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科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 三級(jí) 題型:051

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

One day Sally and Paul Smith were playing in the street when they saw a woman. She was carrying a big envelope in her hand and she walked quickly into their house. The words on the envelope were “VERY IMPORTANT”. The woman gave it to their father.


What's Sally's brother's name? Paul Smith

1.Where were Sally and Paul playing? ________

2.Whom was the letter to? ________

Their father opened the letter and looked very happy. “Come here,” he said to their mother, “Look at this!” “What's this?” Sally and Paul asked.

“We've won a competition.” Their mother answered. “We have won a holiday!” “We are going to stay in a hotel in London and we are going to visit lots of interesting places. What we need are only four tickets to get there!”

3.How did their father feel when he read the letter? ________

4.What have they won in the competition? ________

5.Where are they going to live in London? ________

The next day they started off. When they were in the car going to the station, Mom asked dad, “Have you got enough money?” Dad looked into his pockets. He didn't have any left, so they had to go home and get some.

They were late at the station. They saw a train, so Sally asked a woman, “Is that the fast train to London?” “No, it isn't,” she answered, “That train has already left. You might have to get the slower one.” They had to take the slower train. It was so boring.

6.How did the family get to the stations? ________

7.Which train was Sally's family too late to catch? ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 三級(jí) 題型:051

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

This boy's name is Dave. He is in our class. We were studying English history, and the teacher said, “Well, boys and girls, on Friday we are going to get on a bus and go to an old castle. It is a beautiful castle and we are going to visit it.” Everybody was very happy.


What were the students doing in the class? studying English history

1.Where are they going to visit? ________

2.How are they going there? ________

At the end of the class, the teacher asked, “Now, has anybody got any questions?” “How old is the castle, sir?” Dave asked. “It's about seven-hundred years old.” the teacher answered. “What's the name of the castle, sir?” Mark asked. “Pirates Castle.” the teacher said.

3.How long has the castle stood there? ________

4.What's the boy's name who asked the teacher the second question? ________

On Friday, we all came to school at 9 o'clock and got into the bus. We visited Pirates Castle. But on that day the weather was not very good. There was fog all around and it didn't get better until late afternoon. We couldn't see the castle very carefully, so the teacher didn't explain much about the castle. All of us were unhappy. We arrived home at about a quarter past six. The bus went slowly because the weather was too bad.

5.On what day did they start? ________

6.What was the weather like on that day? ________

7.What time did they get home after visiting? ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 三級(jí) 題型:051

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

Mrs. Jones likes shopping very much. And this afternoon, she went shopping again, when her husband came home in the evening, she began to tell him about a beautiful dress she saw in a shop window. “You must want to buy it.” said her husband, “How much is it?” “It's $40.” Mrs. Jones answered. “$40 for a dress? It's too expensive!”


What does Mrs. Jones prefer doing? prefers shopping

1.What did Mrs. Jones want to buy? ________

2.Why didn't her husband agree to buy? ________

But every evening, when Mr. Jones came back home from work, his wife still talked only about the dress, and at last, after a week, he said, “Oh, buy the dress! Here is the money!” Mrs. Jones was very happy after she heard this. She decided to buy it the next day.

3.What did Mr. Jone give his wife? ________

4.When did she decide to buy the dress? ________

But the next evening, when Mr. Jones came home and asked, “Have you had the famous dress?” she said, “No”. “Why not?” he asked his wife. His wife answered, “Well, it was still in the window of the shop after a week, so I thought nobody else wants this dress, so I didn't want it either.”

5.Where was the famous dress in the shop? ________

6.How long has the dress at least been in the shop since Mrs. Jones first saw it? ________

7.Who wanted the dress? ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 三級(jí) 題型:051

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

It was Jimmy's birthday yesterday. And now he is five years old. He got a lot of nice presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big drum. It was a present from his grandfather.


What was Jimmy's age last year? four years old

1.What did Jimmy get on his birthday? ________

2.Who gave him the drum for his birthday? ________

Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise with it, but his mother did not mind. His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening, so he didn't hear the noisy sound of the drum.

3.What did Jimmy do with the drum? ________

4.When was Jimmy's father at work? ________

5.What was Jimmy doing when his father arrived home? ________

But a woman who lived next door didn't like the sound of the drum at all. So one morning a few days later, she took a knife and went to Jimmy's house when he was hitting his drum. She said to him, “Hello, Jimmy. Do you know there is something nice inside your drum? Here's a knife. Open the drum and let's find it together.”

6.What was Jimmy doing when the woman came in? ________

7.What did the woman want to do? ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 三級(jí) 題型:051

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

Mrs. Brown's old grandfather lives with her and her husband. Every morning he always goes for a walk in the park after breakfast and then comes home at about half past twelve for his lunch.


What's the surname of the grandfather's granddaughter? Brown

1.Where does grandfather have a walk every morning? ________

2.What time does he get home for lunch? ________

But this morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. Brown's house at twleve o'clock, and two policemen got off the car. They helped old Mr. Brown to get out. One of them said to Mrs. Brown, “The old man lost his way in the park and phoned us for help, so we sent a car to bring him home.”Mrs. Brown felt very strange, but she thanked the policemen for helping and they left.

3.How did old Mr. Brown arrived home? ________

4.Who helped Mr. Brown back home? ________

5.What did Mrs. Brown think of it? ________

After the policemen left, Mrs. Brown asked,“But grandfather, you have been to that park almost everyday for twenty years. How did you lose your way there?”The old man laughed and said, “I didn't lose my way. I just got tired and I didn't want to walk home.”

6.How long has old Mr. Brown been to the park? ________

7.Why didn't he want to walk home? ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 二級(jí) 題型:051

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

Last weekend Jill went shopping with her little brother Paul and her aunt Mary. Market was the first place they went to. Aunt Mary bought some fruit mangoes and bananas. Paul wanted pears, but the pears were not very good there. So aunt Mary didn't buy any. Paul was sad and aunt Mary bought some ice creams. Jill and her aunt both had one, but Paul had one more.


When did Jill go shopping? Last weekend

1.Who did the children go shopping with? ________

2.Where did they go first? ________

3.Which kind of fruit didn't aunt Mary buy? ________

4.How many ice. creams did paul have? ________

At lunch time, they were very hungry and they bought some burgers and pasta. They ate them very quickly and drank some apple juice. Jill was thirsty, so she asked for the second glass of juice. This time she wanted a different glass. She asked for the watermelon juice.

5.What food did they eat? ________

6.How much juice did Jill drink? ________

After that in the afternoon, aunt Mary took them to a shoe shop. She saw a pair of brown shoes which she liked very much. But they were too small. At last she only bought another pink ones. Jill bought red ones. Paul wanted a pair too, but the shop only had women's shoes. Paul asked, “Can I have a new book then, please?”Aunt Mary said,“Which book would you like? Comic book?”“That's right. That's my favourite kind of book!”answered Paul.

7.Why didn't aunt Mary buy the brown shoes? ________

8.What colour shoes did Jill choose? ________

9.What shoes did the shop only have? ________

10.What kind of book did Paul want most? ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 二級(jí) 題型:051

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

Kelly, Harry, and their parents went to London for their holiday. They flew there and then went to a small village in the countryside by car. They lived in their uncle's big house. Kelly lived near their parents downstairs and Harry lived on the second floor.


How many people went for the holiday? four

1.How did they go to London? ________

2.Where did their uncle live? ________

3.Who lived upstairs? _________

On the first day of the holiday, they climbed a mountain. Its name is Green Lake. They saw a big waterfall falling down the mountain. They jumped and shouted. Kelly and Harry en joyed it very much but they were very tired after they were back home.

4.What is Green Lake? ________

5.What did they see? ________

On Saturday morning, Harry, Kelly and their parents went fishing in their uncle's boat in a river. Harry caught seven small fish and his father had a very big one. Sally and her mother looked at the river and the mountains and her mom took a lot of pictures for them. Suddenly, Sally pointed to her front and shouted, “Look! What a beautiful island!”Then they sailed to the island.

6.How many people were fishing? ________

7.Who caught more fish? ________

8.Where did they sail to at last? ________

They were on the island. “Kelly! Look at Dad's big fish.”Harry said,“ It's much bigger than mine.”Kelly didn't want to eat it, she said, “Shall I put it back in the water?”“OK”, Dad answered. “But let's take a picture first.”said Harry, “That's good! Where is the camera? Oh, no! I made a mistake. It's in the boat, Mom!”

9.What did Harry show to Kelly? ________

10.What's in the boat? ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 二級(jí) 題型:051

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

My name is Fred. I was in Class three last year. I started to go to school when I was six years old. And now I am eleven years old. I like to go to school because there are many good friends at school. But the school isn't near my house, so every morning, Dad takes me to school by motorbike and I have to have lunch at school.


How old was Fred last year? ten

1.When did Fred start school? ________

2.Who does Fred go to school with? ________

3.Where does Fred have lunch? ________

I have many lessons at school. I can learn a lot there. Every teacher is friendly and I like all of them. And my favourite teacher is my music teacher named Mrs. Brown who has beautiful fair hair. I always have fun in her class because I love music very much. In her class I learn to play the piano. But I can only have it once a week. After class she sometimes plays with us.

4.How are the school teachers? ________

5.What hair does Mrs. Brown have? ________

6.How often does Fred have music lesson? ________

After school I usually do my homework first and then play soccer with my best friend Jim on the sports field. That is the sport which I like most. But I can't play soccer on the fourth day of the school because I always have much homework to do.

7.What does Fred do first after school? ________

8.On what day can't Fred play soccer? ________

But yesterday I didn't play soccer. I had a temperature. So I didn't go to school and slept on the bed for a day. Some of my friends came to my house to see me after school and they bought me some cookies. Mom asked them to have supper with me and they did so. We had pasta and soup. I thought I could go to school again the next day.

9.What was the matter with Fred yesterday? ________

10.What did Fred's friends buy for him? ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 二級(jí) 題型:051

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

Yesterday was Saturday. I wanted to have a party because the next day would be my 10th birthday. I phoned Jennifer. I asked her, “Hi, Jennifer! I' m going to have a birthday party. Would you like to came tomorrow?”She answered,“Sure, Betty. I'll come.”Then I phoned the other friends. They all wanted to have the party in the forest and have a picnic there.


Whose birthday is it? Betty's

1.How old is she now? ________

2.Who did she phone first? ________

3.Where did they want to have the party? ________

In the afternoon, I went shopping for the party with Mom in the supermarket. We went on foot because it's near my house. I wanted to take some sandwiches and sausages to the forest. But there weren't any. Mom said,“Don't be sad. Let's go to another supermarket to buy these things.”Then we had to go to another one and bought much food and drinks which I needed on my birthday. At last we went to the cake shop and bought a birthday cake.

4.How did she go to the first supermarket? ________

5.What did she want to buy in the supermarket? ________

6.What was the last place Betty went? ________

The next day was a fine day. We started at 7 o'clock. We all went there by bikes. We stopped at the river and then had a picnic lunch there. Jennifer played her guitar and all of my friends sang “Happy birthday to you, Betty”. And they also gave me a lot of things for my birthday. My favourite one is a kite which is from Paul. We danced, jumped and shouted. After lunch some of my friends played baseball on the grass. They enjoyed it very much. It was a great party.

7.What was the weather like on Sunday? ________

8.What did Jennifer take to the forest? ________

9.Who gave Betty a kite? ________

10.Where did they play baseball? ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 二級(jí) 題型:051

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

My name is Sammi. I have a big and happy class. Last Sunday, our teacher took our class to the zoo. It was a sunny day and I wore a T-shirt and a skirt. We waited for the bus at the school gate.


Where did Sammi's class go last Sunday? to the zoo

1. What did Sammi wear to the zoo? ________

2.Where did they catch the bus? at the ________

At the zoo the teacher bought a map and looked at the things to watch. Susan likes bats but Simon doesn't. Jimmy wanted to see elephants but I wanted to see lions. At last we all went to the monkey house to see them first. There, we gave them some bananas to eat.

3.What doesn't Simon like? ________

4.Who wanted to see elephants? ________

5.Which fruit did we give to the monkeys? ________

I asked the teacher,“Where is the parrot house?”She looked at her map and then pointed to yellow house.“There it is. Let's go.”Said the teacher. The teacher told us parrots are her favourite birds and she has a parrot for a pet at home. Our teacher took a picture of the class when we were looking at the parrots. Susan stood between Jimmy and me. Suddenly one of the parrots flew to me and stood on my shoulder.

6.What pet has the teacher got? ________

7.What did the teacher do when the class looked at the parrots? ________

8.Who stood next to me? ________

Then it was lunch time. We sat down by the lake and had our lunch. We all brought burgers to eat, such as chicken burgers or fish burgers. We were very hungry and ate the burgers quickly. I had one, Susan had one but Jimmy had two and drank much mango juice because he felt thirsty. The teacher didn't eat much food. She just watched us. Suddenly Jimmy shouted, “Oh, I had a stomachache”. And Susan laughed a lot. But the teacher didn't. She looked at us and said,“We must go home now.”

9.What juice did Jimmy drink? ________

10.Who laughed a lot? ________

