In 1974, after filling out fifty applications, going through four interviews, and winning one offer, I look what I could get — a teaching job at what I considered a distant wild area: western New Jersey. My characteristic optimism was alive only when I reminded myself that I would be doing what I had wanted to do since I was fourteen 一 teaching English.

School started, but I felt more and more as if I were in a foreign country. Waa this rural area really New Jersey? My students a week off when hunting season began. I was told they were also frequently absent in late October to help their fathers make hay on the farms. I was a young woman from New York City, who thought that “Make hay while the sun shines” just meant to have a good time.

But, still, I was teaching English. I worked hard, taking lime off only to eat and sleep. And then there was my sixth-grade class 一 seventeen boys and five girls who were only six yean younger than me. I had a problem long before I knew it. I was struggling in my work as a young idealistic teacher. I wanted to make literature come alive and lo promote a love of the written word. The students wanted to throw spitballs and whisper dirty words in the back of the room.

In college I had been taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior. So I did, confident that, as the textbook had said, the bad behavior would disappear as I gave ray students positive attention. It sounds reasonable, but the text evidently ignored the fact that humans, particularly teenagers, rarely seem reasonable. By the time ray boss, who was also ray taskmaster known to be the strictest, most demanding, most quick to fire inexperienced teachers, came into the classroom to observe me, the students exhibited very little good behavior to praise.

My boss sat in the back of the room. The boys in the class were making animal noises, hitting each other while the girls filed their nails or read magazines. I just pretended it all wasn’t happening, and went on lecturing and tried to ask some inspiring questions. My boss, sitting in the back of the room, seemed to be growing bigger and bigger. After twenty minutes he left, silently. Visions of unemployment marched before my eyes.

I felt mildly victorious that I got through the rest of class without crying, but at my next free period I had to face him. I wondered if he would let me finish out the day. I walked to his office, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

He was sitting in his chair, and he looked at me long and hard. I said nothing. All I could think of was that I was not an English teacher; I had been lying to myself, pretending that everything was fine.

When he spoke, he said simply, without accusation, “You had nothing to say to them.”

“You had nothing to say to them," he repeated. “No wonder they’re bored. Why not get to the meal of the literature and stop talking about symbolism. Talk with them, not at them. And more important, why do you ignore their bad behavior?” We talked. He named ray problems and offered solutions. We role-played. He was the bad student, and I was the forceful, yet, warm, teacher.

As the year progressed, we spent many hours discussing literature and ideas about human beings and their motivations. He helped me identify my weaknesses and my strengths. In short, he made a teacher of me by teaching me the reality of Emerson's words: “The secret to education lies in respecting the pupil.”

Fifteen years later I still drive that same winding road to the same school. Thanks to the help I received that difficult first year, the school is my home now.

55. It can be inferred from the story that in 1974 ______.

A. the writer became an optimistic person

B. the writer was very happy about her new job

C. it was rather difficult to get a job in the USA

D. it was easy to get a teaching job in New Jersey

56. According to the passage, which of the following is most probably the writer’s problem as a new teacher?

A. She had blind trust in what she learnt at college.

B. She didn’t ask experienced teachers for advice.

C. She took too much time off to eat and sleep.

D. She didn’t like teaching English literature.

57. What is the writer’s biggest worry after her taskmaster's observation of her class?

A. She might lose her teaching job.

B. She might lose her students’ respect.

C. She couldn’t teach the same class any more.

D. She couldn’t ignore her students’ bad behavior any more.

58. Which of the following gives the writer a sense of mild victory?

A. Her talk about symbolism sounded convincing.

B. Her students behaved a little better than usual.

C. She managed to finish the class without crying.

D. She was invited for a talk by her boss after class.

59. The students behaved badly in the writer's classes because ______.

A. they were eager to embarrass her

B. she didn't really understand them

C. they didn't regard her as a good teacher

D. she didn’t have a good command of English

60. The taskmaster’s attitude towards the writer after his observation of her class can be best described as ______.

A. cruel but encouraging                        B. fierce but forgiving

C. sincere and supportive                       D. angry and aggressive





第一部分(Para. 1-2)

In 1974;a teaching job;distant wild aera;optimism; teaching English; in a foreign country; were also frequently absent


第二部分(Para. 3-5)

had a problem; idealistic teacher; make literature come alive; ignore bad behavior; positive attention; my boss; pretended; unemployment


第三部分(Para. 6-9)

Face him;finish out;looked at me long and hard;without accusation;no wonder;why not;bad behavior


第三部分(Para. 10-11)

The year progressed;spent many hours;helped me identify; in short;fifteen years later;thanks to



55A。推理判斷題。難度:中等。題干關(guān)鍵詞為in 1974,定位第一段。根據(jù)第一段第一句的描述可知,作者是經(jīng)過投了50份簡歷,經(jīng)歷了四次面試才得到這份工作的,由此可知當(dāng)時的美國就業(yè)是相當(dāng)困難的。

56. C。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。難度:中等。題干關(guān)鍵詞為the writer’s problem as a new teacher,定位于第三第四段。第三段后半部分說我有個問題很久沒意識到,我的教學(xué)理念和教學(xué)實際脫節(jié),第四段又說大學(xué)里受到的教育對我影響很大,可知對大學(xué)知識的盲目自信正是她的問題所在,A項正確。 B項的內(nèi)容在文中沒有涉及,沒有提到其他老師的存在,可排除;C項描述與第三段第一句I worked hard,taking time off only to eat and sleep相矛盾;D項說作者不喜歡文學(xué)教學(xué)也與文中說作者對工作的執(zhí)著和熱心相背。

四、A。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。難度:中等。題干關(guān)鍵詞為biggest worry,定位于第五段和第六段。第五段最后兩句說負(fù)責(zé)人只聽了20分鐘就悄悄地離開了,我似乎看到了自己被解雇的情形以及下一段第二句話我不知道他是否讓我上完那天的課,由此可知作者怕丟掉來之不易的工作。

五、C。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。難度:中等。題干關(guān)鍵詞為a sense of wild victory,定位于第六段。第一句I felt wildly victorious that I got through the rest of the class without crying, 可知作者能堅持平靜地上完剩下的課程就已經(jīng)是使她感到不容易的事情了。所以答案為C。

六、B。推理判斷題。難度:中等。題干關(guān)鍵詞為the students behaved badly,定位于全篇文章。尤其從第四段中的描述可知,作者就是按照教科書中傳授的理論教育學(xué)生,但效果甚微,而且教科書忽略了一個事實就是人尤其是青少年很少是理智的,可知學(xué)生在她的課堂上表現(xiàn)不佳的原因就是她并不真正了解學(xué)生。

七、C。推理判斷題。難度:中等。題干關(guān)鍵詞為the taskmaster’s attitude towards the writer,定位于第八第九段,他沒有指責(zé)我,而是向我提出了許多建議并交換角色實地體驗(他當(dāng)壞學(xué)生我當(dāng)老師)等內(nèi)容都體現(xiàn)出負(fù)責(zé)人的態(tài)度是真誠的和支持的。


1. In 1974, after filling out fifty applications, going through four interviews, and winning one offer, I took what I could get--a teaching job at what I considered a distant wild area: western New Jersey.


分析:本句是一個主從復(fù)合句。其主干是I took what I could get。In 1974, after filling out fifty applications, going through four interviews, and winning one offer, 都是屬于介詞短語做時間狀語的用法,主句中包含一個what引導(dǎo)的賓語從句做動詞took的賓語;a teaching job是what i could get的同位語,后面還有一個介詞短語at what I considered a distant wild area: western New Jersey.作定語修飾a teaching job。

2. It sounds reasonable, but the text evidently ignored the fact that humans, particularly teenagers, rarely seemed reasonable.


分析:本句是一個主從復(fù)合句。But前面是一個簡單句,后面句中含有一個名詞性從句,即that引導(dǎo)的同位語從句,其中particularly teenagers又是同位語從句中主語humans的同位語。

16. All I could think of was that I was not an English teacher; I had been lying to myself,pretending that everything was fine.


分析:本句是由分號連接的兩個主從復(fù)合句。第一個句子主語是all,后面包含了一個that引導(dǎo)的定語從句I could think of,先行詞為all時關(guān)系詞只能選擇that,又因為that在從句中做介詞of的賓語,所以可以省略,而was后面還有一個that引導(dǎo)的名詞性從句即表語從句;后面的句子中只有一個that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,做動詞pretend的賓語。


科目:高中英語 來源:2013年全國普通高等學(xué)校招生統(tǒng)一考試英語(浙江卷帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

In 1974, after filling out fifty applications, going through four interviews, and winning one offer, I took what I could get ----- a teaching job at what I considered a distant wild area: western New Jersey. My characteristic optimism was alive only when I reminded myself that I would be doing what I had wanted to do since I was fourteen ------- teaching English.
School started, but I felt more and more as if I were in a foreign country. Was this rural area really New Jersey? My students took a week off when hunting season began. I was told they were also frequently absent in late October to help their fathers make hay on the farms. I was a young woman from New York City, who thought that “Make hay while the sun shines” just meant to have a good time.
But, still, I was teaching English. I worked hard, taking time off only to eat and sleep. And then there was my sixth-grade class ---- seventeen boys and five girls who were only six years younger than me. I had a problem long before I knew it. I was struggling in my work as a young idealistic teacher. I wanted to make literature come alive and to promote a love of the written word. The students wanted to throw spitballs and whisper dirty words in the back of the room.
In college I had been taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior. So I did, confident that, as the textbook had said, the bad behavior would disappear as I gave my students positive attention. It sounds reasonable, but the text evidently ignored the fact that humans, particularly teenagers, rarely seems reasonable. By the time my boss, who was also my taskmaster, known to be the strictest, most demanding, most quick to fire inexperienced teachers, came into the classroom to observe me, the students exhibited very little good behavior to praise.
My boss sat in the back of the room. The boys in the class were making animal noises, hitting each other while the girls filed their nails or read magazines. I just pretended it all wasn’t happening, and went on lecturing and tried to ask some inspiring questions. My boss, sitting in the back of the classroom, seemed to be growing bigger and bigger. After twenty minutes he left, silently. Visions of unemployment marched before my eyes.
I felt mildly victorious that I got through the rest of class without crying, but at my next free period I had to face him. I wondered if he would let me finish out the day. I walked to his office, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
He was sitting in his chair, and he looked at me long and hard. I said nothing. All I could think of was that I was not an English teacher; I had been lying to myself, pretending that everything was fine.
When he spoke, he said simply, without accusation, “You had nothing to say to them.”
“You had nothing to say to them”. he repeated.” No wonder they are bored. Why not get to the meat of literature and stop talking about symbolism. Talk with them, not at them. And more important, why do you ignore their bad behavior”? We talked. He named my problems and offered solutions. We role-played. He was the bad student, and I was the forceful, yet, warm, teacher
As the year progressed, we spent many hours discussing literature and ideas about human beings and their motivations. He helped me identify my weaknesses and strengths. In short, he made a teacher of me by teaching me the reality of Emerson’s words: “The secret to education lies in respecting the pupil.”
Fifteen years later I still drive that same winding road to the same school. Thanks to the help I received that difficult first year, the school is my home now.
【小題1】 It can be inferred from the story that in 1974 ________________.

A.the writer became an optimistic person
B.the writer was very happy about her new job was rather difficult to get a job in the USA was easy to get a teaching job in New Jersey
【小題2】According to the passage, which of the following is most probably the writer’s problem as a new teacher?
A.She had blind trust in what she learnt at college.
B.She didn’t ask experienced teachers for advice.
C.She took too much time off to eat and sleep.
D.She didn’t like teaching English literature.
【小題3】What is the writer’s biggest worry after her taskmaster’s observation of her class?
A.She might lose her teaching job.
B.She might lose her students’ respect.
C.She couldn’t teach the same class any more.
D.She couldn’t ignore her students’ bad behavior any more.
【小題4】Which of the following gives the writer a sense of mild victory?
A.Her talk about symbolism sounded convincing.
B.Her students behaved a little better than usual.
C.She managed to finish the class without crying.
D.She was invited for a talk by her boss after class.
【小題5】The students behaved badly in the writer’s classes because
A.They were eager to embarrass her.
B.She didn’t really understand them.
C.They didn’t regard her as a good teacher.
D.She didn’t have a good command of English.
【小題6】The taskmaster’s attitude towards the writer after his observation of her class can be described as________________.
A.cruel but encouragingB.fierce but forgiving
C.sincere and supportiveD.a(chǎn)ngry and aggressive


科目:高中英語 來源:2013年全國普通高等學(xué)校招生統(tǒng)一考試英語(浙江卷解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

In 1974, after filling out fifty applications, going through four interviews, and winning one offer, I took what I could get ----- a teaching job at what I considered a distant wild area: western New Jersey. My characteristic optimism was alive only when I reminded myself that I would be doing what I had wanted to do since I was fourteen ------- teaching English.

School started, but I felt more and more as if I were in a foreign country. Was this rural area really New Jersey? My students took a week off when hunting season began. I was told they were also frequently absent in late October to help their fathers make hay on the farms. I was a young woman from New York City, who thought that “Make hay while the sun shines” just meant to have a good time.

But, still, I was teaching English. I worked hard, taking time off only to eat and sleep. And then there was my sixth-grade class ---- seventeen boys and five girls who were only six years younger than me. I had a problem long before I knew it. I was struggling in my work as a young idealistic teacher. I wanted to make literature come alive and to promote a love of the written word. The students wanted to throw spitballs and whisper dirty words in the back of the room.

In college I had been taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior. So I did, confident that, as the textbook had said, the bad behavior would disappear as I gave my students positive attention. It sounds reasonable, but the text evidently ignored the fact that humans, particularly teenagers, rarely seems reasonable. By the time my boss, who was also my taskmaster, known to be the strictest, most demanding, most quick to fire inexperienced teachers, came into the classroom to observe me, the students exhibited very little good behavior to praise.

My boss sat in the back of the room. The boys in the class were making animal noises, hitting each other while the girls filed their nails or read magazines. I just pretended it all wasn’t happening, and went on lecturing and tried to ask some inspiring questions. My boss, sitting in the back of the classroom, seemed to be growing bigger and bigger. After twenty minutes he left, silently. Visions of unemployment marched before my eyes.

I felt mildly victorious that I got through the rest of class without crying, but at my next free period I had to face him. I wondered if he would let me finish out the day. I walked to his office, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

He was sitting in his chair, and he looked at me long and hard. I said nothing. All I could think of was that I was not an English teacher; I had been lying to myself, pretending that everything was fine.

When he spoke, he said simply, without accusation, “You had nothing to say to them.”

“You had nothing to say to them”. he repeated.” No wonder they are bored. Why not get to the meat of literature and stop talking about symbolism. Talk with them, not at them. And more important, why do you ignore their bad behavior”? We talked. He named my problems and offered solutions. We role-played. He was the bad student, and I was the forceful, yet, warm, teacher

As the year progressed, we spent many hours discussing literature and ideas about human beings and their motivations. He helped me identify my weaknesses and strengths. In short, he made a teacher of me by teaching me the reality of Emerson’s words: “The secret to education lies in respecting the pupil.”

Fifteen years later I still drive that same winding road to the same school. Thanks to the help I received that difficult first year, the school is my home now.

1. It can be inferred from the story that in 1974 ________________.

A.the writer became an optimistic person

B.the writer was very happy about her new job was rather difficult to get a job in the USA was easy to get a teaching job in New Jersey

2.According to the passage, which of the following is most probably the writer’s problem as a new teacher?

A.She had blind trust in what she learnt at college.

B.She didn’t ask experienced teachers for advice.

C.She took too much time off to eat and sleep.

D.She didn’t like teaching English literature.

3.What is the writer’s biggest worry after her taskmaster’s observation of her class?

A.She might lose her teaching job.

B.She might lose her students’ respect.

C.She couldn’t teach the same class any more.

D.She couldn’t ignore her students’ bad behavior any more.

4.Which of the following gives the writer a sense of mild victory?

A.Her talk about symbolism sounded convincing.

B.Her students behaved a little better than usual.

C.She managed to finish the class without crying.

D.She was invited for a talk by her boss after class.

5.The students behaved badly in the writer’s classes because

A.They were eager to embarrass her.

B.She didn’t really understand them.

C.They didn’t regard her as a good teacher.

D.She didn’t have a good command of English.

6.The taskmaster’s attitude towards the writer after his observation of her class can be described as________________.

A.cruel but encouraging                    B.fierce but forgiving

C.sincere and supportive                   D.a(chǎn)ngry and aggressive


