

【1】Hearing the gun,the enemies were horrorstruck and____________(逃跑)in all directions.

2The businessman___________(拋棄)his wife and went away with all their money.

3One of the firemen went back in and____________(拖)my husband out through the flames.

4Some old workers enjoy certain____________(特權(quán)),such as company cars and private health care in our company.

5It is hoped that education should be____________(有關(guān)的)to children’s needs.

6In my opinion,these are____________(政治)rather than social matters.

7I don’t understand why he refused to____________(承認(rèn))that he had been defeated.

8In the second year students could pick from a series of__________(可選擇的)courses.

9We are strongly against____________(種族的)discrimination in areas such as employment.

【10The____________(大多數(shù))of students were in favor of the suggestion that they go for a picnic the next day.













【1】fled 考查動詞 。句意:敵人聽到槍聲,嚇得四散奔逃。Were與flee是并列的,故用一般過去時;

【2】abandoned 考查動詞。句意:這個商人拋棄他的妻子,帶著錢走了;and連接兩個動詞用一般過去時;

【3】dragged 考查動詞。句意:消防員返回回來,從火中把我丈夫拖出來;

【4】privileges 考查名詞。句意:一些老工人享受一些特權(quán),比如公車和福利待遇;

【5】relevant 考查形容詞。Be relevant to 與。。有關(guān);

【6】political 考查形容詞。句意:在我看來,這些問題是政治問題而不是社會問題;

【7】acknowledge 考查動詞。句意:我不理解為什么他不承認(rèn)自己輸了;

【8】optional 考查形容詞。句意:第二年,學(xué)生可從選修課中挑選;

【9】racial 考查形容詞。句意:我們強(qiáng)烈反對種族歧視比如在工作方面;

【10】majority 考查名詞。句意:大多數(shù)學(xué)生支持明天去野餐的建議;


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


【1】Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks __________(動力) .

2It really i________(使煩躁)me when he doesnt help around the house.

3At the meeting they __________(低語) to each other in order not to be heard.

4Thousands of people blocked the street, __________(抗議),against the new legislation.

5Fearing further attacks, most of the population had ________(放棄) the city.

6In the absence of the manager, I shall be in c________ of the company.

7I like the job so much that I didnt h________about taking it.

8Some scientists p______that the Earths temperature will rise by 5°C over the next 20years.

9He was d________(沮喪) because he hadnt passed his maths examination.

【10The black mountains c________sharply with the white snow.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】It was once common to regard Britain as a society with class distinction. Each class had unique characteristics.

In recent years, many writers have begun to speak of the ‘decline of class ’ and ‘classless society ’ in Britain. And in modern day consumer society everyone is considered to be middle class.

But pronouncing the death of class is too early. A recent wide-ranging study of pubic opinion found 90 percent of people still placing themselves in a particular class; 73 percent agreeed that class was still a vital part of British society.; and 52 percent thought there were still sharp class differences. Thus, class may not be culturally and politically obvious, yet it remains an imprtant part of British society. Britain seems to have a love ofstratification.

One unchanging aspect of a British person’s class position is accent. The words a person speaks tell her or his class. A study of British accents during the 1970s found that a voice sounding like a BBC newsreader was viewed as the most attractive voice. Most people said this accent sounds ‘educated ’ and ‘soft ’. The accents placed at the bottom in this study, on the other hand, were regional(地區(qū)的) city accents. These accents were seen as ‘common ’ and ‘ugly ’. However, a similar study of British accents in the US turned these results upside down and placed some regional accents as the most attractive and BBC English as the least. This suggests that British attitudes towards accent have deep roots and are based on class prejudice.

In recent years, however, young upper midder-class people in London, have begun to adopt some regional accents, in order to hide their class origins. This is an indication of class becoming unnoticed. However, the 1995 pop song ‘ Common People ’ puts forward the view that though a middle-class person may ‘ want to live like common people ’ they can never appreciate the reality of a working class life.

1A recent study of pubic opinion shows that in modern Britain_________.

A. it is time to end class distinction

B. most people belong to middle class

C. it is easy to recognize a person’s class

D. people regard themselves socially different

2The word stratification in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.

A. variety B. division

C. authority D. qualification

3The study in the US showed that BBC English was regarded as _________.

A. regional B. educated

C. prejudiced D. unattractive

4British attitudes towards accent_________.

A. have a long tradition

B. are based on regional status

C. are shared by the Americans

D. have changed in recent years

5What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The middle class is expanding.

B. A person’s accent reflects his class.

C. Class is a key part of British society.

D. Each class has unique characteristics.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Only after talking to two students ________ that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.

A. I did discover B. did I discover

C. I discovered D. discovered


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】As you go through this book, you ________ that each of the millions of people who lived through World War II had a different experience.

A. will find B. found

C. had found D. have found


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


注意: 請將答案寫在答題卡上相應(yīng)題號的橫線上。 每個空格只填一個單詞。

People select news in expectation of a reward. This reward may be either of two kinds. One is related to what Freud calls the Pleasure Principle, the other to what he calls the Reality Principle. For want of better names, we shall call these two classes immediate reward and delayed reward.

In general, the kind of news which may be expected to give immediate reward are news of crime and corruption, accidents and disasters, sports, social events, and human interest. Delayed reward may be expected from news of public affairs, economic matters, social problems, science, education, and health.

News of the first kind pays its rewards at once. A reader can enjoy an indirect experience without any of the dangers or stresses involved. He can tremble wildly at an axe-murder, shake his head sympathetically and safely at a hurricane, identify himself with the winning team, laugh understandingly at a warm little story of children or dogs.

News of the second kind, however, pays its rewards later. It sometimes requires the reader to tolerate unpleasantness or annoyance — as, for example, when he reads of the threatening foreign situation, the mounting national debt, rising taxes, falling market, scarce housing, and cancer. It has a kind of “threat value.” It is read so that the reader may be informed and prepared. When a reader selects delayed reward news, he pulls himself into the world of surrounding reality to which he can adapt himself only by hard work. When he selects news of the other kind, he usually withdraws from the world of threatening reality toward the dream world.

For any individual, of course, the boundaries of these two classes are not stable. For example, a sociologist may read news of crime as a social problem, rather than for its immediate reward. A coach may read a sports story for its threat value: he may have to play that team next week. A politician may read an account of his latest successful public meeting, not for its delayed reward, but very much as his wife reads an account of a party. In any given story of corruption or disaster, a thoughtful reader may receive not only the immediate reward of indirect experience, but also the delayed reward of information and preparedness. Therefore, while the division of categories holds in general, an individual’s tendency may transfer any story from one kind of reading to another, or divide the experience between the two kinds of reward.

What news stories do you read?

Division of news stories

● People expect to get1from reading news.
● News stories are roughly divided into two classes.
● Some news will excite their readers instantly while others won’t.

2ofthe two classes

● News of immediate reward will seemingly take their readers to the very frightening scene without actual3.
● Readers will associate themselves closely with what happens in the news stories and4similar feelings with those involved.

● News of delayed reward will make readers suffer, or present a5to them.
● News of delayed reward will induce the reader to6for the reality while news of immediate reward will lead the reader to7from the reality.

Unstable boundaries of the two classes

● What readers expect from news stories are largely shaped by their8.
● Serious readers will both get excited over what happens in some news stories and9themselves to the reality.
● Thus, the division, on the whole,10on the reader.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


【1】People in this town ________ (挨餓) ; several buildings were bombed and crime soared (劇增) because you have to steal to eat.

【2】________(好奇心) is part of a child's nature.

【3】The new regulations will be of__________(有益) to everyone concerned.

【4】You see,the__________(精力充沛)young man plays basketball day and night.

【5】I am writing to __________(道歉) for my rude remarks at the party yesterday evening.

【6】You must b_________ the advantages against the disadvantages.

【7】It's difficult to get used to another country's _c_______.

【8】Medals were a________ to the best speakers on the debating team.

【9】You mustn't eat too much fat if you want to keep _s_______.

【10】You must ask for p________ before taking any photographs inside the church.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】你校英語外籍教師Emesto and Stasi暑假期間準(zhǔn)備在本地開一家西餐小店,要招若干名高中生為無酬打工人員。下面是招聘啟事:


4 middle school students

Do service work and act as translators

Healthy and helpful



Dear Emesto and Stasi,

I happened to have read your advertisement and decide to apply for the job.




Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1What you told me may make difference to my life. ___________

2No one could come up to a practical idea and the meeting went into silence.__________

3She made up her minds to have her hair cut and change a new hairstyle.___________

4She received so a big present that she was amazed at it. ___________

5She made to clean the house and wash the plates by her stepmother. ___________

6The speech given by a famous professor was very encouraged. ___________

