The website YouTube was created in 2005 and became an overnight success.Google bought YouTube for more than $1,600,000 the following year.In May,YouTube announced that two billion videos were watched each day.

In June,the Guggenheim Museum in New York City announced it would hold a competition among YouTube videos.Now,the judges have chosen the top 125 videos.

The Guggenheim and YouTube launched the competition called“YouTube Play.A Biennial(兩年一度)of Creative Video.”The information technology companies HP and Intel are supporting the event.23,000 videos entered the competition.They represented 91 countries and every possible style of movie making.

The rules of the competition were few.Video makers had to be eighteen years or older.They could enter only one video.It had to be no more than ten minutes long.Any language,subject,sound,and style were considered.

Eleven people are judging the videos.They include artists,musicians,and filmmakers.Laurie Anderson is all three.She says all her art starts with a story,so she looks for a story as she judges the videos.

Other judges include the filmmaker Darren Aronofsky,the band Animal Collective,and artist and filmmaker,Shirin Neshat.

New Jersey artist Dahlia Elsayed’s video is one of the finalists.She used the camera in her computer to record herself describing her daily food desires for one month.The video is simple,short,and interesting.

A frightening,but beautiful video came from Chile.The video by Niles Atallah,Joaquin Cocina Varas.and Cristobal Leon is called“Luis”.It is an animated ghostly story of a tense,angry boy.It is very dark,but impossible to stop watching.

“Mars to Jupiter”is a video from Canada by Sterling Pache.It is about a survivor of the 1994 genocide(種族屠殺)in Rwanda.The video explores how her past still haunts(縈繞) her.

Other chosen videos are from France,Spain,Taiwan,Australia,and Israel.Almost thirty countries are represented.You can see them if you link to YouTube Play from our website at

People can also see the 125 videos at the Guggenheim museums in New York;Bilbao,Spain;Berlin,Germany;and Venice,Italy.

On October 21,the YouTube Play judges will announce the final twenty winning videos at a special event at the Guggenheim in New York.The Videos will be on View there until October 24.

1.Accoding to the text,YouTube might be        .

A.a video sharing website

B.a supporting company of the event

C.a museum in New York City

D.a frightening,but beautiful video

2.Who were supposed to enter the contest according to the text?

A.Video makers in English—speaking countries.

B.Video makers from New York City.

C.Video makers all over the world.

D.Video makers under the age of 18.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A.The rules of the competition were quite complicated.

B.Twenty videos will finally be picked out as the best.

C.The style of video was strictly limited.

D.Only artists can judge the competitio.

4.         is a simple and relaxing story about daily life.

A.“Mars to Jupiter”                      B.Niles Atallah’s video

C.“Luis”                                 D.Dahlia Elsayed’s video

5.The text is mainly about        .

A.a famous wetsite                         B.a famous museum

C.some interesting videos                  D.a video competition









科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解



TIME IS IT.Over 92% of people who own exercise equipment snd 88% of people who own health club memberships do not exercise.A 4-minute complete workout is no longer hard to believe for all the people who have bought our excellent Range of Motion machine (ROM) since 1990.Over 97% of people who rent our ROM for 30 days end up buying it,due to the health benefits experienced during that tryout and the ROM performance score that tells the story of health and fitness improvement.At under 20 cents per use,the 4-minute ROM exercise is the least expensive full body complete exercise a person can do.How do we know that it is under 20 cents per use?Over 90% of ROM machines go to private homes,but we have a few that are in commercial use for 12 years and they have endured over 80,000 uses each,without need of repair.The ROM 4-minute workout is for people from 10 to over 100 years old and highly trained athletes as well.The ROM balances blood sugar,and repairs bad backs and shoulders.Too good to be ture?Get our free video and see for yourself.The best proof for us is that 97% of rentals become sales.Please visit our websit at www. or call (800)123-6460. 

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Fax(800)123-6461  Email: sakes @fitness. Com 

What is ROM?

A.A peice of exercise equipment.

B.A club membership card.

C.A commercial health club.

D.An electric wheelchair.

How many people bought ROM after trying it out?

A.92%                              B.88%

C.97%                              D.90%

One selling point of ROM is that_____. makes full body exercise possible in 4 minutes can kill back and shoulder pains in 10 minutes needs no repair in the first 20 years is sold on a 3-month trial basis

The advertisement is made believable by______.

A.telling stories

B.using figures

C.making comparisons

D.asking question


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解


Dear Sir ,

I recently found your website of Chinese a very Culture a very good source .I am a professor teaching at Soochow University in Taipei Taiwan , and I would plan to quite often use some articles on your website for my coures of Introduction to Chinese Culture. Therefore, I’d like to inform you of educational purposes and hopefully to have your permission. Meanwhile, I do wish I could have more materials from your service. Much grateful to you.

                                                         Yours  sincerely,

                                                              Byron Gong

Dear Mr. Byron Gong,

It is pleasue to know that our websit has been of help for you to introduce Chinese culture in your class. Sharing the same mission in  promoting culture ,we are glad to grant you the permission in using the sourses of our website for your educational purposes, under the condition that all the sources are credited .However ,if the pictures or articles are to be used for publication, you can mail us and further discuss on that.

We are happy to provide you with some furthetr material, but we would like to know what kind of information would be of interest to you.

Thank you again for attention to our website .Any suggestion is welcome ,and we would appreciate your help if you could tell us what contents in our website are of most interest and significate to you and what parts shoud be given more attention.

                                                    Sincerely yours

                                                     Chinaculture .org

60. What is Mr. Byron Gong doing?

   A. He is working for Soochow University in Taipei Taiwan as a cleaner.

   B. He is nothing to do with Soochow University.

   C. He is a professor teaching at  Soochow University.

   D. He is searching for some scholars.

61. Why does  Mr. Byron Gong write the letter ?

   A. He intends to introduce to his students if Chinese Culture is worth learing .

   B. He asks for the permission from the website to use the material in his teaching.

   C. He expects to be allowed to work in the group in the website.

   D,He would like to inforn the website that he hopes to help then introduce Chinese culture.

62.What was the response of the website after they received the letter ?

   A The wehsite responed to his letter coldly.

   B. The wehsite responed to his letter in a polite and anxious way.

   C. The website answered him enthusiasticaly,reasonably and suggestibly.

   D. The website answered him eagerly.

63. What can we learn from the response of the website ?

   A. They would be grateful to informed what contents are interesting and significant.

   B. They wish to learn more about Mr. Byon Gong’s hobbies.

   C. They expect to know more about their mistakes in the material.

   D. They hope for his appreciation in return for the use of their material.

