【題目】Chances are that you want to develop peak performances in each area of your life. Whether it's relationships, study or career, you want to make your performance best.1Here are four easy tips to help you in your life:l. Imagine the bestImagination is a powerful tool that will help you perform well. You can often think about good and attractive things happening in your daily life._2As you imagine yourself in such a situation, you gain strength and passion to get you inspired2. 3You're bound to face negative thoughts and emotions, but you don't have to allow them to control you. Take some time to see if you primarily have positive or negative thoughts. Then when a negative thought arises, change it into a positive one3. Stay out of your comfort zonesComfort zones keep you safe and will hold back your personal grow that's all right to be in a cozy state at times, but be sure to step out once in a while. 4It's natural to feel anxious to do so. Remember to have courage to rise and push you forward4. Take immediate actionPlenty of people have goals in their mind or even written down, but they don't accomplish them 5You'll soon find out that when you follow these steps one by one, you've achieved your success before you know it

A. Say no to the pessimistic

B. Try something brand new that you've been putting off

C. Such a desire is certainly possible when you grasp some basic skills

D. For example ,often experiencing success from promotions to salary rise

E. Accomplish your task ahead of time

F. Don’t let unfinished tasks wear you out ,but get them done

G. Prepare for the pressure







【解析】本文是一篇說明文 ,介紹了一些能夠幫助你的小貼士,使得你在遇見自己機會的時候達到自己能力的巔峰。

1C分析推斷題。該句前一句you want to make your performance best.你想要表現(xiàn)的最好?梢灾肋@里提到了一個想法,一個目標。C選項意思為:但你學會一些基本的技能的時候,這樣一個想法是很可能的。故選C

2D分析推斷題。根據(jù)該句前一句You can often think about good and attractive things happening in your daily life.你可以經(jīng)常想象一些在你日常生活中的那些好的和吸引人的事情。故選D For example ,often experiencing success from promotions to salary rise例如,經(jīng)常(自己)體驗晉升漲工資的成功。故選D

3A分析推斷題。下面一段大意第一句You're bound to face negative thoughts and emotions, but you don't have to allow them to control you. 你可能不得不面對消極的想法和感情,但是你沒有必要讓他們控制你。故選A

4B分析推斷題。根據(jù)該句前一句 Comfort zones keep you safe and will hold back your personal grow that's all right to be in a cozy state at times, but be sure to step out once in a while.安定的環(huán)境讓你放松并且會阻礙你的個人成長。有時在這么一個舒適的環(huán)境是沒關(guān)系的,但是一定要走出這種環(huán)境。故選B

5F分析推斷題。該段標題是立即采取行動。F .Don’t let unfinished tasks wear you out ,but get them done不要讓未完成的任務(wù)讓你精疲力盡,完成他們。故選F


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



(1)More and more people are realizing the prevention of heart ________is more important than the treatment.

(2)My brother is often absent from work because of ________.

(3)He contracted a ________(malaria) during the war and has recurrent attacks.

(4)The main causes of cancer and other ________are still unknown.

(5)The scientists have been able to cure the ________such as SARS, bird flu, etc.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


l.專業(yè)與課程; 2.老師與同學; 3.學;顒。




I often imagine what my life will be like in my dream University





科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Rush hour traffic is a problem in many big cities around the world. Commuters(道勤者)rush to and from their jobs in cars, buses, subways, trains, and even on bicycles. Large cities in the United States have two rush hoursone in the morning and one in the evening. But in cities in other parts of the world, there are four rush hours. In Athens and Rome, for example, many workers go home for lunch and a nap. After this midday break, they rush back to their jobs and work for a few more hours.

In Tokyo, there's a big rush hour underground. Most of the people in Tokyo take the subways. The trains are very crowded. Subway employees called packers wear white gloves and help pack the commuters into the trains when the doors place. They make sure that all purses, briefcases, clothes, and hands are inside the trains.

In Seoul, many computers prefer to take taxis to get to work. To hail_a_cab,_many people stand at crossroads and raise two fingers. This means they'll pay the cab driver double the usual fare. Some people even raise three fingers! They'll pay THREE times the normal rate.

Streets in Rome are very crowded with automobiles and mopeds(摩托自行車)during rush hours. The city can't make its streets wider, and it can't build new highways, because it doesn't want to disturb many historic sites in the city, such as the Forum and the Colosseum. It took the city fifteen years to construct a new subway system. Construction had to stop every time workers found old artifacts and discovered places of interest to archaeologists(考古學家)

In many big cities, there are special lanes on highways for carpools. These are groups of three or more people who driver to and from work together. They share the costs of gas and parking and take turns driving into the city.

Getting to work and getting home can be difficult in many places around the world. Rush hour traffic seems to be a universal problem.

1Big cities have traffic problems during rush hours because there are________.

Aspecial lanes on highways

Bmany commuters

Cfour rush hours

Dmany cars on the street

2Most of commuters in Tokyo________.

Atake subway trains to work

Bare packers

Ctake taxis to work

Dcarry briefcases to work

3To hail a cab means to________.

Apay double the normal rate

Btry to get a cab

Cprefer to take taxis

Dto stand at crossroads

4Why did it take a long time to build a subway system in Rome?

ABecause the streets were very crowded.

BBecause there are many historic sites.

CBecause the workers discovered many artifacts and places of interest.

DBecause the traffic always stopped the construction.

5Commuters in carpools probably________.

Alive in the city

Btake the subway to work

Csave money on gas and parking fees

Dhave special license plates(牌照)


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







I like riding my bike. Though it is not very new, but it is 【1】______

my best friend. I find very convenient to go anywhere with a 【2】_______

bike. Ride gives me not only exercise but also pleasure. 【3】________

use my bike mostly on summer when the weather is warm 【4】________

and dry. It can very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and 【5】______

rain is pouring down. It can also be very danger. Of course 【6】______

I will be very careful on my bike. In facts, accidents are not 【7】______

the only problem. One day I went to school and come back【8】________

to find his front wheel was missing. It was a long walk to 【9】________

the repairer's shop. Now I have two strong locks. 【10】________


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


attract, stick, acquire, inform, pour, break down, approve of, leave out, sweep up, consist of

1 Cooperation is vital to the success of a football team c_________________ eleven players.

2 My grandpa reads newspapers every day which keep him ________________ of what has happened at home and abroad.

3Before submitting his report, he checked it over and over again so as not to ________________ any key points.

4 It was on the half way that my car ______________, so I had to call Jerry, a repairman, for help.

5With countless letters of complaint _______________ in, the manager of the company decided to look into the case instantly.

6The cleaner ______________ fallen leaves on the floor when suddenly a car drove towards him.

7 To her delight, her parents have ___________________ her going abroad for further study.

8The magician made the rabbit disappear with a wave of his hand, which a_____________ all the children’s attention.

9All possible means tried, he couldn’t get out the fish bone ________________ in his throat.

10My suggestion is that he ________________ the information he needs by surfing the Internet.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Henry Wadworth Longfellow was born on February 27, 1807 in Portland, Maine. His father, Stephen, was a lawyer, so Henry was born to a rich family. Henry began____at age three. By the time he was the smartest boy in the school. He was very____at spelling and airthmetic. ____Henry loved to write and____became very good at it. Henry's father wanted him to become a lawyer but after Henry____from Bowdoin College in Maine at the age of 19 he dreamed of becoming a____. But Henry wanted to travel to Europe to study. He followed that____, but later returned to Bowdoin to become a professor at age 22.

In 1831 Henry____Mary Storer Potter, a former schoolmate. He settled____and started the New England Magazine. He and his wife traveled to Europe, ____he studied Swedish, Danish, Finnish, and the Dutch language and literature.

The next year Henry began____in Harvard. He moved into a room of the famous Craigie House in Cambridge. In the Craigie House, Henry____to write poems and books.

In 1812 Longfellow's poem Evangeline was____. Many people say Evangeline was his best poem. In 1819 he resigned from Harvard to____his time to his writing. Song of Hiavatha, written in 1820, was also very____, as it was one of the first poems to____the Native American Indian culture. When The Courtship of Miles Standish ____out in 1857 it sold 25,000 copies on the first day of publication.

The next few years were____with honors and rewards. He was___to the House of Windsor by Queen Victoria by____of the Prince of Wales. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow died on March 24, 1882.

【1】 A. work B.life C.writing D.school

【2】 A. fine B.good C.well D.interested

【3】 A. But B.So C.Otherwise D.Since

【4】 A. suddenly B.immediately

C.eventually D.luckily

【5】 A. graduated B.left C.escaped D.finished

【6】 A. lawyer B.professor C.tourist D.scientist

【7】 A. route B.promise C.dream D.permission

8 A. met B.engaged C.welcomed D.married

9 A. away B.out C.up D.down

10A. there B.where C.which D.what

11A. teaching B.studying C.founding D.charging

12A. kept B.remained C.continued D.lasted

13A. published B.printed C.writing D.selling

14A. referred B.devote C.preferred D.spent

15A. long B.necessary

C.popular D.satisfied

16A. infect B.a(chǎn)ffect C.inspect D.reflect

17A. took B.put C.brought D.came

18A. presented B.hidden C.filled D.covered

19A. forced B.invited C.taken D.carried

20A. request B.offer C.order D.rule


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Australia’s koalas could be wiped out within 30 years unless urgent action is taken to stop the losing in population, according to researchers. They say development, climate change and bushfires have all combined to reduce the number of wild koalas sharply.

The Australian Koala Foundation said a recent survey showed the population could have dropped by more than half in the past six years. Previous estimates put the number of koalas at more than 100,000, but the latest calculations suggest there could now be as few as 43,000.

The foundation collected field data from 1,800 sites and 80,000 trees to calculate the numbers. In one area in northern Queensland estimated to have 20,000 koalas a decade ago, a team of eight people could not find a single animal in four days of searching.

The foundation said besides problems caused by cutting down forests, hotter and drier conditions because of global warming had reduced the nutritional value of their staple food, eucalyptus leaves, leading to poor nutrition for them.

Koalas, which live in the forests in Australia’s east and south, are very fussy (愛挑剔的) about what types of the leaves they eat.

Foundation chief Deborah Tabart said: “The koalas are missing everywhere we look. It’s really no tree, no me. If you keep cutting down trees you don’t have any koalas.”

She is hoping the new figures will persuade the government’s Threatened Species Steering Committee (TSSC) to list the koala as threatened. But committee chairman Bob Beeton said a decision was not likely recently and the koala’s status as one of the country’s favourite animals would not be a factor. “There’s a number of species which are attractive and people have special feelings towards them. We don’t consider that,” Mr Beeton was reported as saying by the AFP agency.

【1】The writer gives the example of the area in northern Queensland in Paragraph 3 to show that _____.

A. the forests are being damaged heavily

B. the environment is being polluted seriously

C. koalas usually live in wild mountainous areas

D. the number of koalas is dropping quickly

【2】Global warming is an important cause of koalas’ reduction because _____.

A. koalas can hardly stand the hot weather

B. the leaves koalas eat are losing nutritional value

C. koalas cannot get enough water to drink

D. the leaves koalas eat cannot grow in hot weather

【3】According to Bob Beeton, _____.

A. koalas are his favourite animals

B. a decision will be made to protect koalas

C. they needn’t pay special attention to koalas

D. koalas needn’t be protected at all

