
The Nobel Prizes

The prizes are awarded by the Nobel Foundation(基金會)for outstanding achievements or contributions in these areas: chemistry, physics, medicine or physiology, literature and peace. Each prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a diploma(證書)saying that he has been awarded the prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money. Often a prize is awarded to just one person, but not always. Sometimes a prize is shared, maybe by two or more people who have worked together to reach a goal. Since the Nobel Prizes are international prizes, scientists, inventors, writers, and diplomats(外交官)from all countries may receive a prize. Sometimes, two people from countries with different political views may even share a prize. An example of this is the 1973 Peace Prize, which was awarded to Henry Kissinger of the United States and to Le Due Tho of North Vietnam for the Vietnam(越南)peace negotiations(談判).It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given. If there is no outstanding achievement in one of these areas, no prize is given in that area. In 1972, for example, no Nobel Peace Prize was given. Someone must decide whether or not to give an award. The process of nominating(提名,推薦)and choosing Nobel Prize winners has two parts. First, nominations, or recommendations of people who might deserve(應(yīng)得)a Nobel Prize, are made. The nominations in physics and chemistry are made by the Royal Academy(研究員,學(xué)會)of Science in Stockholm. The nominations in medicine or physiology are made by the Caroline Medical Institute, which is also in Stockholm. The Swedish Academy, along with the French and Spanish Academies, makes nominations in literature. The peace prize nominations are made by a committee of the Norwegian government. Many nominations are made in each area. Nominations from these groups begin the process of choosing the Nobel Prize winners.

The second part of the process of choosing Nobel Prize winners is to decide which of the nominees deserves the award in each area. This decision is made by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. The Foundation may decide not to give a prize at all in any area.

1.A Nobel Prize is given in the form of _____________.

A. a large quantity of money             B.a diploma

C.a gold medal                      D.all of the above

2.The 1973 Peace Prize was awarded to _____________.

A.Henry Kissinger                   B.Le Duo Tho

C.two persons from one country          D.two individuals from different countries

3.Sometimes a prize is not given because there is _____________.

A.no remarkable achievement in that area

B.no suitable nomination

C.disagreement among committee members


4.The decision of literature prize winner is made by_____________.

A.the Swedish Academy and the French and Spanish Academies

B.the Nobel Foundation

C.a committee for the Norwegian government

D.the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm

5.We can infer from this passage that_____________.

A.the Nobel Prize is given in six areas

B.the Nobel prizewinners are very carefully chosen

C.sometimes the Nobel Prize is not given

D.the Nobel Prize is international




2、該題為細節(jié)判斷題。文章第二段“An example of this is the 1973 Peace Prize, which was awarded to Henry Kissinger of the United States and to Le Due Tho of North Vietnam for the Vietnam(越南)peace negotiations.”一句中含有對該問題的回答。

3、該題為細節(jié)判斷題。文章第二段“It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given. If there is no outstanding achievement in one of these areas, no prize is given in that area.”一句有具體說明。

4、參考文章第三段中“The Swedish Academy, along with the French and Spanish Academies, makes nominations in literature.”一句。





科目:高中英語 來源:英語教研室 題型:050



    It will come as no surprise that the earth is going to be a much more crowded place in the next century. From global population of about 5.4 billion today, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities says we'll see a rise to 8.2 billion people in 2025. The U. N. expects total population to stabilize (穩(wěn)定) at 11.6 billion sometime later in the 2000s. More than ninety percent of the population growth will occur in developing countries. Eighteen of the world's twenty largest cities will be in these lands as the number of urban dwellers (居民) swells (膨脹) from roughly two billion to 5.1 billion. The United States and Europe, which accounted for twenty-two percent of the world's population, will be home to less than nine percent of its people in 2025. By contrast (對照), Africa's share of the total will climb from nine percent in 1950 to nearly twenty percent by 2015. Ethiopia should double in size to almost 100 million people. In about the same time period, India will overtake China as the world's most-populous country.

   For the United States, the big news won't be an abundance (豐富,充裕) of new faces; experts predict (預(yù)言) the country will grow from its present 250 million population and stabilize at about 350 million sometime before the middle of the next century. The important changes will be in American ethnic (種族的) make-up. Twenty years from now, the United States' white, non-Hispanic (西班牙的) majority will peak (到達最高點) at 195 million, and then may decline in numbers. Asian-Americans will become an increasingly important minority, while African-Americans whose population growth rate is slowing dramatically will become the second largest minority behind Hispanics, a half-million of whom are now thought to be emigrating to the United States legally and otherwise, each year.

1.This article is primarily about ________

A. population growth in developing countries

B. population growth in developed countries

C. the reason why the world's population is changing

D. how the population is changing in different parts of the world

2. Which statement can be inferred from the first paragraph of this article?

A. China is the most populous country in the world today.

B. India is the most populous country in the world today.

C. Ethiopia will be the most populous country in the future.

D. In the future, China's population will grow faster than India's.

3. According to the article, how is the population of the United States going to change?

A. African-Americans will become the largest minority.

B. There will be more people from different ethnic background.

C. The number of white non-Hispanics will increase rapidly.

D. Asian-Americans will become the second largest minority.

4. The underlined word "overtake" in the second paragraph means_______

A. take the place of         B. pass by

C. catch up              D. take

5. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The population of the American whites will peak all the time.

B. The population of the American whites will decline all the time.

C. The population of the American whites will peak and then decline.

D. The population of the American whites will decline and then peak.



科目:高中英語 來源:英語教研室 題型:050


The Pentagon


    美國號稱世界頭號軍事大國,其武力干涉幾乎滲透到全球,有人開玩笑說:只要五角大樓打個噴嚏,整個地球都會震動。五角大樓是什么? 讓我們揭開它神秘的面紗,好好地認識一下這座建筑的運作職能吧。

    The Pentagon,or the headquarters of the US Department of Defense,is one of the largest office buildings in the world,taking up a total land of 583 acresThe five-sided structure itself occupies an area of 29 acresEach of its five outside wails is 921 feet longIt has three times the floor space as the Empire State Building or half again as much space as either of the New York's World Trade Center towers

    Working inside this huge building are over 25 000 employees,one half of them being civilians and the other half members of the US armed forcesDuring the last year of the Second World War there were 37 000 people,both military and civilian,working inside the PentagonIn the Korean and Vietnam War periods31 000The employees are scattered among hundreds of offices that occupy a floor space of 3705793 square feet

While inside the building they tell time by 4 200 clocks,drink from 685 water fountains,utilize 280 rest roomsconsume 30 000 cups of coffee,6 000 tins of milk and 5 000 bottles of soft drinks of various kinds every day,with a total staff of 600 persons preparing and serving food and drinks to the Pentagon employees,daily


    Pentagon n.五邊形;五角大樓    civilian n.平民

    military n.軍人          scatter v.分散

    utilize v.利用;應(yīng)用       consume v期待的

complacent  adj. 自滿的        idly  adv. 無效地;懶洋洋地

stout  n. 烈性黑啤酒          gratuity  n. 小費

egalitarian   n.。 adj. 平等;平均主義(的)

Which statement is true?

A. The British bar staffs dislike people who make up their minds immediately.

B. They like people who can wait in line.

C. They hope people who want to have another drink ring the bell hanging behind the counter.

D. If you offer them a drink to express your tips, they will feel happy.


Roman";mso-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"'>.消耗

    Comprehension question

The building is called “the Pentagon ”because________

Ait is the largest building in the world

Bit lies in the USA

Cit has five sides

  Dit is a secret place



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:051


The Pentagon


    美國號稱世界頭號軍事大國,其武力干涉幾乎滲透到全球,有人開玩笑說:只要五角大樓打個噴嚏,整個地球都會震動。五角大樓是什么? 讓我們揭開它神秘的面紗,好好地認識一下這座建筑的運作職能吧。

    The Pentagonor the headquarters of the US Department of Defense,is one of the largest office buildings in the worldtaking up a total land of 583 acresThe five-sided structure itself occupies an area of 29 acresEach of its five outside wails is 921 feet longIt has three times the floor space as the Empire State Building or half again as much space as either of the New York's World Trade Center towers

    Working inside this huge building are over 25 000 employees,one half of them being civilians and the other half members of the US armed forcesDuring the last year of the Second World War there were 37 000 peopleboth military and civilian,working inside the PentagonIn the Korean and Vietnam War periods,31 000The employees are scattered among hundreds of offices that occupy a floor space of 3705793 square feet

While inside the building they tell time by 4 200 clocks,drink from 685 water fountains,utilize 280 rest rooms,consume 30 000 cups of coffee,6 000 tins of milk and 5 000 bottles of soft drinks of various kinds every day,with a total staff of 600 persons preparing and serving food and drinks to the Pentagon employees,daily


    Pentagon n.五邊形;五角大樓    civilian n.平民

    military n.軍人          scatter v.分散

    utilize v.利用;應(yīng)用       consume v.消耗

    Comprehension question

The building is called “the Pentagon ”because________

Ait is the largest building in the world

Bit lies in the USA

Cit has five sides

  Dit is a secret place



科目:高中英語 來源:英語教研室 題型:050


The Sleeping City


    由地下巖漿噴出地面而堆積的山叫火山。經(jīng)常噴發(fā)的叫做活火山;噴發(fā)后不再噴發(fā)的叫死火山。2 000多年以前,意大利Pompeii市附近一座沉睡了幾百年的火山突然噴發(fā),整座城市籠罩在恐怖之中。要知 Pompeii市的命運如何,請看下文。

    Every year thousands of tourists visit PompeiiItalyThey see the sights that Pompeii is famous for such as its stadium and theatres,its shops and restaurantsThe tourists do not,however,see Pompeii’s peopleThey do not see them because Pompeii has no peopleNo one has lived in Pompeii for almost 2 000 years

    Once,Pompeii was a busy city of 22 000 peopleIt lay at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, a grass-covered volcanoMount Vesuvius had not erupted for centuries,so the people of Pompeii felt safeBut they were not

    In August of AD 79,Mount Vesuvius eruptedThe entire top of the mountain exploded,and a huge black cloud rose into the airSoon stones and hot ash began to fall on PompeiiWhen the eruption ended two days later, Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of stones and ashesAlmost all of its people were dead

    For centuries, Pompeii lay buried under stones and ashes. Then, in the year 1861, an Italian scientist named Ginseppe began to uncover PompeiiSlowly,carefully,Ginseppe and his men dugThe city looked almost the same as it had looked in AD79There were streets and fountains,houses and shopsThere was a stadium with 20 000 seatsPerhaps the most important of all,there were everyday objects,which tell us a great deal about the people who 1ived in PompeiiMany glasses and jars had some dark blue color in the bottomso we know that the people of Pompeii liked wineThey liked bread too,metal bread pans were in every bakeryIn one bakery there were 81 roundflat loaves of bread-a type of bread that is still sold in Italy todayTiny boxes filled with dark,shiny powder tell us that women liked to wear eye-makeup

Ginseppe has died,but his work continuesOne-fourth has not been uncovered yetScientists are still digging,still making discoveries that draw the tourists to Pompeii.


    volcano n. 火山  erupt n.噴發(fā)  fountain  n.泉水

1A 1arge amount of people come to Pompeii ________。

   Ato see its famous stadium and theatres

   Bto see what it used to be

 Cto see its people

   Dto enjoy its delicious food

2Pompeii was ________about 2 000 years ago

    Aall empty city           Ba prosperous city

    Can o1d city           Da poor

3The Pompeians who lived about 2 000 years ago ________

    A1ived more or less the same as Italians now do

    B1ived quite differently from those who live in Italy

    Cfelt worried about the grass-covered volcano

Dknew nothing about the volcano



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:051


The Sleeping City


    由地下巖漿噴出地面而堆積的山叫火山。經(jīng)常噴發(fā)的叫做活火山;噴發(fā)后不再噴發(fā)的叫死火山。2 000多年以前,意大利Pompeii市附近一座沉睡了幾百年的火山突然噴發(fā),整座城市籠罩在恐怖之中。要知 Pompeii市的命運如何,請看下文。

    Every year thousands of tourists visit PompeiiItalyThey see the sights that Pompeii is famous for such as its stadium and theatres,its shops and restaurantsThe tourists do not,howeversee Pompeii’s peopleThey do not see them because Pompeii has no peopleNo one has lived in Pompeii for almost 2 000 years

    OncePompeii was a busy city of 22 000 peopleIt lay at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, a grass-covered volcanoMount Vesuvius had not erupted for centuries,so the people of Pompeii felt safeBut they were not

    In August of AD 79Mount Vesuvius eruptedThe entire top of the mountain explodedand a huge black cloud rose into the airSoon stones and hot ash began to fall on PompeiiWhen the eruption ended two days later, Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of stones and ashesAlmost all of its people were dead

    For centuries, Pompeii lay buried under stones and ashes. Then, in the year 1861, an Italian scientist named Ginseppe began to uncover PompeiiSlowly,carefully,Ginseppe and his men dugThe city looked almost the same as it had looked in AD79There were streets and fountains,houses and shopsThere was a stadium with 20 000 seatsPerhaps the most important of all,there were everyday objects,which tell us a great deal about the people who 1ived in PompeiiMany glasses and jars had some dark blue color in the bottom,so we know that the people of Pompeii liked wineThey liked bread too,metal bread pans were in every bakeryIn one bakery there were 81 round,flat loaves of bread-a type of bread that is still sold in Italy todayTiny boxes filled with dark,shiny powder tell us that women liked to wear eye-makeup

Ginseppe has diedbut his work continuesOne-fourth has not been uncovered yetScientists are still digging,still making discoveries that draw the tourists to Pompeii.


    volcano n. 火山  erupt n.噴發(fā)  fountain  n.泉水

1A 1arge amount of people come to Pompeii ________。

   Ato see its famous stadium and theatres

   Bto see what it used to be

 Cto see its people

   Dto enjoy its delicious food

2Pompeii was ________about 2 000 years ago

    Aall empty city           Ba prosperous city

    Can o1d city           Da poor

3The Pompeians who lived about 2 000 years ago ________

    A1ived more or less the same as Italians now do

    B1ived quite differently from those who live in Italy

    Cfelt worried about the grass-covered volcano

Dknew nothing about the volcano


