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科目: 來(lái)源:2011年四川省廣元市高中階段學(xué)校招生考試試卷 題型:

How do students around the world get to school? Do you know? We ___1___ a survey about it last month and this is what we ___2___

In North America,most students go to school ___3___ the school busSome students ___4___ walk or ride bikes to schoolIn ___5___ parts of the worldthings are differentIn Japan,most students take trains to school,___6___ others walk or ride their bikes,tooIn China,it deepens on ___7___ you areIn big cities,students usually ride bikes to school or take buses,but in small villagesstudents go to school ___8___ and it usually ___9___ them more time to go to schoolAnd in places where there are rivers and lakes,like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao,students usually go to school by boatThat must be a lot more fun than taking a busDo you think ___10___?

1Adid                        Bcarried                   Chad

2Asaw                      Bgot                      C1istened

3Aby                         Bin                        Con

4Aalso                       Btoo                      Ceither

5Aanother                  Bother                  Cothers

6Aif                          Bbecause               Calthough

7Awhere                   Bwho                    Cwhat

8Aon feet                         Bon foot                Cwith foot

9Aspends                         Bcosts                   Ctakes

10Aso                       Bsuch                    Cthat


科目: 來(lái)源:2011年四川省廣元市高中階段學(xué)校招生考試試卷 題型:

There is a shop in our neighborhoodOutside the shop there is a signIt reads “Secondhand clothes bought and ___1___

Last Sunday a boy walked into the shop,carried an old ___2___ of shorts and asked the owner of the shop“How much will you give me for thesesir?”

The owner ___3___ him and then said“Four dollars

“___4___! I had guessed they were worth價(jià)值___5___ six dollars” Said the boy

“No,they aren’t worth a cent美分___6___ than four dollars

“Well” said the boy,taking four dollars out of his pocket“___7___ your moneyThese shorts were hangingoutside your shopThe list price was eight dollars___8___ I thought that was ___9___ money,so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth

Then the boy walked out of the shop with these shorts before the shop owner could think of __10___ to say

1Asale                       Bsell                    Csold

2Aset                        Bpair                   Cpiece

3Alooked at               Blooked for            Clooked over

4AHow                     BWhy                    CWhat

5Aat most                  Bat least                 Cat last

6Aless                       Bmore                   Cover

7AHere's                   BThere's                CIt's

8Aand                       Bhowever              Cbut

9Atoo much               Btoo many             Cmuch too

10Anothing                Beverything            Canything


科目: 來(lái)源:2011年四川省廣元市高中階段學(xué)校招生考試試卷 題型:

Welcome to City Library

City Library is open to everyone from 930 am to 600 pm every dayYou can borrow booksCDs and videosYou can surf the Internet,too


·Picture books for kids

·Books in 36 languages

·Story books

You can read magazines and newspapers in the reading room on the second floorDon’t take them outPut them back where you take after reading



·Language learningFrench,Japanese and English

You can enjoy listening to the CDs in a special room on the third floorone dollar an hourYou can borrow them back to your home Free!


·All kinds of films

·TV plays

You can't watch them hereYou can borrow them,one dollar for two videos


·The Internet room is on the first floor,two dollars an hourYou aren't allowed to play computer games

1When can you go to the library?

AAt any time       BIn the day         CAt night

2What can you do in the library?

ARead newspapers                                 BPlay computer games

CSee a film

3Where can we enjoy the CDs in the library?

AOn the third floor                                 BOn the second floor

COn thefirst floor

4Tom surfed the Internet for 2 hours and borrowed 4 videosHow much did he pay?

A$8                   B$6                    C$12

5In which part may we read this passage in the newspaper?

ASports              BNews               CAds


科目: 來(lái)源:2011年四川省廣元市高中階段學(xué)校招生考試試卷 題型:

I am the EarthOnce I was in good health,but now I feel quite uncomfortable

Yesterday I went to see Doctor MoonShe asked me,“What's wrong with you,Mr. Earth?”

I told her“My children--the people--have destroyed the ozone臭氧),so the sunshine is too strongNow I have a high feverMany trees have diedThe dustalways gets into my eyesI smell the waste gas of cars every dayI can't take in clean airI often suffer from earache,because I hear loud noises all the time

“Oh,Mr. Earth” said the Moon,“Your illness is so seriousYou must have a good rest and drink a lot of water every day

“That’s fine,but it often rains acid rain酸雨),so I have no clean water to drink at all” I replied

“That's terrible! I'm very sorry,but I can't help you” The Moon was very sad

Oh,dear! What can I do? Who can save me?

1Who did Mr. Earth see yesterday?

ADoctor Moon   BDoctor Sun        CHis children

2Why does Mr. Earth have a high fever?

Athe sunshine is too strong                         BHe suffers from earache

CThe dust gets into his eyes

3Who are Mr. Earth’s children?

AThe trees          BThe cars           CThe people

4Why does Mr. Earth have no water to drink?

AMany trees have died                               BThe ozone has been destroyed

CIt often rains acid rain

5Which of the following is True?

AThe Earth is ill                                        BThe Earth is in good health

CThe Moon can help Mr. Earth


科目: 來(lái)源:2011年四川省廣元市高中階段學(xué)校招生考試試卷 題型:

Sally was a little lonely girlShe always thought she was not as pretty as her classmates,and that nobody liked herSo she didn't like to talk to others and always felt unhappy

One day,her mother bought her a beautiful hair clip and asked her to wear itShe looked much more beautiful than beforeShe was very happy and decided to wear it to school

On her way to school she saw everyone smile at herMost of her schoolmates even said hello to herBut this had never happened before! She thought the hair clip brought all of them to herShe was so happy about all of the wonderful thingsAlthough she didn't tell her classmates about her clip,they all wanted to know what had happened to her

When she came back after school,her mother asked her “Did you know you dropped your hair clip? I found it on your dresser this morning

Suddenly she understood that she hadn’t worn the hair clip to school at all

It isn't important what we wear or how we lookIn fact,the most important thing is how we think about ourselves

1Why was Sally unhappy?

ANobody liked to talk to her                       BShe had no hair clip

CShe thought she wasn't as beautiful as others

2What did Sally's mother buy for her?

AA beautiful hair clip                                BA beautiful dress

CA beautiful dresser

3Which of the following is True?

AEveryone loved her hair clip                     BEveryone said hello to her

CNo classmates knew what happened to her

4Where did Sally find she dropped the hair clip?

AAt home                                              BOn her way to school

CAt school

5What may happen to Sally after the matter?

AShe likes the hair clip best                       BShe doesn't like the hair clip any more

CShe will be more confident and happy


科目: 來(lái)源:2011年四川省廣元市高中階段學(xué)校招生考試試卷 題型:

Dear editor,

Once I went to the post office to buy some stampsWhen I was ready to leave,someone came up to meI looked up and found an old man with dirty clothesHe was a scramp-collector撿廢品的人).I instinctively本能地stepped backward,because I was in my clean school uniforms

He wanted to send some money home but he didn't know how to fill out the formHe wanted me to help him“But you can ask the cashier there” I answered impatiently不耐煩).

“I have asked herBut I don't understand her instructionsW0uld you please help me?” Just thenmy mobile phone rangIt was a good excuse to refuse himHopelessly and sadly he went away and tried to find someone else to help him

When I came out of the post office I became very upsetHow couldn't refuse someone in need of help,especially such an old scramp-collectorWas it because he was old,poor and dirty?

I want to say sorry to him in this newspaperIt's been on my mind for a long timeAnd I hope to feel better by doing this



1Why did Lily step backward when she saw the old man?

AHe was in dirty clothes                                BShe didn't know him

CShe was ready to 1eave

2What's the meaning of the underlined下畫(huà)線的word?

A導(dǎo)購(gòu)員                B會(huì)計(jì)員                C出納員

3What was Lily's excuse for leaving?

AThe cashier could help him                       BHer mobile phone was ringing

CHe was a scramp-collector

4Why did Lily write the letter?

AShe wanted to help the old man

BShe wanted to tell the story to the editor

CShe wanted to say sorry to the old man

5Which of the following is True?

AThe old man was angry with Lily

BLily was sorry for refusing to help the old man

CThe cashier helped the old marl send his money


科目: 來(lái)源:2011年四川省廣元市高中階段學(xué)校招生考試試卷 題型:

Music is very popular in America and it is very important to American people

Pop or popular music is what every student likes in AmericaStudents carry MP3 or MP4 and listen to music before class,after class,and at lunchStudents with cars buy large speakers and enjoy the loud music as they drive on the street

Adult drivers listen to music on the radio as they drive to workThey also listen to the news about sports,the weather,and the life of American peopleHowever,most of the radio programs are music

Popular music singers make much moneyThey make CDs or tapes,which TV or radio stations often use in many waysOnce the singers are heard all over the countryyoung people buy their CDs or tapesSome of the money from the CDs or tapes go to the singersThe popular singers also give concertsWherever they go,all the young people want to meet themNow,the singers have become famous stars

There are another two kinds of music that are important to American peopleOne is called folk民間musicIt tells stories about the common life of American peopleThe other is called western or country musicThis was started by cowboys牛仔who would sing at night to the COWS they were watchingToday,any music about country life and the love between country boys and girls is called western or country music

1How many kinds of music are there in this passage?

A3                     B5                     C4

2According to this passage what is the country music about?

ACountry life                                         BCountry boys' and girls' love

CA and B

3When do the popular singers become famous stars?

AWhen they make some money

BWhen they are very popular with young people

CWhen they make a CD or a tape

4Which of the following is Not true?

AAmerican students like popular music very much

BAdult drivers like to enjoy music when they work

CCountry music was originally最初sung by cowboys

5What's the best title標(biāo)題for the passage?

APopular music     BAmerican music CCountry music


科目: 來(lái)源:2011年四川省廣元市高中階段學(xué)校招生考試試卷 題型:

AHelloMaryyou don't look wellWhat’s up?

BOh,I'm very busy and tired


BWe are going to have the graduation exam this weekI'm not ready for it

A__2__ You have been studying hard,I know

BBut I'm still not sure of myself

A;Why not listen to some light music___3___

B___4__ I'll have a try

AAnd you should go to bed as usual and have a good sleep

BThank you

ATake it easy!

BThat sounds good

CThat will help you relax

DWhat's the problem?


科目: 來(lái)源:2011年四川省廣元市高中階段學(xué)校招生考試試卷 題型:

AHi,Mona! Glad to see you again

BI don't think I know youYou are?

A___1___ Don’t you remember a girl named Emma in the primary school?

B__2___ You’ve changed a lot! You used to be short and thindidn’t you?

AYeahBut now I am tall and a little heavy


AI went to Beijing with my parents

BDid you use to sing?

AYes,I did__4___ I joined this art club last month,and I hope to be an artist in the future

BI hope your dream will come true

AThank you

ABut now I've given it up

BYou surely know me

CYou are Emma?

DWhere were you these years?


科目: 來(lái)源:2011年四川省廣元市高中階段學(xué)校招生考試試卷 題型:


1My daughter is only two years old and has a few ________牙齒).

2--We have such a ________晴朗weekendLet's go camping tomorrow

--Why not?

3--Don't play the music so ________大聲).Your father is sleeping,Jenny


4--I don't know what to do when I grow up

--How about ________工作as a reporter for our newspaper?

5My mother is really busy every dayShe gets up at 700,________a quick breakfast and then rushes to her school

