【題目】Today I attended a meeting holding in our school. At the meeting over forty model students praised. For our joy, Li Ding, the monitor of our class, who was among them. We all felt proud of her. Then the headmaster gave them a talk. He wanted us to learn these students and hoped that more and more students will be praised at the next school meeting. I was great encouraged and made up my mind to work harder. Next week there will be a English exam. I’ll try to get good marks.

【答案】1. holding→held

2. praised前加were

3. For→To

4. 去掉monitor前的the

5. 去掉who

6. them→us

7. learn后面加from

8. will→would

9. great→greatly

10. a→an


1. holding→held.考查非謂語動詞。句中主語a meeting和動詞hold是被動關系,用過去分詞表被動,指會議被舉行。故holding改為held。

2. praised前加were.考查被動語態(tài)。文章講述過去發(fā)生的事用過去時,句中主語model students和動詞praise是被動關系,指模范學生被表揚,故在praised前加were

3. For→To.考查固定短語。to one’s joy“令某人高興的是”,是固定結(jié)構,故For改為To。

4. 去掉the.考查冠詞。當一個名詞用作表語同位語、補足語或介詞的賓語時來表示某人在當時或現(xiàn)刻的職位或頭銜時,前面不用冠詞。故去掉monitor前的the

5. 去掉who.考查句子結(jié)構。此句結(jié)構為Li Ding was among them,monitor of our class是補足語,此處并不是定語從句,故去掉who。

6. them→us.考查代詞。與上句主語We一致,指我們?yōu)樗湴,校長給我們講話。故them改為us。

7. learn后加from. 考查動詞短語。此處learn是不及物動詞,表示向某人學習要用learn from sb.,加介詞from。

8. will→would. 考查時態(tài)。此處that引導的是hoped的賓語從句,主句是過去時,從句也要用過去時態(tài)的某種形式,根據(jù)will be可知,此處用過去將來時。故will改為would

9. great→greatly. 考查副詞。修飾動詞encouraged要用副詞不用形容詞,指很受鼓勵。故great改為greatly。

10. a→an.考查冠詞。English的開頭發(fā)音是元音音素,故把a改為an。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.

_____. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.

A. It’s up to youB. Glad to hear that

C.You can’t miss itD. It just depends


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:








Dear Sir or Madam,

As we know, a growing number of countries hope to know more about China. _______







Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】A Brown University sleep researcher has some advice for people who run high schools: Don't start classes so early in the morning. It may not be that the students who nod off at their desks are lazy. And it may not be that their parents have failed to make sure bedtime. Instead, it may be that biologically these sleepyhead students aren't used to the early hour. "Maybe these kids are being asked to get up at the wrong time for their bodies, " says Mary Carskadon, a professor looking at problems of adolescent sleep at Brown's School of Medicine.

Carskadon is trying to understand more about the effects of early school time in adolescents. And , at a more basic level, she and her team are trying to learn more about how the biological changes of adolescence affect sleep needs and patterns. Carskadon says her work suggests that adolescents may need more sleep than they did at childhood, no less, as commonly thought. Sleep patterns change during adolescence, as any parent of an adolescent can prove. Most adolescents prefer to stay up later at night and sleep later in the morning. But it's not just a matter of choice—their bodies are going through a change of sleep patterns.

All of this makes the change from middle school to high school—which may start one hour earlier in the morning—all the more difficult, Carskadon says. With their increased need for sleep and their biological clocks set on the "sleep late, rise late" pattern, adolescents are up against difficulties when it comes to trying to be up by 5 or 6 a. m. for a 7: 30 a. m. first bell. A short sleep on a desktop may be their bodies' way of saying, "I need a timeout. "

1Carskadon suggests that high schools should not start classes so early in the morning because ________.

A. it is really tough for parents to ensure bedtime

B. students are so lazy that they don't like to go to school early

C. students work so late at night that they can't get up early

D. it is biologically difficult for students to rise early

2The underlined phrase "nod off"(Paragraph l) most probably means "________".

A. turn around B. agree with others

C. fall asleep D. refuse to work

3What might be a reason for the hard change from middle school to high school?

A. Adolescents depend more on their parents.

B. Adolescents need more sleep than they used to.

C. Adolescents sleep better than they did at childhood.

D. Adolescents have to choose their sleep patterns.

4What is the text mainly about?

A. Changes in adolescent sleep needs and patterns.

B. Problems in adolescent learning.

C. Adolescent sleep difficulties.

D. Adolescent heath care.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】An effective leader needs to lead and set an example. By having the right approach and spirit towards work, you can motivate(激發(fā)) others to be 1(equal) enthusiastic about work. When the schedule is tough, be 2 little firm about things.

When your team already 3(do) excellently, you can loosen up slightly and create a happy atmosphere to make everyone feel 4ease. This would only help you to have better working conditions. When you have a happy set of people 5(work) for the organization, you will achieve all the targets and get productive results.

Also, be honest! Do what you say and say what you do. If you feel that you are unable 6(deliver) something to the client(客戶) within a specific date, then say it truthfully. Do not promise promotions(提拔)7raises to your employees if you are unable to give it to them. This will only increase frustration levels within a team.8(honest) is a very helpful tool to keep a team together so you should make the full use of it. Lastly, always set goals for 9(you) and your team. With the right perspective (視角) towards things, you can set short-term goals10would help you to assess situations and implement the required changes in the organization.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】The Great Wall of China, a wonder of the word, 1(call) “The Ten Thousand Li Great Will” in China. It’s over 6,000 kilometers long, 6-7meters high2 4 to 5 meters wide. At most places the Great Wall has a wide walkway3snakes along the top. It is said that it’s the only man-made structure that can be seen from space. The Great Wall has a history of more than two thousand years. 4 was during the Qin Dynasty that the parts were joined up into one long wall. In ancient days it was difficult 5 (build) such a wall. Our forefathers carried, lifted and 6(lay) big bricks and stones7simple tools. Each brick and stone fits well, even 8they didn’t have our modern machines!

Nowadays the Great Wall has become a place of interest. Every year people 9all over the world come to visit it. Many of them have got to know the famous Chinese saying: “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not10true man.”


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 短文改錯








Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream. Some mentioned the inspired Chinese Dream was put forward by President Xi .And others talked enthusiastically about his understanding of the Chinese Dream. We all believe that this dream will come true in the future. I also talked about my own dream. I had always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s life but also they are doing a respectable job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life without their professional knowledge. To realize my dream, I can try to work hard from now on. I must learn as much as I can get into a good medical college, where I can prepare myself adequate for the job of a doctor.

I believe hard work is that it takes to accomplish my goal.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】How will our continuously growing population affect our way of life, our environment, even our planet? No matter how you look at it, we will face 1extremely serious problem. By the middle of the 21st century, we 2(use) up all the oil that drives our cars if at the rate we’re going. Even if scientists develop some new 3(way)of feeding the human race, the crowded conditions on the earth will make 4necessary for us to look for open space somewhere else. But none of the planets in our solar system are able 5(support) life at present. One possible solution 6the problem, however, has recently been suggested by an American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan. His idea is 7before the earth’s resources are almost exhausted, it will be 8(total)possible to change the atmosphere of Venus(金星)and so create a new world almost as large as earth itself.

However, 9his idea is turned into reality, humans have a long way to go. On the one hand, Venus is much 10(hot)than the earth; on the other hand, there is only a tiny amount of water there.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】When I met Larry, my husband-to-be, he came with an eighteen-month-old daughter, Mckenna, and a four-year-old son, Lorin. I quickly1(fall) in love with Lorin and Mckenna, 2the children’s mother, Dia, was a different story.

There was a feeling of hostility(敵意)between us. Sometimes I wished that she would simply disappear. Then the children could stay with us—3(true) be mine—and we could be a “real” family.

Years4 (pass) by, something changed. I began to enjoy talking to Dia about the Kids. And she realized that there were very few people in the world5were as interested in her children 6I was. One year, Dia sent me a Mother’s Day card thanking me for “co-mothering” her children.

Thank you, Dia, for being kind enough7 (share) your children with me. Thank you for making Christmas morning8exciting and warm time, so the children never had to feel sad on these important days. We all could sit around the tree. There9were, you and your husband, Larry and me, the kids ... and10(surprise), I felt at home.

