




1I was on the point of giving up the search while something caught my eye in the bushes.

2Jane is easy to recognize as she is the only one of the women who wear evening dress.

3We must take some measures to deal with it; otherwise, it would result from great losses in the future.

4Only when the vehicle was lifted do the full horror of the accident become clear.

5My car broke down on the way to the beach because it had been run out of petrol.

6She was in so a panic that she hardly knew what she was doing.

7As I turned around, I accidentally hit him in face and I apologized to him immediately.

8Poor boy! His frightening look suggested he was very afraid.

9A great many tourists fell in love with Harbin for the first time they visited the city.

10The pilot, whether by accident and design, made the plane do a sharp turn.


1while → when

2wear → wears

3from → in

4do → did

5been 刪掉

6so → such

7in后加 the

8frightening → frightened

9for 刪掉

10and → or



考查連詞。句意:我正打算放棄尋找,突然看見了灌木叢里的東西。分析句子可知,此處考查固定句型was/were on the point of doing sth. when…“過去正打算做某事突然……”,故將while改為when。


考查主謂一致。句意:Jane很容易被認出來,因為她是眾多女性中唯一一個穿晚禮服的。關(guān)系代詞who指代先行詞the only one of the women“眾多女性中的唯一一個”,是第三人稱單數(shù),謂語動詞wear應用三單現(xiàn)形式,故將wear改為wears


考查介詞。句意:我們必須采取措施處理它。否則,它會導致將來的巨大損失。根據(jù)句意可知,此處考查固定短語result in“導致”,故將from改為in




考查語態(tài)。句意:我的車在去沙灘的路上壞了,因為它的汽油用完了。run our of“用完”沒有被動語態(tài),故刪除been。


考查形容詞。句意:她如此恐慌,以至于幾乎不知道自己在干嘛。分析句子可知,此處考查固定句型so/ such…that…“如此……以至于……”,panic是名詞,應用such修飾,故將so改為such。


考查冠詞。句意:當我轉(zhuǎn)身時,意外碰到了他的臉,所以立刻向他道歉。此處考查hit sb in/on the + 身體部位“碰到某人的某個部位”,故在face前加the




考查介詞。句意:很多游客在第一次參觀哈爾濱時就愛上了這座城市。句中有兩個謂語動詞,fellvisit,用連詞the first time“第一次……的時候”連接符合語境和句法,故刪除for。




科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1He lost his b__________ and fell down the stairs.

2Learning a musical ___________ (樂器) introduces a child to an understanding of music.

3The boat was totally at the mercy of the v__________ storm.

4____________ (與……相反) to our expectation, he was defeated in the first round.

5Do you believe that television may a_________ children’s behaviour?

6Those desks will be _________ (稍微地) more expensive but they last a lot longer.

7People are i__________ by China’s speed to build two hospitals just in a few days in Wuhan.

8It has been _________ (確認) that the meeting will take place next week.

9He celebrated the a_________ of the Chinese New Year with a grand party.

10As a global language, football can bridge social, cultural, and _________ (宗教上的) divides.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Mrs. Liang and her son had an accident last year. She survived though her head was seriously injured. But her son wasn’t so 1 (luck). Mrs. Liang’s husband, Mr. Xia, couldn’t bear to tell her the truth about their son. Instead, whenever his wife asked to see the son, he kept 2 (explain) that their son had gone to work in another city.

In January this year, while watching TV, Mr. Xia was 3 (amaze) to see a young policeman 4 looked exactly like his son. He 5 (immdiate) knew that the young man was the answer to making his wife smile again.

With 6 help of the TV station and the police station, the couple 7 (meet) the young policeman. The policeman 8 (touch) by their sadness, and said that he would like to act as the son. Although he still hesitated to call another woman “mum”, his mother was happy 9 (support) his action.

Their “reunion” (團聚) lasted just a few minutes, but it had a lasting influence 10 the sick “mother”


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:






2.可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。 散文:prose

Dear Peter,


Yours faithfully

Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】The good news that he got a_________to Senior Editor brought great happiness to his family.



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Think positive

How are you feeling today? If your head 's in a spin because you 've had a bad night 's sleep, or maybe you've just got too much to do, the chances are you 're not in the best of moods. If everything seems like an effort and you have a negative attitude, the last thing you want to be told is to ‘be positive ! 1 .

Of course, developing a positive attitude is easier said than done. 2 When you're

feeling down, it is hard to be optimistic. But a study in the US has found that people who are optimists are more likely to live longer than those who have a more negative approach to life. So, maybe the thought of a longer life might encourage you to have a more hopeful outlook on life.

3 . Professor Lewina Lee from Boston University School of Medicine, who worked on the study, told the BBC that : “Our findings speak to the possibility that raising levels of optimism may promote longevity and healthy ageing. ” And she advises that pessimists could benefit from doing things like imagining a future where everything turns out well.

4 .Vicki Siska says “Music feeds my soul. A sense of humour keeps things in perspective.” And Pippa Kennedy says “ being grateful for what you have — and lots of chocolate —helps ! ” 5 . That's probably why other people have recommended doing yoga as well as staying fit and healthy to help maintain a positive outlook on life.

A. It doesn't come naturally to everyone.

B. As we know, every coin has two sides.

C. But being positive could have more benefits than you think.

D. Pessimists tend to give up when facing difficulties.

E. The saying goes that a healthy body leads a healthy mind.

F. People have been giving their personal advice on keeping a positive approach to life.

G. The study concluded that optimists may find it easier to control emotions and get less stressed.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】A hybrid electric vehicle (混合動力車) or HEV is a vehicle driven by the combination of petrol engine and electric motor. Terrence has been driving a HEV for five years. He really doesn’t understand why more people aren’t accepting them. “I probably spend about $ 7 a day on petrol,” the taxi driver told news. com. au. In his previous conventional vehicle Terrence said he was spending up to $ 30 a day on petrol, meaning he saves almost $ 6000 every year.

The Toyota spokesman said this was quite a high saving and official tests estimate (估計) an average driver would only save about 33 percent off their current bill. This means a driver paying $ 30 a day on petrol would see their bill drop to about $ 20 using the hybrid. “A taxi driver that drives in built-up areas and spends little time on highways will notice a higher fuel saving,” he said. “Low speeds allow the electric motors to be used more and the petrol engine used less.”

While some people are skeptical about how reliable hybrids are, Terrence said he had never run out of power. His Camry cost about $ 34,000 and so after five years, it’s nearly paid for itself. “For cab drivers, it’s a real advantage because of the cost-effectiveness,” he said. Terrence has no complaints about the car. “I love it, the calm and quietness of it, the simplicity of it—you just jump in and go. The maintenance(保養(yǎng))is really low. But the only difficulty is finding someone to service the car as there are not many experienced mechanics(機修工).”

Terrence said it’s “extraordinary” that more drivers aren’t buying more hybrid electric vehicles and that governments are not encouraging this more. “I think people have a view that you have to plug it in, which is not true. A lack of information about the cars may be stopping people from taking the plunge. It’s not promoted at all for the public to understand—it’s simplifying the actual owning of a car—you don’t have to do so many things to own it and run it, it’s just so much simpler. Why wouldn’t the government promote such a thing?”

1How much does an average driver save each day by driving a hybrid, according to the Toyota spokesman?

A. $ 30 B. $ 20

C. $ 10 D. $ 7

2Terrence’s problem with his HEV at the moment is about the ________.

A. speed B. power

C. price D. service

3When saying “extraordinary”, Terrence thinks it is ________.

A. understandable B. wonderful

C. doubtful D. unbelievable

4What does Terrence think prevent the popularity of hybrid cars?

A. The difficulty in servicing the car.

B. The restriction of the government.

C. The lack of information about HEV.

D. The inconvenience with charging the car.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Though Chinese is 1(old) than English, English is spoken 2 many people around the world every day. English speakers are always 3(make) new words and we should be able to know where most words come from.

Sometimes, however, no one may 4(real) know where a word comes from. Did you ever think about why hamburgers are called hamburgers, especially when they are not made with ham? About a hundred years ago, some 5(man) went to America from Europe. They came from a big city in Germany 6(call) Hamburg.

They did not speak good English, 7 they ate good food. When some Americans saw them 8(eat) round pieces of beef, they asked the Germans what it was. The Germans did not understand the question and answered, "We came from Hamburg." One of these Americans owned 9 restaurant, and had an idea. He cooked some round pieces of the beef like the man from Hamburg ate and 10(sell) them in many countries around the world.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假設你是紅星中學高一學生李華,你的英國筆友 Peter 來信詢問你所欽佩的人物,請給他回信,具體內(nèi)容包括:

1. 該人物是誰;

2. 你欽佩該人物的原因。

注意:1. 詞數(shù)不少于 50

2. 開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。

Dear Peter,

It’s great to hear from you.



Li Hua

