【題目】What is the man complaining about?

A.The weather forecast.B.The bad weather.

C.The useless umbrella.




M: I hate carrying that umbrella around. The weatherman said there was a twenty-percent chance of rain. But it didn’t rain a drop.

W: Twenty percent means zero percent.

M: But last week they said twenty percent and it actually rained all day.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 To address the plastic pollution troubling the world’s seas and waterways, Cornell University chemists have developed a new polymer (聚合物) that can degrade (降解) plastic when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, according to the research published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

“We have created a new plastic that has the mechanical properties required by commercial fishing gear. If it eventually gets lost in the water environment, this material can degrade on a realistic time scale,” said lead researcher Bryce Lipinski, professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Cornell University. “This material could effectively reduce persistent plastic accumulation in the environment.”

Commercial fishing contributes to about half of all floating plastic waste that ends up in the oceans. Fishing nets and ropes are primarily made from three kinds of polymers, none of which easily degrade. “While research of degradable plastics has received much attention in recent years,” Lipinski said, “obtaining a material with a mechanical strength comparable to commercial plastic remains a difficult challenge.”

Coates and his research team have spent the past 15 years developing the new plastic called isotactic polypropylene oxide, or iPPO. While its original discovery was in 1949, the mechanical strength of this material was unknown before this recent work. The high isotacticity and polymer chain length of their material makes it different from previous plastics and provides its mechanical strength.

Lipinski and other scientists want no race of the polymer to be left in the environment. He notes there is precedent (先例) for the biodegradation of small chains of iPPO which could effectively make it disappear and ongoing efforts aim to prove this.

1What is the feature about the new polymer?

A.It can solve the problem of plastic consumption.

B.It can degrade plastic waste in the sea water.

C.It has been developed to solve plastic pollution.

D.It has been developed to lower fishing costs.

2What can we infer from paragraph 3?

A.It requires great effort to invent the new plastic.

B.Fishing should be forbidden in the sea.

C.Fishing nets and ropes are not the major pollution source.

D.Degradable plastics were not paid attention to until recent years.

3What did the recent study find about iPPO?

A.Its original discovery.B.Its mechanical properties.

C.Its complex structure.D.Its mechanical strength.

4What is Lipinski’s attitude towards the future of iPPO?




科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 At the World Economic Forum last month, President Trump drew claps when he announced the United States would respond to the forum's proposal to plant one trillion(萬億) trees to fight climate change. The trillion-tree idea won wide attention last summer after a study published in the journal Science concluded that planting so many trees was “the most effective climate change solution to date”.

If only it were true. But it isn't. Planting trees would slow down the planet's warming, but the only thing that will save us and future generations from paying a huge price in dollars, lives and damage to nature is rapid and considerable reductions in carbon release from fossil fuels, to net zero by 2050.

Focusing on trees as the big solution to climate change is a dangerous diversion(偏離). Worse still, it takes attention away from those responsible for the carbon release that are pushing us toward disaster. For example, in the Netherlands, you can pay Shell an additional 1 euro cent for each liter of regular gasoline you put in your tank, to plant trees to balance the carbon release from your driving. That's clearly no more than disaster slightly delayed. The only way to stop this planet from overheating is through political, economic, technological and social solutions that end the use of fossil fuels.

There is no way that planting trees, even across a global area the size of the United States, can absorb the huge amounts of fossil carbon released from industrial societies. Trees do take up carbon from the atmosphere as they grow. But this uptake merely replaces carbon lost when forests were cleared in the first place, usually long ago. Regrowing forests where they once grew can undo some damage done in the past, but even a trillion trees can't store enough carbon to head off dramatic climate changes this century.

In a sharp counter argument to last summer's Paper in Science, Justin Gillis wrote in the same journal in October that the study's findings were inconsistent with the dynamics of the global carbon cycle. He warned that “the claim that global tree restoration(復原) is our most effective climate solution is simply scientifically incorrect and dangerously misleading”.

1What do we know about the trillion-tree idea?

A.It was published in a journal.

B.It was proposed last summer.

C.It was put forward by Trump.

D.It drew lots of public attention.

2What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.A drawback of the tree planting strategy.

B.An example of balancing carbon release.

C.An anecdote of making a purchase at Shell.

D.A responsibility for politicians and economists.

3What was Justin Gillis's attitude towards global tree restoration?



4What is the best title for the text?

A.Contradictory Ideas on Tree Planting.

B.A Trillion Trees Come to the Rescue.

C.Planting Trees Won't Save the World.

D.The Best Solution to Climate Change.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】—I lost five pounds just after a week on this new diet. It's definitely worth a try.

—Right, _____. I definitely need to get in shape for my school reunion.

A.You have my wordsB.I don’t buy itC.You’ve sold it to meD.I just can’t help it


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Leadership is the ability to encourage yourself and others to achieve a specific aim. Mastering leadership skills can help people get more satisfying results, build more confidence and so on. Here are some ways to improve one’s leadership at work.

Learn from leaders that you admire. You can get encouragement from any leader who has left a great impression on you with their leadership. 1 Choose the good qualities that you want to study, such as keeping their word, trusting others, courage and determination.

2 As a leader, it is important to teach others what you know to help them grow in their jobs. If you spend time teaching others, you can enable them to have valuable skills and knowledge.

Build good teams. Many people want to work in or be part of a successful team. 3 When you build it, you have to know the advantages and disadvantages of members, get team members to know each other, build trust and so on.

Be a good listener. Good 1istening skills are important to a leader. With so much information distracting our attention today, it is easy to ignore listening skills. 4 Listening carefully can help people feel understood, appreciated and respected.

Praise others truly. It will let people down if they put a lot of efforts into a task that benefits the company but don’t receive even a simple “thank you”. Sometimes leaders forget the power and importance of praising team members, yet this simple behavior is encouraging. 5

A.Build your self-confidence.

B.Share your knowledge with others.

C.Try to get better and better at what you do.

D.Therefore, make it a habit to appreciate your members.

E.However, building a strong and well-performing team is hard.

F.It could be your father, brother, friend, teacher, or a famous person.

G.This will lead to poor communication and make others understand things wrongly.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌 寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。






We were considering making an English magazine, and without hands-on experience we didn’t know how to start it. To get profession instructions, we left for Beijing to visit a chief editor of Beijing Review, the famous English journal. Busy as he was, he showed me around, explaining us the amazing history of the journal and its production process. Beside, he offered us lots of tip, which were practical and valuable. What make us especially happy was that when he promised to give us continuous guidance. Filling with confidence, we are now beginning to handle our magazine.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假如你是李華,作為學校交換生曾在英國學習三個月,現(xiàn)已回國。你希望在感恩節(jié)來臨之際向你的英國老師Mr. Blaire表達感恩之情,但發(fā)現(xiàn)沒有他的聯(lián)系方式。請根據(jù)以下題示給你的英國同學Jack寫一封電子郵件:


2、詢問Mr. Blaire的近況并索要其聯(lián)系方式;






科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 When I was a child growing up in Ohio, the butterflies would sometimes pass through on their way to Mexico. And it was awesome to see football fields full of them — and I wanted to revisit that on a larger scale. I knew I had to go to see the migration in Mexico.

But I was on a budget. I didn’t want to rent a car in Mexico or take a bus to Valle de Bravo, the starting point for most butterfly adventures, so I called the guys at the Muddy Boot, travel experts in Mexico who can make almost anything happen at a reasonable rate.

And so, on January 2, I found myself in the Muddy Boot van (貨車), being driven two hours from Mexico City to Valle de Bravo, a lovely town on a volcanic lake which is a central point for the butterfly journeys. I booked a two-night stay at the Hotel Rodavento, an all eco-friendly hotel with individual wooden houses spread throughout the forest and around a lake.

The first sanctuary (保護區(qū)) I visited was Piedra Herrada, a popular destination, as it is only 40 minutes away from Valle de Bravo. The climb up is tiring. It is advisable to hire a horse. But the horse cannot take you all the way, and there is some hiking in thin air, so you must be patient, drink a lot of water, and be in reasonably good shape.

The walk is more than worth it, though. As I struggled to catch my breath, I looked up and lost my breath again. At first glance, the trees had turned into different shapes, but on closer inspection, every inch of them was covered with butterflies.

A few flew through the air (Most of them were not warm enough). As the sun rose, they began to come alive. Soon the air was filled with flying butterflies, transforming the forest into something magical and straight out of a fairy tale.

1Why did the author choose to take the Muddy Boot van?

A.She couldn’t afford to rent a car.

B.She preferred to travel alone.

C.She wanted to save some money.

D.She hoped to reach the destination earlier.

2What can we learn about Piedra Herrada?

A.It is at a high altitude.B.It is far from Valle de Bravo.

C.It is full of wild animals.D.It is only accessible by riding a horse.

3What made the author’s hiking worthwhile?

A.Becoming healthier.B.Breathing in fresh air.

C.Finding trees of different shapes.D.Seeing the butterfly migration.

4What type of writing is the text?

A.A news report.B.A scientific paper.C.A travel diary.D.A commercial ad.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Take a break, Amy. You ______ on the piano all morning.

All right. But the competition is coming soon. I have to work harder.

A.are practisingB.will be practisingC.have been practisingD.practice

