
1. 他坐在窗前靜靜地讀書。

2. 我決不相信他的話。

3. 經(jīng)常有些時候我忘記了鎖門。

4. 假如她不同意,我們怎么辦?

5. 他沒回家。他去了辦公室繼續(xù)寫那份文件。

6. 他喜歡運動。他不喜歡看電視。

7. 在說話時,他變得更加激動。

8. 她非常激動,結(jié)果是一句話也說不出來。

9. 這篇文章很難,在場所有的人都讀不懂。

10. 她是一個樂于助人的熱心人。她經(jīng)常盡其所能去幫助那些陷入困境的人。

11. 他正確發(fā)那個單詞的音很困難。

12. 他父母的健康每況愈下,他為此很是憂慮。

13. 不顧天氣的寒冷,那些球迷仍然在期待那位球星能夠出現(xiàn)在機場。

14. 那項計劃最終是失敗的。

15. 他到澳大利亞去是為了主修新聞媒體專業(yè)。

16. 聽到她的寵物貓不見了的消息,她哭得十分傷心。

17. 人人都知道臺灣是中國的一部分。

18. 人們相信體育鍛煉有利于健康。

19. 有一群人在路邊。他們好像在等人。

20. 在英國學(xué)習(xí)期間,他們不僅練習(xí)了口語,而且了解了它的文化和習(xí)俗。

21. 另人不解的是,他老是在炎熱的天關(guān)著窗戶睡覺。

22. 在他很小的時候,他的父親就去世了,沒有留給他和母親任何東西。

23. 他們一大早就不辭而別。

24. 由于一塊大石頭擋在路中間,我們無法通過。

25. 在任何時間、任何地點,我們都應(yīng)注意言談舉止。

26. 去年我參觀了那個輝煌的宮殿。它的美麗是無法用語言來表達(dá)。

27. 不久他們來到了一條河。在河岸上生長著茂盛的灌木叢。

28. 那場演出十分成功。這使演員們十分激動。

29. 她把自己鎖在房間里看了一天電視。

30. 在炎熱的夏天,人們更喜歡在戶外納涼。

31. 當(dāng)你接近大自然的時候,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)它的美麗是任何東西所不能比擬的。

32. 個人電腦己成為人們?nèi)粘I钪械谋匦琛?/p>

33. 我們經(jīng)常聽音樂來放松一下自己。

34. 除非被問到你是否知道此事,否則你什么也別說。

35. 說到教育,大部分人認(rèn)為其是一個終生的學(xué)習(xí)。

36. 昨天晚上,我們正看著一場精彩的籃球比賽,突然燈滅了。

37. 毫無疑問,不同的人有不同的愛好。

38. 天氣預(yù)報說在未來幾天將有一場暴風(fēng)雪。

39. 由于氣溫的一天天降低,人們穿上了厚厚的冬裝。

40. 很多年過去了,那個小山村依然如舊。村民們?nèi)匀灰运麄冏约旱姆绞缴钪?/p>

41. 再過幾天就是春節(jié)了。難怪人們正在忙于購物和打掃衛(wèi)生。

42. 那里曾經(jīng)是一片茂密的樹林,但現(xiàn)在它己經(jīng)成了一片沙地。

43. 我不明白為什么你的自行車又丟了?

44. 他撒謊是司空見慣的事。

45. 一到家,他就開始玩電腦游戲,這占用了大部分他本該學(xué)習(xí)的時間。

46. 今天誰值日?

47. 當(dāng)我們登門拜訪他時,他不巧外出了。

48. 在有些城區(qū),人們更愿意騎自行車外出。

49. 如果你把這款手機與那款手機比較一下,那么這一款在價格上和質(zhì)量上均優(yōu)于那一款。

50. 他們盡了最大的努力要回了那座屬于他們自己的房子。

51. 盡管你可以試一下,但終歸會遭受失敗。

52. 如果有必要的話,我們可以暫時不告訴他真相。

53. 過了很久那個病人才蘇醒過來。

54. 他站在那里不知所措。

55. 他很有可能己經(jīng)知道了那個實驗的結(jié)果。

56. 我不喜歡政治和歷史。

57. 我們曾經(jīng)在夕陽西下時在河邊散步。

58. 由于校園里到處是樹木和草坪,它看上去非常迷人,尤其是在春天和秋天。

59. 所有的旅客都安全著陸。

60. 李明是一個聰明、善良、自信、熱情的孩子。

61. 河岸上長著許多不知名的植物。

62. 如果必要,我會及時把情況通告給你們的。

63. 要不是你及時幫助我,我不可能成功地通過高考。

64. 由于天氣好,我們的旅行十分愉快。

65. 那位中年婦女背著一個孩子艱難地在雪地里行進(jìn)。

66. 在交談時要注意措辭。

67. 我的通話還沒結(jié)束,電話就中斷了。

68. 他有很多愛好。他喜歡郊游、集郵、爬山、讀小說等。

69. 這篇作文寫得很好,但有幾個錯別字。

70. 一座建于500年前的宮殿聳立在城市的中心。

71. 那個女該受到了很高的評價,那是因為她的繪畫得了一等獎。

72. 直到老師走到他跟前,他才停止玩那支剛買的鋼筆。

73. 在大街上走著一群唱著歌的少先隊員。

74. 那些在公共場合隨地吐痰的人必須被罰款。

75. 我不知道她在哪兒,我也不關(guān)心她過得怎樣。

76. 一陣風(fēng)吹來,他的帽子飛到了空中。

77. 他到這兒來不是來責(zé)備你的,而是來送你回家的。

78. 住在隔壁的那家人在我最需要幫助時幫助了我。

79. 他看見地上有一個裝滿了硬幣的口袋。

80. 村民們看著那些巨大的腳印,心里充滿了恐懼。

81. 看到家鄉(xiāng)發(fā)生了這么大的變化,他高興地笑了。

82. 人們希望人類和動物能夠和睦相處。

83. 媽媽讓我?guī)嫌陚,以防下雨?/p>

84. 一旦做出決定,它就必須立即執(zhí)行。

85. 她的頭發(fā)每天都在掉,這使她十分不安。

86. 他是值得信賴的。你在任何時候都可以依靠他的幫助。

87. 她的父母每周都去觀看京劇,這己成為了一個慣例。

88. 這條路很寬。它可以容納四輛卡車同時通過。

89. 美國朋友參觀了實驗樓以后,他們又去教學(xué)樓參觀。

90. 他很晚才回家。但不幸的是,他發(fā)現(xiàn)屋子里的貴重物品不翼而飛了。

91. 這條河長100多英里,寬150米。

92. 布朗先生是我的好朋友。我曾在他的公司里工作了5年。

93. 天好像要下雨。

94. 那位老人坐在門口,膝上有一只可愛的白色小貓。

95. 教室里好像有人。

96. 大雨傾盆而下

97. 只有當(dāng)人們看到自然資源一天天枯竭的時候, 他們才知道節(jié)約用水是多么重要。

98. 門開了,進(jìn)來一位夾著一本厚厚的教科書的教授。

99. 他盯著電視屏幕,假裝沒看見我。

100. 就在那個我們經(jīng)常去的超市我們發(fā)現(xiàn)了那個小偷。

1. He sat by the window and read a book quietly.

  He sat by the window, reading a book quietly.

2. I will never believe what he says.

  At no time will I believe his words.

  Never will I believe what he says.

3. Sometimes, I forget to lock the door.

   There are many moments when I forget to lock the door.

4. What shall we do if she disagrees?

   What if she doesn’t agree?

5. He didn’t go home. He went to the office to go on with the papers.

  He didn’t go home, instead, he went to the office to continue with the papers.

  He went to the office to continue with the papers instead of going home.

6. He likes sports, but he dislikes watching TV.

He prefers sports to watching TV.

7. While he was speaking, he became more excited.

  The more he spoke, the more excited he became.

8. She was very excited. She couldn’t say any word.

  She was so excited that she couldn’t say a single word.

  She was too excited to say a single word.

9. The article is very hard. All the people present could understand it.

  The article is so difficult that everyone present could understand it.

  The article is too hard for everyone present to understand.

10. She is a warm-hearted person. She often does what she can to help the people who get

into trouble.

She is such a warm-hearted person that she is always helping the people who are in

 great need of help.

11. He couldn’t pronounce the word correctly.

   He had great difficulty in pronouncing that word.

12. His parents’ health in falling down day by day. He is worried about it very much.

    What worried him most is that his parents’ health is falling down day by day.

13. Though the weather was very cold, the fans was still expecting the football super star

 would appear at the airport.

 Despite of the freezing cold weather, the fans remained expecting that the football

 super star would show up at the airport.

14. The plan was a failure in the end.

    The plan turned out / proved to be a great failure.

15. He went to Australia in order to major in media.

    He went to Australia with the purpose of majoring in media.

16. When she heard the news that her pet cat was missing, she cried with great sadness.

    Hearing her pet cat was gone, she cried sadly.

17. People all know that Taiwan belongs to China.

    As is known to all the people, Taiwan is a part of China.

18. People believe that taking exercise is good for their health.

   It is believed that taking exercise benefits their health.

19. There is a crowd of people by the roadside. They seemed to be waiting for someone.

    There is a crowd of people by the roadside, who seemed to be waiting for someone.

20. When they are studying in England, they not only practiced their oral English but also

    knew more about its cultures and customs.

    While studying in England, not only did they practice their oral English but also they

 learnt more about its cultures and customs.

21. To people’s surprise, he is always sleeping with the windows closed on hot days.

    What surprises people most is that he is always sleeping with the windows shut on hot


22. When he was young, his father died and left him and his mother nothing.

    When he was a little child, his father died, not leaving him and his mother anything.

23. They left our house and they didn’t say good-bye to any one of us.

    They set out early in the morning without saying good-bye to any one of us.

24. As a big stone got in the way, we couldn’t get through.

   With a big stone getting in our way, we couldn’t get though.

25. We should mind our manners at any time and any place.

   We might as well mind our manners wherever and whenever we are.

26. Last year, we visited that magnificent palace. Its beauty can’t be described in words.

   Last year, we paid a visit to that magnificent palace, whose beauty is beyond


27. Soon they arrived at a river. Thick bushes grew on the river bank.

   Soon they reached a river, on whose bank grew thick bushes.

28. The performance was very successful. All the performers were very excited for it.

    The performance worked out successfully, for which all the performers were excited.

29. She locked herself in her room. She spent a whole day watching TV.

   Locked in her room, she spent a whole day watching TV.

30. In hot summer, people like to cool themselves in the open air.

    In hot summer, people would rather cool themselves outdoors.

    In hot summer, people prefer to cool themselves by staying outdoors.

31. When you are close to nature, you’ll find nothing can be more beautiful than it.

    When close to nature, you will find nothing can match its beauty.

32. Personal computers have become necessary in people’s daily life.

   The personal computer is a must in people’s everyday life.

33. We often listen to music to relax ourselves.

    We often relax ourselves by listening to music.

34. Unless you are asked about it, you won’t say anything.

   Unless asked, you will say nothing.

35. Speaking of education, most people think it is a lifetime study.

When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime


36. Last night, while we were watching a close football match, suddenly the light went off.

    Last night, we were watching a wonderful and close football match when all of a sudden

 the light went out.

37. Different people have beyond all doubt different hobbies.

   There is no doubt that different people have different hobbies.        

38. The weather report forecast that there would be a big storm in the coming days.

    The weather report forecast that a big storm was on the way.

39. As the temperature is dropping day by day, people put on thick and warm clothes to

 keep out of the cold.

 With the temperature going down day by day, people put on thick and warm clothes for

 the winter.

40. Many years passed, but the mountain village is just the same as it used to be. The

 villagers are still living in the way they lived many years ago.

 With many years going by, the mountain village remains what it used to be. Besides, the

 villagers’ life style remains unchanged.

41. In a few days, the Spring Festival is coming on. It is no wonder people are busy doing

 the shopping and the cleaning.

It will be several days before the Spring Festival comes on. No wonder people are busy

doing the shopping and the cleaning.

42. There was once a thick wood in the village, but now it has become a sand field.

   There used to be a thick wood in the village, but now it has turned into a deserted sand


43. I wonder why you have lost your bike again?

   How did it come about that your bike was lost again?

44. It is common that he is telling lies.

    As is fairly often, he is telling lies.

    He is always telling lies, as is often the case.

45. As soon as he arrived at home, he began to play video games. It took up most of his time

   when he should have studied.

   He set out to play video games the moment he got home, which took up most of his time

   when he should have studied.

46. Who is on duty today?

Whose turn is it to be on duty?

47. When we called at his house, he was out by chance.

    He happened to be out when we dropped at his house.

48. In the urban areas, people like to travel by bicycle best.

    In the urban areas, people prefer to ride around.

49. If you compare this cell phone with that one, you will find that this one has more

advantages than that one both in price and quality.

Compared with that cell phone, this one has more advantages both in price and quality

as well than that one.

50. They tried their best to get back the house that belongs to them.

   They did as much as they could to get back the house belonging to them.

51. Though you may try, you are sure to fail in the end.

    Try though you may, you surely suffer from failure.

52. If it necessary, we may keep the truth back from him for the moment.

    If necessary, we may keep the truth as a secret from him for the time being.

53. The patient came back to life after several hours.

    It was quite a long time before the patient came to life.

54. He stood there and didn’t know what to do.

   He stood there, not knowing what to do next.

55. Perhaps he has already known the result of the experiment.

    He is likely to have known the result of the experiment.

56. I dislike politics or history.

    I like neither politics nor history.

57. We used to take a walk along the river side at sunset.

    There was once a time when we took a walk along the river bank when the sun was


58. As there are trees and lawns on the campus, it looks more beautiful, especially in spring

 and autumn.

 With green trees and lawns decorated on the school campus, it looks more beautiful,

especially when it is spring and autumn.

59. All the passengers were landed and they were safe and sound.

   All the passengers were landed safe and sound.

60. Li Ming is a boy who is clever, kind, self-confident and warm-hearted.

    Such is Li Ming, a boy who is clever, kind, confident and warm-hearted.

61. Lots of unknown plants grow in the forest.

   In the forest grow a good many unknown plants.

62. If it is possible, I will let you know the whole affair.

If possible, I will keep you informed of the whole affair.

63. If it had not been for your timely help, I wouldn’t have passed the Entrance Examinations


  But for your timely help, I wouldn’t have succeeded in passing the Entrance Examinations.

64. As the weather was very nice, our journey was very pleasant.

   Thanks to the nice weather, our journey turned out to be a pleasant one.

65. That middle-aged woman walked in the snow with greatest difficulty and she had a child

 on her back.

 The middle-aged woman with a child on her back had great difficulty in walking in the

 deep snow.

66. While you are talking with others, please weigh your words.

    While talking with others, please pick out your words.

67. The telephone was cut off before I could finish my talk.

    I was in the middle of telephone call when it was cut off.

68. He has many hobbies. They are going outing, collecting stamps, climbing mountains,

reading novels and so on. 

He has such hobbies as going outing, collecting stamps, climbing mountains, reading

novels and so on.

69. The article is well written, but there are a few spelling mistakes in it.

   The articles is well written except for several spelling mistakes.

70. A palace that was built about 500 years ago is standing in the city center.

   Standing in the city center is a palace that was built about 500 years ago.

71. The girl was highly thought of because her drawing was judged the first place.

    The girl was thought well of for her drawing that was judged the first prize.

72. He didn’t stop playing with the pen that had been just bought until the teacher got close

to him.

  Not until the teacher came close to him did the boy stop playing with the pen that had

 just bought.

73. There was a group of young pioneers who sang songs as they walked on the street.    There was a group of young pioneers singing songs as they walked on the street.

74. The people who often spit onto the ground should be fined.

    Whoever often spit onto the ground should be given tickets.

75. I don’t know where she is or how she is getting along.

   I don’t know where she. Nor do I care how she is getting along.

76. A gust of wind blew up, and his cap flew into the sky.

   With a gust of wind blowing up, up into the sky flew his cap.

77. He didn’t come here to blame you. He came here to send you home.

   He came here not to scold you but to send you home.

78. The family who are living next to me helped me when I was in great need of help.

   The family living next to me helped me out when I was in great trouble.

79. He saw a bag that was full of coins lying on the ground.

   A bag filled with coins on the ground caught his eyes.

80. When the villagers looked at the giant footmarks, they were full of fear.

    The villagers stared at the giant footprints, full of fear.

81. When he saw the great changes in his hometown, he smiled with delight.

    Seeing his hometown had been changing a lot, he smiled with joy.

82. People hope that humans and animals can get on well with each other.

    It is hoped that human beings and animals can get along well with each other.

83. Mother asked me to take along my umbrella for the rain.

    Mother asked me to bring along my umbrella in case of rain.

84. Once a decision is made, it should be carried out all at once.

    Once made, the decision ought to be carried out as soon as possible.

85. Her hair falls off day after day. It worried her a lot.

   What worries her a lot is that her hair falls off day after day.

   His hair falls off day after day, which worries her a lot.

Her hair falls off day after day,which worried her a lot.

86. He is trustworthy. You can depend upon his help whenever you need help.

   He is trustworthy so that you could depend upon him for the help you need at any time.

87. Her parents go to the theatre to enjoy Peking Opera and it has become regular rule.

   It is a regular rule for her parents to go to the theater to enjoy Peking Opera.

88. The road is very wide and four trucks can get through side by side at a time.

    The road is wide enough for four trucks to get through side by side at a time.

89. After they had been showed the lab building, the American guests were taken to the teaching building for a visit.

    Having been showed the lab building, the American friends were taken to the teaching building for a visit.

90. He came back home very late. But unfortunately, he found the expensive things in the house were stolen.

   He came back home very late, only to find that the expensive things in the house gone.

91. The river is more than 100 miles long and over 150 meters wide.

    The river is over 100 miles in length and more than 150 meters in width.

92. Mr. Brown is my good friend. I once worked in his company for 5 years.

    Mr. Brown is my good friend, in whose company I worked for five years.

93. It seems to rain.

   It looks as if it is going to rain.

94. The old man was seated by the doorway. He had a lovely white cat on the knees.

    The old man sat by the doorway with a lovely white cat lying on his knees.

95. It seems that there are some people in the classroom.

   There seem to be some people in the classroom.

    It is likely that there are some people in the classroom.

96. The big rain came and poured down.

    The big rain came pouring down.

97. People will realize how important it is for them to save water only after they see there is less natural resources day by day.

Only after people see there is less natural resources day by day can they realize

    how important it is to save as much fresh water as possible.

98. The door opened and a professor with a thick textbook under his arm came in.

    The door opened and in came a professor with a thick textbook under his arm.

99. He stared at the screen of the TV set and pretended not to see me come in.

   He stared at the screen of the TV set, pretending not to see me come in.

100. We found that thief just in the supermarket where we often do the shopping.

     It was in the supermarket where we often do the shopping that we found the thief.

