A blocked airway(呼吸道) can kill someone in three to four minutes, but it can take more than eight minutes for an ambulance to arrive. So a simple procedure such as opening someone's airway can save their life while they're waiting for emergency medical help. This means you're more likely to give first aid to someone you know than a stranger.
There are many misconceptions (誤解) surrounding first aid. Below are the ‘most popular' ones with details of what you should do.
You should put butter or cream on a burn. The only thing you should put on a burn is cold water — keep the butter for cooking. Put the affected area under cold running water for at least ten minutes.
The best way to treat bleeding is to put the wound under a tap. If you put a bleeding wound under a tap you wash away the body's clotting agents(凝血劑) and make it bleed more. Instead put pressure on the wound with whatever is available to stop or slow down the flow of blood. As soon as possible call 999. Keep pressure on the wound until help arrives.
Nosebleeds are best treated by putting the head back. If you put the head back during a nosebleed, all the blood goes down the back of the airway. Instead advise them to tilt(傾斜) their head forwards and ask the person to pinch(捏) the end of their nose and breathe through their mouth.
You need lots of training to do first aid. You don't — what you mostly need is common sense. You can learn enough first aid in a few minutes to save someone's life — whether it's from a book, attending a course or watching videos online.
Remember: anyone can save a life
(1)The most important point to save a person's life is to ensure ______.
A.his smooth breath
B.ambulances' arriving time
C.the quiet surroundings
D.emergency medical help
(2)If a person is burnt, what you should do immediately is to ______.
A.put some cream on the burn area
B.cook some butter for the burn
C.place the burn under cold running water
D.wash the affected area for a long time
(3)If a bleeding wound is put under a tap, what should happen?
A.It will help the bleeding stop at once.
B.It will help produce more clotting agents.
C.It will produce more pressure on the wound.
D.It will bleed more and hard to stop.
(4)The passage mainly tells us ______.
A.how to learn first aid by yourself
B.some misunderstanding about first aid
C.the importance of first aid
D.how to help medical team save a life

(1)考查細節(jié)理解。根據(jù)第一段中的“A blocked airway(呼吸道) can kill someone in three to four minutes, but it can take more than eight minutes for an ambulance to arrive.”可知,確保急救的人有平穩(wěn)的呼吸。故選A。
(2)考查細節(jié)理解。根據(jù)第四段中的“The best way to treat bleeding is to put the wound under a tap.”可知,C項正確。
(3)考查細節(jié)理解。根據(jù)第四段中的“If you put a bleeding wound under a tap you wash away the body's clotting agents(凝血劑) and make it bleed more.”可知,如果把流血的傷口放在水龍頭下沖,身體中的凝血劑會被沖走,血會流的更厲害。故選D。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Mr. Glen is a millionaire. Years ago, after returning from abroad to his motherland, he 1his company. Speaking of success, Glen often tells us a story about his extra expensive “school” fee. He always 2 his success to it.
At that time, Glen, who already got a Ph.D. degree,3 to return home, starting a company. Before leaving, he bought a Rolex watch with the 4made through years. At the airport he had to accept the routine customs(海關(guān)) check. The watch on his wrist was also required to be taken down for5. Glen knew that carrying such goods out had to pay the tax, and he worried about paying 6 for his watch. So while checked, he told a lie that his watch was a 7 fake(假貨). When he was8of his “smarts”, immediately, in the presence of Glen, the officers hit the watch,9cost nearly 100,000, into pieces10hearing Glen's words. Glen was 11. Before he understood why, he was taken to the office to be examined 12. For many times of entry-exit 13 he knew that only those people in the “blacklist” would “enjoy” this special treatment. The officers looked over everything carefully, and 14 him no matter what time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if15 reusing and carrying fake goods, he would be 16 by law! Suddenly, his face turned red, and he had nothing in mind after17the plane for long.
After that, he often told the story to his family and his employees. He said that this made a deep 18 on him, because the additional high “school” fee that he had ever paid made him realize the value of 19, which he would remember as the 20of his success forever.
(1)A.went up B.set up C.took up D.picked up
(2)A.honors B.mentions C.brings D.owes
(3)A.objected B.refused C.decided D.asked
(4)A.books B.things C.pounds D.savings
(5)A.inspection B.look C.test D.experiment
(6)A.it B.one C.them D.these
(7)A.careless B.priceless C.hopeless D.worthless
(8)A.afraid B.ashamed C.proud D.hard
(9)A.whose B.what C.which D.as
(10)A.at B.on C.in D.by
(11)A.shocked B.delighted C.disappointed D.satisfied
(12)A.closely B.quietly C.quickly D.curiously
(13)A.conditions B.chances C.experiments D.experiences
(14)A.stopped B.warned C.urged D.hoped
(15)A.found out B.came out C.sent out D.set out
(16)A.hit B.charged C.praised D.blamed
(17)A.boarding B.getting off C.flying D.observing
(18)A.expression B.idea C.thought D.impression
(19)A.lies B.honesty C.goods D.bravery
(20)A.choice B.lesson C.secret D.belief


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

After lunch, without permission from parents, the two boys set off to explore the part of the beach which lay beyond the headland(陸岬). They had persuaded their young sister to 1 saying that the long walk would be too 2 for her. Once they had got in the headland, the beach reached away endlessly before them. It was like 3 a new world. There were damp, dark caves to 4 there were many 5 among the rocks, full of sea lives. Here and there along the beach were those 6objects, washed up and 7by the tide.(潮汐)
The afternoon passed 8The sun was already 9 when the boys reluctantly (戀戀不舍)10to make their 11 homewards. But long before they reached the headland, they could see that tide had come in so sudden that they were now 12from either end of the beach. Their only chance of 13was to find a way up the cliff(懸崖) nearby.
They soon find a narrow path 14the cliff top. But half way up their path was15by a large rock which they could not climb 16. The two boys had to17at the top of their voices,18 that someone might19over the top of the rock. Finally came their father and two policemen.20 of them climbed down a rope which was lowered over the rock. The boys were then pulled to safety, and thus saved from spending a terrible night on the cliff.
(1)A.keep quiet B.stay home C.take a rest D.join them
(2)A.tiring B.exciting C.uninteresting D.impossible
(3)A.discovering B.facing C.enjoying D.imagining
(4)A.look up B.explore C.hide D.search
(5)A.lakes B.rivers C.waterfalls D.pools
(6)A.dirty B.light C.strange D.clean
(7)A.moved B.covered C.beaten D.left
(8)A.quickly B.unexpectedly C.immediately D.suddenly
(9)A.leaving B.dropping C.going D.setting
(10)A.forgot B.decided C.succeeded D.turned
(11)A.road B.way C.track D.path
(12)A.cut off B.left behind C.held back D.put away
(13)A.running off B.keeping clear C.getting away D.facing back
(14)A.reaching B.passing C.going up D.leading to
(15)A.blocked B.covered C.stopped D.filled
(16)A.on B.over C.round D.through
(17)A.shout B.shoot C.repeat D.renew
(18)A.wanting B.guessing C.believing D.hoping
(19)A.turn B.appear C.hide D.climb
(20)A.Any B.None C.One D.First


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

I was 18 years old when Tim and I began to date.1 and quiet. I'd met his parents once before but hadn't ventured to say more than “Hello”. This particular evening we were taking them out to dinner for their anniversary and I wanted to make a good 2on them.
Tim and his parents had arrived to pick me up. I 3 out of my home as soon as possible. My good impression began with “on time ”. I sat in the backseat 4 watching his father's eyes glancing into the rearview mirror to 5 me.
They had already decided on their favorite 6 and that was fine with me, the 7 lighting would hide the rising flush(紅暈) in my cheeks, and if anyone noticed, I could 8 it on the peppers. With9 table manners I managed to survive halfway through dinner.10 in the midst of conversation I 11 for my iced tea, raised the glass to my 12and very quickly discovered I had picked up the13glass.
I quickly 14 the glass and set it back but it was too15 I had burnt my eyebrows, and curl over my forehead! I looked up slowly,16no one had seen me, but each face stared at me in 17 silence. Excusing myself, I ran to the restroom. Soon afterwards, Tim's mother arrived. “Everything will be just fine,” she said 18.
Tim and I eventually got 19. We had a small ceremony afterwards held at the restaurant where this 20 occurred. This time, however, I didn't drink any candles.
(1)A.Pretty B.Brave C.Shy D.Ugly
(2)A.preparation B.plan C.decision D.impression
(3)A.rushed B.walked C.hanged D.left
(4)A.excitedly B.nervously C.politely D.unwillingly
(5)A.greet B.calm C.invite D.examine
(6)A.theater B.hotel C.restaurant D.store
(7)A.dim B.bright C.beautiful D.blind
(8)A.land B.blame C.stress D.add
(9)A.strange B.professional C.proper D.rude
(10)A.Besides B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.However
(11)A.reached B.looked C.prepared D.searched
(12)A.plate B.lips C.hands D.heart
(13)A.water B.wine C.wrong D.broken
(14)A.threw B.changed C.toasted D.lowered
(15)A.hot B.late C.heavy D.hard
(16)A.praying B.pretending C.fancying D.congratulating
(17)A.puzzled B.amused C.shocked D.frightened
(18)A.critically B.softly C.politely D.coldly
(19)A.quarreled B.parted C.escaped D.married
(20)A.incident B.disaster C.memory D.tragedy


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

After the experiment, the cell has become as as it used to be. /After the experiment, the cell has become it used to be. /After the experiment, the cell has become what it used to be.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Long ago, there lived in Greece a learned man. He was so well-knownhis knowledge of almost everything that lots of people from all over the country came to learn from him. The great man(teach) his students whole-heartedly and answered their questions with great(patient).
One day, a student asked him, “My dear teacher, didn't you say you yourself have many more questions about things than we do?I think we students have far more than you.”
With a smile on his face, the teacher drew two circles, one as large as a big cake, the other smaller. Then he said, “Of course, I have learned much more. But it is wrong(think) a teacher has fewer questions than his students. Now, look at these two circles. The inside of the(big) one is my knowledge of things, and the inside of the smaller one is(your). Out of the circles is what is still unknown to us. Since mine is larger, I have to use the longer line to draw the bigger circle. That means I have more opportunities to face something(know). And that'sI myself have more questions than you do. The(much) you learn, the more questions you have. You will never learn enough, you know.”


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Fearful parents are saying no to sleep-overs(在別人家里過夜),banning children as old as 15 from using public transport on their own and watching over their kids like hawks(鷹)at the local park,according to a new British study.

The survey of 6,099 people commissioned by LV,a charity that educates children about safety,showed that nearly a quarter of children aged 15 or under were not allowed to sleep at a friend's house,60 percent were forbidden to travel on public transport alone and 43 percent couldn't go to the park without a parent or guardian(監(jiān)護人).

It said more than 60 percent of mums and dads think the world is more dangerous than when they were kids. "It's difficult for parents to know when is the right time to step back and allow children to experience things on their own,"said one person in the survey.

In contrast,just four percent of today's adults said they were banned from sleeping-over when they were 15 or younger,only two percent were forbidden to use public transport,and the same number couldn't go out on their own in familiar surroundings,such as their local town or park.

“Stranger danger” is the number one worry for over half of all parents (54 percent),followed by bullying(欺侮)(47),mugging (46) and road danger (34).On average,children today can look forward to walking to school on their own by the age of 11,use public transport on their own at 12,and babysit their brother or sister by the time they're 14.

In contrast,parents say they were allowed to walk to school unaccompanied at the age of nine,use public transport alone by the time they were 11,and babysit a brother or sister by the time of their 12th birthday.

Parents know they are being tougher on their children and over a third said they felt uneasy that their kids do not get the same opportunities as they did to experience freedom as a youngster.

1Most parents have more control over their children because_______.

A. they love their children more than their parents did in the past

B. they are more protective than their parents were

C. they think the world is more dangerous than it was in the past

D. they think children don't need to experience things on their own

2According to the survey,children nowadays______.

A. pay more attention to their safety

B. have less freedom than their parents' generation

C. grow up in a better environment

D. have no ability to ensure their own safety

3What would be the best title of the passage?

A. Kids want the same freedom as their parents.

B. When can children have their freedom?

C. Why are children not allowed to sleep-over.

D. Fearful British parents keep kids closer than ever.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Everyone takes drugs. Sometimes a drug might be called a herb but the effect is the same. Drugs and herbs can make life better for they are used to improve health. From the simplest headache to a cure for cancer, people believe that certain drugs can help them. But there is danger if the drugs are not used in a proper way.
American teenagers sometimes use certain drugs to feel good. They call this “getting high”. The problem is that once a young man or a young woman has the feeling of “getting high”, they want to do it often. If school is boring or too hard, students might get depressed and a drug or herb might help them feel better. If the student takes too much of a drug, the body may change in a wrong way such as a confused mind, poor sight, a headache, and an uncomfortable stomach.
Schools now have D.A.R.E.program which means Drug Abuse Resistance Education. This program was started so that young students from age 10 to 18 might understand how a drug affects their bodies. The main point of the program is education. Once a student understands certain drugs can cause ill health,he will know he should not use them.
Education is the key to good nutrition as well. If a student eats correctly, he or she will be full of energy which leads to good study habits and good grades. Poor nutrition may cause the need for more sleep and poor concentration. Proper food is similar to the proper use of drugs. Both allow a healthy body to grow while misuse of them prevents a person from developing normally.
(1)What does the underlined phrase “getting high” mean?
A.flying a lot
B.feeling good
C.getting excited
D.falling asleep
(2)The author tends to tell us that _____________.
A.drug abuse is a popular phenomenon
B.drug is actually a common medicine
C.good eating habit may help students keep from drugs
D.teenagers always need to seek for excitement
(3)The main aim of D.A.R.E.program is to__________.
A.manage and control drugs
B.explain to teenagers what drug is
C.stop teenagers taking drugs
D.help teenagers know about the harm of drugs
(4)Which of the following can be the best title?
A.Drug awareness
B.Good eating habit
C.Popular drug abuse in America
D.Why students take drugs?


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Services should be run to suit the______(方便)of the customer, not the staff.

2My_____(住宿)was arranged in a local family.

3Don’t____ (猶豫)to contact me if you need any more information.

4I've made a few ___ (調(diào)整)to the design.

5The ____(反應(yīng))of the audience was much beyond our expectation.

6For your own_____ (安全), please keep away from the tiger cage.

7I felt greatly _______(榮幸)to be honored to be welcomed into the society.

8Two teenagers picked up the old man and _a_____(陪伴)him to a nearby hospital.

9A___ (武裝)with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasures.

10The police a_____(發(fā)觀} the suspect in a supermarket.

