精英家教網 > 高中英語 > 題目詳情







On a later summer evening, my father and I was walking happily home. We have just had a big meal in a restaurant near our home. As we were walking slowly down the street, I asked my father in a low voice, "What does the word 'drunk' mean?" "That's easily, boy," said my father. "Do you see these two policemen over there? If I look at them, I see four instead two, and I'm drunk. Understand?" Hearing at this, I pretended to be puzzled, and said, "My God, and there are six policemen over there. Can't you see?" My father looked at me in great surprised. "You are really drink, son."











【10】drink →drunk



【1】later→late 考察形容詞later后來;late遲。On a late summer evening在一個夏天的夜晚。

【2】was→were此題考查主謂一致。句意:爸爸和我快樂地散步回家。主語my father and I,故用were。所以was→were。

【3】have→had 考查時態(tài)。句意:我們剛在家附近的餐館吃了一頓大餐。根據(jù)語境,顯然這里是過去完成時,故have→had。

【4】easily→easy考查形容詞。That's easy。那很容易。這里形容詞easy作表語。

【5】these→those 考察代詞。句意;你看到那邊的兩個警察了嗎?由over there可知,這里用those,故these→those。

【6】instead后面加of 考查連詞。句意:我看到四個而不是兩個。instead of 代替,而不是。

【7】刪去hearing后的at 句意:聽到這里,我假裝很迷茫。hear是既無動詞,不用加at,故刪去hearing后的at。

【8】and→but 考察連詞 句意:天哪,但是那邊有六個警察,你看不到嗎?根據(jù)句意可知這里and→but。

【9】surprised→surprise考察名詞。句意:爸爸非常驚訝的看著我。in great surprise非常驚訝地。這里surprise是名詞。

【10】drink →drunk 本題考察形容詞。句意:你真的醉了,兒子。drunk醉的。故drink →drunk。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】ArrivinginSydneyonhisownfromIndia, my husband, Rashid, stayedina hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.

During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport.

He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.

Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.

My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them out, although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents. At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.

That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people. We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.

1What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?

A. Go shopping B. Find a house

C. Join his family D. Take his family

2The girl’s parents got Rashid’s phone number from_______.

A. a friend of his family B. a Sydney policeman

C. a letter in his papers D. a stranger in Sydney

3What does the underlined word “restored” in the last paragraph mean?[

A. Showed B. Sent out

C. Delivered D. Gave back

4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. From India to Australia. B. Living in a New Country.

C. Turning Trash to Treasure. D. In Search of New Friends.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:












注意:1. 文章必須包含表中的全部內容

2. 詞數(shù)100左右,開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)

參考詞匯:上當受騙 get cheated

Should students make friends online? Different people have different opinions.



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Yesterday was my 18th birthday. As Father and Mother thought it1 (be) a big occasion for me, they suggested I 2 (held) a birthday party at home to celebrate it. For several days they had been busy 3 (prepare) for this. By 4 o’clock I was pleased to see all my friends had come 4 a lot of beautiful presents.

We spent a wonderful night together, 5 (happy) talking and eating. One of6most exciting moment was when Mother put a big birthday cake on the table and all my friends began to sing Happy Birthday. Seeing the 18 candles burning, I couldn’t keep back my 7 (tear). Without Mother and Father’s love, I would not lead such a happy life now. Mother asked me to make a wish before I blew out all the candles. After that, everyone enjoyed the sweet birthday cake and shared my happiness.

I am eighteen years old now, 8 means I’ve become an adult and have9 (many) responsibilities. I’ll do my best to return my parents’ love and live up to10(they) expectations.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】How to Say No to Your Boss

Saying “no” to a request can be a difficult thing, especially when the person making the request is your boss.1The following steps are helpful.

Give yourself some time to think about the request before saying “no”.

If the request arrives via email, don’t reply right away.

2If your boss asks you in person or on the telephone, request some time to give it thought and tell her you will get back to her by a specific time. Consider the request carefully to determine whether you have to say “no”.

Prepare your answer before telling your boss “no”.

Anticipate questions she might ask in response to your answer, and decide how you want to answer them. Rehearse your conversation with your boss out loud to help build your confidence before the real conversation.

Choose the right time and place to speak with your boss.

Have the conversation in private if your work situation allows you to get a moment alone with your boss. Keep in mind your boss’s workday pressures and work style. If she is a morning person and gets grumpy(脾氣暴躁的)in the afternoon, be sure to speak with her before lunch.


If your boss is asking you to take on more responsibility, that shows that she has faith in your ability to do the job. Acknowledge that it means a lot to you before telling her that you feel you cannot do it.

Tell your boss why you have to say “no” to the request.

4Your boss will be grateful that you answered honestly, rather than trying to take on a project you cannot handle.

Offer an alternative solution.

For example, if your boss asks you to serve on a committee, suggest someone else in the company that you think may be interested and capable of serving.5

A. Pay your boss a compliment while denying her request.

B. Even if you try your best to do everything the boss lets you do, there are times when you can’t do and have to say “no”.

C. Put yourself in your boss’s shoes and consider how the company will be affected if you refuse the request.

D. Maybe you could offer to share the workload with someone else.

E. Most employers respect honesty in their employees.

F. Try a compromise.

G. Set the request aside and think about it for a while.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Due to poor management , the factory is deeply _______ __________.(債臺高筑).

2_____________ ____________ ______________,(出于好奇)he pulled down the handle of the fire alarm.

3It’s illegal to read people’s private letters without _____.(許可)

4Could you tell me whether there is a c______________ between smoking and lung cancer?

5The condition prevents the blood from c__________ (循環(huán))freely.

6T_________________(因此), we must treasure the time.

7I would always keep my distance from drinkers on social o____________(場合).

8Mother always tells me not to __________ ___________ ____________(瞧不起)anyone, even if he is not well educated.

9Every morning my grandfather spends 45 minutes doing physical exercises to _____________ __________(增強)his health.

10The magician performed many magic tricks to ______________ the audience(娛樂觀眾).


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



2. 為使行文連貫可適當增加細節(jié)。

In recent years, Wechat is becoming increasingly popular. _________________________________________



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


活動安排:1. 9:00在校操場舉行歡迎儀式;

2. 12:00-13:00 在校體育館進行中美學生籃球賽;

3. 18:00 在校禮堂舉辦中美學生文藝晚會。

活動要求: 全體穿著校服,舉止得體。

注意:1. 100詞左右;2. 可以適當增加細節(jié)使行文連貫。

參考詞匯:友誼校 sister school;校禮堂 the school auditorium







December 19, 2015 The Students’ Union


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







In my memory, my hometown was small village, but it was beautiful. When I was young, I was liked swimming in the river. The water was so clean that I could see fishes in them. As I missed my hometown, I go back home last week. Unlucky, I found the place in my memory was not like that it was. The water was dirt and the river was polluted so seriously! I couldn’t believe it. That beautiful hometown was destroyed by the pollutions. What a shame! I hope people can pay attention to protect the environment and make the beautiful hometown come back in life.

