


1.What’s the man’s opinion about the woman’s dress?

A.He thinks it pretty.

B.He thinks it bad.

C.He thinks it kidding.

2.What’s the man’s job?

A.A traveler.

B.A teacher.

C.A news reporter.

3.What’s the girl wearing?

A.A blue dress.

B.A red dress.

C.A yellow dress.

4.What are the man and the woman going to do?

A.Work in the library.

B.Spend some time outdoors.

C.Visit a museum.

5.Where did the man see the film?

A.In a cinema.

B.On TV.

C.In a shop.




6.According to the regular time schedule, when should the bus come to this bus stop?

A.Twenty minutes earlier from now.

B.Twenty minutes late.

C.At twenty past nine.

7.What’s the girl’s name?




8.What does the boy want to be when he leaves the university?

A.An engineer.

B.A professor.

C.A lawyer.


9.What were the man and the woman going to do tonight?

A.They were going to see an exhibition.

B.They were going to attend a lecture.

C.They were going to a concert together.

10.What does the man have to do tonight?

A.To have dinner with a friend.

B.To teach the students.

C.To accompany some guests.

11.What does the woman think of the result?





12.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.They are close friends.

B.They are customer and mechanic.

C.They are customer and saleswoman.

13.What happened when the man was driving?

A.The car suddenly stopped.

B.The car ran down the hill.

C.The car suddenly caught fire.

14.What’s probably wrong with the car?

A.Something’s wrong with the battery.

B.It runs out of petrol.

C.Something’s wrong with the distributor.


15.What are the two speakers doing?

A.They’re talking about each other’s family.

B.One is asking about the other’s family background.

C.One is interviewing the other.

16.Why didn’t Mr.Stone continue his study after he finished his school?

A.A friend of his father’s offered him a job.

B.He had to work to support his family.

C.His father didn’t like him to study art.

17.What was Mr.Stone’s place in the family?

A.He was the bread earner in the family.

B.He was the oldest son in the family.

C.He was his father’s favourite son.


18.Why did Dr.Turner decide to leave his present job?

A.Because he had never been trusted.

B.Because he believed it offered little hope for his future.

C.Because he thought the hospital would like him to leave.

19.What did the two doctors spend most of the afternoon talking about?

A.Things of no interest to Dr.Turner.

B.Health matters.

C.Food and drink.

20.What did the story suggest?

A.The two doctors would become friends.

B.The two doctors would not work together.

C.Dr.Turner decided to take the job.


  第一節(jié) 聽下面5段對話.每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項.聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題.每段對話僅讀一遍.


  W:Do you like my new dress?

  M:You look really pretty in it.


  W:What do you do for a living?

  M:I am a journalist.


  M:Who is that girl over there?

  W:Which one?

  M:The one in yellow.


  M:It’s too beautiful a day to waste indoors.

  W:You’re right.Let’s make the most of it.


  M:Did you see the movie on Channel 8 last night?It was really wonderful.

  W:No, I missed it.I went shopping with my aunt.

  第二節(jié) 聽下面5段對話或獨白.每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項.聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘.聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間.每段對話或獨白讀兩遍.


  M:The bus is twenty minutes late.

  W:Buses always seem to be late.

  M:I know what you mean.By the way, my name is Tom.

  W:I’m Mary.Are you studying at the university?

  M:Yeah.I’m studying to be a lawyer.

  聽第7段對話, 回答第9-11題.

  M:I’m really sorry, but I can’t make it tonight.

  W:Oh.I was looking forward to seeing the exhibition with you.

  M:I was too, but I have to teach a class tonight.

  W:I understand.

  M:Maybe we can make it next week?

  W:I’d like that.


  W:Right, sir.What’s the problem?

  M:Well, my car’s just stopped.I was driving along and the engine cut out and it just stopped, and I can’t start it again.

  W:Er, what do you mean it stopped?Have you run out of petrol?

  M:No, That’s not possible.I filled up last night and I haven’t drive very far.

  W:Right, is the battery working?

  M:Well, I mean I don’t think so.The lights are working and the radio’s on and I’ve looked at it and it looks OK, I think.

  W:Hmm.Has it been raining?

  M:Yes, it’s pouring down.

  W:Well, it could be the distributor.Have you had a look at that?

  M:Oh gosh, no.I’m not sure where that is.I never touch things like that.Is it serious?

  W:No, not really, but don’t worry, we’ll come out and have a look.


  W:First of all, I’d like you to tell me a bit about what you’ve been doing.

  M:Well, I left school after I’d done my A-levels.

  W:What subjects did you take?

  M:French, German and art.


  M:Well, I really want to study art.But a friend of my father’s offered me a job-h(huán)e’s an accountant in the city.

  W:I see.In your application, you say that you only spent nine months with this firm of accountants.Why was that?

  M:Well, to be quite honest, I didn’t like it-so I got a place at the Art College a year ago.

  W:Did your father mind?

  M:Well, he was rather disappointed at first.He’s an accountant too, you see.

  W:Have you any brothers or sisters?

  M:Two brothers, both at school.One’s twelve, and the other’s fifteen.

  W:Right!What do you do in your spare time?

  M:I like jazz and folk music; I go to theater occasionally and act a bit myself.I read quite a lot, and I’ve done a bit of photography.Also, I’ve traveled.

  W:Very interesting, Mr.Stone.I think That’s all I want to ask about your background.


  Nothing was going right for Dr.Turner at the hospital.He made mistakes while operating on a patient.He felt sure he was no longer trusted and decided to change his job.One day he learned from the paper that a doctor was looking for a partner.The doctor, whose name was Johnson, lived in Thorby, a small town in the north of England.A few days later Dr.Turner went to Thorby, and arrived at Dr.Johnson’s home early in the afternoon.Though old and a little deaf, Dr.Johnson still had a good brain.He kept talking to the visitor about the town and its people.When they turned to have dinner with him in a restaurant before catching the train back to London, Dr.Turner noticed that Dr.Johnson was fond of good food and expensive wines.They had an excellent meal.When the bill was brought, Dr.Johnson felt in his pocket.“Oh, dear, ”he said, “I’ve forgotten my money.”“That’s all right, ”Dr.Turner said.“I’ll pay the bill.”As he did so, he began to wonder whether Dr.Johnson was worthy of trust.


科目:高中英語 來源:設(shè)計必修1英語(人教版) 人教版 題型:001




1.Why can’t the woman take a walk?

A.She doesn’t like it.

B.She has just come back from a walk.

C.She has to prepare the meal.

2.What will the woman do?

A.Help him take notes.

B.Lend him some paper and a pen.

C.Buy some paper and pens.

3.What day is it today?




4.How did the man like the movie?

A.It was interesting.

B.It was bad.

C.It lasted too long a time.

5.Where are they?

A.On a bus.

B.In the Grand Exhibition Hall.

C.In a shop.




6.Where are they talking?

A.At home.

B.Outside the classroom.

C.It doesn’t tell.

7.What do you know about the pictures?

A.The man is interested in taking pictures.

B.Kate is good at taking pictures.

C.The pictures were taken in China.

8.What else do you know about Kate?

A.She doesn’t know Chinese.

B.She has got some Chinese friends.

C.She teaches the man a little Chinese.


9.Which bus does the woman take?

A.The bus to the station.

B.The No.13 bus.

C.The No.30 bus.

10.Why does the man also get on the same bus?

A.Because he is going to the post office.

B.Because he is going the same way.

C.Because he is going to the station.

11.How far is it from the bus stop to the railway station?

A.A few minutes walk.

B.Ten minutes drive.

C.Not told.

聽第8段對話, 回答第12-14題.

12.What’s Bob going to do tomorrow afternoon?

A.To go back home.

B.To try some seafood.

C.To go to the Science Museum.

13.What does Bob think of the Zoo?

A.He likes it very much.

B.He thinks very little of it.

C.He doesn’t think much of it.

14.Why does Joan suggest that Bob take a bus tour?

A.Because it’s pleasant.

B.Because it’s the best way to get to know about the city.

C.Because it’s cheaper.


15.How does the woman know what he wants?

A.The man often comes to the store.

B.The man told him all about it.

C.The man wrote them all in a list.

16.What did the man forget to bring?

A.A basket.

B.A bag.


17.What’s the woman going to find for the man?

A.A basket.

B.Some eggs.

C.Some plastic bags.


18.Christmas Eve is ________.

A.the night before December 24

B.the night of December 24

C.the night of December 25

19.Father Christmas comes into the house through ________.

A.the window

B.the door

C.the chimney

20.On the morning of Christmas Day, children often wake up their parents very early and say “________”.

A.Good morning!

B.Happy New Year!

C.Merry Christmas!


科目:高中英語 來源:設(shè)計必修1英語(人教版) 人教版 題型:001




1.What are they going to do tonight?

A.Go to see a film.

B.Go to buy some rings.

C.Go to a lecture.

2.How did Joan tell Susan that she would come for a holiday?

A.By telephoning.

B.By writing a letter.

C.By sending an email.

3.When is the training period over?

A.In three months.

B.In two weeks.

C.In two months.

4.How long will they have to wait for the flight?

A.Three hours.

B.Six hours.

C.Four hours.

5.What is the woman busy doing now?

A.She is busy dressing the children.

B.She is busy preparing breakfast for the children.

C.She is busy sending the children to school.




6.Where do you think the dialogue take place?

A.In a shop.

B.At home.

C.In the street.

7.What is the possible relation of the speakers?


B.Teacher and student.

C.Husband and wife.

8.What will they buy for Dick?

A.Some records.

B.A toy suit.

C.A space suit.


9.What is the possible relation of the speakers?


B.Teacher and student.

C.Husband and wife.

10.Why do the English people like to talk about weather with strangers?

A.Because It’s interesting.

B.Because they feel friendly by doing so.

C.Because they want to know the weather condition.

11.What will possibly happen if strangers talk about politics?

A.They will not agree with each other.

B.They will not be safe.

C.They will have to stop their talk soon.


12.What can we learn about the couple?

A.The husband likes to sit in the same chair.

B.The wife does not like to travel.

C.They went on a trip last year.

13.How long does the voyage they talked about last?

A.10 days.

B.10 weeks.

C.21 days.

14.Why doesn’t the wife like the kind of voyage?

A.It may cost a lot of money.

B.She doesn’t like to go to so many places with so much money.

C.She doesn’t think that they will be well served at the hotels.


15.Where do you think the dialogue takes place?

A.In a hospital.

B.At the doctor’s.

C.At home.

16.What can we conclude about the woman and the man?

A.The woman is a nurse.

B.The man caught a cold.

C.The man doesn’t have a cold at all.

17.What did the woman do with the man’s trouble?

A.She told him to go to bed.

B.She took some hot water for him to use.

C.She telephoned the doctor at last.


18.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in learning a foreign language?




19.Which is suggested as a good way to learn a new language?

A.To learn through use.

B.To learn by heart the long lists of words.

C.To study the dictionary.

20.What is mainly discussed in this passage?

A.Good memory is the most important point in learning a language.

B.Grammatical rules are the key to the success of language learning.

C.The general way to learn a foreign language completely.


科目:高中英語 來源:全優(yōu)設(shè)計必修二英語人教版 人教版 題型:001




1.What is the man going to do?

A.He is going to have dinner.

B.He is looking for a hotel.

C.He is trying to find the nearest street.

2.Does the woman agree to the idea of learning Chinese?

A.Yes.She will come to China to learn Chinese.

B.Yes.She is planning to learn Chinese.

C.No.She doesn't think it is a good idea.

3.Can the woman buy a carpet?

A.Yes, but not at a special low price.

B.Yes, at a special low price.

C.No, they are not for sale.

4.Where did the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a railroad station.

B.In an airport

C.In Miami.

5.Where is Mr Black now?

A.He is at the Friendship Hotel.

B.He is in the office.

C.He is at lunch.




6.When will the man go to the Ocean Park?

A.That afternoon.

B.The next morning

C.The next afternoon.

7.Where will all the visitors surely go?

A.The Science Museum.

B.The Ocean Park.



8.What is the possible relationship of the two speakers?


B.Husband and wife.

C.Teacher and student.

9.Why do English people like to talk about weather with strangers?

A.Because it is interesting.

B.Because they feel friendly by doing this.

C.Because they want to know the weather condition.

10.What will happen if strangers talk about politics?

A.They may not agree with each other.

B.They may not be safe.

C.They may have to stop their talk soon.


11.What is the average depth?

A.About 16 meters.

B.About 20 meters.

C.About 10 meters.

12.How long will it take to get to the capital from the Canal?

A.Only three hours.

B.About four hours.

C.Nearly five hours.

13.How far is it from the capital to the Canal?

A.About 15 kilometers.

B.About 115 kilometers.

C.About 150 kilometers.


14.What does the speaker do most probably?

A.He's a teacher.

B.He's a tour guide.

C.He's shop assistant.

15.What does Larp's sell?




16.What does the bookshop sell?

A.Chinese books.

B.English books.

C.English-Chinese dictionaries.

17.Which shop is NOT in the shopping centre?

A.The Larp's.

B.The Li-Ning.

C.The Splend Tea Shop.


18.When will China's railway system be sped up for the sixth time?

A.In 1997.

B.In 2005.

C.In 2004.

19.How fast will trains go when the travelling time from Beijing to Shanghai is less than five hours?

A.At 100 kilometers per hour.

B.At 160 kilometers per hour.

C.At 260 kilometres per hour.

20.How fast will the fastest trains run in 2005?

A.At 160 kilometres per hour.

B.At 1,300 kilometres per hour.

C.At 200 kilometers per hour.


科目:高中英語 來源:設(shè)計必修一英語北師版 北師版 題型:001




1.What time is it now?




2.Which language does Mr Black speak well?




3.Where was the man last night?

A.He was at the theatre.

B.He was at one of his guests’ house.

C.He was at home.

4.Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A.At the seaside.

B.At a hotel.

C.In a restaurant.

5.How much are the three books?







6.Where does this conversation take place?

A.In the office.

B.Near a postbox.

C.In Mary’s.

7.Why didn’t the girl write the name and the address on the envelope?

A.Because she had forgotten the name and the address.

B.Because she forgot to write them.

C.Because she didn’t want her boyfriend to receive the letter.

8.What happened to the girl yesterday?

A.She lost a letter.

B.She quarreled with her boyfriend.

C.She forgot to post a letter.


9.According to the woman, which diet is considered to be healthier?

A.The Chinese diet.

B.The European diet.

C.The American diet.

10.Why do many Chinese people have healthy teeth?

A.Because they eat a lot of apples.

B.Because they never eat sugar.

C.Because they eat less sugar.

11.According to the dialogue, what should we do in order to keep fit?

A.We should have a healthy diet and take plenty of exercise.

B.We should eat four times every day.

C.We should walk for twenty minutes every day.


12.What is the girl likely to be?

A.A singer.

B.An actress.

C.A teacher.

13.Why does the girl want to take up singing?

A.Her parents agree to her idea.

B.She is good at singing.

C.She wants to make people happy.

14.What do the young man’s parents want him to do?

A.To go to an art college.

B.To meet people.

C.To sing songs.


15.What had gone wrong in their house?

A.Their washing machine.

B.The electricity.

C.The lights.

16.Which of the following is true?

A.Mr Smith did nothing for them at all.

B.Mr Smith asked too much money from them for his work.

C.Mr Smith did help them but couldn’t solve the problem completely that day.

17.Why did the man think it would cost him a lot of money?

A.Because he wanted to buy a car.

B.Because he didn’t have a good job.

C.Because their car needed repairing.


18.How are his wife and child when Mr Brown comes back very late?

A.Waiting for him.

B.Staying up.


19.Why couldn’t he get into the room himself one night?

A.He lost his work.

B.He couldn’t find the key.

C.He didn’t find the key.

20.How did he get into the room at last?

A.He pretended to call like a child for the bathroom.

B.He went through the bathroom.

C.He wife was woken up by his shouting.

