1. do, pencils, have, many, you, how (你有多少支鉛筆?)
2. fat, panda, the, is (熊貓很胖。)
3, pen, is, what, your, colour (你的鋼筆什么顏色的?)
4. this, like, I, schoolbag (我喜歡這個(gè)書包。)
5. much, is, the, how, book (這本書多少錢?)
6. schoolbag, what, in, is, your (你的書包里有什么?)
7. have, I, English, an, book (我有本英語書。)
8. book, please, out, take, your (請拿出你的書。)
9. these, spell, you, can, words (你能拼這些單詞嗎?)
10. of, books, what, are, made (書是由什么制成的?)
1. How many pencils do you have?
2. The panda is fat.
3. What colour is your pen?
4. I like this schoolbag.
5. How much is the book?
6. What is in your schoolbag?
7. I have an English book.
8. Please take out your book.
9. Can you spell these words?
10. What are books made of?
