 0  1516  1524  1530  1534  1540  1542  1546  1552  1554  1560  1566  1570  1572  1576  1582  1584  1590  1594  1596  1600  1602  1606  1608  1610  1611  1612  1614  1615  1616  1618  1620  1624  1626  1630  1632  1636  1642  1644  1650  1654  1656  1660  1666  1672  1674  1680  1684  1686  1692  1696  1702  1710  97155 

科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度棗莊市臺兒莊第二學(xué)期素質(zhì)教育階段檢測 題型:

The 2008 Olympic Games        in Beijing,China

Awin be held      Bwill hold           Cis going to hold        Dare going to hold


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度棗莊市臺兒莊第二學(xué)期素質(zhì)教育階段檢測 題型:

—Do you go to the cinema very often?

—Not now,but I       

Ado                Bdid               Cwould             Dused to


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度棗莊市臺兒莊第二學(xué)期素質(zhì)教育階段檢測 題型:

—Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng         in our city just now

—Is it true that one of them         a talk about Shenzhou V

Aarrivedis going to give             Barrived;was going to give

Cwas arrivingwill give                 Darrives;would give


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度棗莊市臺兒莊第二學(xué)期素質(zhì)教育階段檢測 題型:

    Recently, a book written by former President Clinton has gone on sale in the United States and EuropeExperts say it had record sales for a nonfiction book  1  the book My Life has  sold one million copies

    2  took Bill Clinton almost two years to write more than 900-page bookThe book’s publisher reportedly  3  Mr. Clinton 10 million dollars to write My LifeThe book begins with  his birth and ends with die present day

    In the book,Bill Clinton tells  4  his parents,Virginia Kelly and William BlytheHis father died before he was bornHe describes his family life in the southern state of Arkansas with  his mother  5  grandparentsHe tells about his stepfather,Roger Clintonand his younger  brotherRogerHe tells about his friends and the schools he  6 

    Bill Clinton describes his college and law school days,meeting and marrying Hillary Rodham and the  7  of their daughter,ChelseaHe goes on to describe his  8  in Arkansas politicshis terms as governor,his presidential campaigns and his two administrationsHe writes about his unusual relationship with a young White House worker,Monica Lewinskyand his    of regret that it ever happened

    He tells about his marriage and his daughter,ChelseaHe describes his  10  and failures  as President. And he writes about what he feels for becoming President.

    Critics have not been kind to Mr. Clinton’s writing abilitiesThey have called the book uninteresting and poorly   11  But the American people do not seem to care what the crities say. They want to read   12   Bill Clinton has written

    Many people waited in line at stores to buy the book and have Mr. Clinton  13  They say  they want to read it to better understand the former president and his effect on the countryAnd  they want to know how Mr. Clinton feels about  14  that happened during his presidencyOne  bookstore official said,“People are buying the book  15  they want to know what Bill Clinton  has to saynot how he says it.”

1ASo far    BIn the past    CAt times          DLong ago

2AThat        BIt                 CThis                      DThose

3Agive        Bsends            Cpaid               Dtook

4Aon           Baround          Cabout              Dwith

5Abut          Bor                 Cso                  Dand

6Aattended     Bjoined           Clearned            Dstudied

7Acome      Bbirth             Cfall                 Darrive

8Arise         Bimprove         Chigh               Dbetter

9Aidea         Bway              Cplan               Dfeelings

10Asuccesses Bprogress         Cfight               Dhard work

11Athought  Bwritten          Cdescribe          Dmakes

12Awhat    Bwhere           Cwhich             Dwhy

13Adraw    Bsignature        Csign               Dwrite

14Asome    Ball                 Cany                 Dwhat

15Aif          Bbefore           Cunless             Dbecause


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度棗莊市臺兒莊第二學(xué)期素質(zhì)教育階段檢測 題型:

    Parents are the closest people to you in the worldThey love you just because you are their childAnd they would do everything for you

    Like many middle school students,Zhuang Shuxia has a problem  She said,“I really want to be my Daddy’s little girl”.But it seems that he just doesn’t understand meHe talks at me and doesn’t listen to me

    Do you and vour parents also have the problem like this?

    May 15 is the International Day of FamiliesPeople around the world give thanks for good things about their families and world on family problemsWhy don’t you all take and have a talk on that day?

    A report last vear showed that among 2000 Beijing families,about 1500 students had the same problem as ZhangThe children12 to 15 years old,didn’t like talking with their parents muchThey weren’t happy at home

    Of course, lots of children feel that wayBut you and your parents will be much happier if you can be friendsHere are some ways to have a good talk with them

    Find a good time to talk,for example,when you’re eating dinner,going out for a walk or watching TV

    Tell them something you’re interested in,or ask them about their lives when they were youngThey love to talk about them!

    Listen to them carefully,and look them in the eye

    Be honestYour parents will trust you moreAnd a trusting family is a happy family

1When you have problems with your parents,you should         

    Ahave a good talk with them         Bstay at home

    Cdo what vou are interested in         Dsay nothing

2In the text the writer gives         ways to talk with parents

    Atwo       Bthree             Cfour or more   Done

3Many students don’t feel happy at home because        

    Athey don’t like talking                 Btheir parents don’t understand them.

    Cthey like watching TV                  Dthey have to study

4Does Zhang Shuxia’s father understand her?              

    AYeshe does  BNo,he doesn’t  CI don’t know      DNever

5Which of the four setences is TURE according to the text?         

    AOn May 15 people talk and work on family problems

    BSome children have problems while their parents don’t

    CMost students,12 to 15 years old,like talking with their parents

    DThe children,12 to 15 years old are happy at home


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度棗莊市臺兒莊第二學(xué)期素質(zhì)教育階段檢測 題型:

    Everyone needs friendsThere is an old saying,“Friends are God’s way of taking care of us.”But how do you find real friendship and keep it?

    The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a treeYou plant the seed(種子)and take care of it to make it grow

    Firstyou should choose a friendWhat makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looksA good friend should be kind and patient(耐心的)For exampleif you have a bad day,a good friend should listen to your complaints and do his or her best to helpTo make a friendyou can’t be too shyYou should make each other happy and share your lives

    But things can’t always be happyEven the best friends have fightsWhat should you do when you have a fright with your friend? You have to talk to him or herWhen there is no one around, have an honest talk,you could write a letter

    There are three steps to being friends again

    Tell him or her how you are feeling;say what your friend has done wrongand explain why you did this or thatRemember that friendship is the most important thing in your life

1Sally wants to tell students the ways to         

    Afind friends     Bplant trees    Cget angry               Dkeep fit

2What makes good friends? A good friend should         

    Abe lovely and cool                      Bbe kind and patient

    Chave lots of money                       Dhave good looks

3According to the text,you can          your friend after a fight

    Abuy a present for                       Bnever say a word to

    Chave dinner with                          Dwrite a letter to

4Which is the best title(題目)for the text?          

    ATeenagers and friendship            BThe good friends around you

    CThe trouble of growing up            DThe care and keeping of friends

5Which sentence is NOT TRUE?           

    AEveryone needs friends              BA good friend should listen to you

    CBest friends never have fights        DFriendship is the most important in life


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度棗莊市臺兒莊第二學(xué)期素質(zhì)教育階段檢測 題型:


1We should exercise every morning to keep h                         1          

2She takes many good pictures with c                                  2          

3The girl w        a letter to her friend last week               3           

4We shouid make a contribution to plotecting our e            4          

5A          comes after summer                                         5          

6She        (留著,蓄著)long hair and has big eyes           6          

7The population of the world         (增加)very fast.            7          

8I’m going to the dentist to have a bad tooth        ()out         8          

9This street is one of the         (繁忙的)streets in the city        9          

10My birthday is January         (九號)                           10            


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度棗莊市臺兒莊第二學(xué)期素質(zhì)教育階段檢測 題型:


    Chinese hurdler and superstar Liu Xiang has no plans to retire(退役)and may compete at the 2012 Olympic Games in Londonhis coach Sun Haiping has said

    Liu is preparing for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and is in good conditionHe has the potential (可能)to break the world record next year if weather, wind and other conditions permit. Sun,who is in Beijing attending the 17th National Congress of the Communist Pany of China    (CPC)as a delegate(代表),said on the sidelines of the conference(會議).“Possible injuries and illnesses during Liu’s training concern me most.”

    Liuthe world record holder of the men’s 110m hurdles at 1288 seconds,became a hero    and youth idol in China after he won the first Olympic track and fieldgold medal for Chinese    male athletes in the 2004 Athens Games

    Liu will be 29 years old when the London Olympic Games comes

    Sun said that Liu Xiang would attend fewer commercial(商業(yè)的)and social activities next-year so as to get better prepared for the Beijing Olympic Games

    Liu Xiang,also a CPC member,saw Sun Haiping off when Sun left for the CPC NationalCongress in Beijing

    Liu Xiang and Chinese basketball star Yao Ming have been included in the second edition(版本)of the Encyclopedia(百科全書)of China

    While delivering(陳述)a political report at the opening of the CPC National Congress on Monday,Hu Jintao appealed for(呼吁)everyone to contribute to the Success of the 2008 Olympic    Games

1What does Liu Xiang do?

2What does the wordidolprobably mean in Chinese?

3Will Liu Xiang compete at the 2012 Olympic Games in London?

4What is Liu Xiang doing at the moment?

5What does his coach worry about most during Liu Xiang’s training?


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度棗莊市臺兒莊第二學(xué)期素質(zhì)教育階段檢測 題型:




2.你過去害怕獨自一人呆著嗎?(be afraid of)


3.我們正在盡力挽救一頭處境危險的大象。(try to)




5.三十年以后地球上將會有更少的樹木。(there be)


