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科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】A few weeks ago I was at the comer store, and there stood an old lady in front of me in line. She seemed very ______ when the cashier asked her to pay $ 38.00. She had about $ 5.00 in her wallet, and she began to ______. The cashier became very ______, telling her that she cannot buy these ______ because she didn’t have enough money. So, I told the cashier not to ______ it, and that I would ______ the difference. The cashier gave me a funny look,______ I really felt for this woman.

Anyway, I paid for my groceries and ______ the store. When I got outside, I saw the lady standing there. I asked her what was ______. She said that she could not remember where she lived, and she began to cry again. I said some names of the ______ around the area but she had no clue (線索). Just then, a car ______ and a woman jumped out of the car. It was this lady’s daughter. I ______ that her mother couldn’t find her way home. The daughter told me that she had Alzheimer’s disease (阿爾茨海默病) and that she had been ______ off a lot lately. Then the daughter ______ that her mother had 3 - bags of groceries and wondered ______ she got the money to pay for them. I was not ______ if I should tell her that I paid for them, but I did.

The daughter wanted to pay me back, but I ______. The daughter said “Thank you” and I said “Good bye”.

I felt so ______ and happy right through the day, because making others feel ______ makes me feel good. I know that if this ______ happened again, I would do the same thing.

1A. excited B. puzzled C. disappointed D. convinced

2A. cry B. bargain C. argue D. interrupt

3A. unfair B. uncomfortable C. impatient D. impossible

4A. diets B. programmes C. details D. items

5A. ask for B. worry about C. charge D. order

6A. make B. judge C. pay D. measure

7A. so B. and C. therefore D. but

8A. entered B. searched C. left D. closed

9A. wrong B. matter C. happened D. problem

10A. goods B. streets C. suggestions D. solutions

11A. drove out B. pulled down C. drove off D. pulled up

12A. responded B. explained C. described D. recommended

13A. travelling B. racing C. wandering D. wondering

14A. watched B. noticed C. collected D. returned

15A. why B. where C. when D. whether

16A. doubtful B. urgent C. jealous D. sure

17A. refused B. appreciated C. denied D. ignored

18A. anxious B. pleased C. interested D. relaxed

19A. well B. content C. good D. proud

20A. situation B. condition C. surrounding D. experience


科目: 來源: 題型:


1How did the man do in his studies in high school?

A. Very well. B. A bit disappointingly. C. Very badly.

2How many people are there in the man’s family?

A. 4. B. 5. C. 6.

3Why didn’t the man keep working at the TV factory?

A. He disliked the work there.

B. The pay was disappointing.

C. He was no longer needed.

4What is the man doing?

A. Talking with a friend.

B. Receiving a job interview.

C. Talking with a colleague.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Directions: Read the following two passages. Fill in each blank with one proper word or the proper form of the given word to make the passage coherent. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.

Athens----- the name brings to mind buildings with tall, white columns and statues of Greek gods and goddesses. Museums take visitors back to the time of ancient Greece. When 1 (visit) the city, visitors feel like they are in the middle of a history lesson.

The history of Athens is tied to mythology. The god 2 came up with the most valuable legacy for humans was to give the city its name. Poseidon and Athena each wanted the honor. Athena produced 3 olive tree------ the symbol of peace and wealth. Poseidon offered a strong horse needed for war. The gods decided Athena’s gift would better serve the people, and the city became 4 (know) as Athens.

The Acropolis, or “ high city”, stands on a hill overlooking the city. Western civilization’s most important ancient monument was built by Pericles, the leader of Athens from 461-421BC. He spared no expense when he constructed the buildings of the Acropolis. He used only the 5 (good) materials, architects and artists. His artists created huge statues of marble (大理石) and covered them 6 gold and jewels.

More treasure of ancient Greece lies in the National Archeological Museum. Opened in 1874, the museum contains the best collection of Greek art in the world. It is crammed with treasures ------ more 7 visitors can see in a single visit. Visitors can view treasures from all the ancient civilizations that controlled the city 8history.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 When we talk to our friends online, typing can become a little boring. We turn to memes( 表情包)to make our conversations more fun.1

At least 10 students who were admitted to Harvard University lost their chance to study there after posting offensive(攻擊性的) memes in a private Facebook group, the university’s student newspaper,the Harvard Crimson, reported on June 5. Rather than just regular jokes, the memes “went to truly dark and ugly place joking about Orthodox Jews(猶太教徒), the gas chambers(毒氣室) Mexican children and suicide,” reported CNN2But later, some students set up another group where they traded several offensive memes. When Harvard University found out about the group, it took back the students’ offers,3

“I appreciate humor, but there are so many topics that just should not be joked about,” incoming freshman Jessica Zhang told the Harvard Crimson. “I do not know how those offensive images could be defended”.4“It sounds like Harvard is going too deeply into the private lives of students, Alan Dershowitz, a retired Harvard Law School professor, told The Guardian. “It may affect them for life.”

5 Last year, a similar Facebook group for admitted Harvard students drew criticism from the university after some of its members posted racist jokes.

A. The incident has caused fierce debates, both in the university and around the world

B. A world-class university should help students open minds and overcome bias( 偏見)

C. However, others believe the university overstepped the boundaries.

D. The group was originally meant for would-be Harvard freshmen to get to know each other before they began university

E. Jeff Yang, himself a graduate of Harvard, said the university was right to punish the students

F. But sometimes, sending the wrong meme can make trouble.

G. In fact, this is not the first time Harvard has dealt with a case like this


科目: 來源: 題型:


1Why does the man like his present job?

A. He thinks his job is very interesting.

B. He likes the good pay and the fresh air.

C. He wants to learn something from his job.

2What does the man want to be in the future?

A. A doctor. B. A gardener. C. A teacher.

3What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Police and driver. B. Boss and clerk. C. Friends.


科目: 來源: 題型:


The Youngest Skier To The South Pole

On Friday December 9th, a 16-year-old skier, Ameba Hempleman-Adamsreached the South Pole with her father after skiing 97 miles and spending 17nights on the ice. On the final day they skied 14 miles and afterwards Ameba said she felt “elated and tired” on reaching the South Pole.

“The biggest challenges were the freezing cold and eating only dried food. The best bit has been experiencing what Dad does on expeditions (探險(xiǎn)). It’s the first time I’ve been on a difficult long journey with him and now I know what it’s like. The trip brought me closer to Dad, but I also had to put up with his snoring (鼾聲) which was terrible.”

She added, “Would I do it again? I’m not sure. I’ll have to think about that after a few nights’ sleep! At times it’s been really hard: I’ve got aching shoulders, and my back’s been sore from pulling my sledge (雪橇), I’ve got blisters (水泡) on my feet from the boots and I’ve got a cold burn on my nose from my sunglasses. 43 ”.

She said the most extraordinary part of the trip had been the breath taking scenery and the sense of isolation in the Antarctic landscape. “I’ve really missed my friends while I’ve been away and want to thank them for all their messages of support.”

Friends and relatives who posted comments on Ameba’s expedition website paid tribute (致敬) to her positive attitude which, they said, would be an inspiration to others.

Her father, David, said “Ameba has done amazing well. I’m proud of her. She showed real determination. She was tough and she pulled her sledge the whole way. It was a special experience to share those 97 miles with her.”

假如你是建華中學(xué)的學(xué)生王新,在網(wǎng)上看到了Ameba的故事,決定給她寫封郵件,交流分享你的想法。內(nèi)容包括:1. 你對(duì)她的旅行有何看法并說明原因;2. 分享你的旅行經(jīng)歷。

Dear Amelia,

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Wang Xin


科目: 來源: 題型:


1What’s the problem with the woman?

A. She has a headache.

B. She has lost her dictionary.

C. She is worried about the coming exam.

2What is the man’s advice for her?

A. Discuss with others during the exam.

B. Bring a dictionary with her.

C. Be relaxed and calm.


科目: 來源: 題型:


1Why doesn’t the man want to eat anything for dinner sometimes?

A. Because he has no time.

B. Because he is too tired.

C. Because he wants to lose weight.

2What does the doctor think is the most important thing for the man to do?

A. Have a good rest.

B. Take enough exercise.

C. Have a well-balanced diet.


科目: 來源: 題型:


The big day had finally arrived. I had won the local speech contest (比賽), representing Madison Middle School. Here it was the state competition. I waited backstage for the host to announce My name.

Even though I had practiced much, I was extremely nervous. My heart was thumping, my palms were sweating, and my mouth was dry. “Calm down,” I told myself. Still, picturing an audience of teachers, parents and classmates made me want to disappear totally.

Mr. Patrick, who taught me to give speeches, reminded me, “You’ll do great. You’re prepared. You’ve come this far.”

Mr. Patrick was right. I was ready for this, and besides, I won first place in the earlier contests. Yet, when I pictured all eyes on me waiting for me to mess up, my heart was gradually sinking into my stomach.

“You can’t back out now,” I told myself as Mr. Nichols, the host, announced my name and the title of my speech, “My Hero.”


The big moment came.



科目: 來源: 題型:


1Who is the speaker?

A. An official. B. A tourist. C. A guide.

2When can you come if you want to see how bread was baked 200 years ago?

A. On Sunday afternoon. B. On Tuesday morning. C. On Saturday afternoon.

3Where did Sir Henry come from?

A. England. B. The USA. C. France.

4What do we know about Sir Henry?

A. He baked bread every afternoon.

B. His wife died before the castle was finished.

C. He had built the castle in England.

