Dear classmates,
It's a pleasure for me to have a chance to make a short speech today.

【答案】Dear classmates,

It's a pleasure for me to have a chance to make a short speech today. Recently, I have found that some of our classmates study late into night and do not spare any time to take a rest during the day either, but they often cannot help falling asleep in class. And some classmates seldom have breakfast, which is also a bad habit and will surely do harm to their health.

In my opinion, it is extremely important for us to have enough sleep and proper diet. We must learn to make wise use of our time, and only in this way can we keep fit and study well.

Thank you for listening.

【解析】本文是提綱類作文,要點已給出;寫作時考生 要仔細(xì)審題,確定要點,在此基礎(chǔ)上可聯(lián)系自己的經(jīng)歷添加一些內(nèi)容,但不可遺漏要點;同時注意選詞組句要句式豐富,盡可能使用高級詞匯和高級句子提升文章檔次。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Being organized is an important skill for school and life.When you're well organized, you can stay focused,instead of spending time hunting things down.
For schoolwork, it means having one notebook or place where you store all your assignment,so you know what you have to do and when. Keeping all your school work neat and in a specific place—these are the main parts of organization.
For home stuff, being organized means having a place to put your things and putting them back as you go. It means keeping your schoolbag,your shoes, and your clean underwear in the same places so you always know where to find them.
Planning is part of being organized, too. Calendars,lists,and schedules can help you plan. You can buy or draw a calendar and keep it near your workplace. Making a schedule or “to-do” list for yourself is a good idea. Looking at your list helps you keep track of what you need to do. Check off things when you've done them. Use your list to help you decide which thing is the most important to work on first.
But once you're organized,it feels great.The less time you spend hunting around for things or panicking about homework,the more time you have for better things,like reading a good book or playing.
A. Planning means deciding what you will do and when you will do it.
B. First,you should get your schoolwork organized.
C. Add new things as you get assignments.
D. You will benefit a lot from a good habit.
E. What does it mean to be organized?
F. It takes some extra efforts to organize yourself and your stuff.
G. It means hanging your coat up instead of dropping it on the floor or throwing it on a chair.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

BERLIN---A German woman, fearful that a burglar was trying to break into her second -storey apartment, called police after she heard someone climbing up to her balcony shortly after midnight, police said Thursday. Police discovered the “burglar” was a man carrying flowers and a bottle of wine who turned out to be the woman's boyfriend. But then arrested him on an outstanding reason.
“He was trying to surprise her with the flowers and a bottle of wine but it all went wrong,” said Korbach police spokesman Volker Koenig. He said the man jumped down from the balcony and tried to escape but was quickly caught by police.
“He gave the police who were taking him to jail the bottle of wine as a gesture of thanks for the friendly treatment after the arrest. ” Koenig said.
LONDON---A smoker who died after battling emphysema (肺氣腫) has had his dying wish granted with the placement of a “SMOKING KILLED ME” sign on his hearse (靈車) and his grave.
Albert Whittamore blamed his youthful smoking habit for the lung disease. He said before he died in February that he wanted the sign to serve as a warning to young people about the dangers of tobacco smoking.
The sign was designed to look like the health warning on a packet of cigarettes. The printed notice at his grave will be left in place for a week. The hearse carrying his body through the town of Dover 100 miles (160 kilometers) southeast of London and several of the printed signs shown in the windows.
(1)The man climbing up to the girl's balcony _______
A.was actually a wanted thief
B.was put into prison in the end
C.thanked the police for setting him free
D.was treated badly by the police
(2)The best title for the first news item might be “_______.”
A.A burglar's love
B.A burglar boyfriend
C.Flowers and wine
D.Price for being romantic
(3)The public paid more attention to the smoker because _______.
A.he died after smoking for many years
B.he had the sign put on his hearse and his grave
C.he died of a lung disease without any treatment
D.he wanted the sign left on his grave for one day
(4)Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The sign will be printed on the packet of cigarettes.
B.The signs were also shown in the windows of the hearse.
C.The smoker wanted to tell people how bad it was to smoke.
D.The smoker regretted forming the habit of smoking.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

It was an autumn morning shortly after my husband and I moved into our first house. Our children were upstairs unpacking, and I was looking out of the window at my father moving around mysteriously on the front lawn. “What are you doing out there?” I called to him.
He looked up, smiling. “I'm making you a surprise.” I thought it could be just about anything. When we were kids, he always created something surprising for us. Today, however, Dad would say no more, and caught up in the busyness of our new life, I eventually forgot about his surprise.
Until one gloomy day the next March when I glanced out of the window, I saw a dot of blue across the yard. I headed outside for a closer look. They were crocuses (番紅花)throughout the front lawn — blue, yellow and my favorite pink, with little faces moving up and down in the cold wind. I remembered the things Dad secretly planted last autumn. He knew how the darkness and dullness of winter always got me down. What could have been more perfectly timely to my needs?
My father's crocuses bloomed (開花) each spring for the next five seasons, always bringing the same assurance: Hard times are almost over. Hold on, keep going, and light is coming soon.
Then a spring came with only half the usual blooms and the next spring there were none. I missed the crocuses, so I would ask Dad to come over and plant new bulbs. But I never did. He died suddenly one October day. My family were in deep sorrow, leaning on our faith.
On a spring afternoon four years later, I was driving back when I felt depressed. It was Dad's birthday, and I found myself thinking about him. This was not unusual — my family often talked about him, remembering how he lived up to his faith. Suddenly I slowed as I turned into our driveway. I stopped and stared at the lawn. There on the muddy grass with small piles of melting snow, bravely waving in the wind, was one pink crocus.
How could a flower bloom from a bulb more than 18 years ago, one that hadn't bloomed in over a decade? But there was the crocus. Tears filled my eyes as I realized its significance.
Hold on, keep going, and light is coming soon. The pink crocus bloomed for only a day, but it built my faith for a lifetime.
(1)According to the first three paragraphs, we learn that ________.
A.it kept bothering the author not knowing what the surprise was
B.the author was unpacking when her father was making the surprise
C.it was not the first time that the author's father had made a surprise
D.the author knew what the surprise was because she knew her father
(2)Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The author usually felt depressed in the season of winter.
B.The author's father planted the crocuses to lift her low spirits.
C.The author often thought about her father after he died.
D.The crocuses bloomed each spring before her father died.
(3)The author's father should be best described as ______.
A.a part-time worker who loved flowers
B.a kind-hearted man who lived with faith
C.a full-time gardener with skillful hands
D.an ordinary man with doubts in his life
(4)What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Crocuses — My Source of Faith
B.Crocuses— Father's Surprise
C.A Pink Crocus — My Memory
D.Crocuses in Blossom — My Favorite


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容, 從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。
As a child grows out of being an infant and begins to notice and react to the world around him, you may find yourself wondering how you possibly impart all of the things that he needs to become a responsible, respectful adult. A child who learns to respect all he meets not only receives respect from others, but also learns to respect himself as well.
Show your child respect. This is perhaps the best way to teach your child how to respect others. Listen to your child by giving him your full attention and he will learn to listen to you, understanding how important this is in communication.
The more you say “please” and “thank you” to your child, the more likely he will learn to use them with you and others. Politeness then becomes a normal part of any conversation.
Agree to disagree. Explain your decision so that he will understand your reasoning and expect respectful responses. Disagreeing with you doesn't equate to disobedience.
Control your impulse to overact. When a situation arises between you and your child that requires calmness, keep in mind that you are supposed to be modeling correct behavior.
Praise, praise, praise! So much is focused on what a child does wrong and how to correct it that the accomplishments are not celebrated enough.
A. Teach manners by using polite requests and responses.
B. Try to remember that a child won't always agree with you.
C. Respect is necessary for a meaningful and successful life.
D. If he sees you lose temper, he is more likely to respond that way in future.
E. A child may act like he pleases, but will respect being given limits.
F. When you see your child exhibit respectful behavior, make sure he knows just how proud you are of him.
G. Setting a good example is the best way to start a child on the path to respect.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy, the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds.
People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things. The pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine, the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are continually dissatisfied. By their remarks, they sour the pleasure of society, offend (hurt) many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied. The intention of criticizing and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation. It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit.
Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people offend many others; nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they want to get some advantages in social position or fortune(財), nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes. If they bring on themselves public objections(反對), no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their wrong doings. These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact(接觸) with them. Otherwise, it can be unpleasing and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.
(1)The phrase “sour the pleasure of society” most nearly means ________.
A.make others unhappy
B.have a good taste with social life
C.often blame others openly
D.enjoy the pleasure of life
(2)We can conclude from the passage that ________.
A.we should pity all such unhappy people
B.people can get rid of the habit of unhappiness
C.such unhappy people are dangerous to social life
D.unhappy people cannot understand happy persons
(3)If such unhappy persons insist on keeping the habit, the author suggests that people should ________.
A.show no respect and politeness to them
B.prevent any communication with them
C.persuade them to recognize the bad effects
D.quarrel with them until they realize the mistakes
(4)In this passage, the writer mainly ________.
A.describes two types of people
B.laughs at the unhappy people
C.suggests the unhappy people get rid of the habits of unhappiness
D.tells people how to be happy in life


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】A recent report suggested that an average person checks his or her cell phone 150 times a day. 1They may not know using their cell phones may put themselves or their loved ones in danger.2At least 200,000 car accidents were caused by texting messages.

3A survey done by the Pew Institute suggested that Americans in the age range of 18 to 29 years old send 88 text messages a day. When you’re walking home from work, you don’t need your head-phones making loud noises in your ears. There is a much greater place to create positive emotions that will make us happier and much more fulfilled. Those emotions are within us, and by blocking these feelings with all of our latest technologies, we may be harming ourselves.4

We need to take back control of our minds and stop compulsively checking our emails, Facebook updates, and text messages. I think we can live a happier life if we pay more attention to ourselves and the people we are speaking with. 5 Think about what parents are doing to children’s emotional well-being when they focus on their cell phones rather than their children.

If you are playing with your children in the park, be totally attentive to what they are doing. If you are in a business meeting and someone is speaking, listen to everything they say.

A. Your cell phone is not part of your body.

B. Human beings are glued to their cell phones.

C. Cell phones have brought great convenience to us.

D. People addicted to cell phones are even not aware of their safety.

E. How many relationships are lost because of a lack of communication?

F. Using cell phones too much may be linked to depressions and anxiety.

G. Statistics show 28 percent of car accidents occur from people using cell phones.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】1.Ensure passport is valid.

Passports are required for travel to the U.S.and must be valid for the entirety of the traveler’s stay.

2.Complete the application for a tourist visa,F(xiàn)orm DS160.

This is an online form available through the U.S.Department of State.

3.Print the DS160 confirmation page.

After successfully completing the application,the applicant will receive a confirmation with a 10digit barcode.Take a printout of this page.This page is required to schedule a visa interview.

4.Upload a digital photograph.

The DS160 application requires the applicant to upload a digital photograph that meets the following requirements:

The digital photograph must be a square.

Minimum dimensions must be 600 pixels by 600 pixels.

Maximum dimensions must be 1200 pixels by 1200 pixels.

Image must be in color.

Image must be in the JPEG format.

File size of the image must be less than or equal to 240 kilobytes.

5.Pay the application fee for the B2 tourist visa.

The fee can be paid electronically as a bank transfer or in cash at designated(指定的) bank branches.

6.Make an appointment for the visa interview.

After paying the application fee,the applicant will have to schedule two appointments as part of the tourist visa process:

The first appointment is at the Offsite Facilitation Center(OFC) to provide biometrics information,which includes fingerprinting and photograph.

The second appointment is with the consulate(領(lǐng)事館) or embassy for a personal visa interview.

7.Complete the visa fingerprinting at an OFC.

This appointment should be scheduled at least a day or two before the interview at the consulate.As part of this appointment,the applicant’s digital photograph and fingerprints will be taken.

8.Attend the visa interview at the designated U.S.consulate or embassy on the day and time the appointment.

The applicant brings the following to the visa interview:

Passport (and old passports if any)

Passportstyle photograph

The DS160 confirmation page

Visa application fee receipts

Interview appointment letter

Supporting documents

9.Receive a B2 visa and travel to the U.S.

If the interview goes well,the consular officer will approve the visa application and give the applicant a B2 visa.

1The passage mainly focuses on .

A. how to apply for a U.S.tourist visa

B. strict process of passport application

C. making preparations for visa documents

D. the U.S.tourist advertisement of applying for visa

2What are applicants required to do when applying for B2 visa?

A. Complete the visa fingerprinting after the interview.

B. Pay the application fee only through bank transfer electronically.

C. Print out Form DS160.

D. Attend a personal visa interview.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:





注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

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I was walking home late at night since I heard someone walking behind me. I looked back, but it was too darkness to see clearly. As soon as I heard the footsteps, so I started to feel nervous. Just then, I could hear a person behind me walking faster. I began to run and noticed a woman carried a bag was walking slowly in front of me. The moment I began to run, she did nothing but threw her bag, screaming. Then she turned to face me a look of terror on her face. When I saw this, I stopped running and tried to smile at them. At that moment, the person that footsteps had frightened me walked by, looking curiously at all of us.

