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科目: 來源: 題型:

The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu, _______  the students to return to their classrooms.

A.enabling                                 B.having enabled

C.to enable                                D.to have enabled


科目: 來源: 題型:

Hesitating what to do,           .

A.so let’s not go outing                              B.we had to stay home

C.the tour was cancelled                             D.but we should still take the tour


科目: 來源: 題型:

          for the fact that she got hit by a car and broke her leg on her way to school, she might have passed the exam.

A.Hadn’t it been                                B.Had it not been

C.Was it not                                 D.Were it not


科目: 來源: 題型:

         that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.

A.Such construction robots are clever           B.So clever the construction robots are

C.Such clever construction robots are           D.So clever are the construction robots


科目: 來源: 題型:

Is          some German friends visited last week?

A.this school                                     B.this the school

C.this school one                                D.this school where


科目: 來源: 題型:

--- How much do I owe you for lunch?

---         .It’s nothing.

A.You’re welcome                            B.Forget it

C.With pleasure                               D.That’s right


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

One winter morning I bought a copy of the New York World and turned its pages until I got the “Help Wanted Unskilled” section.A small advertisement held my  1 .It read, “Easy job.Good wages.No experience  .” It sounded like the job I was   3  .Easy job.Good wages.Those four words  now and then in my brain as I was traveling to the address indicated in the .Easy job.Good wages.Easy job.Good wages.Easy ...

When I got to the place I saw a series of large half filled with water, out of which I noticed   7  the necks of many bottles of various sizes and shapes.these basins there were a number of workers sitting on small wooden benches.All had their  9  in the water of the basin, the left hand holding a  10  and the thumb nail of the right hand scratching(刮;擦) the labels on   11  .

I sat down on a  12   beside one of the basins and started to work on one bottle.As the minutes went by I noticed that the  13   of the water started to  14   from my hand to my body.But  15   still, the delicate thumb of my right hand was  16  by the minute into a full­ blown tomato­ colored finger.A numb(麻木的)pain began to be felt  17   from my right thumb.Then I began to feel as if the pain was coming from a finger bigger than all my body.

After three hours of this I told the manager I’d  18  .He figured I had  19  69 cents at 23 cents an hour.With the money, I left the working place.“Easy job.Good wages.” came to my brain again.Looking at my hands, I  20    myself, “Can easy job get good wages?”

1.A.eyes                  B.a(chǎn)ttention            C.decision              D.breath

2.A.necessary             B.relevant           C.practical         D.primitive

3.A.running after         B.looking for        C.heading for          D.looking after

4.A.circled              B.moved                                           C.flashed           D.a(chǎn)ttacked

5.A.letter               B.sign             C.a(chǎn)dvertisement      D.post

6.A.baskets             B.bowls           C.pots                 D.basins

7.A.hiding               B.sticking           C.rising                D.breaking

8.A.In                 B.Above            C.Under               D.Around

9.A.a(chǎn)rms               B.hands            C.legs              D.feet

10.A.knife             B.snail             C.bottle              D.brush

11.A.that             B.those          C.them              D.it

12.A.chair           B.bench           C.bottle              D.sofa

13.A.smell             B.coldness         C.color                D.steam

14.A.spread          B.travel                                            C.recycle           D.a(chǎn)ccelerate

15.A.worse          B.better            C.more             D.rather

16.A.going            B.finding           C.growing              D.becoming

17.A.now and then     B.here and there     C.one by one          D.little by little

18.A.a(chǎn)dapt           B.equip             C.bargain            D.quit

19.A.taken           B.offered             C.earned              D.created

20.A.thought           B.a(chǎn)sked            C.found              D.hated


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Scott Langteau has this message for kids: Spend less time playing video games.

It’s a message that many a mom and dad has tried to impress upon many a youngster (and some not-so-youngsters)who spends perhaps a bit too much time with game controllers in hand.

But the 40-year-old Langteau isn’t a parent.He’s experienced at video games — one who played producer on three “Medal of Honor” games and co-founded his own game development company.

Langteau has just published a children’s book called “Sofa Boy,” which tells the story of a kid who spends too much time sitting on the couch with controller held in hand and the rather terrible consequences that follow.

It’s a fairy tale plucked straight from Langteau's own experiences as a lad with a fondness for video games and his own bouts with a bit of game addiction.But first, Langteau would like to make one thing clear: “I’m not saying that you shouldn’t play video games.I think video games are great, I think they do great things for kids”.Instead, Langteau says his book is all about a little something called “moderation.(克制)”

 “It’s about being well rounded,” he says.“Just like with anything else, we all need to make sure that there’s a variety in what we do.”

Video gamers can be rather bad-tempered when it comes to accepting criticism about their favorite entertainment.And understandably so.After all, most people who go around talking about the dangers of playing video games tend to be outsiders — people who don’t play video games and certainly don’t understand that they can be a valuable and healthy form of entertainment.

But Langteau and “Sofa Boy” seem to be in a unique position to deliver a message of gaming moderation that the young game-savvy(有經(jīng)驗的) masses might actually listen to.After all, this is a man who understands what it means to be a kid with a passion for games.His early experience has taught him a lesson.

1.Scott Langteau published “Sofa Boy” to            

       A.share his great skills on games              B.warn kids against game addiction

       C.tell about his fairy tale as a kid               D.deliver a message for games

2.We can learn from the passage that           

      A.Langteau advises the young to play games within limits

      B.Langteau advises the young not to play games

      C.playing video games ruins the future of kids

      D.playing video games is of no benefit to kids

3.Why are the video gamers not accepted by the outsiders?

    A.Because they are bad-tempered.

    B.Because they are dangerous to others.

    C.Because they do nothing but play video games.

    D.Because the value of the video games is not understood.

4.By saying “It’s about being well rounded” Langteau thinks            .20090506

      A.games do great things for kids           B.gamers are usually fat and round

      C.games should be viewed from all sides  D.gamers are to blame for their behaviors

5.What topic will be discussed in the following paragraph?

      A.His idea to create “Sofa Boy”.

      B.His great achievement in games as a kid.

      C.His hard times to set up his game company.

      D.His enthusiasm for games when he was a small boy.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

AAAGH! The Generation 90s is coming!

Wearing earphones, using complex Net language and constantly text messaging friends, the Gen-90s following the Gen-80s begin to make their world debut(初次登臺).

Each generation or age group has its own symbols and lifestyle.Read on and judge for yourselves if you fit the Gen-90s profile.


These little devices seem to grow on the heads of the Gen-90s.They might lead to MP3, MP4 or MP101 players, giving these young people a plugged-in,cool and perhaps self-addicted look, of course, life is not always music to the ears.

 Martian language

They have created their own code-like online language.It’s a mixture of English, Japanese and Chinese that perhaps only Martians can understand.This is an imaginative generation, though they need to be careful to keep it out of their term papers.


Saying “cheese” to their own digital cameras is routine for this generation.A little bit of narcissism (自戀) never hurts anyone.It helps them reflect a little on their own lives.But be aware of the risks of posting private photos online.


They can type their mobile phones as fast as they can speak.This is a generation that respects efficiency.However, oral communication is important and will never go out of style.

1.Who are the intended readers of the passage?

    A.Teens                 B.Educators           C.Socialists            D.Parents

2.According to the passage, if you belong to the Gen-90s, you will ____________ .

       A.just appreciate yourself and ignore others’ strengths.

       B.make your presentation and have your own symbols and lifestyle.

       C.have the same symbols and lifestyle of the Gen-80s.

       D.like music and dance very much.

3.According to the text, the writer will choose ______ as a good example to the Gen-90.

       A.Li Hua likes music and always wearing ipod

       B.Zhang Chao is not only an imaginative boy but do everything efficiently.

       C.Lily is a shy girl and she doesn’t like making friends.

       D.Fangfang likes being taken photos and often posting them on line.

4.According to this passage, which is FALSE?

       A.Not all teens are cautious about posting photos. 

       B.They type their mobile phones so fast that it can catch the speed of speaking.

       C.The Gen-90s have a preference for some music players, and even regard them as a  necessary part of life.

       D.They don’t use the cool and complex online language in formal writing.

5.The main idea of the passage is about________.

       A.the Gen-90s’ happy life

       B.the difference between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90s

       C.the Gen-90s’unique lifestyle and some practical warnings

       D.the similarities between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90s


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

It was a beautiful day at the beach—blue sky, gentle wind, calm sea.I knew these things because a man sitting five feet from me was shouting them into his mobile phone, like a play-by-play announcer (實況解說員).


Behind me, a woman, her mobile phone pressed to her ear was walking back and forth.

“She DIDN’T,” she was saying.“No.She DIDN’T.She DID? Really? Are you SERIOUS? She did NOT.She DID? No she…”

And so on.This woman had two children, who were playing in the sea.I found myself watching them, because the woman surely was not.A huge squid could have caught and snatched the children, and this woman would not have noticed.Or, if she had noticed, she’d have said, “Listen.I have to go, because a huge squid just……No! She didn’t ! She DID? No! She……”

And next to me, the play-by-play man would have said: “…AND A HUGE SQUID JUST ATE TWO CHILDREN, AND I’M GETTING A LITTLE SUNBURNED, AND …”

It used to be that the major trouble at the beach was the fellow who brought a boom box (便攜式錄音機) and turned it up so loud that the bass notes caused seagulls to explode.But at least you knew where these fellows were; you never know which beachgoers have mobile phones.You’ll settle next to what appears to be a sleeping sunbather, or even (you hope) a corpse , and you’ll lie happily on your towel, and you’ll get all the way to the second sentence of your 467-page book before you fall asleep to the hypnotic surge of the surf (催人入夢的潮聲), and …

BREEP! BREEP! The corpse sits up, feels urgently for its mobile phone, and shouts “Hello! I’m at the beach! Yes! It’s nice! Very peaceful! What? She did? No, she didn’t! She DID? No, she…”

Loud mobile-phoners never seem to get urgent calls.Just once, I’d like to hear one of them say, “Hello? Yes, this is Dr.Johnson.Oh, Dr.Smith.You’ve opened the abdominal cavity (腹腔)? Good! Now the appendix should be right under the … What? No, that’s the liver.Don’t take THAT out, ha ha! Oh, you did? My God! OK, now listen carefully…”

1.From the passage we can know that the writer of the passage _____.

       A.had a wonderful holiday at the beach

       B.must have suffered a lot because of the terrible weather

       C.is only interested in talks by doctors about operation

       D.experienced an unhappy holiday at the beach

2.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

       A.The writer often spends his holidays at the beach.

       B.A huge squid ate two children while their mother was not watching.

       C.Some people used to play boom box while spending their holidays at the beach.

       D.Some people often make loud mobile phone calls without caring for others.

3.The underlined word “corpse” in this passage has the closest meaning to________.

       A.a(chǎn) dead body                                       B.a(chǎn) loud mobile phone  

       C.a(chǎn) sound sleeper                                    D.a(chǎn) sleep lover

4.In the past the fellow who brought a boom box_________.

       A.turned it up to make the seagulls happy

       B.turned it up to cause the seagulls to explode

       C.might cause less trouble than the beachgoers with mobile phones

       D.might cause more trouble than the beachgoers with mobile phones

5.We can infer from the passage that _______.

     A.the writer is interested in mobile phone.

     B.the writer hates people using mobile phone

     C.the writer hates to be disturbed while enjoying holidays on the beach.

     D.the writer seldom finishes reading a book before going to sleep.

