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【題目】假定你是李華,你校計劃下周日去南山潮(Nanshan Lake)開展保護水資源的宣傳活動,就此請你寫封信給外教Smith,邀請他一起參加,活動主要內容包括:

1. 在湖邊撿垃圾;

2. 派發(fā)宣傳廣告;

3. 講解保護水資源的重要性。

注意:1. 詞數100左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。








【答案】Dear Smith,

I am writing to invite you to take part in an activity about the protection of water resources. The activity, which will be held at Nanshan Lake next Sunday, will be very good for surrounding environment. All the students in our school will go there to pick up the rubbish and remind people of the importance of protecting water resources. We will also hand out paper ads on protecting water to people there. Knowing that you always have been very active in protecting environment for many years, I’m sure you would not miss such a good chance.

I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



1步:根據提示可知,本文是一封書信假定你是李華,你校計劃下周日去南山潮(Nanshan Lake)開展保護水資源的宣傳活動,就此請你寫封信給外教Smith,邀請他一起參加,活動主要內容包括:在湖邊撿垃圾;派發(fā)宣傳廣告;講解保護水資源的重要性。

2步:根據寫作要求確定關鍵詞,如:an activity about the protection of water resources(一個關于保護水資源的活動);Nanshan Lake(南山湖);pick up the rubbish and remind people of the importance of protecting water resources(撿垃圾和保護水資源的重要性);miss such a good chance(錯過這樣一個好機會)等。




科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華,你的美國朋友Tom聽說在中國通過掃描二維碼(scan QR code)就可以輕松實現移動支付(mobile payment),感到不可思議。請你寫封郵件告知移動支付在中國的相關情況。內容包括:






Dear Tom,,







Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Officials believe that more than one person is ________(blame) for the big fire.

2She won’t go to Tom’s party unless _______ (invite) .

3—Where did you buy the T-shirt?

— It was in the shopping mall _______ my mother works.

4There ______(be) no buses, we had to walk there.

5Young ______ Tom is , he has been to many countries.

6Hardly _______ he arrived home when it began to rain.

7________ it rain tomorrow, we wouldn’t go to the park.

8At first my new surroundings were difficult to _________(tolerate).

9Please keep your seat belt ________ (fasten) while the seat-belt light is on.

10I saw a boy _____ (jump) into the river yesterday.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Most of the thousands of tourists who visit Pompeii every year leave with nothing more than amazing memories. But there are some who take away a little extra – the relics themselves.

However, it seems that those visitors who have slipped a piece of the world’s most important archaeological(考古的) site into their pockets have come to regret their actions.

Tourists who took relics from the ruined Roman city have been returning them to the site, saying they are cursed (詛咒).

One man wrote from Latin America saying that he and his entire family had experienced “trauma after trauma” after he took a piece of stone from Pompeii.

Massimo Osanna, a senior official at Pompeii, said he had received up to a hundred packages from across the world in recent years containing items from the site, often accompanied by letters explaining the relics had brought them bad luck.

The “curse of Pompeii” is an old story that says the eruption(火山爆發(fā)) of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, which buried Pompeii, was punishment from the gods after troops ruined the buildings where people showed respect to the gods.

“At a certain point, people started believing in this story again,” said Mr. Osanna. “Even proper thieves have returned things to us.”

In one case, five packages were sent to Pompeii containing stolen items, including a statue that had disappeared in 1987. The accompanying letter was sent from Spain and the writer explained the statue had brought a “curse on his entire family”.

However, some are affected by a strong feeling of dishonor in their heart, rather than an ancient curse. Mr. Osanna said that an English woman had recently returned around 10 mosaic tiles (鑲嵌地磚) that her parents had taken while on holiday during the Seventies.

“When her mother died, she received these little pieces. But in the letter she described them as ‘uncomfortable’ and said she wanted to give them back,” he said.

Mr. Osanna is considering setting up an exhibition of all the letters he has received, calling it “What I brought back from Pompeii”.

1Why did some visitors who took relics away regret?

A.Because there was nothing but amazing memories.

B.Because they took away the relics themselves.

C.Because they thought the stolen relics brought them bad luck.

D.Because they received letters from a senior official at Pompeii.

2The underlined word “trauma” probably means “________”.

A.an unpleasant and upsetting experience

B.an old object or custom that reminds people of the past

C.a building where people respect gods

D.the things that a person or animal does

3According to the old story, the gods were angry because________.

A.some people cursed them

B.the city of Pompeii was buried

C.some soldiers didn’t show them enough respect

D.too many buildings for people were ruined

4Before returning the mosaic tiles, the English woman must have felt _______.




科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 It seems we're always being told to get more sleep. Studies suggest spending less time on sleep can lead to obesity(肥胖) and even cancer. You might even find yourself with a head full of false memories. But rarely does science explore the dark side of sleeping too much. That's because few of us in today's busy world have the luck of exploring that option.

In an August 2018 study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers researched the sleep patterns of those“fortunate”few and found they may not be so lucky after all. In fact, they found people who get more than eight hours of sleep have greater health risk compared to those who sleep together less than seven hours. What's more, sleep-aholics-those who manage to get 10 hours a night-stand a 30 percent higher chance of dying compared to the seven-hour crowd.

The wide-ranging global study involved(涉及) more than three million people who self-reported on their sleep habits and came to an eye-opening conclusion: If you tend to sleep a lot, you may want to buy an alarm clock. As with all things in life, sleep is best taken in moderation(適度).

You may be thinking: What if I only sleep in on Saturday and Sunday, am I still at risk? The answer is yes, according to a 2019 study published in Current Biology. Researchers discovered that even if a person sleeps more than seven hours on the weekends but still sleeps less than that on weeknights, they are at risk of gaining weight and developing sensitivity to insulin, which controls the level of sugar in blood.

For the study, 36 participants were divided into three groups that each had a different sleep schedule: nine hours every night, five hours every night, and five hours from Monday to Friday and sleeping much on weekends. People who get too much sleep tend to feel tired and lack energy. Also, both sleep-deprived(睡眠不足的) groups consume more food and gain weight.

1Why is the harmful effect of sleeping too much seldom studied?

A.Few people have time to sleep too much.B.Lack of sleep causes much more harm.

C.It turns out to be a healthy sleep pattern.D.People's health has nothing to do with it.

2What does the underlined words "those 'fortunate' few" in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Those leading a relaxing life.B.Those getting too much sleep.

C.Those with less time to sleep.D.Those with no sleep problems.

3What can be learned from the 2019 study?

A.Sleeping much is particularly beneficial to hungry people.

B.Many people sleep more on weekends than on weekdays.

C.An alarm clock of high quality is important for good sleep.

D.People who sleep much only on weekends also have health risk.

4What is the main idea of the text?

A.It is necessary to save enough time for sleep.

B.Too much sleep can result in gaining weight.

C.Sleeping too much does harm to people's health.

D.People can avoid sleeping much by eating healthily.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:









科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】(題文)請你以學校學生會名義寫一份有關即將在本校舉辦英語晚會的書面通知, 內容如下表所示。


312日晚7: 00










活動結束后寫一篇日記, 敘述自己的感受

詞數: 100個左右。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1What is the cat usually like?

A.Very calm.B.Quite wild.C.A little angry.

2What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Take out the cat.

B.Give the cat some medicine.

C.Open the door of the carrying case.

3What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Keep her pets in different places for now.

B.Introduce the pets to each other quickly.

C.Get another pet.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


How much money should I spend each month? This is asked by college students at the start of every term, and it’s become a hot topic of discussion following a controversial online post. The post was about a college student who demanded 4,500 yuan for monthly living expenses from her mom, reported China Daily

In the post, this new college student explained that her school is in a top-tier city and that her expenses included skin-care products and new clothes. Her mother did not agree and “only” gave her 2,000 yuan.

The post started a heated debate. Some people came to her defense. Girls invest a lot in skin-care products and new clothes while boys invest much in shoes, latest electronic devices and equipment for games.

However, someone thinks 4,500 yuan is too much. According to a 2019 report, students in 15 cities spent more than 1,500 yuan a month on average. Beijing topped the list at 2,400 yuan, and Shanghai followed close behind at 2,300 yuan. In some cities, a parent may only earn a monthly salary of 4,000 or 5,000 yuan. Nevertheless, some students insist on buying Dyson vacuum cleaners (吸塵器) for their dormitories instead of common brooms. Others demand Apple laptops to study at Starbucks, instead of going to the library.


1.用約 30 個詞概括上文內容;

2.用約 120 個詞談談你對這一現象的看法,包括如下要點:



(寫作要求) 不能直接引用原文句子。

