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3. get / be used to doing, be used to do, used to do

  get / be used to 表示“習(xí)慣于……”,后接v.-ing形式或

  名詞,get used to 強(qiáng)調(diào)漸變過程,即“由不習(xí)慣變?yōu)榱?xí)


  be used to 表示“被用于……”時,后接do形式

  used to 表示“過去常常……”,后接do形式

  Are you getting used to the cold weather in the north?


  Do you get used to driving a truck?




2. break away, break down, break off

  (1) break away

  ① 逃走;逃脫

  The robbery suspect broke away from the lock-up.

  Modern music like jazz has broken away from the old

  traditional rules. (喻)

  ② 斷裂;開裂

  A large piece of ice broke away from the main block.

  (2) break down

  ① 破壞;拆散

  The Congressmen of the Republican tried to break

  down the opposition from their opponents to their

  proposal. (喻)

  Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful


  ② 打破舊框框

  The robbers broke the door down.

  The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)

  ③ (機(jī)器) 損壞

  The car broke down halfway to the camp.

  ④ 失;破裂

  Their opposition broke down.

  ⑤ 精神崩潰;失去控制

  He bmke down and wept.

  (3) break off

  ① 突然停止,中斷談判

  They were arguing but brOke off when someone came

  into the room.

  ② 斷絕 (關(guān)系),解除婚約

  She broke off with her best mend.


1. get around, get away from, get over, get down to

  (1) get around 避開,逃避 (=get round);走動,到處

  旅行 (=get about);(消息等)傳開

  to get around the tax laws 逃避納稅

  (2) get away from 回避,否認(rèn);擺脫

  Our friends had to have some furniture; there was no

  getting away from that.

  Now he was dead, and I could not get away from my


  (3)get down to 認(rèn)真地靜下心(工作);開始認(rèn)真做某


  to get down to work 靜下心來工作

  You must get down to your studies this year.

  (4) get over 做完;結(jié)束;熬過;痊愈,康復(fù);克服

  You'll be glad to get your operation over.

  Can we get over this difficulty?


5. Just have a little patience. I'll look into it who let

   ____ the news to the press.

    A. off   B. alone   C. out   D. in



4. The wood was so rotten that when well pulled, it

  ____ into pieces.

    A. broke away     B. broke off

    C. broke up       D. broke through


3. After that, I avoided his presence, as I felt he was

  becoming too ____ me.

    A. popular with     B. similar to

    C. known to      D. familiar with


2. Presently she was ____ of footsteps hurrying af-

  ter her.

    A. anxious        B. aware

    C. worried        D. afraid


1. He missed the target because the wind hadn't been ____.

    A. allowed for     B. done for

    C. prepared for     D. wished for


5. 與 keep 有關(guān)的短語

keep track of 保持聯(lián)系,了解,記錄

keep record of 記錄

keep (a) watch on 注視,注意

keep body and soul together 維持生活

keep in mind 記住

keep pace with 跟上,與……相適應(yīng)

keep in touch with 與……保持聯(lián)系

We read newspapers to keep track of current affairs. 我們看報紙以了解時事。With this sum, this family could hardly keep body and soul together. 這個家庭很難用這一點點錢來維持生計。Please keep watch on the situation. 請注視這情形。Here is a card. Please keep in touch with / keep track of each other. 這是名片,請保持聯(lián)系。

[考點5]let 短語

① let out 發(fā)出(聲音);放掉;泄露

② let alone 更不用說(let...alone別管,不打擾)

③ let...be不要打擾,不理會

④ let down 辜負(fù);使失望;做對不起……的事

⑤ let in 漏水,滲透;欺騙

[例旬]Who let the air out of my tyre? 誰把我輪胎里的


Keep this to yourself. Don't let it out. 你要保守秘密。別


I couldn't afford to rent a house like that, let alone buy

it. 租那樣的房子我都租不起,更不用說買下它了。

When John gets mad,just let him alone / be. 約翰生氣


He let the team down by not trying hard enough. 他沒


The boat lets in water. 這條船漏水。

[考例5](2004湖南) He accidentally ____ he had

quarreled with his wife and that he hadn't been home

for a couple of weeks.

   A. let out   B. took care

   C. made sure   D. made OUt


[答案與解析]A  take care當(dāng)心,照看。make sure 確

保。make out 認(rèn)出,理解。題意是:他偶然地露出他和




9. The crowd broke into loud cheers when the star's car


[考點2]be + adj. + of短語

① be aware of 知道;意識到

② be tired of 厭煩

③ be critical of 挑……的毛病

④ be conscious of 意識到;知道

⑤ be short of 缺少

⑥ be fond of 喜歡

[例句] He wasn't aware of the danger. 他沒有意識到危險。

I'm tired of having the same kind of food every day. 我


He is critical of grammar in the speech of other per-

sons. 他愛挑別人講話中的語法錯誤。

Was he conscious of what he was saying at the time?


[考例2]Are you ____ of the difficulty in dealing

 with the matter?

   A. proud   B. short  C. aware   D. fond

f考查目標(biāo)] 此題主要考查短語辨義。

[答案與解析]C  be proud of 以……為自豪。加short

of 缺少。be fond of 喜歡。題意是:在處理這個問題


[考點3]be + adj. + to短語

① be similar to 和……相似

② be sensitive to 對……敏感,易感受……

③ be polite to sb 對……有禮貌

④ be friendly to 對……友好

⑤ be rude / unkind to 對……粗魯/不友好

[例句] My new dress is similar to the one you have. 我


She is sensitive to what people think of her. 她很敏感人


[考例3]His ears are highly ____ to any unusual

 sound in the machine.

   A. active   B. similar

   C. conscious   D. sensitive


[答案與解析]D  根據(jù)介詞搭配?膳懦鼳、c兩項。




① break away from 擺脫;脫離

② break off 中斷,停止

③ break down (車)拋錨;(計劃,談判等)失;失;(身


④ break out 爆發(fā);突然發(fā)生(爭吵,疾病等)

⑤ break into 強(qiáng)行進(jìn)入

⑥ break through 突破;打通;取得重大成果

⑦ break forth 突然進(jìn)發(fā)

⑧ break up 拆散;分解

[例句] It is difficult to break away from a bad habit. 改


He broke off speaking to answer the telephone. 他停止


The peace talks have broken down. 和平談判失敗了。

A fire broke out at night. 夜里發(fā)生了一場火災(zāi)。

The thieves planned t0 break into the bank. 盜賊們策劃


The river broke through its banks, and flooded the

country for many miles around. 河水決堤,淹沒了方圓


Scientists hope to break through soon in their fight a-

gainst SARS. 科學(xué)家們在與非典的斗爭中希望不久有


A shout of joy broke forth. 突然發(fā)出一陣歡呼聲。

[考例4](2005湖北)To understand the grammar of the

sentence,you must break it ____ into parts.

   A. down  B. up  C. off  D. out

[考查目標(biāo)] 此題主要考查短語辨義。

[答案與解析]A  break down“分成細(xì)目,分解”;break

up(todivide into smaller pieces) 強(qiáng)調(diào)的是一種物理上

的分解變化;break off (to come apart);break out (to

begin,usually suddenly)。


① allow for 顧及;把……考慮進(jìn)去;準(zhǔn)備會有

② do for 沒法處理;料理;使完蛋.毀掉

③ compete for 競爭,爭奪

④ provide for 撫養(yǎng),養(yǎng)活;防備

⑤ prepare for 為……而準(zhǔn)備

⑥ wish for 希望;想要

⑦ care for 關(guān)心;照顧

⑧ fight for 為……而戰(zhàn)/斗爭=struggle for

⑨ go for a walk 去散步

⑩ head for 挺進(jìn)

⑩ search for 尋找=hunt for

⑩ hope for 希望得到

[例句] It takes about an hour to get there, allowing for

possible traffic delay. 把路上可能的耽擱算進(jìn)去,大約


What / How will you do for drinking water while

crossing the desert? 你們穿越沙漠時將怎樣解決飲用


At the end of a long day, I'm just about done for. 一整


He was clever enough to compete for the mathematics

scholarship. 他十分聰明,有能力去競爭數(shù)學(xué)獎學(xué)金。

He died without providing for his widow. 他死了,沒有


The government has to provide for / against a possible

oil shortage in the coming months. 政府不得不預(yù)防未


John is preparing for the coming examination. 約翰正準(zhǔn)


How he wishes for a glass of cold water! 他多么想要




[考例1](2005北京)It's the present situation in poor

areas that ____ much higher spending on education

and training.

   A. answers for     B. provides for

   C. calls for       D. plans for


[答案與解析]c answer for“對……負(fù)責(zé)”;provide for

“準(zhǔn)備,防備”;call for“需要,要求”;plan for “考慮到



