Not every telecom innovation is a major development, but it still might end up changing your life.The US’s Forbes magazine recently gave a list of some odd mobile phone innovations.And, here they are:

◎The good pub mobile guide
Service from the publishers of a British bar guide.Users send a text message containing the word “goodpub” to the company.An automated system finds the phone’s location and sends the user back a list of the closest pubs.Costs 50 pence per query.
◎The smell-o-phone
Researchers at Germany’s Siemens are designing a cell phone that will be able to detect bad breath or body odor and alert the user.The handset has a sensor microchip that causes a high-pitched sound when it recognizes objectionable gases.Still in development.
◎Mobile tie
Database of 14 tie knots with step-by-step instructions.Includes such classic knots as the Windsor, Atlantic, and Half-English.Full version is priced at US$2.
◎Pet cell
Cell phone with microphone and speaker worn on pet’s collar allows owners to call it.Optional GPS(global positioning system)chip allows the animal to be tracked if lost.Under development.
◎Furry(covered in fur)phone friends
Furry costumes for your cell phone.Protect your investment from damage while putting a smile on your face.Priced at about US $10.
◎Breast-enlarging ring tone
Downloadable cell phone ring supposedly increases the chest measurements of women who listen to it.Sells on Japanese websites for about 300 yen(US $2.70)a month.(Posted on 2006-11-23 Issue:239)