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科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

11、A lot of people wish to be writers some day. They mean that they hope to write stories or books, even novels which many persons will read. But they should know it's impossible that everyone can be a writer. They should understand that they will need to be good readers and to read much in order to be good writers.

Nearly all the great writers read a lot before they started to go to school. And they have kept reading for hours every day since they became good readers. Instead of watching TV in the evening, they spend much of their spare(空閑) time in reading books.

If you are a good reader, you don't need to spend so long doing the reading homework after school. Then you can read other books for fun. As you read so well, you keep looking for more books.

While making up your mind to become a good writer, you had better say to yourself, "I must read more and more if I really want to become a good writer. "

1. A lot of people hope to________according to this passage.

A. borrow a lot of interesting books

B. spend much time in the libraries

C. tell others many interesting stories

D. write some interesting books

2. Nearly all the great writers read a lot

A. after they started to go to school

B. when they are at school

C.  before they started to go to school

D. with the help of their teachers

3. If someone wants to be a good writer, he should

A. spend much time reading books                B. write much

C. watch TV                                 D. do much reading homework

4. Reading the book for fun                .

A. can make your life pleasant                B. is of no use

C. can make a person work hard               D. can help everyone be a writer

5. Which of the following is true?

A. A person who wants to be a writer must be successful.

B. Not all the people will become writers in the future.

C. No people will become writers in the future.

D. A person needn't do well in his lesson first.




科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

9、The cake           good.I can’t wait to eat it.

A.feels                  B.sounds                      C.becomes            D.smells


科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

8、中考結(jié)束后,你班將組織同學(xué)們?nèi)フ先丈剑▃hangri Hill)游請你根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容寫一份40詞左右的通知。

1 .出發(fā)時間:6 月29 日(星期三)早上7 : 00 ;
2 .集合地點(diǎn):學(xué)校大門口;
3 .注意事項(xiàng):騎自行車,帶食品和飲料。
Boys and girls




科目: 來源:czyy 題型:



1 .從英語學(xué)習(xí)的興趣、聽、說、讀、寫等方面入手

2 .短文中不能出現(xiàn)考生本人的真實(shí)信息;


How to learn English  well

We all know Engh is becoming more and more impoportant . 

But how can we  learn  Engish well ? I think_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

6、Once a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them   it with water from a well(井).After they had begun their work he left them,saying,”When the sun is  2    willcome and see you work.”
3    one of them said,”What’s the  of doing  this foolish  work? We can5    fill the

basket.”  The other man replied,”That is none of our business,”The first man said,”You   do as you  like,but I am not going to work at   so foolish.” He threw down his  bucket(桶)  .The other man said no word, but kept on carrying water.9  sunset well  was almost empty.
   As he poured the 10    bucket  of water into the basket, he saw a 11  thing in it, He picked it up.It was a beautiful fold ring. 12    the king came. As soon as he saw the ring,he knew he  had  13   the king or man he wanted. He told him to14
the  ring for himself . “You have  done  so  well  in  this one little thing,” he said,15   now  I  know I can trust you with many other things.”

1.A.to lesve      B. to fill           C. to lift         D. to  pick

2.A.up          B. down           C.rising          D. broken

3.A Ever since    B Long  before     C  After a while  D.At last

4.A way         B  importance      C  use          D  help

5.A never        B surely           C  easily         D  always

6.A must        B  should         C  will           D  may

7. A anything     B  something      C  nothing        D everything

8. A went back    B went away       C went  down     D went up
9.A At          B In               C. By             D  Before
10.A.second    B  full              C  last           D  fourth

11.A. white     B black             C bright           D dark

12.A.So       B  But              C Yet             D  Just then

13.A seen      B. thought of         C found           D understood
14.A keep      B ask               C bring           D  take

15. A  Till      B To              C  From           D  Since







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科目: 來源:czyy 題型:


M : Excuse me , Sarah . May I ask you some question?
W : No problem , Mike .
M : l
W : Not too much.There are always so  many peoples  in the shopand Idon’t like that . Butl often go to the bookshops, becauseI love reading ·
M : 2
W : Well, I think the best  bookshop is Xinhua Bookshop,The  books  there are   very new  and not expensive
M :3
W : Clothes .
M : 4
W : When I go shopping for clothes,it takes a long time . I ' m never sure about the style or or size .I have  to everything  on , one by one . , It wastes a lot of time ·







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科目: 來源:czyy 題型:


A . Since this morning .
B . OK .Thank you ·
C . I've had a bad headaehe .
D . How long have you been like this ?
E .What's the matter with you , Mr .Wang ?
F . Nothing seriou , . Take the medicine and have enough  rest , then you'll feel better .


科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

3、----Sorry,Mr. Green.I have ______my homework at home.
------That’s  ok.But  don’t forget next time.
A. forgotten  B.put  C.left   D.kept







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科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

1.September is the n_________month of the year .

2 . When I was a little child  , my e_ sister looked after me like a mother . 3 .I’m so tired that I can  h _ walk any more .
4 . TO our  s______ , the little boy can lift the large and heavy  box with one hand ·
5 , If you are in trouble , just call 110 .the p _ will come to help you in time .
6 . What? Lucy  has a  magic ring ? I can’t b _ it 
7 . It‘s  easy  to get  l _ in a  big  city like Sbanghai , so you need a map .
8 , Suddenly a big wild dog rushed out , The litile girl was too  f _ to move .
9 . Thomas Edison had a large number of inventions  d _ his life .
10 . The Great Wall,a a great wonder of the world , is the  p _ of the Chinese nation .







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