




    ATake the dishes off the table*

    BTake the pots away

    CPut the dishes away

2What does the woman want to do?

    AGive the man the paper

    BStop working on the paper

    CThrow the paper up in the air

3What does the woman want to do?

    APut off the alarm

    BWake up at eight in themorning

    CGet a new alarm

4What does the woman suggest?

ADoing nothing   

BGoing home

    CWalking around

5What do we learn from the conversation?

    AThe man expected a special lunch

    BThe restaurant is closed on weekends

    CThe man likes to make his own lunch


6Jules Verne was a very famous                                               

Alawyer                                Bactor                                    Cwriter

7Jules Verne died when he was                                   years old

A28                                        B77                                         C95

8Verne was interested in and good at                                      

Athrillers                              Blove stories         Cscience fiction


9According to the story,can you guess the name of the book?

    AAround the World in 80 Days

    BFive Weeks in a Balloon

    CAlice in Wonderland

10Phileas Fogg can't travel by                                     

    Aship                                           Btrain                                     Cplane


Time spent in a b   1   Call be enjoyableIf you go to a good shop,no assistant will come near to you and say,“Can I help you?” You n  2   buy anything you don't wantYou may try to find out where the book you want isBut if you f  3   ,the assistant will lead you there and then he will go awayIt seems that he is not interested in s  4   any books at all

There is a story,which tells us about a good shopA medical student found a very useful book in the shop,but it was too e  5   for him to buyHe couldn't get it from the l  6   ,eitherSo every afternoon,he went there to read a little at a timeOne dayhowever,he couldn't find the book from its u  7   place and was leaving when he saw all assistant signing to himTo his s  the assistant pointed to the book in a c  9   “I put it there so as not,to be sold out”said the assistantThen he l  10   the student to go on with his reading

1.―Mum,Bill is coming to dinner this evening

   OKLet's give him                                     to eat

Asomething different                                                                Bdifferent anything

Canything different                                                                                    Ddifferent something

2.―Is Mr. Green really very ill?

                                    He's in hospital

AI don't think so                                                                                      BNohe isn't

CI hope so                                                                                                     DI'm afraid so

3He doesn't                              much time his homework

    Aspend;in                                                                                    Bspend;on

    Cpay;for                                                                                                             Dtake;to

4                                    children there are in a family,                                        their life will be

    AThe lessthe better                                                                      BThe fewer;the better

    CFewerricher                                                                                                   DMore;poorer

5Iraqi students                                      their school year on October 2 this year

Abegin                                   Bbegan                     Care beginning                       Dhave begun

6China wants to                                   its first moon spaceship before 2007

Awill send                           Bsend                                     Cbe sent                                   Dsent

7US President Bush and John Kerry wanted people to be                                          their sidesThey had another two debates                                October 8 and l 3The election was                              November

Aononin                                                                                                Bon;in;in 

Caton;on                                                                                                  Datin;on

8Thirty―eight people                                      17 countries jumped                               Shanghai's Jinmao Tower on Tuesday

    Aindown                     Bfrom;off                            Cat;away                                Din;up

9After taking drugs only ode timehe found                                      hard to stop

Athat                                      Bhim                                      Cit                                              Dthem

10                                  bad weather! It's going to rain again

AWhat                                   BHow                                    CWhat a                                   DHow a

11Marc finds it hard                                          a letter in Chinese

    Awrites                         Bwrite                                    Cwriting                                   Dto write

12Can you tell me                                ?

    Awhich book to choose from                                         Bwhich book to choose

    Cto choose which book                                                                    Dhow to choose book

13Though it rained heavily,                                       were still working in the fields

    Athey                                           Band they                             Cbut they                                 Dso they

14.―                              we swim in that river?

   No,you                              It's dangerous to swim there

    AMustcan't                  BMay;mustn't                      CCan;may not        DShalldon't

15.―Would you like another cake?

                                   I'm quite full

    AYes,please                  BI'd like to                           CNothanks                          DI don't like it


For manythe last few days of the school term are the worst time    l    it's also exam time!

    In the last two weeks,heat waves have  2  many parts of China,from south to north,east to west

In many placestemperatures were 35 t0 37 degrees Celsius攝氏度).The hot and humid weather   3    for days

  Zhou Lina Junior 3 from Daxing No3 Middle School in Beijingtook the high school entrance examination中考from June 2426  4   help her prepare for the test,her father bought lots of   5    for her

When temperatures are too   6  for example 37 degrees Celsius or higher,weather stations give heat  7  and ask people to be prepared for the terrible weather

    Because of the hot weatherstudents   8   do outdoor activities like PE,so they can stay out of the sunIn the classroomthere are electric fans or even ice blocks冰塊to cool the heat

    Many schools also provide mung bean soup綠豆湯and  9   to help with heat stroke中暑).

In Linfen of Shandongfrom June 21,all primary school kids stopped having classes in the afternoon because it was too hot

The hot weather is  10 to go on for some time

1Aif                                                  Bwhen                                   Cbecause                                  Dalthough

2Abroken                                          Bhit                                        Cmet                                                        Dhurt

3Akept                                             Bstayed                   Clasted                                     Dremained

4ASo as to                                        BIn order to                            CSo that                                   DIn order that

5Abooks                                         Bsnacks                                 Cice creams                             Dtoys

6Atall                                               Bhot                                       Clarge                                        Dhigh

7Aalarms                                           Btroubles                              Cproblems                               Dsituations

8Amustn't                                         Bshouldn't                           Cdon't have to                        Dhad better not

9Awater                                           Bjuice                                    Cfood                                        Dmedicine

10Alikely                                         Bmaybe                   Cpossible                                Dprobable



In most parts of the world,many students help their schools make less pollutionThey join “environment clubs”people work together to make our environment clean

Here are some things students often do

No―garbage lunchesHow much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used againEvery week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school!

    No―ear dayOn a no-ear day,nobody comes to school in a car―not the students and not the teachers! Cars give pollution to our air,so remember

    Walk,jumpbike or run

    Use your legs! It's lots of fun!

    Turn off the water! Did you know that some toilets can waste twenty to forty m3 of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In environment clubs,students mend those broken toilets

  We love our environmentLet's work together to make it clean

1Environment clubs ask students                             

    Ato run to school every day                                           Bto take exercise every day

    Cnot to forget to take cars                                                                 Dnot to throw away lunch bags

2From the passage we know the students usually have lunch                                  

    Aat school                    Bin shops                             Cin clubs                                 Dat home

3On a no-ear day,                               will take a car to school

    Aboth students and teachers                                          Bonly students

    Cneither students nor teachers                                                        Donly teachers

4After students mend toilets,they save                               

    Aa small river                 Ba club                    Ca lot of water                        Da toilet

5The writer wrote the passage to ask students to                              

    Aclean schools                                                                                 Bmake less pollution

    Cjoin clubs                                                                                           Dhelp teachers


  Shaolin kungfu comes from the Shaolin TempleThat's where the name comes from,tooThe Shaolin Temple is more than l,500 years oldIt is in the Songshan Mountains of HenanBut why do we have Shaolin kungfu? Who made it?

    Many stories say that Bodhidharmaan Indian monk,went to the Shaolin Temple in the year 527The monks there were not very strongBodhidharma said they studied too much,and they didn't exercise enoughHe then taught kungfu to the Shaolin monks to make them stronger

    But history says those stories aren't trueSome of the Shaolin monks knew some kungfu before they went to the Shaolin TempleThey taught their kungfu to other monks thereThe monks all worked together to make their kungfu betterAfter many years,their kungfu became Shaolin kungfu

In the year 621some Shaolin monks helped Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Shimin win a warSo Li made friends with the monksHe gave a lot of land to the TempleAfter that,the Shaolin Temple and Shaolin kungfu became famous all over China

But not all emperors liked kungfuSometime during the Qing Dynasty,people could not study Shaolin kungfuMany monks had to leave the templeThey went to different places and saw many new kinds of kungfuThey studied them and took them back to the Shaolin TempleAll of the new ideas changed Shaolin kungfu a lot

TodayShaolin kungfu is still the largest and most famous kind of kungfu in ChinaPeople say,“All kungfu comes from Shaolin,but Shaolin kungfu is the best

Now,Shaolin monks want people to remember their kungfuThey are asking the United Nations to make Shaolin kungfu a “World Intangible Heritage’’

1Who started Shaolin kungfu according to history?

    Aan Indian monk

    BShaolin monks

    Cthe Tang Dynasty emperor

    Dthe Qing Dynasty emperor

2Shaolin kungfu became famous because                              

    A1he Shaolin Temple was famous

    Ban Indian monk came to the Shaolin Temple

    Csome monks there helped an emperor win a war

    Dan emperor gave a lot of land to the temple

3According to many stories,an Indian monk taught Shaolin monks kungfu to                             

    Ahelp them fight in wars

    Bmake kungfu popular

    Cget some money

    Dmake them stronger

4The story mainly talks about                                    

    Ahow to practice Shaolin kungfu

    Bhow Shaolin kungfu began

    Cwhy Li Shimin won the war

    Dwhere the name of Shaolin kungfu came from

5Which of the following statements is true,according to the story?

    AAll emperors liked Shaolin kungfu because it could help them

    BThe monks forgot about Shaolin kungfu after they left the temple

    CChinese people still like Shaolin kungfu today

    DShaolin kungfu didn't change any all through the years


What would you be like if the entrance exam to senior high school中考was tomorrow? Peaceful and happy as usual? Or,would you become worried and uneasy?

 “I was surprised at how I could get angry so easily with my parents before a big exam”said Junior 3 student Wang Yangqian from Hefei“I couldn't fall asleep even after I'd been in bed for two hours

    Not only exams but also other things,like a big gamecan also make you a bit different from

how you are usually

    You may be acting differently because you are stressed out

    Stress is what you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about somethingUsually your hands get wet and your heart beats faster

  yon feel stressed because you might ask too much of yourself sometimesOr,your parents,teachers or classmates put too much pressure on youThis can make you worried

  But being stressed is not always a big problemEverybody,even sports stars,can get a little worried before a big game

  Some kinds of stress are goodGood stress might show up when you're called on in class or when you have to give a reportThis kind of stress can help you get things doneYou may do a better job in your book report if the anxiety焦慮pushes you to do more work before you read it to the class

  Sometimes stress can turn into something bad if you keep having stressful feelings over a long timeThis kind of stress isn't going to help youIt can make you sickYou may have trouble paying attention at school and forget things easilySo,remember to stay relaxedIt won't be the end of the worldeven if you don't pass the exam

1The main idea of this passage is                               

Astress only makes people worried

    Bstress can push you to work harder

    Cstress can be good or bad for people

    Dstress always causes problems

2According to the passage,what will happen if people are stressed?

    AThey will sleep very well

    BTheir heart will beat faster

    CTheir hands will become dirty

    DThey will find lots of problems

3Which of the following statements is true?

    AAll stress is harmful for people

    BStress is something one can never overcome

    CIf you are too stressed,you might fall ill

    DStress can always make people work harder


4You may feel stressed when you                               .(Give one example according to the passage

5The best way to get rid of stress is                                          .(Give your own answer


  It was a cold,dark night in Novemberand it was rainingIt was six o'clock and people were going home from workDiana left her hank in a hurry,but she wasn't going homeShe was driving to her friend Daniel's house to have dinner

  At ten to seven,Diana was driving along the Turner RoadHer friend Daniel was a farmer and he lived 30km north of LondonShe was listening to the radio,and beginning to free herself after a hard day at the office

Suddenly she hit something in the roadShe stoppedand got out of the carIt was a cat,but it was deadSo she got back in the ear

    Diana went on with her driveShe looked in the mirror and saw a black truck behind her It was very nearShe began to feel a little afraidIt was following her! Then the seven o'clock news started on the radio“The police are looking for a murderer who ran away from a North London prison last nightHe is very dangerous...”Now Diana was really afraid

  She began to drive fast,but the truck drove faster,tooIt was right behind herShe left the Turner Road but the black truck followed herNow Diana was terrified害怕).At last she arrived

at Daniel's farmShe ran up to the house and rang the doorbell“Help,helpDaniel,”she shouted

  When the doorbell rang,Daniel was making dinnerHe heard Diana shouting,quickly took his

gunand ran to the door  At that momentthe black truck stopped next to Diana's car  A tall man got outIt was Daniel's father。

1It took Diana                                       to drive to her friend's home

Afifty minutes                                                                            Ban hour

    Cmore than an hour                                                                            Dhalf all hour

2Diana became even more afraid after she                             

Ahit the cat                                                                                                Bsaw the police

    Cfound the truck                                                                                 Dheard the news

3Diana worked in        &nbs

