiàn)任何問題),you can call our emergency hotline free of charge.( go)
4. The old couple  _____ (結(jié)婚)for 40 years and never once they have quarreled with each other.( marry)
5. The West Lake,____(杭州因它而聞名),is a beautiful place.( famous)
6. Finally, I bought the new book,____(我為它花費了) twenty yuan, in the bookstore where a 
    friend of mine is the boss.( spend)
7. In this hospital, Mr Wu____(是一位好醫(yī)生)that everybody loves and respects him.( so)
8. Her bag,___(她把所有的書都放了進去),has not been found.( put)
9. During his stay abroad he made some foreign friends, _____ (其中兩個)are now visiting professors in
    Peking University.( two)
10: _____ (檢查了)the bones under the sand, the experts concluded that they came from the dinosaurs
     about 65 million years ago.( inspect)


科目:高中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. — What's that noise?
    — Oh, I forgot to tell you. Your bike_____(正在修 理).( repair)
2. You needn't have taken a taxi. Why didn't you catch the last bus _____ (按照我告訴你的)?(tell)
3. Little Jane looked pale and her parents were advised that much attention_____(注意)her health.( pay)
4. As Daisy works hard, she _____ (總是受到表揚)by her boss.(praise)
5. I do appreciate_____(給予了)the opportunity to study abroad.( give)
6. The applicant went into the manager's office five minutes ago. She_____(一定正在面試)at this
     very moment. ( interview)
7. They got several chances in the last few minutes but they didn't _____ (得分).(succeed)
8. I wonder_____(正在做些什么)now to help you. ( do)
9. People____(歡呼起來)after the famous doctor completed a 20-hour operation and saved
    the baby's life. ( burst)
10. The small country was____ (遭受攻擊的危險)by her powerful neighbor.( danger)


科目:高中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. — Was Mr Smith alone at home last night? 
    — Yes. His children as well as his wife ______(受邀請) to the party. (invite)
2. When I was at school, I ______ (起床) very early, reading short articles in English Weekly. ( used)
3. Helena's father was so nervous that he looked out of the window almost ______ (每隔_個小時). ( every)
4. As we all know, the 2012 Olympic Games ______ (舉 行) in London, which is an ancient city. ( hold)
5. Usually, my digital camera _____(需要充電) after taking 200 photos. ( charge)
6. Look at the notice. You are not allowed_____ (進入) the gymnasium without permission. ( enter)
7. If you break the rules, you _____ (罰款). ( fine)
8. — What are we visiting next Monday?
    — A modern city that has appeared in______(是個村 莊)ten years ago.( what)
9.The music society_______(他參加的)was only loosely Organized.( join)
10. The box has been moved. Someone_______(一定來過這 里)last night.( be)


科目:高中英語 來源:山西省月考題 題型:翻譯題

1.__________________(有這么多人交流)in English, it will be more and more important to
   have a good knowledge of English . (with )
2. At present, lots of food ,water ,tents and medicines _____________(正被運往)from all over
    China and other parts of the world to the earth-stricken areas . (transport)
3.The village _________________(我成長的)is a very beautiful place in the mountain.(grow)
4.It is well known that the Olympic Games ____________________(每四年舉行一次).(hold).
5.Communication becomes more convenient nowadays . Cellphones ______________(使得這成  
    為可能)for us to talk to anyone from anywhere. (make)
6. Most of us often say ____________(這是多么重要)to take good care of ourselves and our planets,
     but we don't always do as we say . (how )
7. What do you think ______________ (生活會怎樣) in the future?  (like)
8. ______________ (萬一碰到緊急情況), one should stay calm and take immediate action if
    necessary.  (case)
9. It's believed that the harder you work,___________________________________(你就會取得
10.  Look at the trouble I am in! If only I___________________________________(要是聽了你

