【題目】 Work days are long enough without having to deal with afternoon laziness. Many times when 2 or 3 pm rolls around, We are yawning and considering taking a short nap to help wake us up. 1There are several tricks that you can do to improve your energy level.

Put on some music. Sometimes all you need is a little motivation to help you feel a little more energized. Put on some of your favorite upbeat music.


If you are able, listen to your music a little loudly. This can help drive away your midday fog. If you are not able, try listening to the music throughout headphones, so you don't bother your co-workers.

Grab an afternoon snack. A small afternoon snack can provide your body with a little nutrition and energy. Just make sure you pick the right type of snack to keep your energy up. 3 It contains caffeine and can improve focus. Avoid high-sugar snacks like candies. These cause your blood sugar to rise and then cause additional laziness.

Pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee. 4 Caffeine is a stimulant that can help you feel more awake and focused. Use very minimal sugar, a natural Calorie-free sugar or none at all.

5 Wash the day's stress from your mind by splashing cold water onto your face and neck. Some studies have shown that the cold water can help you wake up and feel more focused. When you are starting to feel a little sleepy, take a walk to the bathroom and make use of cold water.

A.A faster beat can help you feel a little more energetic.

B.Splash your face with cold water.

C.You can stretch yourself and make some deep breath to refresh yourself.

D.Enjoy some-high sugar snacks.

E.Try a piece of dark chocolate.

F.But most offices don't allow midday napping.

G.Small amounts of caffeine can help you beat afternoon laziness as well.









1結(jié)合前文Many times when 2 or 3 pm rolls around, We are yawning and considering taking a short nap to help wake us up.很多時(shí)候,當(dāng)下午2點(diǎn)或3點(diǎn)左右,我們打哈欠,并考慮打一個(gè)小盹來(lái)喚醒我們。F. But most offices don't allow midday napping. 但大多數(shù)辦公室不允許午睡。解釋前文打個(gè)小盹的不可行性,符合此處文意。故選F項(xiàng)。

2結(jié)合前文Put on some music. 放點(diǎn)音樂?芍,放音樂是一項(xiàng)建議,因?yàn)橐魳返目旃?jié)奏可以讓你更有活力。A. A faster beat can help you feel a little more energetic.更快的節(jié)奏可以讓你感覺更有活力。符合此處語(yǔ)境。故選A項(xiàng)。

3結(jié)合前文Grab an afternoon snack. 吃點(diǎn)下午點(diǎn)心。及后文It contains caffeine and can improve focus. 它含有咖啡因,可以提高注意力。推測(cè)前文建議嘗一嘗含有咖啡因的巧克力。E. Try a piece of dark chocolate. 嘗嘗黑巧克力。符合語(yǔ)境。故選E項(xiàng)。

4結(jié)合后文Caffeine is a stimulant that can help you feel more awake and focused. 咖啡因是一種興奮劑,可以幫助你感覺更加清醒和專注。G. Small amounts of caffeine can help you beat afternoon laziness as well. 少量的咖啡因也能幫助你克服下午的懶惰。解釋前文喝茶和咖啡的原因,引出下文介紹咖啡因。故選G項(xiàng)。

5結(jié)合后文Wash the day's stress from your mind by splashing cold water onto your face and neck. 用冷水潑在臉上和脖子上,洗去一天的精神壓力。B. Splash your face with cold water. 用冷水潑你的臉。與后文用冷水洗臉相照應(yīng)。故選B項(xiàng)。


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:






3. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計(jì)分。

Last summer I go to Hangzhou with two Americans. I became their guide. First, we went to the West Lake, that is a famous place of interest in Hangzhou. We looked around it by the boat. After that, we went shop. The sellers couldn’t speak English. Though it was very harder, I tried my best to listen their words carefully and translate the sentences. They bought many things with their help. Next, we went to a small zoo but took some pictures. When we felt hungry, we went out and had lunch. After lunch, we visited some old house. All of us had a greatly time that day.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】 We talk a lot about air pollution. Here in Hong Kong we always complain about light pollution as well. Then, there is noise pollution. It's the same in many cities around the world. In Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, people have been complaining about/the noise made by drivers who continually sound their car horns(喇). That is until recently, when something was finally done about it.

The Chief District Officer of Kathmandu had received many complaints about horn pollution. He said that everyone felt the use of the car horn in recent years had become excessive. Researchers in Kathmandu found that for about 80 percent of the time, it really was not necessary for drivers to use their car horns. Sounding the horn to make a noise had become more of a habit. It was no longer being used as it was supposed to be used: to warn people of danger.

At the beginning of the Nepali New Year in 2017, the local government passed a law to ban the use of car horns unless used correctly.

Within six months, 11,000 fines(罰款) had been collected by the local traffic police. The e fine was about HK S360. A taxi driver in Kathmandu can make about HK S1, 000 per day, so he could lose about one-third of his money if he broke the law.

As usual, there were many complaints from drivers. They said that cows and dogs were free to walk on the roads. They always caused danger. Sounding a car horn was the only way to get them to move out of the way. And although there were quite a few traffic lights in the streets of Kathmandu, very few of them worked. This meant there was often a traffic mess.

The ban on using a car horn went ahead, and within a few weeks the streets of Nepal's capital were quieter-even though they were still just as busy. Because of the ban, drivers are a little more careful when they drive. Fewer accidents have been reported. The local government says the horn ban will now be copied in other areas of Nepal.

1What do Hong Kong and Kathmandu have in common?

A.Both have been troubled by factory pollution.

B.Both have succeeded in fighting air pollution.

C.Both have been faced with the problem of noise pollution.

D.Both have received many complaints about horn pollution.

2What do the Researchers in Kathmandu found?

A.Car drivers usually use car horns unnecessarily.

B.The cars are becoming more and more.

C.Care drivers use car horns as a warning.

D.Everyone complain about the horn pollution.

3When was the law on the use of car horns passed?

A.In 2016.B.In 2017.

C.ln 2018.D.In 2019.

4What will you find if you go to Kathmandu?

A.No traffic lights in the streets can work.

B.The traffic on the roads is usually very heavy.

C.Animals are not allowed to walk on the streets.

D.Drivers are required to drive on one-way streets.

5What can we guess about Kathmandu's horn ban?

A.It is unfair.B.It is worrying.

C.It is interesting.D.It is successful.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Guilt is one of the most painful emotions that human experience but also one of the most common. Nobody enjoys feeling guilty, but this emotion serves an important purpose: It alerts a person when he or she has done something wrong. This enables the person to make amends and work to heal relationships that were damaged by their actions 1

Nevertheless, guilt can be destructive if it is not dealt with in the right way, It can cause people to avoid others because they are too embarrassed to apologize for their actions or inactions. Some try to avoid at the pain of duty by turning to other worse habits. 2

The proper response to guilt depends on what kind of guilt you're dealing with. For false guilty, it's important to recognize that the guilt does not reflect an actual ethical failure.

For example, some false guilt focuses on failing to meet expectations you had for yourself. 3 No one is perfect, and no one can do everything, so admitting your limits is actually a sign of humility.

It is also important to acknowledge what you're feeling. Even when you don't need to feel guilty, these feelings are real and normal, Try to balance them with positive thoughts, but realize that it often takes time for feelings to change.

4 If so, don't try to conceal it. Apologize and ask for forgiveness. Learn from your mistakes, and try to avoid committing the same acts again. Getting on well with the person you hurt should make you guilty feeling fade.

Guilt is painful, but it can serve a good purpose if you use it well.

A. Other people experience false guilt because of high expectations for themselves.

B. It's possible that you feel guilty because you actually did something wrong.

C. Others try to cover up their guilt by blaming others or becoming angry.

D. It can also motivate people to avoid making similar mistakes later.

E. In this case, it's important to remind yourself that you have limits.

F. Moreover, guilt can result in physical and mental discomforts meanwhile


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:


We live in a technological society where most goods are mass-produced by unskilled labor. Because of this, most people think that craft (手藝) no longer exists. One of the ways these people wrongly support their view is by pointing to 100-year-old homes which are still solid, and arguing that it is the craftsmanship that is responsible for their durability (持久性). “Homes in those days were well-built,” they say. There is no doubt that these homes were well-built, but what these people have done is mix up the quality of material used in the house with the quality of the craftsmanship.

Homes today could be built to last just as long as those old homes if people were willing or able to pay the price. For example, more people can no longer afford solid oak stairways, although they were once fairly common in older homes. Nor can they afford the high labor cost of employing a carpenter to build the stairway. Yet if someone can pay the high cost, there are still plenty of carpenters around able to make those stairways. And not only would these carpenters know how to build them, they would probably do a better job than carpenters of old.

One thing the modern carpenter has which enables him to do a better job is much more advanced tools. Such tools as laser beams and power planes help them lay out a house better and make more precision cuts (精確切割) on the wood. Also, it is not uncommon any more to find carpenters with college degrees and carpenters with a solid knowledge of mathematics, which would enable them to deal with more difficult house designs.

The problem of modern quality, then, really boils down to the problem of material, for the modern carpenter is just as able to produce craftsmanship as the carpenter of fifty years ago, but only if given proper material.



科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】 My guide Farah, a tall, slim woman in her late 30s,wears jeans and a simple manteaux -- the required robe women must wear in public, covering neck to knee. Her long, straight black hair is hidden beneath her headscarf, but visible as it curls at her neck.

We’re heading to Tajrish Bazaar, in north Tehran (capital of Iran),to explore 10 different kinds of dried plums, and other goodies. We choose the Metro—Farah for its convenience, and I,for a chance to go underground in Tehran, because it provides a picture of the city most tourists never see.

It's mid-morning. Women and men sit separately, but the rule relaxes during busy times, like now. We, along with a few other women, clasp our hands around a pole, standing next to men, young and old in the air-conditioned, modern carriage. Two stops later, and about 20 commuters fewer, segregation happens naturally -- women at one end, men at the other, still within view, but separate.

A handful of fashionable girls admire their own reflections in the window. They wear tight leggings under their brightly coloured robes, pushing back headscarves and boundaries. We find seats next to a group of conservative women dressed in black cloaks called chador. They’re nothing like the other women I have met, a sisterhood of outspoken opinions, most of them liberal. “We are a nation with one language,” Farah says, “divided in two—-traditional and modern. ” Farah tells me it all began, not with imports from the West, but with the 1979 revolution. A combination of access, education and a bad economy created a society where women now have independence, careers and husbands happy to help around the house with chores and children*

1We are setting out for Tajrish Bazaar most probably at __________.

A.3 a. m.B.1 p. m.C.10 a. m.D.5 p. m.

2Why did the author choose to take the subway?

A.Because it’s cheap.

B.Because it’s convenient.

C.Because she can see more beautiful women on the subway.

D.Because it offers her an opportunity to see a different city from what most tourists see

3What does the underlined word segregation in the 3rd paragraph probably mean?



4What can we learn from the passage?

A.Women in Iran must wear manteau in public.

B.Fashionable girls can dress as freely as they like.

C.Iran is divided in two parts by the western forces.

D.Men in Iran won't help with the housework.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】 Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

It doesn’t seem that US singer Bob Dylan has much in common with literary mavens like Ernest Hemingway and T.S. Elliot. 1.This year’s prize makes Dylan the first American since Toni Morrison in 1993 to win the title. At the same time, the surprise announcement has also ignited a firestorm of discussion around the globe.

Influential US writer Jodi Picoult joked that she might now deserve a Grammy. And well-known British-Indian novelist Hari Kunzru lamented on social media by saying: “This feels like the lamest Nobel win since they gave it to Obama for not being Bush.”

Dylan’s new status — a musician awarded the Nobel Prize for literature–to a degree defies convention. However, this is by no means his first prize for his writing talents. Back in 2008, the Pulitzer Prize jury awarded Dylan a special citation “for his profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power”. 2.

3. Protest songs like Blowin in the Wind (1962) were the anthems of anti-war and civil rights movements in 1960s US. Densely poetic and image-rich songs such as Mr. Tambourine Man (1965) pushed the folk-rock movement. And even today, many of Dylan’s songs are still relevant and streamed regularly by people all over the world.

In a speech during the MusiCares pre-Grammy honors in 2015, Dylan revealed how he uses lyrics to document American culture and create an American songbook of his own. “I learned lyrics and how to write them from listening to folk songs,” said Dylan. “And I played them, and I met other people that played them, back when nobody was doing it.”

4. “From Orpheus to Faiz, song & poetry have been closely linked,” Salman Rushdie, the Indian-born novelist also thought to have been a candidate for the prize, told The New York Times. “Dylan is the brilliant inheritor of the bardic tradition,” Rushdie added. “Great choice.”

A. There is nothing more honorable to win praise from one’s competitors.

B. In this sense, it could be argued that what the Nobel Committee is doing is simply reinforcing Dylan’s unshakable standing in the world of literature.

C. Dylan’s competitors questioned his winning the Nobel Prize for literature.

D. But, last week, these three figures became forever bonded by the Nobel Prize for literature.

E. Therefore, the Nobel committee just holds a different opinion from that of Pulitzer Prize jury.

F. The words behind Dylan’s songs address social issues and have been transmitted from generation to generation.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】Ways to Improve Your Happiness

The happiest people appreciate what they have, keep an open mind to new ideas, use their leisure time as a means of self development, and love good music, good books, good pictures, good company and good conversations. 1 It’s a lot easier than it sounds. Anything that helps you feel more positive and joyful is self-improving. Here are some simple ideas to get you started.

1. Make yourself smile is the first thing in the morning.

2 Fill your bathroom or bedroom mirror with notes of your favorite quotes, goals, photos, etc., and then look at the mirror for a minute or two when you first wake up.

2. 3

Laughter helps reduce blood pressure, decrease blood sugar, and lower stress. Spend time with those who do good things and make your life a little brighter simply by being in it.

3. Try something totally new.

Do something you’ve never done. Variety truly is the spice (調(diào)味品) of life. You can see or do something a million times, but you can only see or do it for the first time once. As a result, first time experiences usually leave a deep mark in our minds for the rest of our lives. So spice it up! 4

4. Work on something that’s meaningful to you.

Get yourself in a meaningful personal project, or set about doing something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t yet had the determination to do. Life is really short.5

A.Today is the day to take action.

B.Appreciate those around you sincerely.

C.Spend time with people who make you smile.

D.It’s difficult to feel down when your face is happy.

E.Instead, concentrate on a few things that really matter.

F.The more first time experiences you have, the richer your life will be.

G.In other words, they do small things every day to improve their happiness.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:


During Major Cold (大寒), as the cold current moves southward, the weather is very cold. Although modern meteorological (氣象的) observation shows that in some regions of China the weather during Major Cold is not colder than Minor Cold, the 1 (low) temperatures of the whole year still occur in the Major Cold period in some coastal 2 (area).

During Major Cold, People in Beijing have a habit of 3(eat) “dispelling cold cake”, a kind of rice cake. Sticky rice, the cake’s main ingredient, is rich 4 sugar. It can make people feel warm all over their bodies. In Chinese the word “rice cake” has the same 5 (pronounce) with the word “higher in a new year”, 6 symbolizes good luck and continual promotion.

In Anqing of Anhui province, people 7 (traditional) eat fried spring rolls during Major Cold. They use a round, 8 (cook) and thin pancake to wrap stuffing () in a thin roll. Then it is fried in a pan with oil until it turns yellow and 9 (float) to the top. The stuffing inside the spring roll contains meat or vegetables and the flavor can be salty 10 sweet.

