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32. It is said that the Chinese shadow boxing has been ________ for many hundreds of years.

  A. on              B. above              C. through           D. around


31. Hardly ________ my car in the parking lot when I realized that I had left my keys in it.

  A. did I park        B. had I parked         C. I had parked       D. I parked


30. In general, good teaching methods are those that actively ________ students in learning.

  A. involve          B. present             C. postpone          D. undertake


29. We don’t like such kind of people who always _________ that they know everything about anything.

   A. give out          B. turn out            C. figure out         D. make out


28. A new standard has been ________ to judge whether the products fit the requirements.

  A. decided          B. set                C. determined        D. bent


27. In the past two years, the world’s economy has gone into a ________, which has even affected people’s life in some countries.

  A. decline          B. release             C. increase          D. decrease


26. It’s a(n) ________ to robbery to leave your cash visible to the eye.

   A. guidance         B. invitation            C. addiction         D. carelessness


25. In fact, Picasso abandoned the old style of painting and starting from scratch, ________a style of art known as cubism.

  A. to create         B. creating            C. created           D. having created


24. Just on the surface of the pond ________, giving people a feeling of being peaceful.

  A. floated hundreds of lotus plants            B. did hundreds of lotus plants float   

C. hundreds of lotus plants were floating        D. hundreds of lotus plants floated


23. Last week the professor delivered a speech, over half of which was ________ to the issue of unemployment.

  A. exhibited         B. spent              C. admitted          D. devoted

