Please put your phone down Daddy,we haven't finished the story!"Hearing these heartfelt words from my four year old daughter was an uncomfortable wake up call.How had I let the shiny electronic box in my hand take so much of my attention that it could even interrupt a short bedtime story with my precious children?
It's no exaggeration to suggest that our mobile devices are in danger of taking over our entire lives.Time magazine found that 68% of users take their devices to bed with them,20% check their phones every ten minutes and one third report feeling anxious when briefly separated from their beloved gadget.According to Osterman research,79% of respondents take their work-related device on vacation and 33% admit to hiding from family and friends in order to check Facebook and Twitter.It's hard to deny that these are worrying trends.
A father's concern that smartphone is depriving him of his precious family time does not stand alone.Favorable opinions as there are,the majority of Americans today view technology as hazardous.(31 words)
However,no pains,no gains.The world evolves as human technology leaps forward,along whose process there is bound to be sacrifices.The definition of happiness may vary,but a more connected,convenient,and creative society is undeniably nothing a modern man wouldn't have desired.With digital devices booming around,we are given so many choices that our minds have been freed to a degree our ancestors could never anticipated.
That being said,to make sure technology doesn't get in the way,you need to unplug from the information highway and share your journey with your family and friends from time to time.A balance between man and computers will lead to an ultimate happiness.(115 words).