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科目: 來源: 題型:


A father is very worried about his son, 【1】 acts like a coward. So his father paid a visit to the master and 2 (ask) him to train his son.

The master said, “I promise I'll be able to train your child 3 a real man in three months.”

Three months later, his father came 【4 (pick) the child. The master arranged a match between the child 5 his coach to show the three-month training result.

At Round One, the child 【6 (knock) down and fell to the ground. He stood up to meet the challenge. But he was knocked down again, and once again he stood up to fight... this was repeated six times.

The master asked his father, Do you think your child's 7】(perform) is that of a man? The father said,I feel ashamed for 【8 ! I never expected that he would be so weak after three months 9 (train).”The master said, “I don't agree with you, and I regret that you only see _【10 surface of things. You have not seen the courage and perseverance in your son. This is the very spirit of a man!


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】你校英語社團(tuán)將要排演英語話劇Sound of Music,需要一些演員。請你根據(jù)以下提示,向國際部的學(xué)生發(fā)出口頭通知,內(nèi)容包括:


報(bào)名條件:1.英語口語流利; 2.喜愛話劇表演;3.樂于與他人合作。


Good morning, everyone. May I have your attention, please?

Thanks for your attention.


科目: 來源: 題型:


The Erie Canal was the first important national waterway built in the US.It crossed New York from Buffalo on Lake Erie Troy to Albany on the Hudson River.It joined the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean.The canal served as a route over which industrial goods could flow into the west,and materials could pour into the east.The Erie Canal helped New York develop into the nation’s largest city.

The building of the canal was paid for entirely by the state of New York.It cost $ 7,143,789,but it soon gained its price many times over.Between 1825,when the canal was opened,and 1882,when toll charges(過運(yùn)河費(fèi)) were stopped,the state collected $ 121,461,891.

For a hundred years before the Erie was built,people had been talking about a canal which could join the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean.The man who planned the Erie Canal and carried the plan through was De Witt Clinton.Those who were against the canal laughingly called it “Clinton’s Ditch(溝)”.Clinton talked and wrote about the canal and drew up plans for it.He and Governor Morris went to Washington in 1812 to ask for help for the canal,but they were unsuccessful.

Clinton became governor of New York in 1817,and shortly afterwards,on July 4,1817,broke ground for the canal in Rome,N,Y.The first part of the canal was completed in 1820.As the canal grew,towns along its course developed fast.The length of the canal is 363 miles.

【1】We can see that the Erie Canal .

A.joined the Great Lakes together

B.crossed New York from north to south

C.played an important part in developing New York City

D.was the first waterway built in the US

【2】It can be inferred that into the Atlantic Ocean.

A.the Great Lakes flow

B.the Hudson River flows

C.Lake Erie flows

D.the Erie Canal flows

【3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The Erie Canal brought profits of over $ 114,000,000.

B.It’s 363 miles from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.

C.The West was more advanced than the East when the canal was built.

D.Many other states helped New York build the canal.

【4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Clinton broke ground for the canal at both ends.

B.Clinton started building the canal before he became governor.

C.All parts of the canal were completed at the same time.

D.The construction of the canal took eight years.


科目: 來源: 題型:


Following the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge,Australia plans to build a new landmark—a Chinese theme park,including a full-sized replica(復(fù)制品)of the gates to Beijing’s Forbidden City.The plan,which will cost £330 million,has been passed by the local government.This big park is to be built in Wyong Shire,about 50 miles north of Sydney.

The local mayor,Doug Eaton,said the park,to be finished in 2020,was built to become one of the country’s main tourist attractions.“What this park will do is to turn Wyong into a tourist destination and bring millions of money into the area.”The government has agreed to sell the land to the Australian Chinese Theme Park Pty Ltd,the personal company behind the project.The big project will begin with the building of the Forbidden City gates in 2015.

Besides a full-sized replica of the gates to Beijing’s Forbidden City,the park will also have a huge temple with a giant Buddha(佛)and a mini-city looking like Chinese water towns.There is also a part in the building style of the Tang and Song dynasties and another in the style of the Ming and Qing dynasties.It will feature a 1,000-seat theatre,restaurants,a royal villa(皇家別墅),and a children’s part built for pandas,which won’t have any pandas.

“It’s going to be a special $500 million tourist attraction,engaging more than a thousand people to work for it and bringing fast development to Wyong,”said Bruce Zhong,chairman of the ACTP.The project is designed to create a big Chinese tourist market.Experiences in many countries have shown that the more one attracts Chinese tourists,the more money one would make.For example,more than 400,000 Chinese tourists visit the state of New South Wales each year.

【1】What is Doug Eaton’s attitude to the Chinese theme park?

A.Doubtful. B.Supportive.

C.Negative. D.Disappointed.

【2】From the passage,we can learn that .

A.the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge are the only two landmarks in Australia

B.the Australian government will pay for the building of the Chinese theme park

C.the local government is against the plan of building the Chinese theme park

D.the Chinese theme park includes a kid area showing something about pandas

【3】The underlined word “engaging” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by “ ”.

A.attracting B.organizing

C.preparing D.employing


科目: 來源: 題型:


Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again.They want to bring water to the deserts so that people can live and grow food there.They are learning a lot about the deserts,but more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time.Scientists may not be able to change the desert in time.

Why is more and more land becoming deserts?Scientists think that people make deserts.People are doing bad things to the earth.For example,scientists tell the people how important plants are for stopping land becoming desert,but people don’t pay enough attention to the green plants.

Some places on the earth don’t get much rain.But they still don’t become deserts.This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places.Plants don’t let the sun make the earth even drier.Plants don’t let the wind blow the soil away.When a bit of rain falls,the plants hold the water.Without plants,the land can become desert more easily.The present fact is that green plants on the earth are fewer and fewer.If there were no green plants on the earth,the whole earth would become desert.

【1】Deserts .

A.never have any plants or animals in them before

B.can all be turned into good land soon

C.have little water or plants

D.make the earth drier

【2】Small green plants are very important to dry places because .

A.they don’t let the sun make the earth into good land

B.they don’t let the wind blow soil away

C.they are green

D.they have leaves

【3】After reading this,we learn that .

A.plants can keep dry land from becoming deserts

B.it is good to get rid of the grass in the deserts

C.all places without much rain will become deserts

D.it is better for the dry land to grow grass than to grow trees


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 書面表達(dá)

假定你是李華, 暑假你參加了英國游學(xué)活動,住在房東Tricia家中, 回國后給房東寫一封信表示感謝, 要點(diǎn)如下:









Dear Tricia,













Looking forward to your reply.




科目: 來源: 題型:






【1I would rather I met him yesterday.

【2】The teacher and writer are respected by all the students in his class.

【3He doesn’t feel completely at the ease among strangers.

【4He picked out the lace of the shoe and eats it as if it was spaghetti.

【5】At that time, hunger was a disturbed problem in many parts of the countryside.

【6】General speaking, the number of the people who drive after drinking is smaller.

【7】At the class meeting, some top students introduced several approaches of the study of English.

【8Several villages were cut down from the outside world, for all the roads to them were destroyed.

【9Charlie’s character, the little tramp, was social failure but was loved for his optimism and determination.

【10】That made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed

to all her patients.


科目: 來源: 題型:


Jermaine Washington,26,did something that amazes many people.He gave an important organ to a woman who he describes(描述) as “just a friend”.

Jermaine met Michelle Stevens,23,when they began working together in Washington DC.They used to have lunch with one another and chat during breaks.“He was somebody I could talk to.”says Michelle.“One day,I cried on his shoulder.I had been on the kidney(腎) donor(捐贈者) waiting list for 11 months,and I had lost all hope.”

She told Jermaine how sad it was to spend three days a week,three hours a day,on a kidney dialysis(透析) machine.“I saw my friend dying before my eyes,”Jermaine says.“What should I do?Sit back and watch her die?”

Michelle’s mother,who was suffering from an illness,was unable to donate a kidney.Her two elder brothers were reluctant(不愿意的).“I understood,”says Michelle,“They said they loved me very much,but they were just too afraid.”

The operation at Washington Hospital Center had a lot of painful procedures(步驟),but Jermaine never changed his decision and never regretted what he had done for Michelle.

Today,both Michelle and Jermaine are fine.Three times a month,they get together for what they call a “thank-you lunch”.Though their friends hope they will get married,a romantic relationship is not what they want.“We are thankful for the beautiful friendship that we have,”Michelle says.“We don’t want to mess up a good thing.”

【1】According to the first paragraph,in many people’s opinion,Jermaine’s deed is very .

A.brave B.surprising

C.acceptable D.stupid

【2】Why did Michelle tell Jermaine about her illness?

A.Because Jermaine wanted to know everything about her.

B.Because everybody else arond her had already heard her sad story.

C.Because Jermaine was someone with whom she could share her pain.

D.Because she wanted to ask Jermaine to give his kidney to her.

【3】We learn that when Michelle’s brothers learnt about her illness, .

A.they offered to help her

B.they pretended not to know anything

C.they were unwilling to give their kidneys to her

D.they lied that they could not donate their kidneys

【4】It is implied in the passage that .

A.Michelle’s father died when she was young

B.Michelle is Jermaine’s only friend at work

C.Michelle was always sure that she would find a kidney donor

D.both Michelle and Jermaine just want to stay good friends


科目: 來源: 題型:


Every country has its heroes.The heroes are the people the nation and especially the young people admire.If you get a list of the heroes of a nation,it will tell you the potential(潛力) of that nation.

Today in America,if you ask the high school students to list their heroes,their choices would probably fall into three groups.The first group of heroes would be the rock stars—the people connected with rock music.There is no doubt that such people do have talent(才能).But one wonders if one should treat rock stars as a model.The rock stars too often are mixed with drugs and their personal life is not all that good.The rock stars are rich and wear the latest fashion styles.However,one should seek more in a hero than such things as money and good clothes.

A second type of hero for the American youth is the sports star.Again you have a person who has a great ability in one area—sports.However,too often the personal life of the sports star is a bit of disorder.Too frequently drugs and drinking are a part of life of the sports star.

A third type of hero is the TV or movie star.This person may have lots of acting talent and is quite handsome.However,the personal life of too many actors is quite sad and they should not be held up as a model of young people.Today,the rock star,the athlete and the actor all have become the models of the youth in America.Really,do you hear a young person say that his hero is a doctor,a teacher or a scientist?These people are not rich and do not wear fashionable clothes.However,they are talented people who work hard to make the world a better place for everyone.

What is really sad is that the young try to imitate(模仿) their heroes.They like to wear the same clothes and follow their styles.If the heroes of today for the American young people are limited only to rock stars,athletes and actors,the future does not look too bright.

【1】The last sentence of the first paragraph implies that .

A.if a nation has a lot of heroes,it will be strong

B.heroes of a nation will make the nation itself

C.what the people admire will make the future of the nation

D.if you want to be a hero,you must admire the hero

【2】According to the writer,people should admire those .

A.who are rich and wear the latest fashion clothes

B.who can express people’s feelings

C.whose personal life is good

D.who work for the interests of the people

【3】What is the writer’s attitude towards American youth’s admiration?

A.He understands it.

B.He criticizes it.

C.He is angry about it.

D.He is uninterested in it.


科目: 來源: 題型:


Frank works at a school called Tumul K’in,which means “New Day” in the local language (Mayan Mopan).The school was founded in 2001 by Belizean Filiberto Penados,who received funding(基金) from the United Nations for the project.

Frank said that there were about 60 students in five grades at the school,and they ranged from 12 to 20 years old.

It was different from other schools in the area,Frank said.While most trained youths for work that would take them away from their villages,he said,Tumul K’in trained them for those things they could use locally,such as farming and various trades.

“The difference in education is that students at Tumul K’in learn everything from mathematics and science to agricultural practices and how to raise livestock(家畜),” he said.“The main idea is to help maintain the Mayan lifestyle of village living and help it to be passed on to the next generation.”

As for the radio station,Frank said that the effort was part of a programme originally founded by the UN.

“The radio station has been named ‘Ak Kutan FM’,or ‘New Day FM’.It will broadcast health information,such as where people can go to get tested for HIV,as well as report local and national news,” he said.For most,it was the first interaction(互動) with the local community that Mayans in this remote village would have.

“I can’t stress enough how little contact many villagers have had with the outside world,”Frank said.“Many have never left their village nor seen something like a telephone,refrigerator or even a world map.”

【1】Tumul K’in was founded .

A.by the radio station “Ak’ Kutan FM”

B.with the help of the local people

C.with the help of an international organisation

D.with the help of the local Mayans

【2】What’s the main function of the radio station “Ak Kutan FM”?

A.To show the local people how to stay healthy.

B.To help the local people maintain their own lifestyle.

C.To let the outside world know more about Mayan culture.

D.To allow the local people to have more contact with the outside world.

【3】From the passage we can infer that .

A.Tumul K’in makes great contributions to the development of Mayan science

B.the Mayan villages haven’t developed very much in the past few years

C.more and more Mayans prefer to leave their hometown to work outside

D.the radio station “Ak Katan FM” has been popular with the local people

【4】The passage is mainly about .

A.the education system of Mayans

B.the present living conditions of Mayans

C.the protection of the Mayan lifestyle

D.the programmes of developing Mayan culture

