精英家教網 > 高中英語 > 題目詳情

【題目】stand up for; a variety of; trip over; make fun of; have affection for; come up with; react to; rely on; instead of; have an effect on

1We'll have noodles ___________ rice for lunch today.

2Some scientists believe that Japan's nuclear leak may ___________ the world's climate.

3It is obvious that no student likes being ___________ in the teacher's face during the class.

4He ___________ a good idea for the difficult math problem.

5They could stand, ____________ touch and move.

6He always _____________ the things in which he believes.

7You can make a plan for this weekend, but you can't ____________ the weather.

8_____________ scientists doubted the level of nuclear radiation in Japan would be high enough to be harmful at that time.

9Unfortunately, he _________________ a stone and fell in the mud.

10I ____________ special ______________ Cao Yu's classic novel Thunderstorm.


1instead of

2have an effect on

3made fun of

4came up with

5react to

6stands up for

7rely on

8A variety of

9tripped over

10haveaffection for


1句意:今天中午我們用午飯代替大米。instead of意為“代替”。

2句意:科學家認為日本的核泄漏可能對世界的氣候產生了影響。have an effect on “……產生影響”。根據句意可知填have an effect on。

3句意:很明顯,在課上面對老師沒有學生喜歡被取笑。根據句意可知用動名詞一般式的被動式,故答案為made fun of取笑)。

4句意:對于這道困難的數學題他想出了一個好主意。根據句意可知用一般過去時態(tài),come up with提出,想出”,故答案為came up with。

5句意:它們可以站立,對觸摸和移動做出反應。react to“回應”,故答案為react to。

6句意:他總是堅持他相信的東西。根據句意可知用一般現在時態(tài),stand up for“堅持,堅決捍衛(wèi)”。故答案為stands up for。

7句意:你能為這個周末制定計劃但是你不能依賴天氣。rely on“依賴”,故答案為rely on。

8句意:在那時各種各樣的科學家懷疑日本核輻射超標而造成危害。a variety of“種種,各種各樣的”。故答案為a variety of。

9句意:很不幸他被一塊石頭絆倒掉進泥里了。根據句意可知用一般過去時態(tài)trip over意為……絆倒,故答案為tripped over。

10句意:我對曹禺的經典小說《雷雨》情有獨鐘。have affection for……喜愛。故答案為(1)have;(2)affection for。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】When my brother and I said we were going to spend our Christmas holidays abroad, the whole family objected violently. But nothing could persuade us 【1】 (stay). Two days 2 Christmas, we went to a small town in Southern Germany. We 3 (spend) the whole of Christmas Eve sightseeing.

There were 4 many activities in the town that they added to our excitement. The streets were crowded with people 5 the shops were full of wonderful things. In the evening. We went to listen to Christmas songs 6 (sing) by children around the 7 (bright) decorated Christmas tree in the main street. We planned to have 8 meal at the best restaurant in town the next day. However, in the morning the streets were empty. What’s worse, all the shops including the restaurants were shut. As last we had to return to our hotel, 9 (feel) very miserable. Our Christmas “feast” was a bag of fruits, 【10 my brother had happened to buy the day before.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】China, the biggest developing country in the world, is opening its gate to the whole world. It is preparing for the coming world. Every day 1ots of foreigners come here as business people or tourists. And even more people will come after Beijing has held the 29th Olympic Games successfully in 2008. When they come to China, we should do something to help them enjoy themselves and like China and the Chinese people.But there are some things they may not like:

1. Bumping (碰撞) Too many people are crowded onto buses and trains. This makes people feel terrible, and it is not safe, either.

2. Traffic problems Cars park on sidewalks. Bus drivers drive so fast that they make people who are trying to cross the street afraid.

3.Littering I notice this everywhere.Some people throw rubbish(垃圾) onto the ground even when there is a rubbish bin right next to them.

4.Queue jumping At the post office,or even at McDonald’s, people push to the front of a line instead of waiting.

Most Chinese people are just as unhappy with these kinds of things as I am. And,certainly,the government has known the problems and is trying to do something about them.

China is on her way!

1The writer thinks we Chinese people should do the following except_____.

A. park our cars at right places B. hurry onto buses before others

C. throw rubbish into rubbish bins D. wait for our turn in public places

2Someone throws an empty Cola bottle onto the ground. This is called_____.

A. queue jumping B. bumping

C. traffic D. littering

3We can conclude from the passage that_____.

A. things will get better and better in China

B. fewer and fewer foreigners will visit our country

C. there will be more and more traffic problems in Beijing

D. fewer and fewer Chinese people will eat hamburgers

4When the writer says “China is preparing for the coming world” he means that______.

A. most Chinese people are as unhappy with these problems as him

B. China is going to be a fast--growing country

C. it is time for the Chinese to change their bad behaviors

D. the Chinese will do a good job in the 2008 Beijing Olympics


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】What’s the biggest online shopping day in the world? Not Valentine’s Day. Not Cyber Monday or Black Friday. The winner is China’s Singles’Day, celebrated on November11, or 11.11.

Singles’Day began as a day for unmarried or uncoupled people to celebrate their lives. Single students, looking for an excuse to buy themselves presents, started it on November11,1993, reported The Guardian. It is symbolized by the four mumber ones in the date of November11 and is also called Double Eleven, in reference to the day it was started, said the BBC. It became a major shopping day in 2009. The CEO of an online shopping site --Alibaba-- tried to increase sales at the e-commerce company. The CEO, Daniel Zhang, launched an annual online sale on that day, said Fortune. When it first began, “Sigles’Day was very much an offline comfort to actual single people,”noted the website atlas Obscura.”A small group of students at Nanjing University are said to have chosen 11.11 as a day that singles could do activities like karaoke together.”It quickly became a cultural phenomenon.

Last year, Alibaba sold more than $1 billion worth of products inthe first three minutes of the sales, reported Bloomberg News. Total sales on Singles’Day soared to $9 billion within 24 hours. That’s four times bigger than Cyber Monday in the U.S., which is the Monday after Thanksgiving and traditionally a big shopping day. By comparison, online sales in the U.S. last year on Black Friday were just $1.5 billion, reported TechCrunch.

Today, Singles’Day is very successful. Analysts say that this year, sales on China’s Singles’Day will increase to a new high. In the U.S., Jennifer Wang, a co-founder of a company targeting Chinese-Americans, said, “We expect to have 3 million people coming to click Dealmoon for the Singles’Day launch.” Some observers think Singles’Day could catch on globally.

1How did the author introduce the topic of the passage?

A. By describing a holiday. B. By asking a question

C. By making a list. D. By telling a story

2What’s the second paragraph mainly about?

A. How Singles’Day came into being. B. Why Singles’Day became popular.

C. When Singles’Day was started. D. Who first celebrated Singles’Day.

3Why did China’s Singles’Day become a major shopping day?

A. Because singles celebrated their happy lives on November11.

B. Because students at Nanjing university took part in activities together.

C. Because an annual online sale was started on that day by Alibaba.

D. Because single students chose that day to buy themselves gifts.

4Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “soared”in Paragraph3?

A. Increased sharply. B. Decreased quickly.

C. Returned gradually. D. Appeared suddenly.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Before the 17th century, most of the native English speakers lived in England. After the 17th century, British people began to move to other 1 (country). Gradually, English was spoken there. At present 2 (many) people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before. 3 (luck), native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.

English 4 (change) and developed when cultures met and communicated with each other over the past centuries. The English 5 (speak) in England between about AD450 and 1150 was very different 6 the modern English we speak today. It was the new settlers that enriched the English language and 7 (especial) its vocabulary. The English language was settled by the 19th century 8 two big changes in English spelling happened. English now is also spoken as a foreign 9second language in South Asia. China may have the 10 (large) number of English learners.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Most funny stories are based on comic situations. In spite of national differences, certain funny situations have a universal attraction. No matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say Charlie Chaplin's early films. However, a new type of humour, which starts largely from the U.S., has recently come into fashion. It is called “sick humour”.

Comedians base their jokes on tragic situations like violent death or serious accidents. The following “sick humour” will enable you to amuse yourself.

A man who had broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas. From the moment he arrived there, he kept on bothering his doctor to tell him when he would be able to go home. He was afraid of having to spend Christmas in hospital. Though the doctor did his best, the patient's recovery was slow. On Christmas Day, the man still had his right leg in plaster(石膏).

He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing. The following day, however, the doctor consoled him by telling him that his chances of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year celebrations were good. The man took heart and, sure enough, on New Year's Eve he was able to hobble(蹣跚) along to a party. To make up for his unpleasant experiences in hospital, the man drank a little more than it was good for him. In the process, he enjoyed himself thoroughly and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals. He was still murmuring something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.

1Which is right?

A. All the humour stories are funny in spite of different nationalities.

B. One can realize the humour of the stories in his own country.

C. Charlie Chaplin made it difficult to laugh at his action.

D. Almost all the audience can be made to laugh at some famous comedians' action.

2What does the underlined word “consoled” mean?

A. Comfort. B. Overcome.

C. Confuse. D. Disturb.

3What can we infer from the passage?

A. No pains, no gains. B. Extreme joy begets sorrow.

C. Once a thief, always a thief. D. Good medicine tastes bitter.

4What's the main idea of the passage?

A. A new kind of humour came into being.

B. How to cure your legs is important.

C. Christmas is more necessary than anything else.

D. Holding a party is interesting for the westerners.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1When I began to sing, he laughed and it made me _______________ (尷尬的).

2Our farm ________________ (占地面積) an area of 10,000 square metres.

3You never get a second chance to make a first ________________ (印象).

4I’d ________________ (感激) it if you could turn it down.

5You have to be ________________ ( 耐心的) with my mother. She is going rather deaf.

6You look tired you should take a ________________ (假期) .

7After some difficulties I was ________________ (幸運的) in finding a most respectable young man as my assistant.

8We turned to see the ________________ (接近) car slow down.

9I mustn’t annoy my boss because I can’t ________________ (負擔得起) to lose my job.

10In ________________ (結論), I’d like to thank you for all you’ve done for me.

11The car is ________________ (裝備) with air conditioning.

12All students have free ________________ (接近, 通路) to the library.

13A driver should ________________ (全神貫注) on the road when driving.

14________________ (比較) to that one, this one is better.

15Once you are ________________ (上癮的) to smoking, it is difficult for you to get out of it.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


An elderly teacher,with a pupil by his side,took a walk through a forest. Suddenly he_【1】__(stop) and pointed to four plants close at hand. The first was just beginning to appear slowly above the ground,the second had rooted itself pretty well into the earth,the third was a small short tree,while the fourth was__【2】__ full-sized tree. The tutor said to his young__【3】__(company),“Pull up the first plant. ” The boy did so eagerly,__【4】__(use) only his fingers.

“Now pull up the second.” The youth obeyed __【5】__ found that the task was__【6】__(difficult).

“Do the same__【7】__ the third,” he urged. The boy had to use all his strength to uproot it.

“Now,” said the instructor,“try your hand with the fourth. ” The pupil put his arms around the trunk of the tall tree and couldn't even shake__【8】_ leaves. “This,my son,is just_【9】__ happens with our bad habits. When they are young,we can remove them easily;but when they are old,it's hard to pull them out of the ground,__【10】__ we pray and struggle ever so sincerely!”


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】If you are planning a vacation on the beaches of the Baltic Sea, in north Poland, you’d better buy or build 1 (you) a space separator. The unique tool is clearly a must on those beaches, at least if you want to fit in with 2 crowd.

I was recently looking through Eastern-European pictures and news as I usually do, 3 I came across a collection of strange beach photos where everyone had a cloth wall surrounding their 4 (limit) space of sand. The cloth wall was everywhere, but I had never seen anything like it before. 5 (fortunate), except the title, “Polish Beach Introverts (性格內向的人),” there was no 6 (explain) as to why everybody was using it. So I did some research online. Finally, I found a Russian website talking about it.

According to the website, beach separators 7 (be) a part of Polish beach-going culture for a very long time, but have recently been getting a lot of attention online, since foreign tourists 8 (take) a vacation at the Baltic Sea started posting photos of separator-covered beaches 9 the Internet Actually, beach separators weren’t designed to protect their users from prying (窺探的) eyes. It’s no secret that strong winds are very common on the beaches of the Baltic Sea, so the separators allow beach-goers 10 (enjoy) sunbathing without having their things blown off.

