The winter holiday is coming. My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday. We can chose between staying at home and take a trip. If we stay at home, it is comfortable but there is no need to spend money. But in that case, we will learn little about world. If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden your view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books. Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby. I thought that it is a good idea. It does not cost many, yet we can still learn a lot.



(1)how→what 考查連接詞!疤厥庖蓡栐~+to do”在本句中作為短語talk about的賓語,其中what還要作為動詞do的邏輯賓語。句意:同學(xué)們和我在談?wù)撌罴倨陂g做什么。

(2)chose→choose 考查句中結(jié)構(gòu)。情態(tài)動詞后面跟動詞原形,故把chose改為choose。

(3)take→taking 考查并列結(jié)構(gòu)。本句中動名詞短語staying at home與taking a trip構(gòu)成并列關(guān)系,都作為介詞between的賓語。

(4)but→and 考查連詞。句意:如果我們待在家里,很舒服也沒有必要花錢。上下文之間是并列關(guān)系,而不是轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,所以使用and連接上下文。

(5)about后加the 考查定冠詞。在英語中定冠詞the通常表示特指,本句中the修飾world表示特指這個世界。

(6)your→our 考查代詞。應(yīng)該使用our與本句的主語we保持一致。句意:如果我們出國旅游,我們可以拓寬視野并學(xué)到書本上學(xué)不到的知識。

(7)knowledges→knowledge knowledge為不可數(shù)名詞,故把knowledges改為knowledge。

(8)刪除can或can→should 考查虛擬語氣。suggest表建議的時候,后面的賓語從句要用虛擬語氣should+動詞原形,其中should可以省略。

(9)thought→think 考查時態(tài)。因為全文以一般現(xiàn)在時為主,故用think。

(10)many→much 考查代詞。本句中代詞much代替不可數(shù)名詞much money作為動詞cost的賓語,而many通常代替可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】In a society such as the United states or Canada, which has many national, religious, and cultural differences, people highly value individualism—the differences among people. Teachers place a lot of importance on the qualities that make each student special. The educational systems in these countries show these values. Students do not memorize information. Instead, they work individually and find answers themselves. There is often discussion in the classroom. At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions.

In most Asian societies, by contrast, the people have the same language, history, and culture. Perhaps for this reason, the educational system in much of the Orient reflects society’s belief in group goals and purposed rather than individualism. Children in China, Japan, and Korea often work together and help one another on assignments. In the classroom, the teaching methods are often very formal. The teacher lectures, and the students listen. There is not much discussion. Instead, the students recite rules or information that they have memorized.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these systems of education. For example, one advantage to the system in Japan is that students there learn much more math and science than American students learn by the end of high school. They also study more hours each day and more days each year than North Americans do. The system is difficult, but it prepares students for a society that values discipline and self-control. There is, however, a disadvantage. Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, yet many students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information that they have memorized.

The advantage of the educational system in North American, on the other hand, is that students learn to think for themselves. The system prepares them for a society that values creative ideas. There is , however, a disadvantage. When students graduate from high school, they haven’t memorized as many basic rules and facts as students in other countries have..

Students in the US and 1

Students in China, Japan and Korean

What do they value?


3 goals and purposes

Ways of study

working individually

listen to the teachers

forming their own ideas and opinions

memorizing and 4

a lot of discussion in the classroom

not much discussion


Learning to think for themselves

learning much more math and 6 by the end of high 7

studying more hours each day and more days each year

good for a society that values 8 ideas.

good for a society valuing 9 and self-control


students haven’t memorized many basic rules and facts when before 10

Information is forgotten easily


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1 個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確。
My feelings about science have (complete) changed. The science teachers my new school are excellent and (friend). The science (facility) are very good with laboratories that have all the (late) equipment. Our chemistry teacher takes us to public science lectures about four times term, which are always interesting, because the lecturers are famous at (them) area of science. In the last 20 years, seven Canadian scientists (win) the Nobel Prize. Now I'm becoming more and more interested in is physics and I want to study it at university. But my parents are (astonish), as they always thought I would become an English teacher.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Raised in a fatherless home, my father was extremely tightfisted towards us children. His attitude didn't soften as I grew into adulthood and went to college. I had to ride the bus whenever I came home. Though the bus stopped about two miles from home, Dad never met me, even in severe weather. If I grumbled, he'd say in his loudest father-voice, “That's what your legs are for!” The walk didn't bother me as much as the fear of walking alone along the highway and country roads. I also felt less than valued that my father didn't seem concerned about my safety. But that feeling was canceled one spring evening.
It had been a particularly difficult week at college after long hours in labs. I longed for home. When the bus reached the stop, I stepped off and dragged my suitcase to begin the long journey home.
A row of hedge(樹籬)edged the driveway that climbed the hill to our house. Once I had turned off the highway to start the last lap of my journey, I always had a sense of relief to see the hedge because it meant that I was almost home. On that particular evening, the hedge had just come into view when I saw something gray moving along the top of the hedge, moving toward the house. Upon closer observation, I realized it was the top of my father's head. Then I knew, each time I'd come home, he had stood behind the hedge, watching, until he knew I had arrived safely. I swallowed hard against the tears. He did care, after all.
On later visits, that spot of gray became my watchtower. I could hardly wait until I was close enough to watch for its secret movement above the greenery. Upon reaching home, I would find my father sitting innocently in his chair. “So! My son, it's you!” he'd say, his face lengthening into pretended surprise.
I replied, “Yes, Dad, it's me. I'm home.”
(1)What does the underlined word “grumbled” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Accepted happily.
B.Spoke unhappily.
C.Agreed willingly.
D.Explained clearly.
(2)What made the author feel upset was ______.
A.the feeling of being less than valued
B.the fear of seeing something moving
C.the tiredness after long hours in labs
D.the loneliness of riding the bus home
(3)The author's father watched behind the hedge because ______.
A.he didn't want to meet his son at the doorway
B.he wanted to help his son build up courage
C.he was concerned about his son's safety
D.he didn't think his son was old enough to walk alone
(4)Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.My College Life.
B.My Father's Secret.
C.Terrible Journey Home.
D.Riding Bus Alone.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

It had been a nice and sunny day. I stepped slowly towards the edge of the cliff and looked out. The 1 was wonderful. I could 2 the gentle wind coming from the coast while watching the brilliant sunset.
My dad and I used to enjoy the sunset together on that very 3. We would also watch the waves crash into the 4 below. My mother would always annoy us how 5 it was. I was never worried, 6 I always felt safe next to my father, who spent most of his life out 7 in his boat.
I remember one time on his boat: I had 8 off the back and into the cold water accidentally. My dad immediately jumped off to 9 me. I would never forget that day, and from that point I knew 10 would prevent my dad protecting me if I was in danger.
As I 11 there on top of the cliff, I remembered the times I spent with my dad. I looked down sorrowfully at the urn (骨灰甕) 12. My father was my rock, someone I could 13 when I needed him most. But now he was gone, and I felt sorrowful and 14.
It had always been my father's last 15 to have his ashes scattered out at sea. I 16 the urn, said a 17 farewell (告別) and then slowly twisted off the lid. The wind started to change 18. I looked last time down at my father's ashes and then 19 for a moment, I scattered the contents out over the cliff.
I wiped away a tear, but it was perfect happiness rather than sadness, because I finally knew the man who 20 so much to me, my father, was finally at peace.
(1)A.journey B.condition C.view D.food
(2)A.see B.feel C.hear D.smell
(3)A.spot B.river C.day D.moment
(4)A.wind B.rubbish C.walls D.rocks
(5)A.embarrassing B.interesting C.famous D.dangerous
(6)A.because B.when C.if D.though
(7)A.at peace B.at rest C.at sunset D.at sea
(8)A.jumped B.fallen C.dived D.swam
(9)A.comfort B.protect C.rescue D.follow
(10)A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything
(11)A.stood B.lay C.hanged D.slept
(12)A.under my arm B.in my hands C.on my shoulder D.around my neck
(13)A.care for B.learn from C.depend on D.turn down
(14)A.fearless B.hopeless C.careless D.shameless
(15)A.chance B.behavior C.ambition D.wish
(16)A.looked back on B.looked out for C.looked down at D.looked up to
(17)A.silent B.surprising C.sudden D.strange
(18)A.speed B.distance C.force D.direction
(19)A.screamed B.hesitated C.laughed D.complained
(20)A.helped B.meant C.owed D.did


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

The full moon climbs over the eastern horizon (地平線) and hangs like a huge orange globe in the sky. A few hours later, the moon is overhead but seems to have changed. The huge orange globe has become a small silver disk. What has happened? Why has the orange color disappeared? Why does the moon seem so much smaller and farther away now that it is overhead?
The moon appears orange on the horizon because we view it through the dust of the atmosphere. The overhead moon does not really shrink as it moves away from the horizon. Our eyes inform us that the overhead moon is farther away. But in this position the moon is actually closer to our eyes than when it is near the horizon.
The change in size is a trick our eyes and minds play on us. When the moon is low in the sky, we can compare its size with familiar objects. It is easy to see that the moon is much larger than trees or buildings, for example. When the moon is high in the sky, however, it is hard to compare it with objects on earth. Compared to the vastness of the sky, the moon seems small.
There is another reason why the moon seems to shrink. We are used to staring at objects straight ahead of us. When an object is difficult to see, our eyes have to try to focus on it. When we move our heads back to look up, we will try hard again. Looking at something from an unaccustomed position can fool you into believing an object is smaller or farther away than it is. However, scientists do not yet understand completely why the moon seems to shrink as it rises in the sky.
(1)What makes us puzzled when the moon is high in the sky?
A.It becomes large.
B.It looks different.
C.Its color disappears.
D.Its shape changes.
(2)What really happens when the moon floats farther away from the horizon?
A.It comes nearer.
B.It turns orange.
C.It goes farther.
D.It gets through dust.
(3)What does the author intend to suggest by mentioning trees and buildings in Para. 3?
A.They can affect our judgment.
B.They are low on earth.
C.They can attract our attention.
D.They are large objects.
(4)What can we infer from the text?
A.The size of the moon often changes.
B.The moon is in fact a huge orange globe.
C.The moon is beginning to shrink much.
D.We do not see the moon as it really is.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Tins of cooling ointment (清涼油) have become a currency for Chinese traveling in Egypt.

1(visit)the complex of ancient temples at Karnak, Chinese tourist Mr. Ye lost his way among the stone churches and pillars.

An Egyptian guide gave him directions. To show his 2(appreciate), Mr. Ye handed him a small red tin the size of a large coin. Inside 3(be) a cooling ointment that has the function of refreshing mind and preventing pain. Mr. Ye brought 50 tins with him on his six-day tour to hand out as tips.

"Before I came to Egypt, the tourism agency told me 4(repeat) to bring cooling balm as a gift to make the trip 5(easy)," said Mr. Ye, a 25-year-old 6family sells Chinese medicine online. Egyptians, he said, are very nice to Chinese tourists, 7they love this little gift."

Egyptians sometimes demand the balm by running a thumb across their foreheads. Li Xiaodong, an Egyptologist at China's Northeast Normal University, believes Chinese travelers initially brought cooling balm for 8(person) use because it's very hot in Egypt, then 9(discover) Egyptians liked it.

Some Chinese tourists said giving gifts feels better than handing over money. "If you give essential balm, 10is more like you're giving it to friends," said one Chinese tourist.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team.That meant1Miller King,who was the best2at our school.
Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out.I carried my football everywhere for 3.
Just before September,Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm.I went to see him after he came back from4.He looked very5,but he didn't cry.
That season,I6all of Miller's records while he7the home games from the bench.We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player,8I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller's9.
One afternoon,I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller10when he was going over a fence—which wasn't_11to climb if you had both arms.I'm sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept12form. But even that challenge he accepted.I13him move slowly ever the fence.When we were finally 14on the other side,he said to me,“You know,I didn't tell you this during the season,but you did15.Thank you for filling in for 16
His words freed me from my bad17.I thought to myself,how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated,he was18ahead of me.I was right to have19him.From that day on,I grew20and a little more real.
(1)A.cheering for B.beating out C.relying on D.staying with
(2)A.coach B.student C.teacher D.player
(3)A.practice B.show C.comfort D.pleasure
(4)A.school B.vacation C.hospital D.training
(5)A.pale B.calm C.relaxed D.ashamed
(6)A.held B.broke C.set D.tried
(7)A.reported B.judged C.organized D.watched
(8)A.and B.then C.but D.thus
(9)A.decision B.mistake C.accident D.sacrifice
(10)A.stuck B.hurt C.tired D.lost
(11)A.steady B.hard C.fun D.fit
(12)A.praise B.advice C.assistance D.apology
(13)A.let B.helped C.had D.noticed
(14)A.dropped B.ready C.trapped D.safe
(15)A.fine B.wrong C.quickly D.normally
(16)A.us B.yourself C.me D.them
(17)A.memories B.ideas C.attitudes D.dreams
(18)A.still B.also C.yet D.just
(19)A.challenged B.cued C.invited D.admired
(20)A.healthier B.bigger C.cleverer D.cooler


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Matthew Youlden speaks nine languages fluently and understands more than a dozen more. When I told Matthew how I've been working hard to only pick up a second language, he had the following advice for me.
Know why you are doing it
This might sound easy , but if you don't have a good reason to learn a language, you are less likely to stay interested over the long-run. Wanting to get to know a French person in his or her own language is another matter entirely. No matter what your reason is, once you've decided on a language, it's important to carry out .

Matthew learned several languages together with his twin brother Michael. They learned their first foreign language, Greek, when they were only eight years old! Even if you can't get a sister or brother to join you on your language adventure, having any kind of partner will push both of you to always try just a little bit harder and stay with it.
Have fun with it
Think of some fun ways to practice your new language: make a radio play with a friend, draw a comic strip, write a poem, or simply talk to whomever you can. If you can't find a way to have fun with the new language, chances are you aren't following step four.
Act like a child
We learn by making mistakes. But as adults, mistakes become taboo(禁忌). Think how an adult is more likely to say, “I can't”, rather than, “I haven't learned that yet” (I can't swim, I can't drive, I can't speak Spanish). When it comes to learning a language, admitting that you don't know everything is the key to growth and freedom.
A. Find a partner
B. Leave your comfort place
C. We work in the same office in Berlin.
D. As kids, we are expected to make mistakes.
E. You are learning a language to be able to use it.
F. Using your new language in any way is a creative act.
G. Wanting to impress English-speakers with your French is not a very good reason.

