The activity is called "saving the earth" which refers to more reduction of caused to the world by freon of refrigerators. A. hurt B. harm C. destroy D. damage 查看更多



     [1] Doctors may soon have some suggestions for health that even kids will like: more playtime. European
and international health experts say a new study makes the most convincing case for the benefits of children
being active. They say the research may lead to new guidelines saying youngsters aged between 5 and 16 need
to be active up to 1.5 hours a day.
     [2] Experts said the study doesn't mean children need to be on treadmills (跑步機(jī)) or in a soccer
leagues-they just need to be able to run around and play physically, even for short bursts of time.
     [3] The study looked at 1,732 9-year-olds and 15-year-olds from Denmark, Estonia and Portugal. Physical
activity was observed for four continuous days. Despite differences among the three coun- tries where children were observed, the benefits of physical activity were the same.
     [4] About 40 percent of those observed were reasonably ac- tive, while the rest were sedentary, researchers said. The study found that the benefits of physical activity applied to all children- not just to obese ( 肥胖的)
children normally thought to be at a higher risk.
     [5] While much attention has been paid to children's bad eat- ing habits,this study calls for equal weight to
be placed on activity levels.
     [6] "We don't need to be getting kids running on treadmills in the gym." said Cavil."We need to encourage
kids to play." One of the study's key findings, he explained, is that it proves the benefit of short bursts of activity, rather than a need for continuous exercises.
     [7] But _____ perhaps the greatest factor in children's physical activ- ity will be the parents themselves."It's
not just that children should be more active,it's the whole family," said Weiss."Parents should be role models."
1. What idea can we get from the researchers' finding in the pas- sage?( No more than 15words)
2. What do you think parents should do to help their kids?( No more than 15 words)
3. What do the children need to do to follow the doctors' sugges- tion?( No more than 15 words)
4. Please explain the underlined word in English.( Only one word)
5. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.


Giving children foods to which people added calcium to help build up their bones may be a waste of time, say experts. The mineral is added to many breakfast cereals, snack bars and drinks as producers can attract the parental market. But scientists have found that such products do not produce significantly stronger bones, nor do they reduce the chance of a child suffering fractures (骨折).  

It is thought that calcium unnaturally added to food passes through the body too quickly to be properly absorbed and therefore fails to perform the same functions as foods which are naturally rich in calcium, such as milk, cheese and leafy green vegetables.

It is now built into such things as Kellogg’s Coco Pops, breakfast bars such as the Frosties Cereal and Milk bar, some Tropicana orange juices and even the calcium-enriched water called Danone Activ.

The theory is that if children build strong bones, it will protect them better against problems such as osteoporosis in later life. But the research casts doubt on the usefulness of such products.

Experts analyzed 19 studies where children aged between 3 and 19 were given extra calcium in their diet in this way. They then measured the effect by measuring their bone mineral density and mineral content. The team found few significant increases in bone mass and none in the two bones which can most likely lead to fracture — the lower spine (脊骨) and upper part of the thigh (大腿).

A small effect was noted in bone density in the arm, but it cut the risk of fracture by just 0.2 percent, according to the report published in the Cochrane Library. The influential publication is produced by the International Health Research Organization, the Cochrane Collaboration. The chief researcher Professor Frank R Greer of the University of Wisconsin said the findings for children prove the same as those seen in adult studies. “You can get some short-term improvements but as soon as you stop the supplements it goes right back to where it was,” he said.

1.According to the text, food with added calcium can _________.

       A.increase the bone mass significantly

       B.put a mass of calcium in the lower spine and upper part of the thigh

       C.satisfy the parents’ desire to make their children healthy

       D.make the children’s bones significantly stronger to let them suffer no fractures

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the food to which calcium is added? 

       A.Calcium in it has more effect on children than on adults.                   

       B.Your bones will be too strong to break as a consequence of it.           

       C.It can increase the mass of the lower spine and the thigh effectively.  

       D.If you stop eating it, the effect on your bones will disappear.

3.Experts hold a _________ attitude towards the food to which people added calcium. 

       A.positive               B.negative               C.neutral                           D.not clear

4.Which kind of food is naturally rich in calcium? 

       A.Kellogg’s Coco Pops                            B.Frosties Cereal and Milk bar

       C.leafy green vegetables                          D.Danone Activ

