精英家教網 > 高中英語 > 題目詳情

①時間:6月6日 上午9:00; 地點:學校音樂廳;
Dear Jeff,

Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

【答案】Dear Jeff,

I am Li Hua, chairman of the Students’ Union, writing to invite you to attend our graduation ceremony.

The ceremony is to be held in the school Music Hall at 9:00 am, on June 6th. It will start with the School Anthem(校歌), which is followed by various performances raging from dances to martial arts. Moreover, videos made by students themselves will bring the vivid recollections of past school life into visual reality. Should our graduation ceremony ended up with your speech, it would do us a great honor.

Please reply at your earliest convenience.


Li Hua



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1The school has been built for two years. The school is designed for the disabled children.

The school,________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________,is intended for the disabled children.

2I am laughed at in the public. I don’t like it.

I don’t like________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

3He had not been promoted. Tony was angry.

Tony was angry at________ ________ ________to a higher position.

4We all like the superstar. He is being interviewed.

We all like the superstar________ ________.

5The squirrel was lucky. It was not caught.

The squirrel was so lucky that it just missed________ ________.

6The question has now been solved. It has been discussed for thousands of years.

The question,________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________,has now been solved.

7The story has been read many times.The story seems much easier.

________ ________ ________ ________ ________, the story seems much easier.

8Because he had been asked to stay,he couldn’t very well leave.

________ ________ ________to stay,he couldn’t very well leave.

9Many children in the countryside can’t go to school because they are very poor.

________ ________ ________,many children in the country can’t go to school.

10Do you know what the building which is being built is used for?

Do you know what the building________ ________is used for?


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】I am sorry that I haven’t written this letter before now. It has taken me three years to gather the courage. I have started it so many times in my head, but was afraid that you would think it disrespectful of me to write to you. It does seem strange writing to someone I have never met, but part of me feels that I know you very, very well.

We read your file one morning in September. We knew the contents would be difficult. Later that afternoon, we received the call from our social worker to tell us that you had passed away. Suddenly, we knew what we had to do.

There was never any doubt. All I remember was an a desire to protect this little boy, to give him the love and care he deserved. And really that was that; as far as we were concerned, David was now our son. There were further meetings, questions, paperwork, decisions, arrangements and preparations. Then, two months later, we met him for the first time. I hope the fact that I call him “our son” does not offend you. Sarah, you will always be his birth mother. But I make no apology in referring to him as our son.

For the past three years, we have loved and cared for David. We have dealt with his anger, his confusion and his anxieties. David was taken away from you soon after his second birthday. I cannot imagine the pain that must have caused you. We know that you really wanted to be a good mother to David, but you could not cope when his father left.

It is tragic that your life ended so early. I don’t know how I will explain all these things to David as he grows up, or how he will explain his story and what happened to him during his early years. I hope that it does not cast a shadow over his life as his understanding deepens. I hope you can find comfort in the fact that, from all this pain, Sarah, you have given us the most wonderful gift – an amazing little boy who is completely fearless.

It is so unfair that you did not receive the love and the warmth in your childhood that David now takes for granted. And although you never chose to hand your beautiful baby over, I can only feel gratitude towards you for this wonderful little boy who has made our lives complete.

1What is the best title for the text?

A. A strong woman’s miserable experience B. A letter to the mother of my adopted son

C. A loving and caring mother's advice D. A heartbroken mother’s diary

2How old is David when this text is written?

A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.

3What's the author's purpose of writing this text?

A. To express her gratitude. B. To send her best wishes.

C. To make an apology. D. To express a complaint.

4What can be inferred about Sara from the text?

A. Sara died of cancer. B. Sara divorced with her husband.

C. Sara and I knew each other very well. D. Sara fell into trouble as a single mum.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】—To be a promising student is not an easy job. It takes time.

—I can't agree more. ____________. There is no short cut.

A. All roads lead to Rome B. Slow but sure wins the race

C. Practice makes perfect D. Rome is not built in a day


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

On many campuses, it has become a trend for a host of students to participate in various (activity). Involved in some positive ones, students find them quite (benefit) and rewarding.
A case in point is the English club the activity of learning benefits me most. In contemporary world, English learning has gained great popularity and it is great importance for students to learn English well. However, I (meet) a variety of difficulties in study so far. For instance, I have trouble (memorize) words. Sometimes, it is also difficult for me to understand the rules of grammar. Although I can read and write, I cannot express myself freely in English.
Then, how to get a good command of his language for me? I(convince) that practice makes perfect and that joining the English club is worthwhile. In the English club, daily practice enables me (speak) and write fluently. It is also through constant practice I can master the rules of grammar and remember words. I will bear in mind that I try my best to practice every day, the future of my English learning will be promising.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



When was the last time you read a book or a magazine article? Do your everyday reading habits centre around updates on the Internet? In case you are one of countless individuals who don't make a habit of reading you may be passing up a great chance: Reading has a number of advantages and only a couple of advantages of reading are recorded below.

Everything you read fills your head with new bits of information and you never know when it might be useful to you. The more knowledge you have, the better-equipped you are to overcome any challenge you'll ever face. Besides, here's a bit of food for thought:Should you ever find yourself in a terrible situation, remember that although you might lose everything else — your job, your possessions, your money, even your health — knowledge can never be taken from you.

At the same time, the more you read, the more words you gain, and they'll surely make their way into your everyday vocabulary. Being able to express your ideas clearly in words is of great help and knowing that you can speak to higher-ranking people with self-confidence can be a great encouragement to your self-esteem(自尊). Reading books is also important for learning new languages, as non-native speakers gain exposure to words used in context, which will improve their own speaking and writing fluency.

When you read a book, you have to remember a lot of characters, their backgrounds, ambitions, history as well as the various plots(各種各樣的情節(jié)) through every story. That's a fair bit to remember, but brains are wonderful things and can remember these things with ease. Amazingly enough, whenever you remember something new, new synapses(神經元的突觸) are formed and existing ones are strengthened. How cool that is!

No matter how much stress you have at work, in your personal relationships, or countless other issues faced in daily life, it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story. A well-written novel can transport you to other fields while an interesting article will distract(使分心) you and keep you in the present moment, letting stress away and allowing you to relax.

You Should Read Every Day




The more you read, the more adequately it 1you for different troubles in life.

Knowledge is what will stay with you 2.


You can enlarge your vocabulary by reading, which may help you in your job and make you 4 when you talk with your leaders.

Words in context will help a foreign language learner use the language




You will try to 7 in mind the contents of a book while reading and that is somewhat 8 for your brain.

The more you try to remember, the9you will be at remembering.

Stress reduction

An interesting writing will transfer your attention to its plot so that you feel 10 and forget about your worries.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Why was the man disappointed?

A. China lost the match.

B. China did not play well.

C. The other team made too many mistakes.

2What did the woman enjoy most about the match?

A. The passion of the sport.

B. The skill of the players.

C. The close score of the game.

3What did the man say about China’s women’s team in the next Olympics?

A. China will surely win a gold medal.

B. China will definitely lose to good teams.

C. China should hope for a bronze medal.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Climate change has caused a rise in sea levels. This has increased the amount of salt in fresh water1(use) on coastal farms. As2 result, farmers are 3(gradual) unable to use fields close to the sea.

However, Marc Van Rijsselberg, a farmer in the Netherlands is now using a4(mix) of sea and fresh water 5(grow) healthy and tasty vegetables.

He teamed up with scientists from the Free University and divided a farm 6eight negated areas. Separate pipes pumped fresh and sea water, and a computer program created water with eight levels of salinity(含鹽度).

The water levels and the levels of salinity were controlled by computerized measuring devices called "sensors". Mr. Van Rijsselberg said he was able to harvest vegetables from most of the eight testing areas. He said the vegetables were smaller than 7grown in fresh water. But he said they also had more sugar and salt, so they tasted much8(good).

He found that potatoes grew better than the other vegetables in the combination of sea and fresh water. Mr. Van Rijsselberg said four kinds of these potatoes would be sent to Pakistan9thousands of hectares of land 10(damage) by salinization (鹽化作用) last year.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】任務型閱讀How to escape from a car in water
“If you get on your phone and call your parents or your sister, or 911,you will die, " says Robert May, a 21-year-old veteran (老兵)of the Indiana State. No one else will arrive in time: you have to save yourself.
Move quickly. Minivans (微型貨車) might float for as long as 10 minutes. In a study from the University of Manitoba, three passengers were able to exist with a child mannequin (人體模型) through a single driver-side window in justS3segonds.
Unbuckle (揭開) your seatbelt, lower your window and climb out, ideally onto the roof of the vehicle. Unfasten them from the backseat, pull them into the front and push them out of your window, oldest ones first. In May's experience, electric car windows will continue to work after falling into water..
Don't open the door, water will flood in. Once full of water, the vehicle will sink fast. Vehicle submersions (淹沒) have one of the highest death rates of any type of single-motor-vehicle incidents, responsible for 400 deaths a year in North America.
After you get on top of your car, figure out if it makes sense to stay put or swim for dry ground.Just get out first, May says.
A. From there, call for help.
B. You will be then totally out of danger.
C. Research has been done to confirm this.
D. If there are children present, attend to them first.
E. In one study, a 65-passanger bus sank in nine seconds.
F. Still, keep a small grass-breaking tool on your key ring, just in Case.
G. However, the chances of survival are highest if you get out in the first 60 seconds.

