參考詞匯:the Spring Festival春節(jié)
Dear Tom,
Li Hua

【答案】【參考范文】Dear Tom,
I'm glad to tell you that I won the first prize in the English Reading Competition held in our school this Friday. Before the competition, I was so nervous. But once I started, I tried my best to do it. When the final result came out, many classmates offered me best wishes. While reading, I met with many difficult words, so I need your advice on how to remember English words. In addition, the Spring Festival is coming, and I know you want to experience Chinese traditional culture. I'd enjoy it if you can come to China to spend the festival with us.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

How do you usually buy what you need, shopping on line or going out to shop in person? With the help of the Internet, shopping is (easy) than before. We can just click our mouse to choose the things we like, pay for them online, and the shopping (finish). It is easy and quick. It helps save money, too. We can save thousands a year if we compare the prices of similar items (商品) before deciding which(buy).
However, there are always(trap) in shopping online. If we are (care), we may get into trouble. For example, we may find the color of the item different that in the picture online. Sometimes, the size of the item we receive can be too bigtoo small. To avoid such troubles, we should compare similar items on different online stores and pay more attention to what other customers say. From their opinions, we can know (well) about an item's color, size as well as (it) shortcomings. In this way we increase our chance of buyingmore satisfactory item.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

In the tenth grade,I began working for free at a vet's that was run by a friend. I wanted to get experience for what I thought would be my future job. However,on one particular Saturday morning I learnt something perhaps more important.
The hospital was in the middle of one of the poorer sections of the city and some people could only pay for the most basic treatments. On this Saturday,a man and his young son,who was probably about 7 years old,walked in with a small cat in a cardboard box. There was something wrong with the cat's left eye. But the man could not afford to pay for the cost of the medicine. He kept quiet for a while,and then he asked where the nearest animal shelter was. Hearing this,his son cried and started to argue with him. All of a sudden,an older woman who was sitting in the waiting room stood up,walked up to the counter,and told the man that she would pay for the cost. The man thanked her and the son got to keep a healthy cat.
I always thought it was the right thing to help out a needy person,but I only saw people do acts of kindness on TV or in movies. What the woman did made me believe that these things do happen in real life,and quite often.
Now,when I can't decide whether to help someone who is in need,I remember this woman,and then I have the courage to step up to the plate. Sometimes other people follow.
(1)We can infer that a vet's is most probably a hospital for.
C.the poor
(2)For what purpose did the writer work at the vet's?
A.To help out his friend.
B.To make some pocket money.
C.To get some work experience.
D.To learn more about society.
(3)What would the man probably do with the cat if the woman didn't help him?
A.Give it up.
B.Give it to the woman.
C.Give it to someone on the street.
D.Take it home without treatment.
(4)What can we learn from this passage?
A.The man doesn't like keeping a cat.
B.The older woman often helps people out.
C.The hospital often asks for too much money.
D.The man's son didn't agree to the man's first decision.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

My family objected violently when my brother and I saidwere going to spend the Christmas holidays abroad. But nothing could persuade us (stay). Two days Christmas, we wentto a small town in Southern Germany. We spent whole of Christmas Eve sightseeing.
There were so many activities in the town that they added to our(excite). The streets were crowded with peoplethe shops were full of wonderful things. In the evening, we went to listen to Christmas songs sung by children around the(bright) decorated Christmas tree in the main street. We returned to our hotel late that night, greatly(look) forward to the next day when we planned to have a meal at the best restaurant in town.But in the morning the streets were empty. To make matters worse, all the shops including the restaurants (shut).At last we had to return to our hotel, feeling very miserable. Our Christmas“feast” was a bag of fruits, which my brother had happened to buy the daybefore. Our thoughts sadly turned to home , at that moment, the entire familymust have been wishing us a “Merry Christmas.”


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:


1What time should the man arrive for a dinner party?

A. A few minutes early. B. On time or a few minutes early.

C. On time or a few minutes late.

2What should a guest do when being late for a dinner as caught in a traffic jam?

A. Apologize to the host when arriving. B. Try to rush to the host’s home.

C. Call the host and tell what had happened.

3What can we learn from the conversation?

A. It is impolite for the guests to leave immediately after dinner.

B. The man has been invited to a dinner party next week.

C. The man is from an English-speaking country.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

May the first is an important date in the college admission process in the United States.This is the last day for high school seniors to accept or reject offers of admission in the fall.But according to a recent report, there is a great change.Acceptance rates at the top colleges this year were lower than ever.
These days, college applicants are applying to more colleges because online and common applications make the process easier. On the other hand, deciding students for top colleges to accept can be difficult because it takes much time.Students may not like being put on waiting lists.Also, common colleges work more to getthe students they accept to accept them.Some colleges hold visiting days that offer a chance to attend classes and stay overnight.Some universities send gifts.
For many families, the most important thing colleges can do is show them the money, especially this year; the weak economymakes parents nervous. The recent problems that spread from thehousing market to credit markets have even affected student’s loans.Solately, top schools have to spare lots of money to increase their financial aidfor students.
The Education Department expects the number of highschool graduates to start to go down.This will happen as the last of thechildren of the baby boom generation finish high school.Thenumber is not expected to start rising again until 2016.
A.Besides, top colleges are facing changesin the population.
B.What contributes to it?
C.But a mistake can be costly if ithappens.
D.But top colleges ignore them.
E.They have international students whoknow English.
F.It can mean several acceptances tochoose from.
G.They cannot afford college as planned.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

Welcome back to the hot topic of studying abroad! Last time, we talked about the general "soft- ware" needed to havea(success) studying experience overseas, refers to the ability to understand western culture, and problem solving skills when (face) critical situations, etc.
Now,1 will dig deeper into the concept of software".Everyone is talking about culture shock nowa-days, but you may wonder what itactually _(mean). Simplyput: culture shock is the diffi-cultypeople may experience when being exposed and adjusting to a (remarkable) different new culture. Usually, people often go._ four distinct phases: the honeymoon phase, thene-gotiation phase, the adjustment phase and the mastery phase. Culture shock can happen immediately upon your (arrive) in the country.
For international students, perhaps the most direct impact of culture shock is the variety of accents, especially in multicultural countries the U.S. Canada or Australia.There are two main reasons: Firstly, these countries have highly diversifiedgroups of residents from different cultural(background). Secondly, there are many international students fromall around the world every year studying in these countries, so you shouldn'tbe surprised (find) allkinds of unfamiliar accents around the university campus.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:


1】【1What are the speakers mainly talk about?

A. An MP3 player. B. A mobile phone. C. A computer.

2】【2What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Customer and saleswoman. B. Husband and wife. C. Interviewer and interviewee.

3】【3What is one of the features of the product?

A. It can give directions. B. It can deliver files anywhere.

C. It can be used as an address book.

4】【4What does the man like about the product?

A. The style. B. The functions. C. The price.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

How to SurviveExam Stress
Exam time is one of the most stressful in school, whether it is highschool, college or graduate school. Even the best students feel the pressure. The first sign of a problem while preparing for an exam isworry. If we can get rid of worries, or at leastcontrol them, then we’re in a much better position to do well on our tests. Take the following steps to survive examstress and increase your overall performance as a result.
What causes youanxiety when you are studying? Too much noise? Then move to a quieter place.Delayed work? Catch up with your studies a couple nights before. That way youcan save the final night before the exam to review and get a good night ofsleep.
The second way to deal with worry is to replace thoughts.Suppose you wake up at three in the morning and you’re worried about an exam.What do you do? Doing something productive might allow you tosleep better when you finally do go back to bed.
Another way tore place negative thoughts is to do something physically active. Work out. Takea quick walk or a nice run. For example, I might worry about the examhaving surprise questions that I’m not prepared to answer. But I can put thosethoughts aside by reminding myself that I’ve taken many exams and I’ve handledsurprise questions before.
The third option isto treat the symptoms. Keepthings in perspective. Think of one final exam that causes you the mostanxiety. Now think of the worst thing that could happen. If you’ve prepared,then likely the worst grade you could get is a C. And, if you’ve been applyingwhat we’ve been talking about, then you’ll likely do no worse than a B.
A. How bad is thatreally?
B. The first is to delete the causes.
C. Another idea isto think positive thoughts.
D. How aboutgetting up and studying for an hour?
F. What we should do is to thinkpositively and get rid of it.
G. So we are supposed to make our effortto improve our surroundings.

