
1.Living things need air and light ________(和)water.

2.The English contest was(主辦)by our university.

3.________(誠實地)speaking, I don’t like his way of speaking.

4.When being ________(采訪)about his future plan, he remained silent.

5.The devotion to our motherland is deeply ________(扎根于)in the mind of every Chinese.

6.It is ________(愚蠢的)of you to make such a decision in that situation.

7.He devoted his whole life to the study of ________(古代的)history of China.

8.You can do whatever you want to do in a ________(虛幻的)world.

9.He ________(答應(yīng),許諾)his son a new bike for his birthday.

10.It is hard to find one to ________(接替)him after his retirement.

11.She ________(承認)(that)she had made a mistake.

12.I can’t ________(聯(lián)系起來)what he does to what he says.

13.Don’t speak all at once, ________(一個一個來).

14.________(固體的)fitness is having a strong healthy body.

15.The players from all over the world ________(競爭)for the medals in the Olympics.

16.He asked us to ________(參加)the game.

17.He was the first Chinese to win this ________(獎金).

18.Every four years ________(運動員)from all over the world compete against each other in the Games.

19.This company is ________(登廣告)for a secretary of female.

20.The village shines with ________(金色的)color in the sunlight.


1.a(chǎn)s well as 2.hosted 3.Honestly 4.interviewed 5.rooted 6.foolish 7.a(chǎn)ncient 8.magical 9.promised 10.replace 11.a(chǎn)dmitted 12.relate 13.one after another 14.Physical 15.competed 16.take part in 17.prize 18.a(chǎn)thletes 19.a(chǎn)dvertising 20.golden


科目:高中英語 來源:必修五學(xué)大課堂英語人教版 人教版 題型:022


1._________(另外)to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.

2.I’ve been _________(命令)to wait here until the lecturer arrives.

3.He was _________(肯定的)that he had seen it in the newspaper.

4.Each worker _________(捐獻)one dollar to the Red Cross.

5.Honesty is one of his _________(特點).

6.I was impressed by her _________(處理)of the affair.

7._________(除……之外)English, we study Russian and Spanish.

8.The Queen was _________(護理)by her ladies-in-waiting.

9.The soil was washed away by the flood, _________(暴露)bare rocks.

10.He _________(拒絕)their offer of a job.

11.The driver was not to _________(責(zé)備)for the accident.

12.Everyone was silent as he _________(宣布)the winner of the competition.

13.He is _________(專心)in his research work day and night.

14.His argument does not _________(有意義).

15.Those are the facts; what do you _________(得出結(jié)論)from them?

16.Too much work and too little rest often _________(導(dǎo)致)illness.

17.Hawking _________(提出)a completely new theory.

18.He is _________(謹慎)in his choice of words in writing.


科目:高中英語 來源:必修四全優(yōu)設(shè)計英語北師版 北師版 題型:022


1.He was _______(激發(fā))only by his wish to help me, and expected nothing in return.

2.The inventor was rewarded by the government for his scientific _______(成就).

3.These toys are a real _______(便宜貨)at such low prices.

4.He has _______(決心)to overcome any difficulties in his study.

5.Please _______(移走)the vase from the table.

6.He found it hard to _______(集中)his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes.

7.Is her husband in work or _______(失業(yè))?

8.His paper _______(包含)no mistake at all.

9.His _______(號召)you to vote against the motion was thoughtful.

10.We _______(打敗)Class One in the volleyball match.

11.The school is widely _______(欽佩)for its excellent teaching.

12.She was even less _______(熱心地)about going to Spain.

13.My car is not as _______(可靠)as it used to be.

14.I’ll call back at a more _______(方便的)time.

15.A good salesperson has to be _______(有進取精神)in today’s competitive(競爭的)market.


科目:高中英語 來源:必修一全優(yōu)英語外研版 外研版 題型:022


1.I don't think I will be ________(厭倦)in Ms Shen's class!

2.Secondary school in the US usually ________(包括)seven years, grades six to twelve.

3.Some students were ________(尷尬)at first but everyone was friendly and it was really nice.

4.Applicants for the job must have ________(以前的)experience.

5.Li Kang is very ________(印象深刻)with the teachers and the technology in his new school.

6.He was ________(失望)to hear the news.

7.He took a friendly ________(態(tài)度)to us.

8.The space technology of our nation is developing at an ________(令人吃驚的)speed.

9.She has learned to make coffee with a new ________(方法).

10.________(換句話說), we all can't go camping this weekend.

11.High school students, especially those of Grade 3 should ________(參加)more after-school activities.

12.Students are all ________(盼望)the arrival of summer vacation.

13.As a freshman in college, I found everything in the campus so ________(極好的).

14.I get a lot of ________(樂趣)from my teaching work.

15.The school year ________(分成)two semesters.

16.China and the U.S.have different educational ________(體制).

17.The sun ________(消失)behind a cloud.

18.Thanks to modern ________(技術(shù)), we have a much higher standard of living.

19.The foreign guests were ________(吃驚的)at the rapid development of China.

20.Their success is a great ________(鼓勵)to us.


科目:高中英語 來源:必修一導(dǎo)學(xué)英語譯林 譯林版 題型:022


1.One of the side ________(作用)of this drug is to get you sleepy.

2.Tonna ________(鍛煉)in the gym to lose weight every day.

3.He appears fifty years old, but ________(事實上)he is in his thirties.

4.Being too fat, the girl feels ________(羞愧的)among her classmates.

5.Under such heavy work ________(壓力), his health finally breaks down.

6.You should have taken the weight-loss pills ________(遵循)the doctor’s instructions.

7.Experts say that good health is a ________(無價的)gift.

8.This plan is ________(立刻)to be carried out.

9.________(很少)do I eat too much fatty food so as not to get fat.

10.She has been ________(考慮)moving to the countryside.

11.Most girls want to ________(保持)slim, even some famous actresses like Lin Xinru.

12.The patient is ________(恢復(fù)健康)at home for a month after the operation.

13.A lot of teenagers are ________(損害)their health by smoking.

14.Most of his hair has ________(脫落)just because of his worry about the work.

15.Fruit can do good to our health.Apples and watermelons ________(算數(shù); 有效).

16.The rainy weather badly ________(影響)his injured legs.

17.Though he claimed that he was on a ________(節(jié)食), he sometimes treated himself with various meat ________(秘密地).

18.What a ________(動人的)story it is that he donated half of his liver to a girl who he even didn’t know.

19.It is proved that fast food ________(包含)too much fat.

20.His voice was immediately ________(認出)when he entered the room.

21.This project will bring us a lot of benefits ________(從長遠角度看).

22.The necktie is a nice ________(相配的物)for the shirt.

23.When I began to sing, he laughed and made me ________(尷尬的).

24.All schools are under the ________(控制)of the Ministry of Education.

25.Good eating ________(連同)enough sleep is helpful to our body.

26.Large ________(數(shù)量)of money have been wasted.

27.Young people usually have more ________(能量)than the old.

28.If you’re tired, you can’t ________(集中)on your work.

29.He took the pills at the ________(冒險)of his life.

30.We usually feel ________(放松的)after a hot bath.

31.We should do ________(定期的)exercise in order to keep healthy.


科目:高中英語 來源:選修導(dǎo)學(xué)英語譯林6 譯林版 題型:022


1.The songs sung by Song Zuying are _________(備受歡迎的)ones.

2.The fans _________(排隊,列隊)up in the rain to wait to see Zhou Bichang.

3.Some _________(鮮為人知的)people may become well-known in the future.

4.Maybe something is wrong with the _________(麥克風(fēng))because we can not hear what the chairman is saying except that his lips are moving.

5.Ma Sanli was a well-known _________(大師)of crosstalk.

6.The audience laughed when they heard the _________(幽默的)lines.

7.My teacher smiled _________(意味深長地)after hearing my reason for being late again.

8.He suddenly caught sight of the murderer when he was _________(漫步)in the street.

9.When the _________(場景)changed into the place where his dog was shot, he couldn’t help crying.

10.The _________(對話)made up by Tom and Jim is so funny that all the students burst into laughter.

11.The opinion seems _________(官方的), but in fact, it is just the company’s trick to cheat the employees.

12.The factory is in great need of _________(熟練的)workers.

13.The cheats said the clothes were _________(看不見的,無形的)to the fools.

14.In English-speaking countries, keeping one’s fingers _________(交叉的)means wishing you good luck.

15.The rich lady lives a _________(舒適的)life.

16.Seeing the dirty office, the boss was very _________(惱怒的).

17.You can dial the telephone number in case of _________(緊急情況,緊急事件).

18.After you learned this unit, can you tell me what the _________(單口喜劇)means?

19.I like the _________(最初的,初始的)form of the silent film.

20.There are more and more _________(外國人)who like the crosstalk in China.

21.Miss White is a _________(熱心的,熱情的)girl and we all like her.

22.Many people like playing basketball just for _________(娛樂).

23.It seems _________(合適的, 恰如其分的)that you left the office when the boss was so angry.

24.All the students in our class are _________(杰出的,顯著的).

25.The _________(常規(guī)節(jié)目)of CCTV-1 at 6∶50 a. m. is News Report.

26.Can you tell me what _________(笑聲)is good for?

27.I have nothing on me.I am really _________(空手的).

28.Chaplin was one of the greatest _________(喜劇演員, 滑稽演員)in the world.

29.The boss nodded with a smile in _________(回應(yīng), 反應(yīng))to the worker’s greetings.

30.The _________(反應(yīng))of the students did satisfy the English teacher.

31.The style of the comedy is _________(觀察評論的).

32.Each of us is equal.We can’t look down upon the _________(體力的,形體動作的)workers.

33.The students speak highly of the outstanding professor in the _________(學(xué)院,研究院).

