0  2057  2065  2071  2075  2081  2083  2087  2093  2095  2101  2107  2111  2113  2117  2123  2125  2131  2135  2137  2141  2143  2147  2149  2151  2152  2153  2155  2156  2157  2159  2161  2165  2167  2171  2173  2177  2183  2185  2191  2195  2197  2201  2207  2213  2215  2221  2225  2227  2233  2237  2243  2251  3002 











6.How long is Molly staying in San Francisco?

A.For 4 days.                                             B.For only 3 days.

C.For 7 days.                                              D.For more than a week.

7.What is Ted doing for vocation?

A.Going to the beaches.                             B.Going camping with his parents.

C.Visiting his friend.                                          D.Staying at home.


8.What did Julia and her families go to KFC to do?

A.To meet Julia's friend.                            B.To buy some hamburgers.

C.To have a big meal.                              D.To have their lunch.

9.When was Julia born?

A.On November l3,1990.                               B.On November 30,1990.

C.On September l3,1990.                          D.On September 30,l990.

10.Which of the following is true?

A.David and Julia were born on the same day.

B.David is older than Julia.

C.Julia is older than David.

D.David and Julia are twins.




11.How many rooms does the Seaview Hotel have?

A 100.                       B.200.                    C.80.                      D.72.

12.What’s the price for one night in the Seaview Hotel?

A.80 pounds without breakfast.           B.72 pounds without breakfast.

C.80 pounds with breakfast.                  D.100 pounds with breakfast.

13.Are the workers in Seaview Hotel more friendly than those in Falcon Hotel?

A.Yes,they are.

B.The workers in the two hotels are both very friendly.

C.No,they aren't.

D.I don't know.

14.Which hotel is nearer to the sea?

A.The Seaview Hotel.                         B.The Falcon Hotel.

C.Neither is near.                                 D.The passage doesn't tell us.

15.What is the only problem of the Seaview Hotel?

A.The price is too high.                               B.The rooms aren't clean.

C.You have to buy a lot of presents.                     D.It's not near any shops.


16.How old was Tom?

A.3.                      B.5.                        C.7.                        D.11.

17.It was _______ for Tom to see a movie.

A.the first time.                                                 B.the second time.

C.the third time.                                          D.the last time.

18.Did he go to the cinema with his friends?

A Yes,he did.                                           B.No,he went with his mother.

C.No,he went alone(單獨).                    D.Yes,he went with a girl.

19.How many tickets did Tom buy before the girl asked him?

A.1 ticket.               B.2 tickets.             C.3 tickets.              D.4 tickets.

20.The big woman _______.

A.was his mother.

B.was his good friend's mother.

C.a(chǎn)sked Tom to buy tickets again and again.

D.worked for the cinema.



21.Listen! Some of the girls _______ about Harry Potter.Let's join them.

A.a(chǎn)re talking                  B.talk                     C.will talk               D.talked

22.Can you go shopping with me?

I'd love to,but I am _______.So let me go with you next time.

A.old                      B.stressed out          C.free                       D.well

23.If you eat _______ meat, you'll be fatter.

A.too much                   B.much too          C.too many          D.so many

24.What does your father do in the evening?

He usually _______.

A.watch TV                                               B.exercises

C.likes reading book                                    D.is going to write

25.I'm sure you are _______.Please drink some water.

Thank you.

A.a(chǎn) cold              B.hot                 C.thirsty              D.a(chǎn) headache

26.Father wants me _______ up at 6:00 and _______ with him.

A.to get, runs           B.to get, run          C.get, run           D.get, runs

27.Would you like to study here?

yes, _______.

A.I would            B.I would like        C.I'd like            D.I'd like to

28.After two hours the children got to the hill, tired _______ happy.

A.a(chǎn)nd               B.but               C.a(chǎn)lthough         D.however

29.Class 4 went to the _______ to see some sharks.

A.cinema            B.a(chǎn)quarium          C.park                   D.movie

30.We _______ any animals on my last school trip.

A.saw               B.didn't saw          C.didn't see          D.see

31._______ important _______ a balanced diet.

A.Its, eating        B.It's, to eat          C.That's, to eat            D.That's, eating

32.He likes to _______ funny stories to make people _______.

A.say,laugh                                            B.talk,to laugh

C.tell,laugh                                          D.speak,laughing

33. _______ do you go skating?

Once a week.

A.How often                  B.How many           C.When                    D.How long

34.We didn't go out to play _______ the bad weather.

A.because               B.because of            C.a(chǎn)t                          D.for

35.Which book do you think is _______ of the two?

The red one.

A.the most interesting                                 B.more interesting

C.most interesting                                         D.the more interesting


Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable.If you go to a good shop,no assistant will come near to you and say.“Can I help you?” You  36   buy anything you don't want.You may try to find out where the book you want is.But if you can't find it, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away.It seems that he is  37   selling any books at all.

There is a story that tells us about a  38   shop.A medical student   39   a very useful book in the shop.But it was  40   expensive for him to buy.He  41   get it from the library, either(也).So every afternoon,he went there to read a little at a time.One day, however, he couldn't  42   the book from its usual place,then he was leaving when he saw an assistant   43  to him.To his  44  , the assistant pointed to the book in  45   and said,“I put it there so that it won't be sold out." Then he left the student and let him go on with his reading.

36.A.shouldn't             B.needn't               C.mustn't                D.can't

37.A.interesting for                                                  B.interested in

C.not interesting at                        D.not interested in

38.A.good            B.bad             C.cheap                D.expensive

39.A.looked for                  B.looked           C.had                D.found

40.A.the most             B.more               C.too                D.enough

41.A.couldn't            B.can                   C.could              D.can't

42.A.watch                B.look at                C.read                D.find

43.A.laugh                B.coming              C.helping             D.said

44.A.surprise              B.surprised             C.surprising           D.surprises

45.A.a(chǎn) bookshop          B.his hand           C.a(chǎn) corner             D.his pocket



One day Mr. and Mrs. Green drove to a shop.They stopped the car in front of the shop.An hour later they came back to the car with a lot of things.They wanted to put the things in the car, but Mrs. Green could not open the car door.Then Mr. Green gave all the things to Mrs. Green.He put the key into the lock and turned it, but he couldn’t open it!

“Oh dear,” said Mr. Green.“What’s wrong with it? We can’t open the door!”

“Let’s ask the policeman.” Mrs. Green said.

The policeman came and helped them. Soon he got the door open.The Greens thanked him. At that time a man came up and shouted angrily(怒吼), "What are you doing with my car?" Mr. and Mrs. Green looked at the number of the car, and their face turned red.Their car is next to the man's car!

46.The Greens went shopping _______.

A.by bus            B.by car              C.on foot                  D.by bike

47.They were in the shop _______ and bought a lot of things.

A.for an hour                                            B.more than an hour

C.a(chǎn)n hour later                                           D.less than an hour

48._______ opened the car door very soon.

A.Mrs. Green                                            B.Mr. Green

C.The policeman                                          D.Nobody

49.Why was the man angry? Because _______.

A.he couldn't find his car                            B.the policeman drove his car away

C.other people opened his car                  D.his car was broken

50.The Greens didn't open the car because _______.

A.it wasn't their car                          B.there was something wrong with it

C.they had a lot of things in their hand                 D.they left the key at home


Fred can make all kinds of shoes and his skills are better than his workmates' in the workplace.The boss likes him and pays him a lot.But he never tidies his room or washes his clothes.He spends much time in watching football games on TV.So he always wears dirty clothes.

One day his friend introduced a girl named Berry to him at a party.She was very beautiful.The young man loved her at once.They talked a lot while they were dancing.After that they often met in the park or at the cinema.When he asked the girl to marry him, she said she had to ask permission(允許)of her parents.

Several days later, Betty told Fred on the telephone that her parents would ask him to dinner that evening.The young man understood what it meant.He was very happy, but all his clothes were dirty, so he hurried to a shop to buy a suit of new clothes.But before he left, he remembered he hadn't bought new socks.He had to bring out all his socks, but they were all dirty.He thought for a while and found a way and put them on.He went there on time with expensive presents.The girl's parents were friendly to him.But soon the woman found his socks were dirty and asked him why.He said in a hurry, "Oh, I've had my socks on inside out!"

5l.The boss pays Fred much because _______.

A.Fred works there for long

B.Fred is young and kind to him

C.the boss likes the young man very much

D.the young man’s skills are the best in his workplace

52.The young man often wears dirty clothes because _______.

A.he is busy working all the time                    B.he has no time to wash his clothes

C.he can't wash them                                     D.they are all old

53.The man was happy because _______.

A.Betty’s parents asked him to dinner

B.he likes all kinds of nice food

C.Betty's parents would probably agree to marry(嫁)Betty to him

D.he was glad to know Betty’s parents

54._______, so he bought a suit of new ones.

A.Fred's clothes were all dirty                      B.Fred didn’t like to wear the old clothes

C.The clothes in the shop were cheap              D.Betty wanted Fred to wear new clothes

55.What does the sentence “I've had my socks on inside out!” mean?

A.“我把襪子穿錯了!”                          B.“我把里襪外穿了!”

C.“我把襪子穿反了!”                             D.“我把襪子穿倒了!”


Exercise is so good for you because it can help you to keep fit and healthy.It is not enough just to eat a healthy diet.Exercise is important too.Exercise will make your muscles(肌肉)stronger.There are about 600 muscles in the body.They move your bones and let you move your joints(關(guān)節(jié)).If you do not exercise your muscles,they will be weaker and smaller.one of the most important muscles in the body is the heart.To exercise your heart, you need to do something like swimming, or playing a game in which you run about.This will make you breathe more deeply and make your heart and lungs stronger.One of the places where you can exercise is at school.In school, children have PE lessons that help them to keep fit and well.Try to exercise at least three times a week because exercise is good for you!

Answer the following questions in English after you have read the passage above:

56.Why is exercise good for you?

57.Is the heart one of the most important muscles?

58.Which is better to exercise your heart,running or walking?

59.How often do you have to exercise in order to keep fit according to the passage?

60.What do you like doing in your PE lessons?


61.What do you think of Funky Fashions?

I think it's the w ______.It has really bad service.

62.The ice is too thin.It's dangerous to s _______ on it.

63.What time did you go to bed last night?

I didn't go to bed u _______ I finished my work at midnight.

64.Alice likes r _______ books.

65.My Mp4 must be s _______ the room,but I can't find it.

66.He  _______(幾乎不)goes to a restaurant for dinner.

67.I like to wash the _______(盤,碟)because it's relaxing.

68.Can I use your bicycle? _______(我的)is at home.

69.I had a _______(獎品)because I got the first in the exam.

70.In some places students go to school _______(乘)subway.


A:What’s the matter?

B:  71 

A:Maybe you should see a dentist.

B:I guess I should.But I'm a bit afraid.Could you go with me together?

A:  72 

A:Doctor, Tommy isn't feeling well.He has a toothache.

C:  73  ?

B:Half an hour ago.

C:Well,I think you are too tired.Did you sleep well last night?

B: 74  .I had to much homework to do,so I went to bed too late.

C:You should have a good rest and relax.

B:Yes,I think so.

C.1 hope   75 

B:Thank you.

IX 書面表達(10分)

王林要在今年寒假舉行的冬令營開幕式上用英語作自我介紹,以便中外學(xué)生都能聽懂,這樣的話,他就能結(jié)交更多的新朋友了。以下是他的基本信息,請你幫他寫一份精彩的發(fā)言稿,作自我介紹。  (80詞左右,可以適當發(fā)揮)

姓  名



February 21,1993



N0.1 Middle School



by bike




read newspapers and magazines;music;sports;



twice a week

性  格


活  動

last month,a school trip,take photos,interesting


Hello! My dear friends,my name is Wang Lin._____________________________________


well, that's all about me.I hope I can make more friends here.Thank you!




第Ⅰ卷 機讀卷 67分









第Ⅰ卷 (機讀卷 共76分)














第I卷  (筆試  選擇題60分)




第Ⅰ卷(選擇題 共76分)

第一部分 聽力(24分)











第Ⅰ卷  (滿分90分)








第Ⅰ卷(選擇題 共80分)



1.A.Yes, I did.But I like short hair now.

   B.Sorry, I can’t think of you.

   C.No, I used to wear red clothes.

2.A.Art is interesting.           B.It has great lyrics.       C.I prefer music.

3.A.I don’t want to do that.

B.We should buy them some books.

C.They like to join our program.

4.A.Thank you.I’ll miss you.

B.Safe trip!

C.Have a nice trip!

5.A.You’re a loudmouth!

   B.Sorry to hear that.Were you late for work?

   C.Why did you say that?



11.A.Making many foreign friends.

B.Going to a foreign country.

C.Watching foreign language films.

12.A.He would give it to a medical research.

B.He would give it to the poor children.

C.He would buy a big house for his family.

13.A.Where to spend the vacation one day.

B.What to eat for the vacation.

C.How to spend the weekend.

14.A.Because his bike was broken and he had to walk to school.

B.Because there was a heavy traffic.

C.Because he got up late and couldn’t catch up with the school bus.

15.A.On the No. 5 street.      B.Opposite the park.        C.On the right of the park.


16.What can we learn about the man?

A.He eats too much.

B.He wants to lose weight.

C.He is a reporter.

17.What does the woman say about the difference between work and exercise?

A.Exercise is relaxing.

B.Exercise wastes time.

C.Work needs much time.

18.What does the man usually do after dinner?

A.He works for long hours.

B.He listens to the radio.

C.He reads news.

19.What is important for the man’s business?

A.News about China.     B.Weight.                       C.A radio.

20.What does the woman suggest in the end?

A.Giving up reading newspapers.

B.Eating less lunch.

C.Listening to the news while taking exercise.


21.What time will they have breakfast?

A.6:30.                         B.7:30.                         C.8:30.

22.Where are they going to have lunch?

A.At a car park.             B.At the hotel.               C.At a restaurant.

23.What color is the ticket for lunch?

A.Pink.                         B.Yellow.                     C.Red.

24.Where can a person get a lunch ticket?

A.The restaurant.           B.The hotel.                  C.The office.

25.What will everyone need to take to Loeb Ness?

A.A jacket.                    B.A camera.                  C.A pair of sunglasses.

第二部分  語言知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分25分)

第一節(jié) 語法和詞匯(共15小題,每小題l分,滿分15分)


26.--We shouldn’t           the chance to study.

--I agree with you.

A.look for               B.give up                C.give in                   D.care about

27.--Shall we fly a kite by the river?

--Sorry.I’m afraid        into die river and I can’t swim.

A.to step                 B.of stepping           C.to fall                    D.of falling

28.--My village has changed a lot。


A.So has his            B.So his has            C.So does his             D.So did his

29.--Can I go to the English Comer, Mum?

    --Certainly.But you           be back by 12 o’clock.

A.can                     B.may                    C.must                      D.need

30.--Did you used to read books in bed?

    --No, I didn’t.That’s           for eyes.

A.good                   B.bad                     C.helpful                   D.useful

31.--Do you like music that you can            ?

   --Yes, I do.

A.sing along with                                         B.sing along with it

C.dance to it                                                 D.dance with

32.--Is China a member of the WTO?

--Yes.Our country          the WTO for six years.

A.has been in                                             B.has taken part in

C.was in                                                       D.has joined

33.--When         they         ?

    --On October 1 last year.

A.do;marry                                              B.has;gotten married

C.did;get married                                       D.had;gotten married

34.I enjoy the popular music, but        my father        my mother likes it.

A.both;and                                                     B.not only;but also

C.either;or                                                 D.neither;nor

35.--Do all the students know that our class will visit the factory tomorrow?

    --Yes.Everyone           about it.

A.tells                    B.told                     C.was told                 D.has been told

36.--Doctor.it seems            you like to work with animals.

    --Yes.I think animals should            as our friends.

A.that;regard                                           B.that;he regarded

C.what;regard                                            D.what;be regarded

37.--Do you find MP4          ?

    --Yes.Many teenagers are interested in it.

A.charming             B.fascinating           C.exciting                 D.moving

38.--Come and join us, Jimmy!

   --I’m sorry, but I’m really busy now.If I         time, I would certainly go.

A.will have             B.have had              C.had                        D.have

39.--He is from China, and now he is an NBA star.Can you guess        ?

    --He is Yao Ming, a famous basketball player.

A.who he is             B.who is he             C.what he is              D.what is he

40.--Excuse me, is this seat taken?

    --            .That man got his books and left a few minutes ago.

A.I’m afraid so                                           B.I don’t think so

C.I have no idea                                            D.I hope not

第二節(jié)  完形填空(共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)


Do you get seared(驚嚇的) easily? Lucy, a  41  American girl, doesn’t.She is making her “Jack-o’-lantern”(南瓜燈籠).She cuts eyes and a mouth in a big pumpkin and then puts a candle in it.When the candle is lit, the pumpkin turn  42  a horrible face!

She is excited  43  Halloween which is on October 31 every year.This is an exciting time when people  44  ghosts(鬼) and witches.Children start to prepare for Halloween a week before.There is a lot to do! Kids need  45  scary clothes, make special food and cut their pumpkins.Halloween is one of  46  festivals in America.But it 472, 000 years ago in Ireland.People believed that October 31 was the last day of the year, and the dead visited their homes on that day.Halloween is celebrated at night.Children carry their pumpkins and walk around their town dressed in  48  clothes.They go to houses nearby and shout, “Treat or Trick!” This means “Give me a present like some sweets or toys,  49  I’ll play a trick(惡作劇) on you!” Then they will get some presents.

Sometimes people have Halloween parties.They sit in the dark and tell ghost stories.If you ever go to a Halloween party, get ready to be  50  !

41.A.10 year old          B.10 years old         C.10-year old            D.10-year-old

42.A.up                       B.on                       C.into                       D.out

43.A.a(chǎn)bout                         B.of                       C.on                         D.with

44.A.dress                   B.dress up               C.wear                      D.be in

45.A.make                   B.to make               C.made                     D.to be making

46.A.celebrate                                                 B.celebrated

C.the most celebrated                                           D.more celebrated

47.A.got                      B.found                  C.came                     D.started

48.A.a(chǎn)fraid                  B.frightened            C.scary                     D.beautiful

49.A.a(chǎn)nd                     B.but                      C.or                          D.so

50.A.pleasant               B.frightened            C.happy                    D.interested

第三部分 閱讀理解(共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)



Last week the manager of all old shop received a letter.As he was very busy, the letter lay on his desk till teatime.Then he opened it and $10 fell out onto his desk.Together with it was a short letter.It reads:

Dear sir,

In l935 I got engaged, but unluckily I lost my job.At that time a lot of people were out of work.Six months later I got a job again, but of course I was very short of money.

I came to your shop to buy a wedding ring.The girl took out some rings for me to look at, but she was called away for a moment.a(chǎn)nd I put one of the tings in my pocket.When she came back, I said I did not know the size of my girlfriend’s finger.So I left the shop without buying a ring.

My wife died a short while ago and that I never paid for her ring has been on my conscience all these years.At that time the ring cost $2.80 I think the ring may cost about $10 now, and I came sending you the money.

Yours truly

A customer

“Well, well, well, ”said the manager.“Life is full of surprises.”

51.The writer of the letter sent $10             

A.to buy a ring for his wife                                B.to thank the girl for her kindness

C.to pay for his wife’s ring                            D.to give an order for a ring

52.How did the writer of the letter get the wedding ring?

A.The girl gave it to him.

B.He bought it from the shop.

C.He borrowed it from the shop.

D.He took it from the shop without paying.

53.Which of the following is not true?

A.He didn’t know the size of his girlfriend’s finger.

B.He had not much money at the time.

C.He was out of work for some time

D.He was engaged in 1935.

54.The last sentence of the passage shows that the manager was             

A.a(chǎn)fraid of seeing the money

B.too excited to say a word

C.very surprised to get the money unexpectedly

D.sorry for what the young man had done

55.Why did the mall pass the money to the manager?

A.He forgot paying the ring.

B.He was condemned(譴責) by his conscience.

C.He wanted to buy a ring.

D.He’d like to order(訂) a ring.


Very often, new-born babies are not beautiful.They are wrinkled (多皺的) or hairless, or they have an angry look on their faces.They seem to say, “Get away! I hate everybody.” But to a parent, that hairless, wrinkled, angry-faced baby is the most beautiful and perfect child in the world.When a proud father or mother asks you, “Well, What do you think…isn’t she beautiful?” What are you going to say? Is this the time for the truth? Of course not!

You look that proud father in the eyes and say, “Yes, she is! She’s really a beauty.She’s one in a million.She’s going to be a movie star! I can tell! She’s as beautiful as a picture.”

In English, This is a white lie.White lies don’t hurt people.They are not cruel(殘忍的) or angry words.People use them to make a difficult thing a little easier.When people don’t want to meet someone, or eat something new that they really don’t like at a friend’s house, they tell a white lie.They are trying to be kind.They don’t want to hurt anyone.It’s important to be honest (誠實的), but many people feel that being kind is sometimes more important.

56.Parents are usually                when their babies are born.

A.a(chǎn)ngry                         B.proud                  C.sad                        D.surprise

57.When a parent asks what you think of their new baby, they want you to           

A.tell the truth                                            B.say what you like

C.tell lies                                                     D.say something positive

58.The underlined word “white” in this passage means “          ” in Chinese.

A.善意的                B.惡意的                C.白色的                D.蒼白的

59.From the passage we know that                 

A.a(chǎn) new-born baby hates everyone around her

B.a(chǎn) new-born baby is tile most beautiful one

C.people who tell white lies ale not kind

D.people who tell white lies want to be kind

60.Which of the following is a white lie?

A.You broke the window but you say you don’t know who broke it.

B.You know Jack has stolen a watch but you say you don’t know who stole the watch.

C.You don’t think your friend’s first drawing is great but you say it is.

D.You tell a mother that her new-born baby isn’t beautiful.


The customs in different countries are rather different.If I have dinner with a Chinese host, he always puts more food onto my plate as soon as I have emptied it.That often discomforts me greatly.I have to eat the food even if I do not want to because it is considered bad manners in the west to leave one’s food on the plate.I have also noticed that when a Chinese sits at an American’s dinner party, he often refuses the offer of food or drink though he’s in fact still hungry or thirsty.This might be good manners in China but is not in the West at all.In the United Sates, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or insist on his accepting something.Americans have a direct way of speaking.If they want something, they will ask for it.If not, they will say, “No, thanks.” When an American is served with beer by host, for example, he might say, “No, thanks.I’ll take some orange juice if you have it.” That is what an American will do.So when you go to the United States, you’d better remember the famous saying: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

61.From this passage we can see that the writer is          

A.Chinese           B.American          C.Roman            D.European

62.When a Chinese host kept putting more food onto his plate, the writer felt         

A.happy           B.sad               C.bad               D.great

63.In the West, people consider it bad manners                

A.to refuse an offer at a dinner party

B.to keep asking someone to accept something

C.to eat much at a dinner party

D.to ask for something directly at a dinner party

64.A guest at all American’s dinner party should show his politeness by            

A.eating up all the food offered

B.putting more food onto his plate as soon as he emptied it

C.refusing the offer of food or drinking though he is still hungry or thirsty

D.refusing to drink anything

65.“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”means             

A.the Romans are people of good manners

B.Americans always do the same things as the Romans do

C.you should do things like Romans do

D.you should get used to the local customs where you go


Many places in the world need more fresh water.Every country is trying to find ways to turn salt water into fresh water.

Why aren’t there many factories like the Symi factory?

In some places, the sun is not hot enough, or it does not shine every day.

In such places, other ways of heating sea water can be used.These ways cost more money, but they work faster than the sun.By boiling sea water with high heat, a lot of fresh water can be made quickly.

But heating is not the only way to get fresh water from salt water.Other ways are tried.

One way is freezing (冷凍).The fresh part of salt water freezes first.To get fresh water, the bits of ice are taken out.

Which way is the best? The one that gives the most water for the least money.There may be a different way for each place.

Symi’s way seems very good for small, hot places.It does not make very much water at a time.But the factory is easy to build and costs little.

That is why people in many dry places talk about Symi.

66.From the passage we know that fresh water              

A.is needed in every country                 B.can be found in many factories

C.can be used in many ways                  D.is very important for factories

67.What is the writer mainly talking about in the passage?

A.Hot places and dry places.

B.The ways of making fresh water from sea water.

C.How to make good use of sun.

D.Water-making factories in different countries.

68.The Symi factory               

A.is a fresh-making factory                   B.can be built everywhere

C.can make much fresh water at a time                 D.does not need sunshine every day

69.Which is the best way for small and hot places to get fresh water?

A.Boiling or heating the sea water.                   B.The way in hotter and drier places.

C.The Symi’s way.                        D.Freezing the sea water in cold places.

70.Which of the following is wrong?

A.Many ways are tried to get fresh water.

B.A lot of water can be made quickly by heating.

C.The best way is to get more fresh water with the least money.

D.The Symi’s way does not work in dry places.

第Ⅱ卷(非選擇題 共40分)




第四部分  書面表達(共三節(jié),滿分40分)




71.She talks less in front of lots of people.He is t          of speaking in public.

72.--How many people are there in the world now?

--About 6.4 billions.The population of the world is i        very fast.

73.The girl is shy.She stands with her back t         us.

74.--The new tea produces a p          smell.Would you like to drink some?

    --Yes.Just a little.

75.One c         means a period of one hundred years.



ask,wear,permission,take care of,rest,successful,

too,steal,want,by accident,about,hidden


Girl with a Pearl Earring《戴珍珠耳環(huán)的女孩》is one of the most (76)       art novels to be published in recent years.

It is (77)     a young girl who worked for the famous Dutch(荷蘭的) painter, Vermeer.The girl (78)         the artist’s studio(畫室) and lived under the same roof with the (79)       of the Vermeer’s family.Vermeer’s wife had many children and was(80)         busy to help her husband.Vermeer was painting a portrait (肖像)of a rich lady.He (81)        the young girl to model for the painting.He asked her to (82)         one of his wife’s valuable pear earrings.(83)       , the wife found out and was very angry.She thought that the young girl had(84)       her earring.It took many years to prove(證明) that she hadn’t taken it without(85)       

第二節(jié) 任務(wù)型閱讀(共5小題,每小題2分,滿分10分)


When Terry Fox was eighteen。he got very sick.He had to go to a hospital in Winnipeg, Canada.His doctors said he had cancer.Cancer is a dangerous disease.The doctor told Terry they had to amputate(截肢) his right leg.This meant they had to cut off his leg.After the operation the doctors gave Terry a new leg made of metal and plastic.(88)Terry had to learn to walk again

Two years later, Terry wanted to help the hospital and other people with cancer.He wanted to make money for them.So he decided to run across Canada.Terry said he was going to run from Newfoundland in the east to Vancouver in the west.That’s 8,529 kilometers! He asked people to help by giving money.

Terry started running on April l2, 1980.Some days it was cold.Some days it was raining.Some days it was very hot.It was always difficult for Terry to run.But he rail 42 kilometers every day.(89)People all over Canada heard about Terry and started giving money

After four months, Terry had run 5,373 kilometers.But he was getting sick again.The cancer had come back.Terry had to stop running and go back to the hospital.

Terry Fox died on June 28, 1981.He was only twenty-two years old.He never finished his run across Canada, but he made $24 million to help people with cancer, and everyone in Canada remembers the brave young man with one leg.


86.What was Terry’s new leg made of?

87.Why did Terry decide to run across Canada? (Please answer within lo words.)




任務(wù)3:What is the main purpose of the passage?


第三節(jié) 寫作(共1題,滿分15分)

你的朋友Mark在央視幸運52節(jié)目中獲得“出國旅游3周”的大獎,旅游歸來后節(jié)目組記者John Foley來信要求Mark寫篇旅游報道。


 Dear John Foley,













第一卷  選擇題  (60分)

