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科目: 來源:2011年泰州市英語中考試卷 題型:

It is highly possible               Chinese Women Football Team will win the World Cup

Afor                   Bof                      C.不填                Dthat


科目: 來源:2011年泰州市英語中考試卷 題型:

--Dad,            I play badminton with Bobby now?

--Yes, you canBut you have to come back before supper

Amust                  Bmay                   Cneed                 Dshould


科目: 來源:2011年泰州市英語中考試卷 題型:

Detective Johnson wanted to find out               

Awhere was the witness that day

Bwhere has the witness gone the day before

Cwhere the witness was that day

Dwhere the witness has gone the day before


科目: 來源:2011年泰州市英語中考試卷 題型:

When I was growing up, I was ashamed(羞愧)of being seen with my fatherHe was  1 and quite ugly(丑).He used to   2   together with me and his hand was on my arm for __At this time, people would look at us very directlyI would feel   4   and was afraid to look at othersDad noticed that, but he never   5   that he knew

It was difficult to make our stepsWe   6   said to each other as we went alongBut each time we   7  , he always said," You set the pace, I'll follow you"

We usually took the undergroundThat was   8   he went to his officeHe almost never __ to work late, even though he was ill or met with bad weather

He never felt   10   that he was disabled and he never envied the lucky or able personsHe looked   11   a "good heart" in others

Now I'm older and realize that it is not right to judge(判斷)a person by his   12  I want to tell Dad how sorry I am that I was not   13   to walk with him in public and I ever felt ashamed to be his daughterI think of him when I complain about something unimportant, envy another's good   14   or don't have a "good heart"I want to   15   my hand on his arm and say, "You set the pace, I'll try to follow you"

It is Dad who has helped me keep my balance, the balance of my lifetime

1Apatient               Bdisabled            Cgentle               Dthin

2Aride              Brun                    Cdrive                Dwalk

3Abalance       Bcomfort             Cstrength               Dfun

4Aunwelcome          Bunhelpful             Cunfriendly            Duncomfortable

5Ashowed                Bthought             Cfound               Dreplied

6Aalways               Bseldom            Coften               Dusually

7Astarted out           Bstayed out           Clooked out            Dcried out

8Ahow                 Bwhere              Cwhy                       Dwhen

9Astopped              Bcame               Cgot                   Dforgot

10Ascared             Bsad                 Cexcited             Dproud

11Afor               Bafter                 Cat                  Dlike

12Aadvice              Breward                     Cappearance           Dexperience

13Aable               Bsure                Cangry               Dwilling

14Aideas                Bluck                  Chabit                  Dvoice

15Araise              Bput                 Cgive               Dshake


科目: 來源:2011年泰州市英語中考試卷 題型:

World Laughter Day was started in Mumbai, India in 1998 by Dr Madan Kataria, organizer of the worldwide Laughter Yoga activity

The celebration of World Laughter Day is for world peace and is a plan to make good friends through laughterNow more and more people are joining the Laughter Yoga movementOn the 9th of January, 2000, more than 10,000 people gathered in Denmark to celebrate the first World Laughter DayIt was very successful

World Laughter Day is now celebrated on the first Sunday of May every yearHundreds of people all over the world laugh together on that dayNo one thinks that laughing doesn't make us feel good

Today, some people in the world still face war(戰(zhàn)爭).Laughter is a good way to deal with world problemsWhen different groups laugh together, they can get along betterMany difficult problems can become easier to solve if people feel good

Laughter is a world language, which is the same in every countryWe should believe that only laughter can bring the world together and help people become good friends

The famous writer, Mark Twain said, "Mankind bas only one really effective weapon(武器), and that is laughter"

1World Laughter Day was started                 

Ain 1998             Bin 2000             Cin America         Din China

2The celebration of the first World Laughter Day was held                 

Ain India              Bin Denmark         Cin Mumbai           Dby Mark Twain

3The meaning of the underlined sentence is                  

Alaughing doesn't make us feel good

Blaughter makes us feel happy

Cnobody thinks it is good to laugh

Deveryone thinks laughing together makes us feel sad

4The Laughter Yoga movement tells us                

Alaughter can stop war

Bpeople want to make the world peaceful

Claughter is the best way to deal with world problems

Dlaughter can bring the world together when people laugh together

5What's the best title of the passage?

AWorld Laughter Day                       BSuccessful Laughter

CThe first World Laughter Day               DThe celebration of World Laughter Day


科目: 來源:2011年泰州市英語中考試卷 題型:

Studying abroad is an amazing experience, especially when you come to Australia as an overseas(外國的)high school studentYou can have a lot of fun here, especially on holidays

There are many festivals in AustraliaThe most important one is obviously ChristmasEach year, the summer holidays at every high school last about two months from the beginning of December to February, which covers the Christmas timeSince it is a long holiday, most overseas students love to fly back to their home countries to spend the time with their families and friends, but a few students still stay in Australia during the holiday to get part-time jobsIt is quite easy to find a part-time job at ChristmasStudents often take part in another major social activityThey go to the beach to have fun in the sunshineThe summer in Australia is from December to February, so going to the beach in December is very popular among Australians

Easter in March is another important holiday in the yearIt actually combines(使聯(lián)合) "Good Friday" and "Easter Monday"Almost every shop closes on Good FridayAnd people usually go to see Easter Show

The Chinese New year is not a public holiday in Australia, so every Chinese student still has to go to school to study and do his or her normal duties

1Summer holidays in Australia often begin in         

AJuly                  BSeptember          CDecember          DFebruary

2In Australia, you can spend Christmas                

Ain winter             Bin March            Cin summer           Din January

3Overseas students                  in their summer holidays

Amust do their normal duties                Bcontinue to study at school

Ccan do part-time jobs                         Dgo to the beach to find part-time jobs

4Probably people seldom           on Good Friday in Australia

Ago shopping                                 Bspend the time with their friends

Chave fun                               Dgive chocolate eggs to each other

5Students in Australia go to school         

Aat Christmas                              Bat Easter

Cin the Chinese New Year                    Don Easter Monday


科目: 來源:2011年泰州市英語中考試卷 題型:

Want to enjoy the excitement of the Olympics? Go to wwwticketsbeijing 2008cnat once! More than 7 million tickets for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games have been put on saleBesides the website, you can also make an order at 1,000 designated(指定的)Bank of China branches around the country75 per cent of the tickets are for domestic sale and the rest for sale outside the Chinese mainlandThere will not be different prices for the Chinese and foreigners

Domestic tickets will be issued in three phases(分三個(gè)階段發(fā)行).But you won't get all these tickets until June 2008

Phase 1: until September

All tickets to the opening and closing ceremonies as well as half the tickets to the 28 sports events are on offerFrom April 15 to June 30, orders can he placed through the official ticketing website, or at designated Bank of China branchesFrom July to August tickets will be assigned(分配).Payment will be required once the order is confirmed

Phase 2: October to December

The tickets left from Phase 1 and the other 50 per cent of the tickets to sporting events will be on saleTickets can be ordered through the website and designated banks or the ticketing call center8610 -952008).Tickets will be assigned in a "first come first served" wayPayment is required together with the ticket order

Phase 3: April 2008 until the end of the Games

Tickets will be issued directly upon payment

1How can you order the tickets if you want to see the 2008 Olympic Games?

AYou can go to Bank of China branches

BYou must fly to Beijing to pay for the tickets

CYou can go to wwwticketsbeijing 2008cnwebsite only

DYou can make an order through the designated website or hanks

2The underlined word "domestic" means              

A.國內(nèi)的          B.國外的            C.家庭的          D.海外的

3During Phase 1,                   

Aall the tickets including those to the 28 sports events are on offer

Bpeople can get the tickets to the opening and closing ceremonies

Cfrom April to July 30, orders can be placed through the website or banks

Donce the order is confirmed, people who place orders should pay for the tickets

4People can               from October to December

Abuy all the other tickets                      Border tickets at the ticketing call center

Cpay for the tickets directly                  Dpay before ordering

5All the tickets are on sale until              

AApril 2008                                                BJuly 2008

Cthe end of the games                                 DSeptember 2008


科目: 來源:2011年泰州市英語中考試卷 題型:

The search for life outside the Earth may have moved to a new and exciting levelA team of astronomers(天文學(xué)家)said they have found a new planet that has many important parts similar to those of the Earth

The planet, which travels around a red dwarf star(紅矮星)called Gliese 581, has the right size and temperatureMost importantly, the planet lies in the suitable living area of the star, which makes the planet not too hot or too cold

Scientists say the new world, Gliese 581C is five times larger than the EarthIt may have water since it is in the right place for the red dwarf to survive in space

Swiss scientist Michel Mayor said it is an important step on the way to find possible life in the space and there are still lots of questions

For more than ten years, astronomers and scientists have been keeping their eyes on the space in search for another Earth, another world that can support life or already has it

According to records, the first discovery of extra solar(太陽系)planet going around a normal star was made in 1995Since then, the number of newly discovered worlds has increased to about 200But they are just dead with lifeless bodies

The Gliese 581C came into our eyes and mankind has reason to celebrateAfter all, we may have living neighboursThe discovery doesn't promise much, but it offers hope that there could be other people or living things out there

1The new planet has made             

Athe search for life outside the Earth new and exciting

Bmany important parts of the Earth new and similar

Ca red dwarf star not too hot or not too cold

Dthe astronomers believe everything

2The new planet goes around                

Athe Earth             Bthe Sun              Cthe red dwarf star         Dthe Moon

3Which of the following statements is TRUE?

AA new planet for people to live in has been found

BThe red dwarf star is five times larger than the Earth

CScientists have a lot of questions about the new planet

DScientists have proved there is some water in the new planet

4Why do astronomers and scientists keep their eyes on the space?

AThey hate the life on the Earth

BThey want to support more life

CThey want to search for another world

DThere are some people and living things there

5What would the scientists most like to tell us in the passage?

AAstronomers first discovered the extra solar planet in 1995

BMankind wants to celebrate the discovery of the new planet

CThe number of newly discovered worlds is about 200

D Mankind may have living neighbours in space


科目: 來源:2011年泰州市英語中考試卷 題型:


1My daughter practises            playthe piano at the weekend

2--How many times have you been to Hong Kong? --            two).

3Leo is active in sportsHe is the           strong of all in his class

4I don't think the diamond belongs to             she).

5The            education system in America is quite different from that in China

6Last Saturday we went to the airport to meet those             win).

7Which city has               little polluted air, Taizhou or Zhenjiang?

8Can you tell me the time of her             arrive ?

9Mr. Lu donated a lot of money to Project Hope            generous).

10Timmy and I are good friends and we keep our secrets to         we).

11Linda often advises Alan              watchCCTV news every day

12--How was your picnic? --Great! We           havea good time by the lake

13There            be a new bridge over the Changjiang River in several years

14Tom              argue with his father when I came to his house

15The old in the home for the elderly             take to the hospital for medical treatment once a year


科目: 來源:2011年泰州市英語中考試卷 題型:

Today I would like to tell you about my dream

My dream is a simple but great oneIt is to be a teacher.(1我從小就夢想做一名老師。   2First of all, it is a pleasure for me to be with childrenThey make me feel happy and youngFurthermore, 3老師在孩子們的成長過程扮演著重要的角色。They teach children and show them how to be goodWhen children grew up they use the knowledge that they have learned to develop their motherland and make it more beautiful.(4我認(rèn)為教書是世界上最有價(jià)值的事情之一。

That's allThank you!



3.回答問題:What's the best title of the short passage?

