

1. if如果 

You should call 119 if there's a fire.

If you think that treating a woman well means always getting her permission for things, think again. (06湖南)  

2. unless如果不,除非(多數(shù)情況下與if...not用法相同,兩者都引導條件狀語從句,但unless比if ... not的語氣要強。


You will be late ,      you leave immediately.

A. unless   B. until   C. if      D. or

答案A。句意: 除非你立即走,否則你會遲到的。該句可轉化為If you don’t leave immediately, you will be late. B、D項填入后句意不對,or表轉折,若用or則句子應為: Leave immediately or you will be late. 再如: 

He is sure to come unless he has some urgent business. = He is sure to come if he hasn’t any urgent business.

注意: 當unless引導的從句的主語與主句的主語相同時,unless后面的主語和動詞有時可省略。

Unless (he is) in uniform, he doesn’t look like a policeman.除非他穿著制服,否則他看起來不像警察。

He will not come unless (he is) invited.除非被邀請,否則他是不會來的。


1) 當從句是虛擬形式時,只用if ... not,不用unless引導。例如:

The flowers would have died if you had not watered diligently.

2) 當主句為疑問句時,不用unless,而用if ... not。例如:

What shall we do if he doesn’t reply to our letter?

3) 當unless引導的從句帶有否定詞時,不能用if ... not代替。例如:

I’ll go unless no one else goes.

3. as long as只要 

As long as there is life there is hope. 有生命就有希望。(留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。)

I’ll accept any job as / so long as I don’t have to get up early.只要不必早起,任何工作我都可以接受。 

4. once作連詞表示“一旦,只要”,引導條件狀語從句。

Once you understand the rules of the game, you will enjoy it.一旦你了解了游戲的規(guī)則,你就會喜歡它。

Once he is free, he will play computer games. 只要他有空,他就玩電腦游戲。

例如:_______environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem(生態(tài)系統(tǒng)) to recover.

A. Even if                B. If only

C. While                  D. Once

解析: 答案為D。even if“即使”,if only “要是……就好了”,while“雖然”, once“一旦”。句意為“一旦環(huán)境遭到破壞,就要花很多年才能恢復生態(tài)系統(tǒng)”,故D正確。once作連詞表示“一旦,只要”,引導條件狀語從句。再如: 

5. 祈使句或名詞短語 + 含有一般將來時或情態(tài)動詞的陳述句

例如:Dress warmly,     you’ll catch cold.

[A] on the contrary [B] or rather            [C] or else              [D] in no way

[分析] 本題考查固定句型:“祈使句+or (else) /and you will...”。其中,祈使句相當于if或unless引導的條件狀語從句,并列連詞后面的句子多用將來時表示結果。連詞or (else)(也可以用otherwise)意為“否則”,后面的句子是轉折的結果;連詞and意為“那么,如此一來”,后面的句子是順承的結果。如:Wait a minute and I’ll tell you all about it.(再等一會兒我就會告訴你事情的全部。)Come on, or you will miss the chance.(加油,否則你將失去這個機會。)本題中前后分句是轉折關系,應選[C]or else。 

其他選項都是固定短語,但是表示的邏輯關系均不符合句意。on the contrary意為“(與此)相反”,如:I thought the movie would have been terrible; on the contrary it is very interesting.(我原以為這部電影會很糟糕,結果相反,它很有意思。)or rather意為“更確切地說”,如:I am 1 year older than you, or rather 1 year and 2 months.(我比你大一歲,更確切地說大一歲零兩個月。)in no way意為“決不”,放在句首時,引起句子倒裝,如:In no way can we allow this to continue.(我們決不允許它再繼續(xù)下去。)

[句意] 穿暖和一些,不然你會感冒的。 

6. provided意為“如果,倘若,只要”,引導條件狀語從句 

You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting     you don’t mind taking the night train.

[A] provided           [B] unless        [C] though              [D] until

[分析] provided意為“如果,倘若,只要”,引導條件狀語從句,相當于if,如:The boss will pay the bonus provided(that)the job is completed on time.(如果工作按時完成的話老板將發(fā)獎金。)unless相當于if …not,引導條件狀語從句,意為“如果……不……,非…… 不可,除非”,由于它是具有否定意義的連接詞,因此所引導的從句謂語一般是肯定形式,如:Unless the rain stops,I shall not go out for a walk.(倘若雨不停,我就不出去散步了。)though意為“雖然,盡管;可是,然而”,引導讓步或轉折從句,如:Though she gave no sign, I was sure she had seen me.(盡管她沒有示意,我還是確信她看見了我。)Your suggestion is feasible, though it may be rather costly.(你的建議是可行的,但也許要付出不少代價。)until常和not搭配,引導時間狀語從句,意為“直到……才”,如:He did not leave the house until his father returned.(他直到父親回來才離開房子。)根據(jù)句意,應選[A]provided。

[句意] 假如你不介意乘夜班車的話,你就可以早點兒到達北京開會
