While drunken driving may be on the decline, traffic safety experts remain puzzled over how to deal with another alcohol?related danger: drunken pedestrains.

Pedestrians struck and killed by cars often are extremely drunk. In fact, they are intoxicated more frequently-and with higher blood?alcohol levels-than drunken drivers who are killed in accidents, various studies have shown. Forty percent of adult pedestrians involved in fatal crashes have a blood?alcohol level of at least 0.10-which by law in most states signifies intoxication-compared to only 25 percent of drivers in deadly accidents, according to recent federal data.

Some types of pedestrain accidents have been declining nationally, especially those involving children, but the number of adult pedestrians who are drunk when killed in traffic has remained relatively steady at 2500 a year. The total number of pedestrians killed annually in U.S. traffic accidents is at least 7000, or one of every seven highway accidents resulting in death.

“We’re dealing here, we think, with a very severe drinking problem that leads to a severe highway safety problem,” said Richard Blomberg, president of Dunlap and Associates Inc, in Norwalk, Coon.

Blomberg, whose consulting company found a very high rate of alcohol involvement in a controlled study of pedestrian accidents in New Orleans, was among several researchers who spoke on the topic at the annual meeting of the Research council’s Transportation Research Board(TRB)  in Washington in January.

Pedestrian accidents have not received enough attention in the past, according to Kay Colpitts, who chairs the board’s committee on pedestrians. Few methods exist to monitor walking habits, she said, and researchers have been mystified about how to prevent disasters.

5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Traffic Safety.                   B.Drunken Drivers.

C.Drunken Pedestrian Accidents.     D.A Severe Highway Safety problem.

6.Among the causes of walkers’ accidents, the most serious problem is .       

A.long delays in traffic signals that may make people cross streets without paying attention to traffic rules


C.a lack of adult keeping eyes on many children involved in accidents

D.former drunken drivers whose licenses are not allowed to use for a time

7.According to recent federal data, drunken drivers with an over 0.10 blood?alcohol level in deadly accidents .      

A.are 15 percent less than drunken adult walkers with the same level

B.are 2500 a year

C.are at least 7000 in US traffic accidents

D.make up one?seventh of highway accidents

8.According to the passage, what is Blomberg?

A.A researcher.                        B.A specialist in traffic safety.

C.A clerk of a consulting company.        D.A government official

5-8 CBAA


5.C  本文主題是講解醉酒行人出交通事故的問題,所以答案為C。A為交通安全,雖然文章有所涉及,但涉及面太廣;B為喝醉的司機,文章雖提到.但是并非文章講述對象;D為嚴重的公路安全問題,也犯了涉及面大廣的錯誤。

6.B  見文章第二段第一句:Pedestrians struck and killed by cars often are extremely drunken. 說明醉酒是主要原因,故答案為B。

7.A  第二段中第三句提到在致命車禍中成年行人喝醉的占40%,而司機酒醉的只有25%,40%-25%=15%。與A的意思一致。

8.A  此題可從文中第五段找到答案。每年1月,調(diào)查委員會在華盛頓召開交通研究會議,Blombery是在會上發(fā)言的研究人員之一。他的咨詢公司在新奧爾良地區(qū)行人事故的對比研究中發(fā)現(xiàn),酒精肇事在行人交通事故中的比率非常高所以Blomberg是一位研究人員。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

To my surprise, the game drew only a few ____ participants and spectators yesterday.

    A. hundred      B. hundreds       C. hundres of       D. hundreds of


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Children’s brains can’t develop properly_______ they lack protein(蛋白質(zhì)).

 A. when  B. since  C. because  D. unless


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining ___.

A. badly     B. hardly     C. strongly     D. heavily


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

—— Alice came back home the day before yesterday.

—— Really ? Where _____ ?

A.has she been     B.had she been  C.has she gone     D.had she gone


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Today, ultrasonic(超聲的) waves are being put to work in laboratories and factories. If an ultrasound generator is placed in a liquid, the waves move the liquid back and forth hundreds of thousands of times each second. This causes materials to mix quickly or to dissolve(使分解,使溶解) in liquids. Paint manufacturers(制造商) use ultrasound to do a better job of blending colors. The companies that make film for your camera find that mixing chemicals by the use of sound waves will produce a more sensitive film.

The new lightweight(輕量的) type of washing machine uses ultrasonic waves to get clothes clean. Its special ultrasound generator is put into a pail of soapy water containing the soiled clothes. The sound waves drive the soapy water back and forth through the cloth so fast that everything is soon clean. There is also a new kind of dishwasher that works in much the same way.

Ultrasonic waves can shake a liquid so fast that tiny holes form all through it. The liquid is actually torn apart by this action. Almost as soon as these holes are made, they fall together again. The result is a powerful pounding action. In the dairy industry this is used for the double purpose of making homogenized(使均勻,使勻質(zhì)) milk and sterilizing(使無菌) it at the same time. If you look at some raw milk with a microscope, you find that it is made up of little drops of butter fat floating around in a watery liquid. In order to make milk easier to digest, these fat droplets(微粒) may be broken up by forcing the milk through very small openings. The result is called homogenized milk. When the ultrasonic method is used, the sound waves not only break up the droplets but also kill the germs in the milk by pounding them to pieces. (from www.nmet84.com)

8. Why does a paint manufacturer use ultrasound to do a better job of blending colors?

A. Because it is cheap to use ultrasound to blend colors.

B. Because the waves move the liquid so quickly that it can make materials mix quickly or dissolve in liquids.

C. Because they can mix chemicals by the use of sound waves.

D. Because the waves can clean the paint.  

9. What properties does ultrasound wave have?

A. Homogenizes and sterilizes the milk.   B. Mix materials and break droplets.

C. Kill germs and sterilize milk.          D. Move liquids quickly.

10. What exists in the raw milk?

A. Little drops of butter fat.  B. Small holes.  C. Fat droplets and germs.   D. Chemicals.

11. Where is ultrasound wave not used?

A. In the paint manufacture.               B. In the shop mixing bread flour.

C. In the film-making company.   D. In the dairy industry.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

If you walk through the streets of any big city at six or seven in the morning, the chances are that you will see women hurrying along, pushing prams (嬰兒推車). You may see more than one woman   1   on the same door and, as it opens, quickly kiss the child,   2   a package of nappies and hurry off down the street to clock on the early shift in an office, leaving their children to a child – minder – a woman who may be doing the job legally or illegally, well or badly. Brain Jackson, director of the Child – minding Researching Unit, and his colleagues have done a great deal of work in finding out   3   it means for a child to spend the first years of life in the care of a child – minder.

  4   law, anyone who looks after a child for more than two hours a day and gets paid must be registered.  5   the punishment is a 6 pounds fine. Local authorities are responsible for the registration and supervision (監(jiān)管) of minders. The regulations   6   adequate provision (保障) for fire, safety and health. Very few minders can   7   these. Yet, not many districts give financial assistance. “This means,” Brain Jackson says, “that when you have one registered minder tested and proved by the local authorities, you can be sure that you will get a dozen unregistered, illegal minders   8  .”

The researchers found themselves   9   into the role of private investigators when they conduct their   10  . Getting up early to do a “Dawn Watch” following mothers through cold, dark streets and nothing where they left their babies, Jackson says, was a long, slow process.

A. knock         B. stop                      C. stick                     D. stay

A. hand out     B. hand in                 C. hand down            D. hand over

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    科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解



    The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother. My __1_ began when I was just a kid.I __2__ becoming a doctor.

    My mother was a domestic.Through her work, she observed that __3__ people spent a lot more time reading than they __4__ watching television. She announced that my brother and I _5__ watch two to three pre-selected TV programs during the week. With our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and __6__ her written book reports. She would mark them up with check marks and highlights. Years later we realized her marks were a _7__. My mother was illiterate. 

    When I entered high school I was a(n) __8__, but not for long. I wanted the fancy clothes. I wanted to _9__ the guys. I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student. One night my mother came home from _10__ her various jobs and I complained about not having enough Italian knit shirts. She said, “Okay, I'll give you all the money I make this week scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms, and you can buy _11_ food and pay the bills. With everything __12_, you can have all the Italian knit shirts you want.” I was very __13__ with that arrangement but once I got through allocating money, there was __14__ left. I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to __15__ our heads and any kind of food on the table, __16_ buy clothes. I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasn't going to get me anywhere. Success required intellectual preparation. I went back to my __17__ and became an A-student again, and eventually I __08__ my dream and I became a doctor.

    My story is really my mother's story—a woman with __19__ formal education or property who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people around the globe. There is no job __20__ than parenting. This I believe.

    1.A.belief                    B.work                   C.education            D.promise

    2.A.majored in            B.got used to          C.dreamed of         D.got tired of 

    3.A.lazy                     B.easy-going          C.successful          D.reliable

    4.A.spent                   B.paid                    C.took                  D.did

    5.A.could only            B.could not            C.must not             D.should often

    6.A.read to                B.present to           C.teach                 D.explain to

    7.A.joke                     B.means                C.tool                    D.trick

    8.A.A-student             B.B-student            C.C-student           D.D-student

    9.A.get rid of             B.hang out with      C.break away from  D.keep in touch with

    10.A.making               B.stopping             C.working             D.getting

    11.A.your brother        B.yourself              C.your sister          D.the family

    12.A.left over             B.paid off              C.used up              D.carried out

    13.A.a(chǎn)ngry                B.pleased               C.disappointed        D.bored

    14.A.a(chǎn)nything            B.everything           C.something           D.nothing

    15.A.put an idea into                                  B.gave an impression on  

           C.keep a roof over                                  D.have eyes in the back of       

    16.A.let alone             B.let out                 C.let in                  D.leave alone

    17.A.guys                  B.mother               C.studies               D.play 

    18.A.made                  B.fulfilled               C.changed             D.tried

    19.A.little                   B.much                 C.few                   D.high

    20.A.more interesting       B.less important   C.more important       D.less interesting


    科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

    The news about the terrible flood there greatly discouraged ______ these for a sight-seeing .

         A. us from going         B. us to go           C. our going          D. our to go

