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科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語天天練三級上冊 題型:023

Fill in the blank with “in, with, for, by”

late ________ the English class


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語天天練三級上冊 題型:023

Fill in the blank with “in, with, for, by”

arrive ________ Beijing


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語天天練三級上冊 題型:023

Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given verbs “go, have, get, climb”. Each word can be used only once

(1)She usually ________ home at 4 o'clock, but yesterday she didn't.

(2)He ________ the highest mountain next week.

(3)Peter ________ swimming with his friend an hour ago.

(4)We like to ________ picnics in the park.


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語天天練三級上冊 題型:023

Read and fill in the blanks with the following words

sun  rainbow  air  rain  foggy  clouds

(1)The ________ moves to make the wind.

(2)You sometimes see a ________ across the sky after the rain.

(3)When there are enough drops of water which are too heavy for the cloud, they fall to the ground as ________.


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語考試全真試題集 三級(2) 題型:023

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.

a toothbrush a university an apartment a playground a school a toilet soap postcards a chemist's books a towel newspapers a tent diaries comics

Example You use this to clean your teeth. a toothbrush

1.You use this when you want to get dry, after washing or swimming. ________

2.This is the place young children go to, to study and learn. ________

3.This is a kind of home, and is usually on one floor. ________

4.These usually have a picture on the front, and you write them to your friends and family when you go away from home. ________

5.You can buy these every day, and they tell you about things which are happening in the world. ________

6.You can use this for cleaning your body, when you are having a shower. ________

7.This place is outside, and it may have a lot of swings and other games for children. ________

8.You can buy medicines and other things at this place. ________

9.You write in these, to help you remember important dates and times. ________

10.These are usually for children, and pictures help you understand the stories in them. ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語考試全真試題集 二級(2) 題型:023

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.

There is one exmple.


a CD      swimming


hockey      basketball


a piano       a TV


soccer        a radio


In this gome you hit the boll. hockey


1.You throw ond bounce the ball in this gome, but you con't kick it. ________

2.You con watch films on this. ________

3.This is small and round and you can listen to music on it. ________

4.You do not need a ball for this sport. ________

5.You run a lot and kick the ball in this game. ________

6.You can sit at this and play music on it. ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語考試全真試題集 二級(2) 題型:023

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.






This is the ninth letter of the alphabet. i  


1.This is one of the days of the weekend. ________

2.This is the letter before "h" in the alphabet. ________

3.This is the fifth letter of the alphabet. ________

4.This is the day between Sunday and Tuesday. ________

5.This letter is near the end of the alphabet. ________

6.This is the day before Thursday. ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語考試全真試題集 二級(2) 題型:023

Look and read. Choose the correct word and write them on the lines.

There is one example.






This place has a lot of money in it.      a bank


1.This can take you to the top floor quickly. ________

2.This room is under a house. ________

3.You can walk up or down these. ________

4.You can go and see a film here. ________

5.You can read books in this place, but you can't buy them. ________

6.You can go and see a lot of animals here. ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語考試全真試題集 二級(1) 題型:023

Look and read. Choose the correct word and write it on the line.

There is one example.


a town       mountains


a cup        stairs


the world        abottle


a farm        a zoo


You can drink tea in this.    cup  


1.More people live here than in a village. ________

2.People like climbing these in the holidays. ________

3.You can buy lemonade in this. ________

4.You find animals like cows and sheep here. ________

5.You need these to go up to the second floor. ________

6.It is big and round and we all live there. ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語考試全真試題集 二級(1) 題型:023

Look and read. Choose the correct word and write it on the line.

There is one example.


 a sandwich         CDs


  videos          a whale


  a dolphin          soup


  coffee          a shark


This is the biggest animal in the world. a whale


1.You can listen to music with these. ________

2.We can watch these at home at the weekend. ________

3.On cold days it is good to have a hot bowl of this. ________

4.People are afraid of this animal, which lives in the sea. ________

5.Some people drink this hot, with milk and sugar. ________

6.Put butter and cheese between bread and you have one of these. ________

