精英家教網(wǎng)> 試卷> 安徽省合肥市2018屆九年級上學(xué)期期中試題(全科) > 題目詳情


一.關(guān)鍵詞語選擇。你將聽到五個句子。請在每小題所給的A,B,C 三個選項中選出一個你所聽到的單詞或短語。每個句子讀兩遍

1. Would you like to join us in the party this weekend ?

2. Please lock the door when you are the last to leave the office.

3. I was very lucky to buy the book at a low price.

4. Yao Ming is always the hero in my heart.

5. Mom often helps me tidy up my bedroom.

二.短對話理解。你將聽到10段對話,每段對話后有一個小題。請在每小題所給的A,B,C 三個選項中選出一個最佳選項。每段對話 讀兩遍

6. W: Excuse me, sir. Look at the sign. You can’t take any food or drinks into the cinema.

  M: Sorry, I didn’t see it.

7. W: What’s wrong with you, young man ?

  M: I have a headache.

8. M: Have you heard the story of Jack ?

W: Yes, he has been talked about many times. He saved many passengers on the bus last month.

9. M: What time do you get up ?

W: Usually I get up at a quarter past six. But today I was 10 minutes late.

10. W: How did you get to Dalian ?

   M: By ship. It was a wonderful trip .

11. M: What’s the weather like today?

   W: It’s nice and warm.

12. M: Are you from London, Jane?

   W: No, I’m from Sydney.

13. M : How often do you go to the school library ,Lucy ?

   W: Twice a week.

14. M: Excuse me. Is there a post office around here?

   W: Yes, there is one, just next to the bookstore.

15. M: What animals do you like best ?

   W: I like lions. They are strong.

三.長對話理解。你將聽到兩段對話,每段對話后有幾個小題。請在每小題所給的A,B,C 三個選項中選出一個最佳選項。每段對話 讀兩遍


W: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the hotel ?

M: Just walk past the bank and then turn right. The hotel is on the right, next to the library. You can’t

   miss it.

W: Oh, how far is it from here?

M: Well, about one kilometer.

W: It’s not far. I ‘ll walk there. Thanks a lot.

聽第二段對話,回答第18-20 題。

W: This is Mary. Who ‘s that ?

M: This is Jack. Are you free this Saturday evening ?

W: Yes. What’s the matter?

M: I have two tickets for Jay Zhou ‘s concert. Would you like to go with me?

W:Certainly. I ‘d love to . He’s my favorite singer. Thanks for your invitation. When and where shall we

   meet ?

M: Let’s meet at the gate of the park at seven o’clock.

W: Ok. See you then.

M: See you.


This is a message for Dennis. My name is Jim Green . I’m sorry I missed your call . You said that you wanted some information about the basketball club. The club members meet once a week, on Wednesday evening. There are sometimes matches on Sunday morning, but those are only for our team players. Our meetings begin at eight, and they are about two hours long, so we finish at ten. People like to get home in time for the10:15 sports program on television. We meet in the hall in Park Lane, behind High Street. The air conditioner in the hall is not good. So you need to bring a sweater to put on afterwards. I t’ s also quite expensive to rent , so we need to pay 12 dollars each week.


My name is Helen . Here comes the new term. We all should make our new term’s resolutions, and we’re ready to do our best this term. Ella wants to take more exercise. And she decided to study hard for getting good grades. Jack will take a part-time job and help the students who dropped out of school. I ‘d like to improve my spoken English, so I am going to the English corner every Saturday evening and practice speaking English with foreigners. I think we’ll make great progress in this new term.


1-5 ACBAA   6-10CABCC  11-15AABBC

16-20BACBA  21-25 BCABA

26. Saturday  27.foreigners 28 exercise 29 grades 30. Part-time


31-35 BCBBD  36-40 BCADA  41-45 CABDC


46-50 CBCDA  51-55 BCDAB

56-60 BCDBD  61-65 CADCB


66-70 DABGE


71-74 CBAD  75-79 BBDAD  80-83 ACBD  84-87 BCDA

88. They buy Japanese cartoon books, watch Korean soap operas and celebrate western holidays.

89. He thinks they are just as good as foreigners.

90. Things from other places are better than ours.(回答原文扣一分)


91. wonders  92. simple  93. considered  94. follow  95. wisely


Welcome to our school !

    Our school has an area of 20,000㎡with an office building, a sports hall and three teaching buildings. The number of the students and teachers is 3,000. Although it is not very big, it is clean and beautiful. And t here are trees and flowers in it all the year round.

    Anyway, as a middle school student, it’s important for us to find good ways of learning. As we know, there are more subjects to have, so you will be much busier than before. Besides, remember to relax yourself after heavy schoolwork. What’s more, if you want to have a colorful school life, it’s a good idea for you to join some clubs.

    Finally, read more books and you can make more friends here.