【題目】The naughty boy was muddy because he _______ soccer in the rain all afternoon.

A. has been playing B. had played

C. had been playing D. was playing




科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:


According to figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the U.K. has about 7.7 million families with dependent children, of which 3.7 million have just one child, compared to 3 million with two and 1.1 million with three children or more. The number of families today with just one dependent child is now 47 percent and will likely rise to more than 50 percent in a decade. As the ONS confirms, “It appears that families are getting smaller.”

One obvious reason for this could be that women are putting off having children until they have established careers when they are bound to be less fertile. But it could just as well be a matter of choice. Parents must consider the rising cost of living, combined with economic uncertainty and an increasingly difficult job market. And this trend may continue growing as having an only child becomes more normal, which seems to be the mood on the mothers’ online forum Mumsnet, where one member announced that she “just wanted to start a positive thread about how fab it is to have an only child”.

She had received 231 replies, overwhelmingly in the same upbeat spirit. Parents of only children insist there are plenty of benefits. Nicola Kelly, a writer and lecturer who grew up as an only child and is now a married mother of one, says her 15-year-old son seems more grown-up in many ways than his contemporaries.

In a moving recent account journalist Janice Turner wrote about her own keenness to “squeeze out two sons just 22 months apart” as a reaction to her only-child upbringing.

She was placed on a pedestal by her doting parents, whom she punished with a “brattish, wilful” rejection of everything they stood for. Desperate for a close friend she was repeatedly shattered by rejection and refers to her childhood as being “misery”.

Writer and clinician Dr. Dorothy Rowe, a member of the British Psychological Society, says that we all interpret events in our own individual way and there are some children who no matter what their circumstances feel slighted, while other children see the advantages of their situation.

However, the one part of life that is unlikely to get any easier for only children is when they grow up and find themselves looking after their own parents as they become older.

【1】The writer wrote the passage to________.

A. illustrate the strength and weakness of having an only child

B. analyze the reasons why having an only child becomes popular

C. guide people to look at the same issue from different perspectives

D. present us with different opinions about having an only child

【2】Why are families getting smaller according to the passage?

A.Women are less fertile.

B.Women give priority to career.

C.It is positive to have an only child.

D.There are not many job positions for children.

【3】The sentence “Not all products of single-child families are as keen to repeat the experience.”should be placed at the beginning of paragraph______.

A. 2 B.3 C.4 D. 5

【4】What does the underlined sentence we all interpret events in our own individual way in Paragraph 6 mean ?

A. Some are unable to make an objective assessment of their conditions

B. We should consider the needs of individuals.

C. Journalist Janice Turner experienced a miserable childhood.

D. It’s necessary for us to look at the event from our own angle.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】__________, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.

A. Hopefully

B. Normally

C. Thankfully

D. Conveniently


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】Conservationists have made plans to preserve and protect the world's most important species of coral, in a response to increasing threats that they say will lead to "functional extinction" within decades.

Led by scientists at the Zoological Society of London, the Edge Coral Reefs project has identified 10 coral species in most urgent risk of becoming extinct.The scientists say that reefs are under pressure from a variety of threats including rising sea temperatures due to climatic instability, increased acidity(酸性), overfishing and pollution.

The Edge plan, which focuses on the most evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered species , will take a regional approach to conservation.This means focusing on the "coral triangle" around the Philippines, the West Indian Ocean around the Mozambique channel, and in the Caribbean channel.

"Coral reefs are threatened with functional extinction in the next 20-50 years, due predominantly to global climatic instability," said Catherine Head, coordinator of the reefs project."In these regions, we'll be supporting and training in-country conservationists to carry out research and implement targeted conservation actions," she said."Their projects will last for two years.We provide them with a whole host of tools to carry out their projects including funding and intensive training." She added.

Coral reefs are the planet's most diverse marine ecosystem, known as the rainforests of the oceans.Despite taking up under 0.2% of the ocean floor, they provide food and shelter for almost a third of all sea life.If we lose the ecosystems, we lose not only the biodiversity, but we also lose the capability of people to obtain income and food from coral reefs.

Climatic instability, which leads to rising sea temperatures, causes corals to bleach(漂白).Bleaching occurs when sea temperatures rise and this causes the coral tissue to expel their symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae - these are what give the coral their color.Bleached corals often die if the stress continues.Among the 10 species chosen to start the Edge project are the pearl bubble coral, a food source for the hawksbill turtle, and the Mushroom coral, which supports at least 15 brightly colored fish.

【1】What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Scientists are taking measures to protect coral.

B. Scientists are doing research about coral reef.

C. Why some coral are dying out.

D. People should change climate to protect coral.

【2】Which of the following cant threaten the existence of coral?

A. Overfishing.

B. Polluted water

C. The increase in sea temperature.

D. Human exploration

【3】What is the bad result of coral extinction?

A. It help to keep the balance of the marine ecosystems

B. It will cause the temperature of sea water rise.

C. It can lead to the loss of about thirty percent of the marine life

D. It can destroy the rainforests on our earth.

【4】Which statement may Catherine Head agree with?

A. Nearly all kinds of coral species are at risk.

B. Increased acidity has a negative on the existence of coral.

C. Climatic instability cant affect corals.

D. It will takes decades to complete the Edge Coral Reefs project.

【5】How will the scientists help carry out the Edge Coral Reefs project?

A. By providing tools and money.

B. By doing some experiments.

C. By removing some dangerous sea animals.

D. By punishing the people who break the rules.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】During the days ___________, he worked as a servant at the Browns.

A. followed

B. following

C. to follow

D. that followed


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】 Finishing their shopping at the mall, the couple discovered that their new car _______.

A. had stolen B. had been stolen

C. was stolen D. is stolen


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:


It’s been called the “hardest word,” but some women seem to use the word “sorry” as everything from a way to interject their thoughts into a conversation to a way of prefacing any request for help. Yesterday, Pantene even released a video about how often women apologize in everyday situations.

Apologizing unnecessarily puts women in a subservient(恭順的) position and makes people lose respect for them, says executive coach and radio host Bonnie Marcus. Sylvia Ann Hewlett, founder of the Manhattan-based think tank, Center for Talent Innovation and author of Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Talent and Success, says using “sorry” frequently undermines our gravitas and makes them appear unfit for leadership.

It’s not like women don’t know it’s a bad habit. So, why do they do it?

Business consultant Kathryn D. Cramer, author of Lead Positive: What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say, and Do, says women are socialized from an early age to focus on relationships and nurturing. Any sign of strength can be off-putting, so they’re conditioned to soften communication that can be construed as assertive or aggressive. Apologizing before speaking—or in any situation where women must show strength or where there is potential for conflict—is one way of doing so.

She adds that workplace culture contributes to its use, too. In many cases, strong women need to find ways to temper(使溫和) their personalities or risk being called “rude,” “abrasive,” or even risk their jobs if they don’t find ways to soften others’ perception, she says. But saying “sorry” too often can be more career-killing than being disliked. So, it’s time to purge the word unless you really have something to be sorry about.

Marcus suggests keeping a log(日志) of when you “sorry,” what the situation was, and how you felt. Sometimes, “sorry” is just a verbal tic(言語(yǔ)抽搐), but some usage patterns may indicate a situation or person who makes you feel insecure, she says. Being aware of those triggers and how they influence your language can help you be more vigilant in “changing your communication so you’re coming from a position of strength and equality,” she says.

Trusted friends can help you break the habit by quietly letting you know when you’re using “sorry” inappropriately, Cramer says. Knowing that you’re under another watchful eye is also going to make you more aware of your speech, she says.

Sometimes, saying “sorry” is easier than thinking about the word you really want to say, or becomes a way of softening your words or opinion before they’re even out of your mouth, Cramer says. If either is the case, be more careful to choose the word or phrase you really mean to say. “Start your statement with, ‘Let me say this…’ or some other word or phrase that reflects your meaning better than saying ‘sorry,’” she says.

Sometimes, instead of saying “sorry,” it’s best to not say anything at all. Hewlett encourages women to embrace the power of silence. Using silence deliberately makes people uncomfortable, but not in an aggressive way,” she says.

【1】According to the passage, womens habitual apologies .

A. make it hard for them to start a new conversation

B. are a barrier to displaying their hidden talents

C. prove it is brave of them to admit mistakes

D. show they are in socially inferior positions

【2】What does the underlined word so in Paragraph 4 probably refer to?

A. Making statements less aggressive.

B. Following workplace culture.

C. Realizing full potential.

D. Voicing complaints.

【3】The author uses the last three paragraphs mainly to .

A. provide typical examples

B. make comparisons

C. offer suggestions

D. analyze effects

【4】Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Why are women always apologizing?

B. What are the techniques for apologizing?

C. Women should have a place in the modern world

D. Im sorry, but women really need to stop apologizing


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】___________ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.

A. To be tired

B. Tired

C. Tiring

D. Being tired


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】It was never clear ___________ the man hadn't reported the accident sooner.

A. that

B. how

C. when

D. why

